Absolutely Famous (18 page)

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Authors: Heather C. Leigh

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Absolutely Famous
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At the bottom of the article are pictures of Kiera and Drew holding hands, one of Kiera entering a hotel, then a photo of Drew entering the same hotel, and finally one of Drew exiting the hotel wearing the same clothes.

“Sydney, you’re freaking me out,” Allie says, interrupting my heart attack. “What are you reading?”

I mash my lips together and pass her my phone. Her brows pull together in confusion, then her eyes widen in shock, finally she flushes crimson and scowls.

“This is all bullshit! You know that right?”

“I know,” I whisper sadly. I really really need to see Drew.

“You need to call my brother,” Allie says, sliding the phone back across
the table. “That crazy bitch. She probably planned those photos and the article and all of it.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it
. But I don’t care anymore. I have to go with what I know in my heart and I know he can’t stand Kiera Radcliff. Plus, there was no ‘smoking hot chemistry’,” I continue. “Drew worked out and didn’t shower the days they had to film any romantic scenes.” I smirk. “He said it drove her nuts that he was so smelly.” I don’t mention the hot workout that I gave him before he left to film the big sex scene; she is his sister after all.

“Ha! That’s so like him too. B
astard.” Allie grins. “Did he ever tell you about the time …”

“The deodorant thing?” I finish for her.

“Yeah, it was brilliant,” she laughs.

“You two sure are weird,” Declan says. “Don’t listen to the crap, Syd. It’ll give you gray hair and wrinkles.”

“Normally I wouldn’t,” I tell Declan. “It’s just with the whole spying thing I want to stay on top of what they’re printing.” He nods in understanding. We had filled him in the other day when we were visiting Ryker at the set.

“We know Sydney,” Allie says sympathetically.

A sharp knock on the door interrupts our conversation.

“It’s probably Leah,” I tell them as I get up to answer the door.

I yank open the door to the suite and am face to face with Andrew Forrester, reigning
“Sexiest Man Alive”.

“Thank Fuck!” he exclaims as he barges into the suite and pulls me against his chest, wrapping his strong arms around me.

“Drew?” Allie and I both say his name at the same time.

“Holy shit, Andrew Forrester,” Declan whispers.

“W-w-what are you doing here?” I stammer, grinning like a crazy person.

“I finished my scenes and came here. Too much shit is going on to be halfway across the world from you.” He focuses his gorgeous green eyes on me and leans in to whisper, “Plus, I just couldn’t be away from you any longer.”

“Me too.”

Drew takes my chin with his fingers and presses a soft kiss on my lips. The flames of lust I’d been feeling for a while now ignite into an inferno, burning from my core to every nerve ending in my body. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him closer, pushing against him until we’re as close together as we can get.

Breathless, he nuzzles my ear, “I guess you really did miss me.”

“You have no idea how much

I reluctantly let go of Drew and he notices the two other people in the suite. I see Drew
tighten his fists at his sides and work his jaw, clenching his teeth together.


I forgot that Allie and Dex are sitting having breakfast and she is still in her pajamas. I’m unbelievably thankful that Declan had the sense to get dressed before coming to the table. If Drew caught him in his underpants with me and his sister, I think Dex would be dead already.

“Unclench Drew,” Allie says sarcastically. “It’s so good to see you big brother.” She stands up and circles the table to give Drew a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“And who’s your
, Allie.” He spits out the word friend as if it were poisonous.

“Drew, this is Declan Foster, Dex, this is my brother
Forrester.” Allie spits out Andrew just like Drew spit out the word friend. It’s kind of funny to see someone stand up to his hostility.

Declan gets up and walks over to shake Drew’s hand. Drew stands there as he approaches, eyeing Declan
as if he just killed a puppy. “Be nice,” I hiss before Declan can reach us.

“Nice to meet you,” Dex says, flashing his perfectly straight, movie star smile.

“Hmph,” Drew answers as they shake hands.

“Real charming isn’t he?” Allie says to Declan. “Don’t be a jerk,” she says, stabbing her finger into Drew’s chest.

“No worries Al. If I had a sister I’d want to beat up everyone she went out with too,” Declan says humorously.

, you won’t mind if I pound you into next week then?” Drew says, taking a step forward as Declan’s eyes bug out.

“Whoa!” I throw myself between them and grab Drew’s hand. “Let’s go get you unpacked and you can tell me what the heck is going on and why you’re here
.” I pull him toward my bedroom. “Bye Dex, bye Allie, see you guys later!” I call out, hoping they’ll take the hint and get out of here while I distract Drew.

Shutting the door behind us, I turn to face the man I love. “H
ow is it that you’re here?”

Drew closes the few feet between us in one step and drops his
face to mine. He forces his tongue into my mouth, determined to take control. Too quickly, I’m dizzy with desire. I’ve forgotten how much I crave his physical presence. His scent fills the room, intoxicating me.

All of the nagging annoyances around me fall away with each kiss. He walks me backward until my legs hit the edge of the bed and I sit, his mouth still attached to mine.

“I need you,” he says as his mouth moves across my face to my ear. His breath caresses my neck and makes me shiver with pleasure.

My panties are already wet from the pent up frustration exploding out of me with each one of his touches. “Yes,” is all I can manage to say.

I reach out and undo his belt and the button on his jeans. Drew grabs the hem of my shirt and yanks it over my head, then does the same to his own. I gasp at the perfection of his chest and abs, running my hands over every hot, hard muscle. Kissing me hard and greedily, he reaches around and unhooks my purple satin bra, letting it fall off to reveal my breasts.

