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Authors: Jennifer Blackstream

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Burned
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“He came for revenge . . . and she was waiting.”


For almost two hundred years, the vampire Aldric has waited for a chance to get revenge on the sun goddess, Saule. Once a loyal servant of the sun, he traded his soul for eternal life after his prayers for the goddess to save his village went unanswered. When he receives a letter from the queen of the dark faerie, it seems almost too good to be true. Saule has taken a mortal form and is being held prisoner in the
Unseelie Court
. The eccentric queen invites him to her sithen, eager to have a front row seat for Aldric’s vengeance.


The sight of a golden-haired mortal Saule, naked and bound in silver chains, is almost too delicious for Aldric to bear. His plan for retribution is as erotic as it is carefully planned. Intent to get every drop of pleasure from the revenge he’s waited so long for, he forgets that the sun in its simplest form is a giant ball of fire. And when you play with fire, you risk getting . . . Burned.


Books in the Revenge in Vein Series










Other Books by Jennifer Blackstream


Aphrodite’s Hunt


Under His Skin




Jennifer Blackstream


Skeleton Key Publishing








©Copyright Jennifer Blackstream 2012


Cover Art by Kim Killion © Copyright May 2012


Edited by Julia Kanno


Skeleton Key Publishing


This is a work fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


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Published in 2012 by Skeleton Key Publishing,
United States of America


Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content, including forced seduction, which is only suitable for mature readers.




A thousand blessings on my mother for watching my son so I could write.


I don’t know what I would do without you.




For the Dragon,


my amazing crit partner and friend. May our following


years together be as crazy as our first.






“Master, I would beg you one last time, please reconsider.”


Aldric slowly turned away from the towering mound of earth and faced his lieutenant. In the shadow cast by the great hill that housed the sithen of the
Unseelie Court
, the other vampire’s face glowed with unearthly paleness. Anton met his gaze without flinching, though the tightness around his eyes gave away his discomfort with challenging his master.


“You question my sanity, Anton?” Aldric asked quietly, letting his eyes carry the unspoken threat. “Or has your fear seized control of your tongue?”


Had it been anyone else to question him in such a manner, Aldric would not have hesitated to strike him with enough force to smash his jaw and half of his face. But Anton had been his right hand man for over a century, and that earned him a modicum of leeway.


Anton’s jaw twitched, but he stood firm. “Master, you know I will follow you anywhere. No danger is too great.” His gaze flickered to the harmless looking mound of dirt and grass before them. “I mean only to say that entering the mound of the
Unseelie Court
, the source of all nightmares . . . all for a woman—”


The sound of Aldric’s hand hitting Anton across the face shattered the peaceful silence of the night. Bones cracked beneath the force of his punishment and any lesser vampire would have cried out in pain. Anton fell to the ground in silence, cradling his face as the unnatural healing ability of the undead frantically worked to repair the damage.


“You go too far, Anton,” Aldric growled, not a hint of sympathy in his voice. “My motive is irrelevant. The only thing that should matter to you is that entering the
Unseelie Court
is the course of action I have decided to take.” He flashed his fangs. “I killed you once. Do not make me do it again.”


Anton bowed his head in submission, keeping his eyes on the ground as he cradled his rapidly healing jaw.


“Does anyone else wish to venture an opinion?” Aldric looked at the other three guards, meeting the eyes of each one in turn. “Bron? Vincentas? Kurt?”


They shook their heads, none of them hazarding a glance at Anton. Not even his own brother Kurt risked drawing Aldric’s attention. Aldric nodded in grim satisfaction. In his almost two hundred years, he had learned emotions were a weakness no leader could afford. He respected Anton. The man had been at his side for over a century. But disrespect and disobedience were completely unacceptable.


He turned back to the sithen of the Unseelie and narrowed his eyes. In her invitation, the queen had told him where to find the fairy mound, but beyond that she’d given him no clues as to how one actually managed to gain entrance. He wasn’t certain if this was a test of some sort or not, nor did he care.


An unlocked door is not worth opening
, he thought to himself, examining the earth with cool and calculating eyes. He caressed the grass, the tender green blades tickling his palm. As he searched for a method of entry, he let his mind wander to the prize that lay inside.


. For the first time in centuries, the sun goddess had taken on a mortal form. For the first time in his undead existence, he had the chance to get his revenge on the deity who had betrayed him.


An image of the sun goddess’ mortal form floated before his eyes. Long golden hair, blue eyes like a spring sky, and skin the color of the sun’s first morning rays. Centuries ago, thoughts of her had inspired him, her beauty nearly moving him to tears. Now the image brought nothing but pain and hatred. He had waited a long time for this revenge.


A brush of power flowed down his arm. He froze, concentrating on the sensation in an attempt to determine its effects. No pain met the energy and he felt no change in his body to cause him alarm. Staring harder at the mound, he noticed a parting of the earth. Intrigued, he stepped back, watching as the earth opened up to reveal a doorway.


A soft breeze tickled his skin, a subtle reminder of his nudity. He was unclear if Queen Dubheasa’s instructions for both he and his men to arrive naked was a result of tactical precaution or pleasure. Certainly, she may have intended it to prevent him from inconspicuously carrying a weapon into her home, but the rumors he’d heard of the Unseelie queen’s erotic entertainments made him wonder if she did not have a more . . . interesting motive.


One story in particular, featuring a centaur and a wood nymph, flashed into his mind and Aldric paused. In all his afterlife he had avoided dealing with the sidhe. They had a gift for manipulating space and time, a penchant for creative tortures he was certain he would’ve never thought of. Add to that their notoriously fickle tempers and the conclusion was an enemy that was better avoided altogether.


He frowned. Perhaps Anton was wise to question this course of action. Had he truly lost control of his vengeance? Were the cries of one woman worth risking the torments of the
Unseelie Court


A mosaic featuring a beautiful goddess pouring golden sunlight from a vase hovered in his mind. Time seemed to flow backwards in a wash of nostalgia and bitter hopelessness.


For a moment he was back in his small village in
, kneeling at the altar of the sun goddess, Saule. In the distance he could hear the Russians getting closer. He could feel the pressure of the stone beneath his knees, still hear the shots fired by the invaders as they approached his village. He turned eyes filled with betrayal up to the mosaic before him. She wasn’t supposed to be just a beautiful picture. She was supposed to be their goddess, their mother. Where were her copper chariots full of golden skinned warriors? Where was she?


More gunshots, the metallic clash of blades, the crackle of fires and burning houses all mixed with the cries of his people as the Russians fell on their village. He stared out at the carnage from his altar on the hill, watching with horrified disbelief as the sun set, putting an end to whatever hope he’d had that his goddess would come. He stood there, shocked and numb for what felt like an eternity. It was then that the vampire had found him.


Cold hatred infused his silent heart, ripping him back to the present. All doubt about entering the sithen shattered. He would not lose this chance. Saule had left herself vulnerable. She had taken a human form, a form that could be touched—could be hurt. He raised his eyes to the moon glowing above him. She had no power at night.

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