Accepted Fate (60 page)

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Authors: Charisse Spiers

BOOK: Accepted Fate
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I begin trying to work myself out of the now loosened rope as I hear crying, sniffling and praying all through this damn plane. There has to be a way to get out of a situation like this. I find it hard to believe after Nine Eleven, these planes don't come equipped with some way to survive. I turn towards Cheyenne and she is staring into space crying. She must realize I'm looking at her when she speaks in the softest tone. I can feel the pain and heartache radiating off of her. Maybe she acts the way she does for a reason. Maybe it's just a cover. It kind of makes me sad she is leaving a daughter behind without a mother. No child should have to go through life not knowing its parents; that's a tragedy. I would fight blood and sweat until my body lay lifeless, if I was a father.

Looking up the hijacker, not deserving to be called his name, disappeared into the front of the plane. I assume heading for the pilots. "How old is your daughter?"

She doesn't move an inch. "Two. She's not even old enough to remember me when I'm gone."

"I know it's none of my business but what happened to him? Surely, you didn't willingly conceive a child with that psycho." As I talk to her, I continue to try and maneuver my way out of this rope. I need to get free.

Her face saddens more if that's even possible. "He wasn't always like this. We were high school sweethearts. I got pregnant senior year and we got married after graduation. About a year ago I got pregnant with our son and miscarried right after we found out it was a boy. He always wanted a son. I fell coming out of a store and hit my stomach. There was so much blood. It tore the placenta and he lost all of his fluid before I got to the hospital. They couldn't save him. We were so sad and coped differently. He snapped and blamed me; got hooked on drugs. I was looking for attention to take my mind off what I lost and ended up in the bed of someone else. That just pushed him further and he became abusive and stalkerish. I had to get a restraining order against him to protect me and our daughter. The last six months, I've been living in hell on earth. I'd bet my life he's high as a kite right now. The Austin I knew a year ago wouldn't have hurt anyone, let alone kill innocent people."

I turn to look out the window at the now dark sky. We should have landed at the airport by now, but I'm guessing he made the pilots detour in a different direction if they are even still alive. Looking down and out the window, black ocean stretches for miles. I'm guessing we're somewhere off the east coast. It's hard to imagine the man I just witnessed kill someone, was ever a good person, but I guess events can lead a person to insanity. "You really love her don't you?"

Looking back at her, she has black smudging all over her face from wiping her tears. "So much I'd die willingly if I knew she would be able to move on happily, but knowing she won't, I'll have to fight to my death, trying to survive so I can get back to her. I won't leave her without at least trying."

She nods her head and I can tell she's thinking. "I have an idea. It may work and it may not, but I can't do it alone. I'll do it, if you'll promise me one thing because I won't make it out to do it myself. Maybe this way, I can make up for all the wrong I've done in God's eyes. By sacrificing myself to try to help all of these people survive."

I don't like the sound of any sacrificing. There has to be another way. "There has to be some kind of different way. You shouldn't have to do that."

She begins shaking her head. "I need you to listen. We're running out of time. I'm the only one that can persuade him. Are you going to help me or not?"

I don't know what other choice we have. I nod. "If you can get the door open, I'll push him out but I'm going to have to go with him because we're thousands of feet in the air. The pressure when the door opens will take me anyway." She pauses with a look of pure terror on her face.

She closes her eyes and shakes slightly. "I need you to record a message for me to my daughter and get it to my mom to put up for when she's old enough to hear it. I need her to know I loved her. I need her to know I'd do anything to protect her. I may not have done everything right as a parent, but I never meant for her life to turn out this way. Can you do that for me? I'll give you all the information you need."

I nod because I actually understand. We all have to make decisions or choose a path at some point in our lives. Sometimes they aren't the easiest or the prettiest. Sometimes they are final and fuckin' ugly, but either way you have to make a choice. "Good. Open your video recording. I'm ready. We have to hurry." I fumble with my phone. My hands are now shaky as I turn it on. I'm able to get one hand free after loosening the rope. I can hear him screaming at someone and a gunshot fire towards the front of the plane, closer to first class and the cockpit. Pressing record, she begins her video conference.

