A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact (6 page)

BOOK: A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact
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“World leaders are in constant communication on this issue. All nations have individual plans of action that are being coordinated with all the global powers, aimed at providing security to the citizens of the world.”

If hostile intent is not assumed, the decision may be to minimize as much as possible, even making it seem as though it was all known already. This “So what’s the big deal?” thinking will be front and center among many who have denied the reality for years, people who now suddenly must get with the program. Strong deniers will shrug and say they never doubted the existence of aliens, just that they were here.

The logic we hear will be simple. The universe is a very, very big place—as many as 200 billion galaxies, each one containing billions of stars with a fair amount of those stars supporting planets. Some of them should have spawned intelligent life. Said paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould, “The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos.”

It is even possible that governments will downplay the UFO phenomenon by continuing a strategy employed by the CIA since the 1990s that states many of the UFO reports throughout the years were of classified aircraft. This strategy would have the double advantage of minimizing what the Others may have at their disposal, while maximizing what “we” may have. It is conceivable that in the unveiling, the only UFO produced by the government will be pictures from a crash and fragments and pieces. The photo-op will go instead to some newly de-classified and deadly hardware, possibly made by the United States.

All this will be possible because government and major media on Day One will still be working hand-in-glove, still finding mutual self-interest in propping each other up.

But governments will fail to manage public discourse on the Internet. This is where the real divide will take place, where the difficult questions will be asked immediately. Starting on Day One, a popular movement will spring to life, seeking to force more rapid disclosures and more meaningful information from governments and secret cabals.

For this reason, any attempt at deception (as opposed to mere withholding of the truth) by governments on the nature of UFOs and the Others will carry great risks. Researchers from around the world, who have spent years investigating the reality of this topic, are unlikely to allow government lies to stand unopposed. And this time, people will be listening to those researchers.

The ultimate question concerns the Others themselves. This will be especially difficult for governments, as there are some people in the world who already have answers about them. They do not need to speculate about “the possible nature of aliens.” They have seen them and, whether classified or not, some of these ideas and experiences will be shared with the world.

This allows us to make another assumption. If the powers-that-be decide Disclosure must happen, they will know that they must “show us the aliens.” This means that all those UFO photos that people thought were Photoshopped (many were) or too unclear and out-of-focus (the saucer would not hold still) will be replaced by “the good stuff.” Let us define that as, at the least, a photo that is crystal clear and could not possibly be anything other than what it is purported to be: a craft from another planet, another dimension, or another reality altogether. The proof might be gun camera footage from an Air Force jet, or photos taken from the recovery of a crashed saucer.

Still, given the quality of modern cinematic special effects, film and photos will not suffice. At some point, people will need to see wreckage, bodies, or something else that is tangible and clearly authentic. The idea of taking a collection of reporters from top media outlets to a secret location where they can see for themselves, record photos and videos for their audiences and readers, and go on a tour, should not be ruled out.

Even then, for some people this will not be enough. There will be those who see any government admission of cover-up as just another cover-up in itself. They will think that something else, something even bigger and more nefarious is in the wind if the government has to blame it on aliens. Given a lifetime of lies and secrecy by their government, such an attitude is understandable.

A Moment in Time

Despite the uniqueness of this moment, much of what will follow is reasonably clear, based on past experience. We can even take an educated guess as to the day of the week it will happen and the time of day it will be scheduled.

The president will probably shut down the stock market and close the banks, just as President Franklin D. Roosevelt did during the Great Depression. Also, remember, that the media will be unleashed on this story as it has never been on anything before. This means that, unless the Motherships actually do show up hovering above the world’s cities, Day One will start on a Friday, probably between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. EST.

The reason is that the stock market will have already closed, and the banks in every town will be shutting down. Everyone will have a full weekend to consider the news and its implications before they panic and try to pull their money out of their savings accounts or sell all their stocks. It also avoids media images of an empty New York Stock Exchange and citizens protesting outside banks.

This need coincides with a separate desire to keep the media off-balance and more-or-less compliant. The ideal time for most briefings is early in the day Eastern Standard Time, so that the establishment reporters can file their stories for the evening news. On this day, however, the insiders will not want them to have all day to work the story. They will instead want the weekend to observe how the story is being received, in order to adjust their plans accordingly when Monday arrives. There will be plenty to observe, because every network will pre-empt its programming for this story, and every cable news outlet will throw all their resources into it.

If Disclosure does happen on a Friday, expect journalists to travel under a government escort to a previously secret location such as Nevada’s Area 51, or U.S. Air Force Headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base over the weekend.

Some of the first day’s tremors are public; some are concealed. Many workers are sent home from the office. “Essential” personnel, however, are on-the-job in a big way.