“So perfect.
” He drops his head to nibble on one tight bud, twirling his tongue around it until I shiver with pleasure. He moves to the other side and brings that one into his mouth, sucking and licking until I’m squirming on the bed.

He gently pushes my shoulder back
so I’m lying on the bed, and takes one foot, removing my strappy heel and letting it fall to the carpet. Drew repeats the motions with my other foot then undoes my jeans, stripping them off and tossing them aside.

I try to sit up to help with his pants but he gives me a
scorching look. “No, stay right where you are.” I swallow loudly and comply.

He sheds his shoes, jeans and underwear, standing gloriously naked next to the bed. I’m so turned on that I physically ache for him to touch me. Drew reaches over and takes either side of my purple satin panties and slowly pee
ls them off, dragging his thumbnails down the insides of my thighs as he removes them. I know that they must be completely soaked through by now.

“Now Drew, I need you inside me,” I beg, reaching up and firmly grasping him. He closes his eyes and
shudders as I pump my hand up and down his smooth shaft. When he opens his eyes and looks at me, they burn with desire, the brown in the center of them darker and the green more intense than ever.

He climbs on the bed and rests on his elbows over me, settling his firm body between my legs. I lick my lips, my mouth too dry to speak. Torturing me, he rubs his hardness up and down my slick cleft, bringing me to the edge with hardly any effort.

“Please.” I wrap my legs around his waist to press against him where I need it most.

He pulls back slightly before plunging deep inside me in one swif
t movement. “Yessss,” he groans. Closing his eyes he stays motionless for a moment. Frustrated from his lack of movement, I squirm under him in an attempt to get some relief. When he still doesn’t move I lean in and bite his neck, not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to let him know I mean it.

His eyes snap open in surprise and focus on me, then his eyelids
lower seductively and he smirks. “Aren’t we feisty today? You just feel so fucking good. I wanted to remember it. Especially since I thought I’d never touch you again.” He rears up and thrusts into me, hard, beginning a punishing rhythm that quickly returns me to the edge of a much needed orgasm. Drew continues pounding into me, our bodies sliding against each other, slippery from the sweat shining on our skin.

“God Drew, yes!” I scream as I fall over the peak and tumble into the sweet release that it brings. He kisses me forcefully and flips us both over, bringing me to my knees to straddle him.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he grunts as his rough hands grasp my breasts and he rolls my hard nipples in his fingers. Bracing my hands on his broad chest, I begin to move up and down, tilting my hips to discover that perfect spot for both of us. When I find it, I gasp, every cell in my body igniting in white hot flames as I shift and writhe back and forth on top of him.

Drew sits up and cups my face with his hands, capturing my mouth with his again and plunging his tongue inside. Sliding his hands down to my waist, he helps to move me harder and faster on top of him. Within seconds I’m falling again, breaking away from his kiss and moaning incoherently into his chest. Drew finds his release at the same time,
emptying every last bit of himself deep into me as he calls out my name.

, Drew lays back on the bed and I spread out on top of him. He trails his fingers up and down my back, moving my hair to one side so he can reach my neck. I drag my lips across his sculpted chest and press small kisses everywhere. He smells so good, so much like home. It hits me how much I really missed him

Minutes later, hours later, I’m not sure, but eventually I roll off of Drew and snuggle into the crook of his arm. He kisses my forehead and shifts so he can face me. “So, I was going to ask if we were good, but I guess I don’t have to.”

“Why wouldn’t we be good?”

“Didn’t you see the article?”
His brows pull together in confusion.

“Oh. Yeah I did.”

“You don’t care?” he asks incredulously.

“Sort of, but not really

He gives me his huge dimple-showing grin and I’m momentarily breathless. He’s so beautiful, and this smile is only for me. No one else gets him like this. I’m brought back to the day we first met. When he smiled like th
is I was a goner. It isn’t fair. I had no chance to resist him, none.

What’s with the grin?”

“I just love you,” he answers, still smiling.


“No, really. I was wicked scared when I landed and saw that damn article. I had a whole reunion with you planned in my head a
nd I thought that it was ruined.” He grimaces at the thought.

“Drew, I know you can’t stand her. And even if you didn’t feel that way, I know
that you wouldn’t do that to me.” I believe it too. Drew isn’t
guy, the one who cheats on you. “Just like I hope you knew, when they printed those photos of Adam and me, that I wouldn’t do that to you either.”

“I knew. It made me
ridiculously angry, but I knew.” He kisses the end of my nose.

I wonder what sort of rage-infused temper tantrum Drew had when he saw those photos. “I
curious as to what you were doing at her hotel.”

He puts an arm behind his head and shifts towards me.
“I was about to leave directly from the set for the airport to get my flight to see you when one of the other producers mentioned that Kiera was back to reshoot a few scenes. Jane and I stopped by her hotel so she could tell her off for answering her phone when she went to the bathroom, and I told her off for being a bitch in general and for her shitty treatment of you.”

“Jane went with you?”

“Interesting how they cropped her out of the photos, isn’t it? And the still shot from the movie that they passed as me and her holding hands.”

“I know the feeling.
” I think about the cropped photos of me and Adam at the club.

“If I figure out who leaked that shot from the film set, I’ll make sure they never work again,” Drew says darkly, his mood
flipping fast enough to give me whiplash.

“You need to lay off Declan. He’s a good guy Dr
ew.” I change the subject. I’m sick of discussing Kiera Radcliff and her almighty pile of crap.

Drew just grunts. “No one is good enough for my sister, especially not an actor

sit up to see him better. “I never pegged you for a hypocrite,” I chuckle.

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