Acting On Temptation (Temptations) (5 page)

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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I walk over to the bar and do a couple of body shots off of some sorority chicks.  They have no fucking shame.  Then Gainer breaks out the jell-o shots.

After a few more beer the next thing I know Linc is walking me in the house.

He holds me up as we walk through the front door, “Dude you should really quit taking your emotions out on your liver.”

I wave my hand around,
“Whatever man…thanks….for ….driiivingg….my ride home….you’re…liiiiikkkkeee…my brother…..I….looove…yooou.”

He chuckles,
“Shit man you are trashed and that was my car you drove tonight so shit yeah I’m going to drive it home…plus I wouldn’t want to see your pretty face get smashed up.”  With that he gave me a shove down the hall. I strip my clothes off walking down the hall, I’m down to my boxers and fall into bed.  Mmm these sheets smell like Jasmine and heaven.

Chapter 7


              Gabby grabs my arm, “Hey Anna we are gonna go.”

I look at my sister and Daria, “Okay, where are the guys?”

Daria chuckles, “Well…Cade and Linc are putting Russ in the car to drive him home because he can barely stand up, Russ’s date left with another guy after she pretty much had sex on the back deck in front of everyone.  Which Russ really didn’t care about that anyway, he was too wrapped up in something else.  So as thrilling as this has all been we are going to head on out.”

“Okay then, I’ll probably head that way soon too.”

I make my way over to where Skylar is playing pool
, he walks over and wraps an arm around me and I can smell the alcohol on his breath, maybe I should’ve rode home with the girls.  He nibbles on my ear, which kind of makes me feel gross.  “Skylar, I’m about ready to go, do you think you can take me home soon?”

He tips his chin up to the guys at the table, “Guys, I’m taking this beautiful lady home.”

I hear all the cat calls from the pool table, but I just ignore them guys are so stupid sometimes.  Skylar just shakes his head.

Once we pull up in front of my house, I start to feel nervous.  Skylar reaches across the seat and pulls me close to him
, “Man you are just the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.  This hair and your body are just awesome.”  He brushes my hair back kissing my neck and we start making out.  Little by little I notice his hand sliding up my leg under my skirt.  His other hand has a tight grip on the back of my neck locking my face to his.  Once I notice how close his hand is getting to my panties, it just feels wrong.  I push back off of his chest, “Hey, I’m gonna go on inside.  Thanks for tonight.”

“Why, I thought you were having a good time?”

Ugh I’m ready to get away from you Mr. Handsy…something just feels off…I can’t place it…“I did, I’m just tired and ready to get some rest.”

He gives me one of those side grins
rubbing my arm, “Well, why don’t I come in with you and help chase away those nightmares.”

Really, did he just try that
shit…using my own nightmares against me…okay time to make my place in this known, “Um…because, I didn’t invite you in.”

He jerks back, “Well fine Anna you don’t have to be a bitch about it.”

“Well, apparently I did because, you weren’t getting that I’m ready to go to sleep.”

“Fine, see you later.”

I open my door and step out, before I have a chance to shut the door good he pulls off.  Well I didn’t want to say goodbye to him either.

I walk into the house and find that everyone is already in bed, good because I don’t feel like talking to any of them about how much of a shithead Skylar just acted like. 
I don’t feel like hearing the ‘I told you so’s’ that I know I will get.  I walk in my bedroom and turn on my lamp.  I find Russ sprawled across my bed in his boxers.  Damn he must really be wasted.  I change into my PJs and climb under the covers, Russ scoots over to me and snuggles up against my back.  His hand is on my lower stomach and for some reason I’m completely comfortable with this, why can’t I be comfortable with Skylar like this.

