Ace's Wild (5 page)

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Authors: Erika van Eck

BOOK: Ace's Wild
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    “You sounded great up there Mel. You have an amazing talent. You and Andy make a great pair, you obviously love each other,” I say looking down into her eyes. I still don’t like the guy but if she’s happy then I’m happy for her.

    “Ace, he’s not… We’re…” She’s interrupted by Sara yelling for her, because they’re leaving. “Oh I forgot, the reason I came out here was to tell you
that we’re all going to the club across the street. Nate said he’d go if you go.” I look over at Nate and Sara, who are tangled around each other. As much as I’d like to go home and sleep off my bitterness, I decide to be a good brother and hang out for a little bit longer.

    “Yeah, sure.” I stand up and walk with Melody over to the group. As soon as she spots Andy she runs up and whispers something to him. He looks back at me and smirks and then wraps his arm around her shoulders. She giggles. My fists clench, and I’m so close to losing my shit that I can feel my head throbbing and my heart racing. It’s like they’re having some sort of inside joke at my expense.

    Just as I begin to turn to leave, a smiling petite guy with spiked platinum blond hair comes running up to Andy. Andy’s arm drops from Mel and he extends his arms. Blondie jumps on him and they lock lips in a passionate kiss.

    Well, I’m officially a dumbass. No wonder why they were laughing at me. Mel looks back at me with a smirk on her face. “Ace, this is Wesley, Andy’s

    They unlatch from each other and Wesley steps forward extending his hand. “Hiya, nice to meet you Ace. I’m a huge fan.”

    I shake his hand and nod my head “Thanks, nice to meet you too.”

    We start walking toward the club. Now we’re all coupled up, and my night just got brighter. Mel comes over to me and links her arm with mine. “In
your words from the first time we met- You should have seen your face.” She giggles and leans her body into me for stability. A smile spreads across my face as I take in the hilarity of the situation.

    “Ha, ha, very funny.” I nudge her side a little and that only causes her drunken giggles to increase.

    Finally she catches her breath and looks up at me with her glossed over eyes. “You’re such a butthead, do you know that?” she slurs.

    We stop at the crosswalk to wait for the sign to change. I look down at her. “Why do you say that?”

    She looks thoughtful for a second and scrunches her nose. “Because you went all macho man in the coffee shop and back there.” She points behind us and then begins to giggle again.

    The sign changes, and we cross the street. I shake my head and smile. How can I defend myself? I was being a “butthead”. We walk the rest of the way in a comfortable silence. The club is right across the street so it’s a quick walk. There’s not much of a line yet so we only have to wait a couple of minutes before we make our way in. I could have used the “Celebrity Card”, I have before, but I feel like an ass when I do. I’m not better than any of these people, I don’t want to make it seem like I think I am.

    When we get inside Mel and Sara get excited because “their” song is on. They hold hands and run to the dance floor which leaves Nate and me to find a table. Andy and his boyfriend disappeared onto the dance floor the second we made it in the door.

    The club is fairly big. I’d say it’s at least double the size of the bar we were just at, if not bigger. There are colored lights flashing in sync with the music. The stage is in front with a DJ in the center and a few dancers on either side of him. The VIP booths line the far right wall and toward the back is the bar and a few tables and booths to sit at. I spot Sara and Mel dancing their hearts out, and I crane my neck to get a better look, but I can only make out their heads bobbing and their arms raised high.

    We find an available booth and take a seat “You have a thing for her don’t you?” Nate yells over the music.

    “If by ‘thing’ you mean, do I think she’s hot? Definitely.” Nate laughs and shakes his head. He gets up to get himself a drink, and I’m left alone at the booth with my thoughts. As the song comes to an end Nate comes back with drinks for him and the girls and hands me a bottle of water.

     In any other situation I would probably be a little pissed at my brother for setting this shit in front of me, but at the same time, I’m a grown ass man and should be able to handle myself just fine. In the back of my mind a thought pops into my head
you’re also an addict
. Reality, you fucking bitch.

    I’m starting to feel anxious so I take a gulp of my water in hopes that it will calm my nerves a little bit. As the cool liquid makes its way down, Mel and Sara make their way back to the table. They throw back the shots that await them, and Sara and Nate head off in the direction of the dance floor.

    Mel leans down by my ear. “Dance with me!” She begins tugging on my arm, and I have to admit the offer sounds extremely tempting, but I don’t want to take advantage of her in her drunken state.

     “Why don’t you take a break and sit down?” I smile up at her.

    “No, dance!” Great, now she’s at the level of drunkenness that she’s beginning to talk like a toddler, and that’s never a good sign. She gives me that damn pouty lip again, and I am so tempted to take that puckered lip between my teeth for a taste but I leave it as a fantasy.

