Adduné - the Vampire's Game (17 page)

Read Adduné - the Vampire's Game Online

Authors: Wendy Potocki

Tags: #Fiction, #Horror

BOOK: Adduné - the Vampire's Game
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She didn’t remember everything, but she remembered a coffin. Where it came from, she didn’t know. The lid had opened and then … a face. A horrible face. A withered face that was deadened with age and lined with years. Its eyes blackened from eyebrow to cheekbone. The black followed the socket of the eye and made it seem as if the eyes were hollowed out – so sunken that they’d shrunk and become part of the skull that had absorbed them. Drank them in. The lips were red. A wanton red. The red of fresh blood. Or the color of a freshly-opened gash. The lips were pursed and accompanied by deep lip lines that hugged the malevolent opening. The hair was white and floating outwards. The face belonged to a body that she couldn’t see. Something hit into her and she fell to the floor smashing the back of her head on the stone floor. Sounds of scuffling and then she again became lost in that complete darkness until she opened her eyes and saw another face.


She’d felt the pressure on her body – the pressure that comes only when someone lays directly on top of you. Rachel had felt it before. She’d felt it with her last boyfriend every time they’d been intimate. She would lie down on the bed and he would crawl on top of her and start kissing her neck – her face – her ears. That’s what it felt like. As if she were still with Jason and he were about to make love to her.


Jason?” she murmured as she opened her eyes. Only she didn’t see Jason. She saw a stranger. A man with high cheekbones and icy blue eyes. He had a piece of the night wrapped around him. He spread his arms and she saw it was a cape.


She stared at his face – at his clear white skin. His lips were thick and looked tinted. It was the contrast that made them seem that way. They were so much darker than his skin – so red while his skin was so pale. She realized his skin had no color at all. It looked like marble. A piece of beautifully carved marble.




He sang her name smiling, showing such beautifully, even front teeth. He was leaning over her. He reached back and loosened his long blonde hair. She hadn’t realized it was pulled back, but it was. Held by a smooth, shiny satin ribbon which he unfastened and dangled before her. He ran its end over her face as his hair spilled forward onto her and covered her face as if it belonged to her. It felt silky smooth – soft and sensual. She wanted these magical strands to be rubbed all over her body. She wondered if they could heal her. Make Jason come back so she could be happy. Yes! Those locks could give her the happiness she’d always sought and yet never attained.


She wanted to ask him who he was. How he knew who she was. She wanted to push him off of her and tell him that she didn’t think it was proper for him to be lying against her. Smiling. Laughing. Staring at her. Making her want him. Making her long for his touch. Would he touch her? She hoped he would. Soon. She felt his pelvis press into hers. She half-closed her eyes and moaned.


He read her thoughts and rubbed her body. He started at her throat and unwrapped her shawl. She lifted her head and let him strip it from her. He threw it aside and unbuttoned her jacket. He pulled her blouse out from her skirt and slipped his hand underneath. She groaned loudly as his hand stroked her skin. His hand traveled up her side resting under her breast. She moved her pelvis underneath him. She felt him stir and become aroused. She wanted to pull him to her, but couldn’t move. She didn’t care that he was a stranger and that she didn’t know his name. She wanted him.


He slid one strap of her bra down over her shoulder. He pushed the cup aside exposing one succulent breast. He caressed it as an anointing, fingering it lightly. He lingered on her nipple and suddenly squeezed it sharply between his fingers. It felt pinched by taloned claws. A low guttural sigh emerged from deep within – caused from the painful, sensual sensation. He leaned down and suckled. Rachel felt her nipple pull into his mouth where it was met by his tongue. He softly bite the tip of it before he brought his lips up to her face. She felt his cool, inviting lips against her mouth. There was something intoxicating about him. She hungrily nibbled, biting his lower lip. She felt his hands pull up her skirt and his thumbs hook over the top of her lace panties. His lips left hers as he slid them down her legs. She looked at him sitting between her ankles – her naked legs spread before him. Her soft dark triangle of pubic hair resembled a shadow. She never liked to expose herself in this way, but right now she was enjoying it. She wished he would run his fingers through the small thatch and feel how soft and inviting its texture. She wanted his fingers to latch onto it and give it a soft pull. Normally she would have been ashamed to entertain such thoughts, but not tonight. Not in this darkness. It was right. Besides they would be together – forever.