I dose off to sleep with Russ’s breath on my neck and it sends shivers down my spine.  I wake up a couple of hours later from a truly erotic dream starring myself and my roommate Russ.  I understand now why guys need cold showers.  The tingling between my legs, is too much…I guess I’ll go to the bathroom and “take care” of things myself.  I go to get up and find that Russ won’t let me go and I also find Russ’s erection pressed up against my butt.  I kn
ow this happens to guys in their sleep. I’m not a prude…but in combination with my current tingling state…I wish he would let me go to the bathroom.  I need to get my battery operated boyfriend and find a private spot.  Instead he rubs my stomach in small circles…I know he’s trashed and has no clue what he’s doing to me.  BUT DAMN…I don’t know how much more I can handle.  I slowly push his hand down my stomach toward my increasingly wet panties.  His hand slides right down in my shorts and panties…
oh shit…
  He moans when he slides his fingers into my folds.  I try to fight the gentle moan from my mouth, but I can’t.  I find myself almost riding his hand, I’ve been so wrapped up that I just now realize he’s kissing my shoulder and neck. Oh God I want to feel his lips on mine.  I turn my head so that my mouth meets his and turn my body to face his.  I run my hand down his chest into his boxers and hold his rather large cock. 
Well I consider it large, I’ve only seen one and that was the one time Jack convinced me to give him a blowjob.
  Our mouths are so wrapped up in each other that I barely notice his eyes open staring into my eyes.  As he moves his fingers in and out of me slowly using his thumb on my sensitive nub as I grind against him I continue my hold on   his erection gently tugging and rubbing it. Soon I feel like I’m about to faint.  I look right in his eyes and I come around his fingers.  He takes me in a passionate deeper more controlling kiss and he jerks and comes in my hand.  We stop kissing and we’re almost eerily silent for a moment. 

“Anna, I’m sorry…I …didn’t mean to.”
  I giggle and he looks back at me, “What’s so funny?”

I shake my head, “
No, I giggled because the first thing you did was say you were sorry.”

“Well, I am.  You wake up with me kissing you and my hand in your pants…I know you aren’t ready for that and hell I guess I got so drunk I passed out on your bed.”  He’s sitting up shaking his head.

I sit up and put my arm on his, “Stop, first of all…I don’t care that you passed out in my bed, secondly I kind of initiated the hand down my pants.”

He barks out a laugh, “What?  You did what?”

I take a deep breath, “I woke up after a
and your hand was on my stomach and you were…um poking me in the back.  When you started rubbing circles on my stomach I just pushed your hand down a little further and got a little carried away.”

He gives me that grin that melts my heart, “So you are saying you took advantage of me while I was drunk?  …Huh…I think that’s the first time that’s ever happened to me.”

I laugh, “Well, you didn’t seem to complain… Look I’m sorry if it was awkward for you…I mean I know you don’t really see me like that.”

He tu
rns to me, “Anna, it’s not that.  It’s the simple fact that you can do better than me.  Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed what just happened and it’s not that I don’t want to, but you deserve things I can’t give you.”

“Russ, don’t say I deserve better than you…You are a wonderful person, why would you think that?”

“I don’t think it I know it.  Not that I like him or approve of him, but someone more
Skylar is who I see you with.”

I shake my head, “No after the asshole Skylar was tonight
. He reminds me too much of Jack and I don’t even want to attempt to go there again.”

He tenses, “What did he do?  How was he an asshole?”

“I was ready to leave the party, I don’t think he really was, then we were making-out in his truck and I just really didn’t want to and I was kind of annoyed with him.  Then he made some remark about wanting to come in with me and chase all the nightmares away and told him that I hadn’t invited him in.  Then he told me I didn’t have to be a bitch so I got out and he drove off.”

“I’m gonna beat his ass.”

“Russ, stop…really he didn’t hurt me and I’m not really that upset so it tells me something.  I was more upset with how we’ve been for the past couple of weeks.  Also, I mean we did just kinda…you know and I really can’t be pissed at him for the fact that I wanted to do these things with you, but not him.” 
Holy crap that was stupid….stupid…stupid.