    I finally cave. “Alright, but only one song.”

    I scoot out of the booth, she laces her fingers with mine, and we make our way to the dance floor.

        We get to Melody’s desired spot on the dance floor, and she begins singing with the music and rocking her hips with the beat. She faces me and wraps her hands around my neck while singing along with the high tempo song. I wrap my arms around her lower back and rest my hands just above her ass. She then spins around and continues swaying her hips to the beat but this time her ass is against my front. My hands slide down her sides and land on her hips. We begin losing ourselves in each other and the music.

    I’m trying my damndest to keep my hormones at bay but every time Mel is near me they kick into overdrive. She has an effect on me like no one I’ve ever met. She drives me crazy in the best possible way.

    She’s still grinding against me, and she raises her arm back to put her hand on the back of my head. She lightly grips it and melds her back to my front. The song is coming to an end so I lean down to her ear. “You want to go outside for some fresh air?”
because if I don’t get out of here I’m going to take you right here
and now
, I think.

    She turns around and gazes up at me with her lust filled eyes and nods. Our hands find each other again, and we start making our way out. I see Nate and Sara dancing on our way to the exit so I stop to tell them we’re going to get some air. He answers with a nod of his head and gets back to Sara. It’s actually funny how serious he’s gotten with her. He’d never admit it to me, but I know this is different for him. He had a serious girlfriend back in high school but they broke up after graduation, and he hasn’t talked about it other than saying she was a heartless bitch. I never pushed for him to tell me more.

    As we step outside and the cold San Francisco wind hits us, I already feel much better. My mind feels a little bit more cleared. That is, until I look down at Melody and see that look in her eyes hasn’t left. “Let’s go for a walk,” I tell her.

    We walk down the street a little bit, and I can tell that the shots she took before our dance are starting to take effect. The slight sway to her walk has turned into a full on sway. Mel suddenly veers right down a secluded alley.

    “Why do you want to go down here? Are you trying to take advantage of me?” I laugh.

    She spins around and backs up into the brick wall of the nearby building. “Maaaaybe,” she slurs. I walk toward her, but it’s then that I notice the goosebumps that cover her skin and her jaw is beginning to chatter. I quickly take off my coat and drape it over her shoulders.

    “Tha-ank y-you” she replies gratefully.

    “No problem.”

    She grabs my shirt and pulls me closer to her so that we’re chest to chest. “I have a secret to tell you.” She giggles. “Come here so I can tell you.”

    Although I have no intention of letting this go any further than a little flirting, I still lean my ear down to her mouth so she can tell me.

    “Oh God,” she moans.

    I lean back, wondering what exactly she means by this. I know I’m good, but I haven’t even touched her. That’s when it hits me. A warm slickness down the side of my face, dripping down my shirt.

    Puke. All over the side of my face and dripping down the front of my shirt. Acrid, disgusting puke.


Chapter 6






    I slowly roll to my side and let out a low moan. The throbbing in my head increases, and I’m afraid to open my eyes in fear of my brain exploding.

    I’m never drinking again.

    I cautiously peel one eye open, and I instantly regret it. The sun is peeking through the window, and my hung over self doesn’t like it. If it was sober me, I’d love it. I can’t remember the last time I drank so much—come to think of it I don’t think I ever have. I’m typically not much of a drinker because I don’t like not being in my right mindset. I occasionally have a beer or glass of wine, but I never drink more than three glasses at one time.

    I hadn’t planned on drinking much last night, I was just so nervous to see Ace and my nerves got the best of me. Once I saw him walk into the bar I figured I should have a drink or two to calm my nerves and one or two turned into six… I think. Six is the last I remember anyways.

    I stretch my arms out and roll over onto my stomach. My hand lands on the pillow next to me. Wait a second. This pillow has hair, gross. I begin moving my hand back and then I hear a sigh come from hairy pillow.

    That’s enough to make me jolt up into a sitting position. Hangover or not I need to figure out who the hell is in bed with me. I notice a few things simultaneously. First- this is not my room. Second- the furry pillow next to me has fire engine red hair, and third- I may have turned temporarily lesbian in my drunken state last night.

    Oh no. What the hell happened last night? The last thing I remember is going into the club and dancing with Ace. After that everything is a complete blur.

    I throw the covers back and I’m in nothing but my panties and a man’s plain black shirt. My hands quickly fly to my chest; even my bra has been taken off. I shake my head and quietly get off the bed in search of my clothes.

    Part of me wants to wake Sara up and find out what the hell happened, but my embarrassment is stopping me. Maybe I’ll just find my clothes, use the ladies’ room, and then wake Sara up that way I can collect my thoughts and see if I can piece anything together. Like whose house we’re at, for example.