He reached his hand out. She took it and suddenly she was flying with him – flying into the night. She was far above the city of Fairfield and above Paris and Rome. She was traveling around the world and he was transporting her. She lay – her back to him – held firmly his arms. His cape was wrapped around her – protecting her like a cocoon. As if she were larva waiting to be born.


She felt the wind through her hair – in her face. The speed he traveled was remarkable. She didn’t question his ability to fly – she just relaxed in her lair and watched the world pass underneath.


Further into the night they flew. Her face felt caressed – kissed by the night air. It was so corporeal and delightful. Her physical senses came alive. She started to see things she never noticed before. Other creatures of the night flew rapidly by them – in a quest to harvest what they’d killed.


She looked up at the moon. She was so at peace. Her job, Velvet, Jake, and the rest of her problems were a million miles away. He carefully turned her over until she was facing him. He was commandeering her. Directing her body where he wanted her to go. He rotated his shoulders causing them both to roll in the air. The motion sent his cape up and out from around him. It spread into a giant fan around Rachel exposing her half-naked body. She saw the volume of it reaching out to the corners of the universe as if fingers of a hand. It was poetic and beautiful. It felt right.


She was now on top of this stranger. She wondered his name, but didn’t care. She had lifetimes to learn it. She looked down at him. She pushed his loosened hair back and then stroked the skin of his face. The smoothness of it excited her. She started kissing him – forcing his mouth open. She pushed her tongue inside of him tasting his exotic note. There was a sweetness to his mouth – a sugary taste to his saliva. It was intoxicating. She ran her tongue over his teeth and then sought out his tongue again. She entangled hers with his wondering if they were two cobras embracing and meeting their own.


She began breathing heavily. A hot flush came to her face. She wanted him. She wanted him more than she’d wanted any man. It surpassed desperation. She took her arms out of her jacket and tossed it into the air. It fell, the air bracing and spreading it out until it was a graceful parachute alighting to the earth in its own good time. She pulled at the front of her blouse hearing the buttons rip loose. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She brought it up over her heavy breasts releasing and allowing them to fall against his chest. It felt so delicious, but it wasn’t enough. She dug her hands in between the front placket of his silk shirt and ripped it open. She heard the material tear as it gave way to her will. She pushed the material to the side feeling her nipples and the buttery skin of her breasts meet the texture of his naked body.


She threw her head back grinding her breasts into his chest. She was becoming more and more aroused by the touch of him. She bent her head down and began licking him. In broad sweeps, she ran her tongue over his stomach and then his chest. She sucked on his brown nipples until they were erect and pointed. She let her tongue sweep his throat – licking all sides. She felt the ridge under his jaw. She ran her tongue up to his lips and plunged her tongue into him once more.


She felt his fingers enter her. The air was rushing past them – adding its touch of splendor – heightening the sensations. She withdrew her tongue and began nibbling his bottom lip –pulling on it – gently chewing on it as she gazed into his blue, blue eyes. They looked like crystal. Crystal that held a minute amount of water at their center. The thick black lashes framed them in an almost feminine fashion.


He opened his mouth and she saw his teeth – all of them. Even his long brutal incisors that weren’t there at the beginning of their journey. Incisors like her cat – only longer and more deadly. They were deliciously feral. She now saw these newly-acquired fangs inching closer to her neck. She felt his hands lift her skirt up around her waist and then the touch of his penis on her upper thigh. It fell in between her thighs. She squeezed her legs together tightly. She felt him stiffen like steel. She allowed his hands to slowly separate her thighs giving him access to her vaginal opening. She turned her neck to the side – exposing all parts of herself to her phantom nighttime lover.