The media trots out experts, charts, and polls. It wags fingers at the government. Public employees scramble for answers, just like everyone else. It is like a Richter 13 magnitude earthquake, and no one is escaping collateral damage. The military pivots to DEFCON 2 (just short of imminent nuclear war), science turns upside down, religion scrambles to dress up old sermons for new realities, and corporate leaders text each other about profit potentials and risks. And this is on Day One. The world is just getting started.

The shock of this news will not exist in a vacuum. It will instead be multiplied by the feeling that the truth has been withheld, and the people who are briefing everyone are the same people who have either behaved stupidly or just plain lied. There will eventually be blowback on a huge scale. Yet on Day One, the feeling of having been lied to for generations will not have had time to form completely. The first 24 hours will be about understanding that the news is real and adapting to this knowledge in the most basic way possible.

Most people, including the self-described “skeptics,” have refused to read anything about UFOs. They have avoided thinking about the subject in any way other than as story fodder for science fiction films. They will be the most shocked; their belief spectrum will shift radically, all at once. Others less dogmatic, or especially those who have taken some time to acquaint themselves of the facts as they can be known, will have less distance to travel.

Preparation to hear and accept this news may be more important than you think. You can do the world a great deal of good if you are one of a critical mass of people who can react with calm rationality on Day One. This early consideration of what is coming is important because, as historians routinely advise us, whenever contact between two civilizations occurs, it is the less-advanced one (at least technologically) that collapses. There are many analogous situations—Cortez and the Aztecs, Pizarro and the Incas. Indeed, in the film
, the arrival of the Spaniards at the Yucatan in 1502 is portrayed as the fulfillment of an Oracle’s prophecy that these strangers would come to “scratch out the Earth. Scratch you out. And end your world.”

Consider the shock those civilizations may have felt. Now consider how our overcrowded, technologically sophisticated world, in which news travels instantaneously and news cycles are measured in hours, will shape and distort our perceptions of threat. Consider, too, how it will affect our collective, societal self-esteem. Collapse in ancient times may have taken decades. For us, it could be instantaneous.

If there is one silver lining to this fear for the collapse of civilization, it is that a threat from the Others might serve to drive humanity together. In
, for example, the two killers from the dominant native culture stop the pursuit of their intended victim, and instead gaze with him at the arrival of Europeans wading ashore from their huge, unfathomable sailing ships. May this perhaps be a metaphor for our contemporary national strivings and hatreds that seemed so important the minute before Disclosure, now transformed into uncomprehending awe at the ships and visitors who have come here for unknown reasons?

In the days and weeks after Day One, there will be a second wave of revelations, a second wave of events. They will affect every aspect of our world. Although the financial industry stands down, for instance, the military will stand up. There will be a worldwide military alert, and questions will arise as to human capabilities of meeting a potential ET threat. Martial law will also be declared at various places around the world. Looting will be widespread, even if it is nothing more than an instinctive reaction from panic. The media will still jump into the fray 24/7, ignoring its own culpability in the cover-up. For those working in the news business, this will be the biggest shot of adrenaline ever. Reporters the world over will be working the story for months, if not years. Headlines will read, “We Are Not Alone,” “World Leaders Say UFOs Real,” “Aliens Here Now.”
Cellphone towers and Internet relays will be stretched beyond their capabilities. People everywhere will pray, and the world’s religions will not all agree on what we are dealing with. This will be a matter of great potential strife. Almost certainly, some shrewd minister, priest, rabbi, imam, or some other religious leader will exploit this change with a new message, creating a new faith.

Us and Them

The overriding factor in this equation—the great unknown—will be the Others. Everyone will want to know three things immediately:

1. Who are they?
2. What do they want?
3. Are we safe?

Much depends on the answers to these questions, especially whether these beings are friendly or hostile. But maybe they are neither. Or perhaps there are multiple types of them.

There is another question worth asking. It may not be asked immediately, but it ought to be: What will the Others do when they realize we all know about their existence?

They have had a free ride here in our world for years, perhaps eons. They have invaded our military airspace, abducted our citizens, and even crashed in our deserts—all while the public was assured they did not exist.

If we all learn this at once, will they react to our knowledge? Those who have been studying this issue and asking these questions for years might have an answer. Still, whatever agenda the Others have it is probable that secrecy was a part of it, and that Disclosure will complicate matters for us and them.

Looking back at his brother’s assassination, Senator Robert Kennedy lived through the kind of sea change of perspective we will be experiencing. “I found out something I never knew,” said RFK. “I found out that my world was not the real world.” If political assassination could generate that kind of reaction from a hardened politico like Kennedy, imagine what a revelation of non-human intelligences being here, now, can do to society.

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