    I look around the room to see if there’s the slightest hint as to where we are. The bed is in the center of the room with a nightstand on either side.
There’s a window on the right wall with a desk underneath, but it has absolutely no personalization of any sort, which leads me to believe it’s a guest room.

    I quickly spot my purse sitting near the door, I grab it and quietly open the door. As soon as I open it the smell of coffee crashes into my senses, and I let out a soft sigh of appreciation. My head is still throbbing and my stomach is churning, but I would gladly sell my soul for a cup of that caffeinated goodness.

    I walk down the hallway and spot two closed doors on the right and an open one to the left. I tip toe to the open door and desperately hope that it’s the bathroom. It’s light enough that as soon as I’m able to peek in, it’s obvious that it is the bathroom. I softly close the door behind me, and I immediately begin to change. I always bring a sleepover outfit with me if I know I’ll stay out late. Usually I end up crashing at Sara’s, and I have to have my comfy clothes with me. I gingerly finger comb my hair back into a messy bun and then wash my face. It’s not much, but it’s better than how I looked when I first woke up.

    I take a look in the mirror and although I look like I’m clearly doing the walk of shame, I at least feel minutely better than I had five minutes prior. That is until I run my tongue along my teeth, and I’m immediately back to feeling gross. I find toothpaste in the drawer below the sink and quickly finger brush my teeth.

    I stand staring into the mirror giving myself a silent pep talk as I’m about to face the consequences of my actions last night. I have a feeling deep down in my gut that something happened, and I’m scared to find out what.

    Finally I find the courage to open the door and wake up Sara. As I open the door I run into a solid male chest, and I automatically bring my hands up and lift my head to see who I’ve run into. My eyes freeze on Ace’s and my breath catches. Damn this beautiful man.

    “Look who’s finally awake.” He laughs with a knowing smirk.

     I can feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Earth, eat me now. Not only did I wake up half naked next to my best friend, but we’re at Nate’s house.

   “Um, about that, what exactly happened last night?” I’m holding my breath waiting for what will come out of his mouth.

    “Why don’t I fill you in over breakfast? After all of that alcohol you drank last night we should probably get some liquids in you. Food will probably make your stomach feel better too.”

    I raise my eyebrow “How would you know if my stomach hurts?”

    His mouth twitches into a half smile. He attempts to smooth his features but fails and a smile stretches wide across his face. “With all the throwing up you did last night, I’m not sure how your stomach wouldn’t hurt.”

    I drop my head mortified at what he most likely witnessed last night. It’s not until that moment that I notice my hands are still sitting comfortably on his chest. I quickly bring my arms to my sides, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Ace.

    “So what do you say? You want to go out to breakfast with me?”

    I turn my head in the direction of where I left Sara. I deliberate for a second before deciding that coffee is my number one priority at the moment. I look up at Ace and nod my head. “Okay but no getting hulky.”

    He laughs. “If I recall correctly, I’m not the one who practically knocked over my coffee.” He starts walking down the hall and looks at me over his shoulder. “Just let me go tell Nate I’m taking his car, then we’ll be on our way.” My eyes fall down his muscular back and take in every curve of muscle then they freeze on his ass, and I sigh in appreciation. He turns his head to look back at me, and I quickly avert my eyes and bring them back to his face. His mouth lifts into a knowing smirk before he winks at me while he continues down the hallway and turns the corner.

     My stomach is in knots. Not only because I’m extremely hung over, but also because Ace Caplin may just be the hottest man alive. Everything about him draws me in; his angular jaw, his five o’clock shadow, his dark slicked back hair, but mostly his deep green eyes. I’m a slave to those beautiful eyes. Just one look and my soul magnetizes to his with no hopes to escape.

    Dear Lord, I’m losin’ it. I can’t continue to be so obvious about my attraction to Ace. He’s a rock star for goodness’ sake. I’m sure girls throwing themselves at him is the norm, but I refuse to be one of them. He’ll just have to settle for a friend because that’s all he’s getting from me, even if something did happen last night.

    Shit, last night. I need to find out what happened.

    I’m still standing awkwardly in the hallway when Ace returns. “Come on Hulk, we’re all set. Where to?” We walk down the hallway to the garage before settling into Nate’s truck.

    I roll my eyes at my newly acquired nickname. I suggest my favorite local diner and tell him directions as he drives. The car ride isn’t long, and although we don’t talk much, the silence is comfortable. I feel like I’ve known him forever and that may be good for some, but for me it’s a big red flag.

    I stopped trusting people after my dad’s affair a few years back. If I can’t trust the man who gave me life, how in the hell am I supposed to trust anyone? Let alone another man. I promised myself then that I wouldn’t be so open to being stepped on and I meant it. As much as I feel comfortable with Ace, I can’t let it get to my head. I need to think straight and not let those damn eyes distract me. Or that face. Or the tattoos.

