Absolutely Famous (17 page)

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Authors: Heather C. Leigh

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Absolutely Famous
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. Now Very Angry Drew is back. Not that I blame him. All it takes is one psycho to see where you are and they can show up and hurt you. That makes me furious, and scared.

“I know. But the point is that a huge crowd of screaming fangirls showed up and we had to leave
right away. A waitress took us out the back door.”

“Holy shit, Syd. I can’t believe people can put your location on
an internet app.” He’s calmed down some, but not much.

“I’m sure it’s not new. You’ve probably been located before. Haven’t you ever been somewhere and suddenly it seem
s like the whole world knows? I mean, crap, that’s probably what happened that day I was shopping in Vancouver.”

“Yeah, it has happened to me. I guess I just thought it was really fast word of mouth.”

“Who knows?”

We walk into the lobby of the hotel and over to the elevators.

“Listen babe, we’re about to get on the elevators. Can I call you back from the room?”

“Yes, but Sydney, check for devices first.

“I have been Drew. I’ll call you back in a few minutes.”

I hand Allie back her phone and we all step into the elevator. A couple of giggling teenagers try to follow us in to get near Ryker but Leah blocks them with her arm. “Sorry, this one’s full. Take the next one!” She slams her finger on the button to close the doors and we watch the girls’ faces crumple in disappointment.

“That wasn’t
very nice,” I say to her.

“I don’t care!” Leah yells. “I’m not in the mood for screaming girls right now! They probably aren’t even staying at this hotel!”

“I know.” I pause before dropping the bomb. “So someone overheard a conversation me and Allie had earlier this morning and they heard us last night in your suite, Leah. That’s why Drew called, to tell us about another

Declan’s eyes
get wide and he turns to Allie. “Someone recorded you and wrote about it?”

She nods and looks down, embarrassed.

“I’m sorry Allie. I swept the place last night when we got back from the club. There was nothing there! I don’t understand. All we did was sleep, we didn’t leave at all.”

“Well, we’re all going to your room and we’ll check it for you,” Declan says. “You’re not getting recorded again.” He scowls and I notice him put his arm around Allie and pull her close.

The guys don’t find anything. They even went and got Leah and Ryker’s bug sweeper and used both. Nothing. Not. A. Thing.

“Okay guys, I’m going to go call Drew and go to bed. I had fun until, you know,” my sentence tapers off pathetically.

I hug Allie and Leah and say goodnight to the boys and close my bedroom door. I change into my tank top and shorts for bed and flop onto the soft comforter.

It’s always a big swirling shitstorm of some sort
. Boring would be so great right now.

The phone only rings once before Drew pick
s up and starts barking. “Did you check the room?”

“Yes, the guys did. There was nothing

He lets out a long breath.
“I miss you babe. I can’t stand that someone is spying on you and I can’t do anything about it.”

acting as my protector. “I know Drew. I miss you too.”

“What are your plans tomorrow?”
It sounds a lot like he’s in a car right now.

“I don’t know. I just have to stop in the club and make sure the paint is right and the flooring is going in properly. If the light fixtures show up I may need to show them which ones go where. Otherwise, I’ll just see what Allie wants to do.” I don’t mention that Allie may want to spend the day with Dex on the set.

“Do me a favor. Make sure you’re in your suite between ten and eleven in the morning, okay?”

“Huh, why?” That’s an odd request.

“Please, Sydney?” he asks in a voice that would melt the panties off of any woman in a fifty mile radius.

Drew. No problem, I’ll be here.” I agree without hesitation. I shift uncomfortably on the bed. It’s been way too long since I’ve been with him. My insides are liquefying at the memories of Drew inside me. I shiver and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to clear my mind so I don’t go crazy.

“Alright th
en. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”

“Yes, tomorrow.”

“I love you Sydney.”

“I love you Drew

I hang up and snuggle into the bed, pulling the covers up to my chin. I need to see him soon, my libido is running hot and fast right now. Ignoring the pulsing between my legs I close my eyes and fall asleep.




I had intended on sleeping in this morning, but I woke at six and by the time seven rolled around I was too hyper to stay in bed any longer. I lay there for a minute, thinking of all of the delicious things I’ll do to Drew when I see him again. I wonder if he’ll come here when he’s done filming, or if I’ll have to wait until my project is done in another five weeks or so.

There’s no way I’ll make it. I’ll implode from sexual frustration.

Too turned on to wear tight spandex and go for a run, I decide to shower and get dressed. I may as well start work. If I can finish before ten, then I can be here for Drew’s call and have the rest of the day to hang with Leah or Allie. I remember the text that Allie sent me last night after I went to bed.