"My name is Cheyenne Spiers-Cooper and I live with my mother Helen Spiers and my daughter Callea Cooper at 65 Silent Knight Lane in Almond, New York.


I don't have much time to explain so I'll leave it up to this nice guy that is allowing me to tell you goodbye. I'm not going to make it home. It has to do with Austin. My will and everything you need to take care of Callea is in my safe under my bed. Take care of Callea for me and when she's old enough, I need you to show her this message. I love you and thank you for everything you've done for me."

She wipes her face and continues. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to watch and I just watched someone get murdered. This is worse. Knowing you're about to die and anticipating it has to be far worse than it being unexpected.


Baby I love you so much. When I recorded this, you were too little to watch it and understand. I hope watching this now, you have grown into an amazing woman. I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Don't, for one second, think I regret having you. You have made my life shine brighter. You've changed me. I am so thankful for the two years I got to spend with you. You are a breath of fresh air; the light where there is dark. I want you to always know how much I love you. I'm forced to leave you with Nana today. She will take care of you. I'm sorry I'm going to miss seeing you grow up. I wanted to be there the day you walked down the aisle and had babies of your own, but I wasn't given that option. Me and your dad and have made some bad decisions and today it's going to cost us. We both love you unconditionally. I just want to tell you one more thing to live by. Love God, love people and be kind. Live your life to the fullest and never regret. Life is too short. Never take for granted the simplest of things. Even though I won't be with you in plain sight, I'll always be with you in spirit. Talk to me every day; I'll be listening. I'll just be with your brother now. I love you so much baby. Goodbye."

She nods and I end the recorder. She looks at me and asks, "What's your name?"

I clear my throat and wipe at my now wet eyes. Before I slip my phone in my pocket, I email the clip to myself because I highly doubt even if I make it out, that my phone will. "Breyson. Breyson Abercrombie."

"I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. When I get him away, I need you to find the latch that opens the door. Watch and when I get him to it, I need you to open it. As soon as we're gone, close the door and get this damn plane grounded."

Austin comes barreling back down the aisle and stops beside us. "Are you ready to meet your death, sweetheart?"

Her voice is shaky in his presence. "I am. I want us to go together. Make love to me one last time before we go. Please? Let him go. No one should die tied up. I promise no more games. I'm so sorry for everything. I hurt too, you know. You weren't the only one that lost something that day." For a split second, the guy's eyes soften and he actually looks like he may have a soul after all, instead of being possessed.

I didn't think it was going to work but he frees us from the rope that holds us to these chairs. He bends over, cups her face and kisses her. I can see the gun stuck beneath the front band of his jeans. In some weird demented way, I can see he loves her. I have no idea why people do drugs if this is the crap it makes you do. When he kisses down her neck, he lifts her off the chair and she looks down at me mouthing to get ready. He walks her towards the bathroom and shuts the door once they're inside.

After the door is shut, I jump up and take off, looking for the door release. My stomach is in a ball of knots from the nerves running wild. I'm not cut out for this hero bullshit. I don't like having to decide who lives and who dies.

I finally find the latch I'm looking for, when I hear a gunshot come from the bathroom. The door flies open and Cheyenne begins running towards the airplane door, topless, with the gun in her hand. He's following behind, also shirtless with his pants undone, bleeding and holding his side. "You stupid bitch. Wait until I get to you. You're going to pay for that."

When she gets to the door, she screams. "Breyson now!"

I pull the latch just as he grabs the gun and shoots her in the chest as well as overhead into the side of the plane. She grabs him and they both get taken out by the gust of air that enters the pressurized plane. The vision causes me to quickly turn my head.

Before I can think, I close the door, but the mechanical alarm and lights are now flashing. When he shot the plane, it must have hit something electrical. The pilot comes over the intercom, stating all the instruments are out. They are flying blind and the engines are going quick.