     There I go again. Damn it.

    We park in the nearly full parking lot and make
our way to the diner. This place is always really busy, but it’s my favorite place in town, and the wait is worth it. As we sit on the bench waiting to be seated I’m fully aware of just how close Ace is sitting next to me. My body hums with anticipation for his touch. His leg is just barely touching mine, but I can feel the electricity coursing through me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my hair was sticking straight up as a result.

    He begins bouncing his leg and rubbing his palms on the top of his legs. I’m not sure if I’m having just as much of an effect on him or if he’s nervous about something else entirely. Before I can put too much thought into it we’re being directed to our table.

    The waitress who’s seating us doesn’t hide the fact that she is eye fucking the hell out of Ace. I roll my eyes at her impudence and turn my head away from her bedroom eyes.

    We’re seated at a booth and to the waitresses dismay she has to leave to seat other guests. I let out a quiet gagging sound, and Ace’s eyes dart to mine.

    “Do you deal with that on a regular basis?” I laugh.

    “Deal with what?” he asks with an amused grin.

    “Seriously? All of the ‘come hither’ looks girls are giving you,” I reply incredulously.

    He raises his eyebrow. “I’m not paying attention to them.”

    His comment leaves me speechless, but thankfully a new waitress comes to take our order before I’m left to stew in all the meanings his response may have behind it. I order coffee, mixed fruit, and a bear claw, and Ace orders the breakfast sampler.

    “That’s all you’re ordering?” he asks when the waitress leaves.

    “My stomach still isn’t feeling well so I’m going to eat lightly.” I twine my fingers on the table in front of me and look down at them as I answer. Then I ask the question that has been burning in the back of my mind all morning. “What exactly happened last night?”

    Ace’s mouth lifts into a side grin. “Before or after you threw up all over me?”

    My hands shoot to my face in complete embarrassment. “I did not!” I say mortified.

    He nods his head. “Oh, you did.” He chuckles. He grabs my hands and brings them away from my face. “Don’t be embarrassed we’ve all been there. I can’t say I’m surprised considering you spit your coffee all over me when we first met,” he says playfully.

    My cheeks flame in response. If I was worried about there being an attraction before, I don’t think I have to worry about it now. Just throw up on the guy, that’s a form of birth control in itself.

    The waitress sets our coffees on the table in front of us, and I huddle around my cup inhaling its delicious aroma. It calms my mind for a minute and all seems right with the world until I remember that I have more questions to ask.

    “Soo…” I hesitate, “Why didn’t you guys drop me off at home?” I ask, averting the awkward silence far away from the throw up incident.

    Ace stirs creamer into his coffee while answering, “You forgot your keys and by the time we got back into town you were out cold. We decided to bring you back to Nate’s house.” He looks up from his coffee and continues, “When we were down the street from the house you threw up again but this time all over yourself so when we got into the house Sara changed you and helped you into bed while I washed your clothes. Sara insisted on staying in the room to make sure you were alright.”

   Even though I’m relieved that nothing else happened, I’m embarrassed I drank so much. I only meant to calm my nerves but instead I acted like a complete out of control fool. I can’t recall ever getting so drunk before. Once, when I was in high school, I drank too much at a party, but I was able to throw up in the bathroom by myself without anyone ever knowing it happened. But, I remember it. I’ve never blacked out before, and it’s scary to not remember pieces of my life even if they were embarrassing moments.

    “I’m so sorry. I swear that is not normal for me at all,” I apologize.

    “No need to apologize. I’ve blacked out more times than I care to admit or even remember.”

    At that moment the waitress brings our food. My stomach is feeling considerably better and I’m looking forward to digging into my food. I start
cutting my bear claw into bite sized pieces. Once I’m done I start to bring the first bite toward my mouth, and that’s when I notice Ace staring at me. “What?” I smile.

    “Did you just cut up a pastry into bite sized pieces? That should be some kind of crime, I can’t even look at you right now.” Ace shakes his head in mock disappointment.

    I let out a laugh. “It’s too messy if I eat it with my hands,” I complain.

    “There’s no excuse,” he jokes. He then turns his attention to his food and begins some sort of food ritual. He cuts up everything on his plate into small pieces and mixes it together. Then he drizzles syrup over the entire mess. Suddenly I don’t feel so good, and I push my plate away only after a couple of bites. As he digs in he notices my disgusted stare. He raises his eyebrows in question since he is unable to talk because his mouth is filled with his breakfast mush.

    “You are such a hypocrite!” I laugh “You just cut up your entire meal into bite sized pieces.”

    He swallows. “Doesn’t count. There’s syrup on it and it’s not a pastry.”

    “So you’re telling me if I would have put syrup over my cut up bear claw that would be okay?”

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