He entered her, his teeth pressed into her skin piercing it as the skin of an apple. His penis was thicker than her previous lovers. She pushed her legs out and let them dangle on either side. He pushed the walls of her vagina apart until he was all the way in. She felt she would die from pleasure. She ground her hips into him. He pounded into her, his teeth sinking deeper and deeper into her neck – deep enough to draw blood. She moved her head back so he could drink more easily. It felt so glorious. As if she were being set free. She’d never known such pleasure and knew the wish she made for happiness had come true.


They flew together all night long. Making love in the night air … his penis penetrating her … his teeth lodged in her neck … both deeply leaving their mark and both searing her soul for an eternity.








She was falling. Falling through the nighttime sky. Not seeing the earth below, but knowing it was there. The delirium of pleasure was still within her. She should be afraid, but the sweet succor was overtaking her senses – flooding her with a suspended sense of reality. She felt her breasts loose and unencumbered. Her nipples stiffened from the air rubbing against them. She felt as if they were being stroked and teased by the silk of the ribbon he’d taken from his hair. She wished the hands that had squeezed and fondled them were still there, the air valiantly acting as a coolant. A shower that should have watered down her passion, but only aroused it further. Her skirt still encircled her waist as a bracelet. She was exposed, but didn’t care. Her juices were intermingled with his and spread thickly over her thighs. She felt the wind in her pubic hair and vaginal lips, titillating her sore vulva. Making her wish for what was no longer occupying that raw empty space that ached to be filled once more.


Rachel …”

Someone’s voice. She heard someone’s voice call to her. It came from below and was pulling her down. Down and down. Faster she hurtled toward it. She didn’t want to stop floating. To stop making love to the creature that flew. Where was he? How long would she have to wait for him to share another passionate embrace?




The voice was more urgent. The earth came into focus as the light filtered slowly through a lens. It was as if the shutter cap had been taken off a camera. Gentle sunlight invaded her view. She looked through the uncovered lens and saw treetops and a vast expanse of cleared land. It was where she lived. She was above Fairfield and rushing to meet it – facedown. She turned in the air – feeling her breasts fall loosely on either side of her chest. She wanted to squeeze them together and recapture the magic of last night, but the daytime was affecting her dream. It was awakening her, pulling her away from the wonder she found in his arms. It was the damned daytime and that voice.




The voice ordered her to regain her senses. She saw the museum below her. She was going to hit into it. Before she could do anything to stop the collision, she crashed through the roof feeling the impact against her body. Then came the floors in one big rush – one-by-one she collided into them – bursting through only to be confronted with another. She kept smashing through them like a juggernaut, heading straight down to the basement. The building had quelled her momentum. She twisted over and fell heavily on her back – her head hitting soundly against the basement floor. The pain rang throughout her skull and body. Her head ached from the splintering force – her body racked with a pain so pervasive as to be numbing. She moaned loudly, writhing in tortured agony.


Rachel! Rachel are you alright? Rachel, answer me!”


There was that awful voice. The one that deprived her of more pleasure. Then a hand on her bared shoulder that began roughly jostling her. She felt her breasts undulating from the motion. The naked skin of her hips reacted to the cold stone beneath her. Why didn’t he move his hand in between her legs? It’s where she wanted it. She wanted to reach out and place it there, but her arms were pinned to her side. She needed to tell him. She needed him to do it before the dream was over and ….


Peter,” she softly whispered. She tried again to reach for his hand. She couldn’t. She couldn’t move. Had she been paralyzed from the fall? She didn’t know – she didn’t care. She only wanted him on top of her – underneath her – blanketing her in passion. She wanted to be rubbed raw … until the skin of her vagina was entirely removed. She wanted …

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