The plane starts to decelerate at a rapid rate. I guess this is it. We're going down. At least I can die knowing I tried. Everyone is screaming and panicking as the sky flies by the windows in a blur. This is my worst nightmare coming true. I can see the water coming into view. Looking around, I find some flares and other items maybe I can use, grabbing them. If we're going down into the water, there's a chance of survival. "Everybody move to the back of the plane! The nose is going in first."

All of the passengers swarm, trying to fight gravity and move to the back of the plane for when the nose breaks through the surface of the water. The plane is now almost completely vertical as it falls towards the black water below.

I find something to hold on to and close my eyes as the sounds consume my mind, traumatizing me. This is it. This is my death. Kinzleigh's beautiful face and blonde curls with a bright smile is the last image to flash through my mind. With that thought, the plane jars as it hits the water, causing it to fold up like a tin can and everything goes dark.  



My eyes flutter open to the starry sky. I'm lying in the grass in front of mine and Breyson's Oak tree. I cannot believe I fell asleep and now it's nightfall. Crap! Breyson has probably tried to call me by now. I don't even know what time it is and after sleeping all this time, I'm still tired. This pregnancy tiredness is crap and this is only supposed to be the beginning of what is going to be a long year.

Divinity is standing beside me as if she's just been waiting on me to wake up. "Sorry girl. I didn't mean to keep us here this long. Let's go back." Standing, I walk over and mount her. Once ready, she takes off towards the barn. The only thing I can hear is crickets chirping and wind whistling through my ears. There isn't a light on until we get to the barn.

In a rush, I take off her saddle and walk her to her stall, closing the gate. "Thanks for today girl. I needed it. Be back soon, okay?" She neighs and I can hear the rhythm of her breathing. The February air is cold, making her breath visible. I'm probably going to be sick from being out here for so long with just a light jacket. I don't have anything to access the time, but the black color of the sky tells me it's at least six thirty. I probably have everyone worried sick.

I run towards my Range Rover and climb in, starting the ignition and turning on the heat, leaving the ranch. I need to talk to Breyson. I don't want him to be so worried he calls his mom in a panic, causing her to tell him about the baby. I don't want him to find out this way. Speeding down the highway, I get home ten minutes earlier than I normally do.

When I pull into my driveway, I can see Breyson's mom's car as well as Konnor's. What is he doing here? He can't just come home from Alabama anytime because of football. Great, they've probably been looking for me in a panic. Oh, gosh...What if his mom told them about the baby? She said she wouldn't, but that was before I took off. Why do I always make the dumbest decisions?

Shutting off the engine, I get out of my vehicle and walk slowly, in preparation of what I'm about to walk into. As I approach the front door, I exhale trying to calm my nerves. Turning the door knob, I step inside to everyone gathered in the living room with solemn expressions. "Hey. I'm sorry to have everyone worried." I run my fingers through my hair. "I just needed some time to myself."

They all begin looking at each other, then back at me and that's when I realize Breyson's parents are crying; his mom in hysterics as well as my mom. I may have them worried, but surely it's not enough to cause all of this. Konnor walks out of the kitchen as I close the door and locks his eyes with mine. He hasn't looked at me this way since the night Grams died. "What's going on Konnor? Why are you home?" My voice breaks and his mom walks over to me and hugs me tightly.

My heart starts to race and my breathing begins to increase, climbing at an uncontrollable rate. The next words that come out of her mouth however change my life; forever. "You need to sit down. It's about Breyson."

Breyson? What does that mean? Breyson is in New York. I look around at everyone and they are staring at me as if I'm about to go crazy, anticipating my reaction. "What do you mean? Breyson is fine. He should be in his hotel with Ryland by now. As a matter of fact, he's probably trying to call me as we speak. I need to get my phone."

"Kinzleigh sit down," my dad says in a serious demeanor; one that I haven't heard since I was a kid. He never raises his voice at me.

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