Adduné - the Vampire's Game (52 page)

Read Adduné - the Vampire's Game Online

Authors: Wendy Potocki

Tags: #Fiction, #Horror

BOOK: Adduné - the Vampire's Game
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Why didn’t she come in? She held back in the shadows. It made him want her all the more. His aggressive side was coming out. He felt like grabbing her hand and pulling her inside. Was she shy? He hoped he hadn’t misread her.


come in?” she asked politely.


We? What did she mean? Reiser was momentarily confused.


A tiny meow rang out. He wondered if it was a stray cat or whether a neighbor had a new kitten. He looked down and saw the moving black shape. She’d brought along the small feline he’d seen in her office. It was weaving between Rachel’s shapely legs.


You did say something about getting to know my pussy …” she added dryly. “The only way you’re going to do that is if I brought it along.”


Reiser liked the humor, but wasn’t sure about the feline. What the heck?


Please,” he said moving to the side.


Come on, Velvet. This nice man has invited us in,” she said a smile playing on her ruby red lips.


Rachel brushed his newly-shaved cheek with the side of her soft hand as she rolled by. She didn’t walk as much as undulate. She sauntered in an exaggerated manner – just short of making a mockery out of being too feminine. The motion came from the complete shifting of her weight from left to right instead of staying centered. It was highly stylized and an aphrodisiac – not that Reiser needed any help getting in the mood. Velvet danced ahead of her on his tiptoes, sniffing objects and jumping on the couch as to discover the best vantage point to watch the evening’s proceedings.


May I offer you some wine?” Reiser asked holding up the bottle he’d specially selected. “There’s dinner in the refrigerator. Didn’t know if you’d be hungry.”


Had a bite earlier, but the wine sounds lovely.”


Reiser eyed her from over the kitchen counter. He’d had his small house remodeled into a more open style. He’d done most of the renovation himself, and had liked the outcome. Now he could keep an eye on his guests while in the kitchen.


Rachel looked around at his comfortably furnished living room. She appeared to give her decision some consideration, but ultimately chose to sit in Reiser’s favorite chair. It was an old-style arm chair he’d found in a second-hand thrift store. It was a wise purchase. It was perfect for watching TV or for staring at the fireplace. He loved watching fires. They were endlessly fascinating and sexy as hell. It’s why he lit one tonight. Although it was a summer evening, he cranked up the air conditioning so he could have one to set the mood. Velvet hopped up on the armrest and slid onto Rachel’s lap. She stroked the cat now contently curled in her lap.


He was glad she wasn’t making small talk. He’d found women that needed to fill up space with useless chattering did the same thing during sex. It was annoying. He’d noticed that great lovers seized opportunities to remain silent. They understood that it was silence that allowed you to hear all the sounds of passion. The sounds were part of the turn-on of sex. Reiser liked to hear every moan, groan, and sigh. People that were into sex did, while prudes … they kept on the cable TV.


A strong, noxious odor hit him. It smelled like death. Reiser had enough experience with that odor to recognize it. It was ever present at crime scenes and the morgue. It was something you never really got rid of. He wondered where it was coming from. He checked his hands and his shirt. He confirmed that hands smelled like the cleanser used to disinfect his kitchen, and that his shirt was laden with the fragrance of his fabric softener. It meant it wasn’t coming from him. He’d been worried as he’d often brought it home with him. That stench lingered if he didn’t shower carefully, but if it wasn’t on him, then where was it coming from? There was an outside chance that he was imagining it. Sometimes it pocketed itself in his nostrils, releasing itself at inopportune times – like before he ate. He looked around and saw the open kitchen window. Shit! He hadn’t closed it. He ran over and shut it. The wooden pane slammed against the baseboard. Must be a goddamned dead animal out there. He’d check his backyard, but not tonight.


The smell made his stomach churn and his skin crawl. He hoped Rachel’s nose wasn’t so sensitive and that it didn’t put a damper on the evening.


Reiser carried the two goblets of wine into the living room. He handed Rachel her glass and then sat cross-legged on the floor. He liked sitting at her feet – gazing up into her pale face. She looked majestic – almost regal. Like a princess of royal birth that had blue blood racing through her veins. Her mouth was tantalizing. The way her lips curved was maddening. They promised unending delights to whoever was strong enough to taste them.


He had the chance to see her more clearly now. His eyes traveled the length of her body noting every crack, crevice, and turn. Her ample breasts were flimsily covered by a black camisole that was at least three sizes too small. It was pulled to the point of unraveling. It didn’t need to be removed for Reiser to tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra. It was obvious from the way her nipples poked through the thin material. Her pants looked sprayed on and dented into her vaginal lips. The hem of her black slacks flared out at the bottom. Her manicured feet were shod in platform heels. The only surprise was a touch of cruelty in her face. He hadn’t noticed that before. Now that he had, he knew that she’d make one hell of dominatrix, if she’d just let herself go. If she ever did … giddy-up. She’d have more clients than she knew what to do with. There was an authority about her. She was someone that commanded respect. Like the way she was seated, she seemed to own whatever spot she occupied. The memory of his partner filtered back to him. His spectre was making an appearance because Perrone tried so hard to get respect. It was something that was never accorded to him by Reiser. It was because Perrone was a weasel – a stupid weasel that lied to get what he wanted. This girl got what she wanted, but without resorting to subterfuge. Perrone’s suspicions about her were an aberration – his persistent hounding of her unnecessary harassment. It wasn’t her fault that people couldn’t recognize what was before their eyes. She raised the glass – ready to drink. Reiser stopped her by gently taking hold of her wrist.