Allie <
Don’t feel right leaving you alone, Dex is sleeping over. Hope that’s okay.>

Smiling, I put my phone in my messenger bag and sling it over my shoulder. At least someone around here is getting some
action. I text a quick note to Allie letting her know that I’m heading up to Vertigo and I’ll be back in a couple of hours.

The nightclub space is coming along nicely. At least a half-dozen workers are putting down the flooring and carpet and another half-dozen are touching up the final coat of paint on the walls. I spot Violet Thompson across the room talking to the foreman so I throw my bag on the nearby folding table and walk over to see her.

“Violet,” I say as I approach the friendly older woman.

“Sydney!” she exclaims with a huge smile o
n her face. “How are you love?”

“Fine, great really.
” I look around the space. “It looks fantastic in here.”

“That it does dear. I think Oliver was looking for you. H
e’s out on the patio working on that fountain near the outdoor bar,” Violet tells me in her refined London accent.

“Thanks, I better go see what he needs. I’ll see you later.”

“Of course, dear.”

It takes me a minute to spot Oliver on the sprawling outdoor patio. Actually, I don’t spot him, I hear him cursing from behind the massive rock wall that will
eventually be a trickling water fountain.

“Bloody fucking hell,” he mutters, not realizing that I’m standing two feet away.

I clear my throat to get his attention. “Oliver, Violet said you needed to see me?”

” he says as he jerks from the sound of my voice and hits his head on the edge of the wall.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I did
n’t mean to startle you!” I feel like an idiot as I watch him rub his head with one of his big hands.

Oliver looks quite yummy today. He’s wearing scuffed up work boots and worn jeans with a tight black T-shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination. His perfectly muscled arms are flexing as he moves out from behind the wall. But it’s the tool belt around his waist that does it for me. I’ve always been a suck
er for a hot guy in a tool belt. Hell, even just a hammer hanging from a belt loop would probably get me worked up. This is not the same standoffish man that was wearing a suit in the boardroom my first day here.

I close my eyes and swallow. I really need to see Drew soon. Now I’m fantasizing about Oliver Clarke? Not that he’s not hot, but I work with the guy for crying out loud! Not to mention that I love Drew.

“It’s okay Sydney. You didn’t mean to,” His gray eyes catch my gaze and hold me for a moment.

“So, uhhh, what did you need?”

Damn, I sound so stupid!

“Right. It’s ove
r here.” He motions to the outdoor bar. I follow him and take in the way his jeans hug his tight …
Stop it Sydney!
“The sound system is supposed to go here and here.” He points up at the spots on the side of the building on either side of the open area. “But the electrician says that he has to move that one over three feet because of a duct that’s not on the blueprint.”

“I want to look. Help me up,” I say to Oliver as I drag a chair over to the wall and start to step up on it.

“Sydney, you’re wearing heels, maybe you shouldn’t …”

I’m fine, just stand right here.” I point to a spot next to the chair. He obeys and watches me warily.

I grab his shoulder and suck in my breath at the contact with his hard muscles. Steeling myself, I brace my hand on Oliver and step up onto the tall pub chair, letting go of him and putting my hands against the wall. I stand on my toes and peek into the six inch hole that the electrician knocked into the wall to hook up the speakers. I wobble for a second and Oliver grabs my hips with his giant hands. Once I’m steady he
snatches his hands away as if I burned him.


“I’m getting down.” I try to decide if I should just jump instead of touch him again.

“What are you doing?”
He asks incredulously. “You’re going to kill yourself in those shoes.” He puts his hands back on my waist and easily lowers me to the ground.

We’re face to face, only a few inches apart. I can see the desire in his steely eyes and watch as they drop to my mouth. I’m so sexually frustrated and he’s so close to me, a willing partner. All I would have to do is lean in and …

What the hell am I doing?

I snap back to reality and take a big step back, my face flushed from humiliation. “Ummm, yes, I can see the duct work. And you’re right, it isn’t on the plans. I worked with the electrician to place the speakers and we certainly would have noticed it.” I av
oid looking at Oliver after the moment we just shared.

“So can we move this one here
?” he asks huskily, gesturing up at the wall with his tight, corded arm.

“Yes, I don’t think that will detract from the look or from the sound quality.”
I need to get out of here
. Turning toward the door, I start to head back inside when Oliver steps in front of me, blocking my way.

I look up and see lust burning in his dark eyes. “Did you need something else,” I whisper,
pressing my hands into my sides to stop my blood from pulsing to places that haven’t been touched in a while.

“I just wanted to ask if you were s
till dating that actor fellow.”

My mouth drops
into a frown at his question and my eyes widen. “Yes, why?” I’m annoyed at the intrusion. He knows I don’t like discussing this shit. He was there when I blew up at Jeff.

“Just something I … you know what? Never mind. I’ll see you round, Sydney.” He spins on his heel and goes back behind the fountain.