“Look I’m sorry with how the past couple of weeks have been.  I was pouting like a five year old.  I promise to make it up to you.  But I don’t think that either one of us is really
for something between us, more than friendship.  Trust me I like waking up with you and what I just woke up doing with you was awesome, but
we do that or more again, I want us to both be sober.”  He brushes my hair back from my face, “You mean way too much to me.”

I nod, “Okay…well can we get some sleep now?”

“Yeah sure.”

He snuggles back up to me and I giggle, “Oh and don’t be starring in anymore of my dreams, if you don’t want stuff like that to happen.”

He chuckles, “I’ll do what I can, but I can’t help it if you can’t resist me.”

Chapter 8


I woke up this morning still wrapped up with Anna.  We both got out of bed and never spoke of what happened last night.  All I could do was think about how awesome it would be to wake up just like that with her each morning…well maybe enjoying a little more of what we did last night too.  I would have to catalogue those images I had of her coming last night in my mental spank bank. 

I took a couple of headache powders, showered and got dressed to go work out I needed to clear my head.
When I stepped into the living room Cade and Linc were watching some stupid reality show on TV.  “Hey you guys wanna go work out for a little bit?” 

Linc looks at me, “Dude seriously, you feel like going to work out? After I had to carry your drunk ass in here last night.”

“Yes, I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t.”

Cade looks at me, “Okay man, I’m ready.  Did you talk to Anna when she came in last night?”

My mind is racing, did she say something, was she upset, and was she mad… “Why?”

“She just seemed hell bent this morning.  She got up and dressed and asked to borrow my car, she said she had some stuff to take care of.  Anna is normally laid back, I was just wondering if you knew what was up because when she does start acting like this…she can be quite a handful…like last year when you saw her deck Elle, that can be the tip of the iceberg.”

“I actually passed out in her bed waiting for her to come home.”  I looked to see if he was going to knock my ass out. “She said Skylar was an asshole.  That’s about it really.”

Cade and Linc nod, they both are like me they know he’s an asshole.  Cade looks up with a look of clarity, “Did he put his hands on her or anything?”

“No, I don’t think so.  I think the problem was she put him in his place.”

Linc chuckles and Cade looks at me, “Okay because if I find out any different, I’ll beat that little douche bags ass.”

“Oh trust me. Even as drunk as I was last night if I found anything out like that, I would’ve woken up this entire damn house to go kick his ass.”

Cade looks at me serious, “You mean that don’t you?  You really would take care of Anna wouldn’t you?”

I shrug, “Yeah, she’s like family.  She might be a pain in my ass at times, but she’s also an angel on Earth.”

He shakes his head, “Come on Romeo lets get
to the gym.”

Cade, Linc and I head to the gym, once we get there I see Skylar’s truck…great I really didn’t want to see his ass this morning.

Once we get inside, I hear his loud mouth before I see him.  Something told me to stop and just listen.  So I put my hand out to stop Linc and Cade. 

“Yeah man, you’d never guess that little girl is as wild as that, but yeah…I knocked the bottom ou
t of it right there in my truck. Then I dropped her ass off and came back to the party and hooked up with that little Carrie.  Which I mean hell she’d about hooked up with everyone, ha except Russ.”

Before I realized it Cade was storming in there.  Everyone that was in the room whipped their head around just in time to see Cade land a punch right in Skylar’s face.

Skylar stumbled backward, “What the fuck man?  It’s not like I banged your chick last night.”

“No but you were talking shit…untrue shit
might I add…about basically my little sister.”

He grins, “Oh Anna, yeah she’s a little wild cat.”

Linc had a hold of Cade so I jumped forward and nailed Skylar in the face. “Fuck you, you piece of shit.  She told me what happened last night, she shot you down and you were an ass about it.”

He huffed, “
Yeah I’m sure she told you that. However, I bagged her ass last night and then I dumped her this morning.”

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