Wait,” he said lifting his glass to meet hers, “to us and this night. May it be the first of many we share together.”


I like that, John,” she offered in a raspy murmur.


A soft ting rang out as his glass hit against hers. Rachel drank looking over the rim of the circle directly into John’s eyes. He stared back at her trying to read her enigmatic expression. She drank deeply almost draining her glass. She rested her hand on her right leg, using her long red tongue to lick whatever remained on her lips. He watched as it darted to the inside corners of her mouth. He noted that the color of the wine matched that of her lips.


It was so surprising that she hadn’t said anything about herself. John had found that people loved to talk about every aspect of their lives. His eyes fell to her chest. It expanded with each breath she took. He wanted to make love to this woman – whoever the hell she was.


He tipped back his head. The red liquid spilled down his throat – splashing into his stomach like blood splattering onto a wall. His muscles were contracting – tense with anticipation. He hoped that the soothing nature of the fermented grapes would calm his nerves and allow him to relax. He again threw his head back belting the rest down. Rachel held her glass steady as Velvet greedily lapped his fill.


That’s a good boy,” she encouraged.


The small tongue feverishly pumped up liquid into the tiny mouth. It continued a few moments – and then satiation. Velvet dropped back down into Rachel’s lap. He rubbed the top of his head against his mistress’ breasts and then jumped down to the ground. He took residence on the stone hearth, in front of the fire as he cleaned himself by means of his wine-soaked tongue.


I’m so glad you came tonight. The problem at work …?”


Taken care of.”


Good, good. You know, I haven’t been thinking of anything else, but you. You’re quite a lady, Rachel, but then you probably know that.”


He crawled forward on his knees, placing his hand on her knee.


You want to tell me a little about yourself?”


No, not really.”


She yawned, arching her back and sending her arms overhead. They stiffened and then contracted. She squirmed – pushing back on the supportive cushions. It was funny, but Rachel had striations under the skin – she was ripped. Usually that kind of muscle definition resulted from working out with weights. There was no hypertrophy to indicate she pumped iron, and yet it was there.


Reiser laughed, scratching his brow with his thumb.


Lady of mystery, huh?”


Something like that,” she answered turning on her hypnotic stare. She was like a sphinx or relic from another time – a keeper of secrets. He hoped to god this relic was horny.


He ran his thumbnails up and down the inside of her thighs. He did this several times and each time he did, Rachel spread her legs a little wider.


Don’t suppose you want to know anything about me, then?"


Rachel frowned considering him. John felt he’d made a mistake in asking those questions, but he was just being polite. Those mundane questions assured women that their dates were interested in them beyond a one-night stand. The fact that Rachel could care less about sharing details about herself was perplexing. The fact that she didn’t want to know anything about him, was even more peculiar. Was Rachel really as different as she pretended to be? Could she deviate that much from the social norms? Or did she only want to eschew the small talk and get to the good stuff? Her eyes were telling him yes, but that wasn’t gospel. It was just an indication that he could have hit the erogenous jackpot.


What is it you want from me, John? What do you suppose I can give you?”


He traced the inside of her leg once again, stopping at her vagina. He ran his thumbnail along its vertical opening until he heard Rachel moan. He pressed his thumb into her clitoris while he answered her question.




She lazily looked at him through half-closed eyes.


So it’s freedom you desire?”


He nodded leaning forward and kissing the spot. She didn’t object, but didn’t respond either. There was a coolness about her – and the room. The air conditioner had kicked in – doing a more effective job than usual. The place felt like a tomb. He didn’t want to break the mood to turn it down – and Rachel hadn’t complained. He rubbed her arms noting that while there were no Goosebumps, she was icy cold to the touch – just like a corpse. Reiser should know. He touched more than a few. There was little expression on her face, in her eyes. She seemed observant, but not involved. Almost like a queen regarding a devoted subject. He sat down on his haunches, resting his forearms on her knees. He placed his chin on the top of his hands to give her a more complete answer.


He was irritated that the rancid smell from the backyard was still present. There had been only a trace, but now, now it was growing. He didn’t want it to detract from what was before him. He tried his best to shut it out from his thoughts, but it was there. Invading his nose and making him consider death. He’d really have to find out what that was.


You see, this job gets to you after awhile You need … a release … from the tension … from the insanity. I can’t afford to mess up and get involved with drugs or alcohol. Plenty of guys on the force use. They need it to come down off the ledge, but it doesn’t work for me. I like my mind clear. You need a clear head to get things done.”


He lifted his hands. He began to lightly fondle her breasts. He looked for a reaction – a signal to show he was on the right track. He got one in the form of Rachel becoming looser and more sprawled. She was opening up in all the right ways. He began more earnestly kneading them as he continued to speak.


You see, for me, it’s the need to feel connected. Plug into someone that wants to let go. You seem like the kind of girl that I could vibe with, Rachel. I mean, you’re luscious … gorgeous. These breasts of yours are driving me crazy, but it’s that mind of yours. You pay for someone, you only get their body and that’s it. With you, it’s that mind. That’s what I’m after. I can see the wheels turning. You’ve got a cornucopia of delights up there. A fantasy land. When I look at you, I see an unquenchable thirst, and I think you’d be willing to do anything to satiate it. And I don’t think you’re particular how, but I do think you’d be inventive. That’s what I want – someone that’s as much into sex as I am. That’s what you seem to me, baby. Like a girl that loves it as much as I do. Am I right, baby?”

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