Confused, I go inside and grab my bag, finished here for today. And even if I wasn’t, I can’t be near Oliver right now. Too many hormones flying, and now that he ticked me off, the tension is even higher. I’d probably slap him then kiss him if I spent any more time with him. I stalk over to the elevator and wait for it to open. It’s taking too long and I’m too antsy to wait so I push through the door next to the elevators and stomp down the two flights to my floor.

I angrily shove open the door to our suite and walk inside. “Hey guys,” I say to Allie and Declan who are sitting at the table drinking coffee and eating breakfast.

“Hey Syd,” Allie says. She has a healthy flush in her cheeks and her hair is adorably messy. They both look like they just got up. Declan is in his T-shirt from last night and thankfully, has put his jeans on.

“What are you guys eating? It smells so good
.” I drop my bag and walk over to open one of the trays on the room service cart. “Waffles, oh man. I haven’t had a waffle in forever.”

“Have some,
there’s plenty and it just got here so it’s still hot,” Declan says. He leans his shoulder into Allie’s and bumps her playfully. She looks back at him with infatuated eyes and melts under his dark stare.

Great, more hot sexual tension. I think I may croak from unfulfilled lust.

“Did you guys sweep the room when you got up?” I ask as I fill a plate with waffles and fruit.

“Yep, nothing,” says Allie.

“I don’t get it. We can’t ever find anything but we know they’re listening. It’s so freaking frustrating!”

They stare at me, quietly sipping their coffee. They’re probably playing footsie under the table or something. I check the clock in the kitchen,
. Well, I’m here for whatever Drew needed me here for. I snap upright. What if he wants phone sex? Normally that’s not my thing, but right now I’m such a hormonal mess that I would probably agree to anything.

“So, no scenes today Dex?” I ask him as I shove a delicious bite of maple syrup and fluffy waffle into my mouth.

“We’re doing night scenes for the next few days so I don’t have to be on set until five.”

“Cool, so you’re on location?” Allie asks.

“Yeah, some house in the ‘burbs I think. I’m not sure. They’re sending a car to get me since I have no idea how to drive in this city. The whole left side of the road thing freaks me out.”

Allie and I make eye contact and burst out laughing
at the serious look on Declan’s face. I almost spit my coffee across the table at her when she cracks up.

“What? It’s weird.” He rolls his eyes at us
drinks his coffee.

“So do you
have crazy fans like Ryker does?” I ask. Allie angles her head toward him, just as interested in hearing the answer as I am.

“Nah, they pretty much leave me alone. I mean, they’ll ask for autographs or pictures and stuff. But damn, poor Ry. Those chicks are fucking nuts!” Declan makes a disgusted face. “I don’t know how he can stand it. He can barely leave the set or his hotel.
The fact that we’ve been out in public with him twice and he hasn’t had his clothes torn or been scratched up by those psycho chicks’ fingernails is a miracle.”

“Wow, that really sucks,” says Allie with a frown. “I thought Drew had it bad, but he never had to deal with that kind of bizarre shit.”

“It’s because of teenagers and social media,” I say and they both turn their heads to look at me. They’re staring at me expectantly as if waiting for me to elaborate. “Ummm, like Facebook pages and Twitter and blogs. Young fans feel like a Tweet from their favorite celebrity is being sent to them personally. Too much contact with fans as a real person brings down the barrier that would normally let them know that it’s just a fantasy on the screen. Plus, cellphone cameras make everyone a photographer.”

“You’ve been doing your research girl,” Allie says openmouthed. “I don’t think you even knew what a Twitter or a Facebook was when I met you.”

I feel the blush creeping up my neck at her description of how naïve I was just a few months ago. “I have been reading up, and no, I didn’t know what Facebook or Twitter was. I’ve still never used either one actually. I needed to know what I was getting into when I put myself out there.” I scrunch my brows together and scowl. “I didn’t know about the celebrity spotting app though. That makes me pretty mad.”

“What’s up with that anyway?” Declan
growls. “What gives someone the right to tell other people where you are and what you’re doing?”

Allie jumps in
. “I know, it’s not right.” She turns to me with wide eyes as she continues; “Some whacked out killer could just look up where you are at any given time? That’s total bullshit Syd.”

Before I can respond we’re interrupted by my phone.

beep beep beep beep

Just great.
Google Alerts. Why did I think it was a good idea to set those up again? Oh right, because some nut-job is monitoring my personal conversations.

I pull out my phone and check the screen.

Google Alert
– Sydney Tannen

Google Alert
– Andrew Forrester

I push my name knowing it doesn’t matter; I already know that both links will lead me to the same article. The browser spins for a moment and pulls up the site.

- www.celebcast.com – Tannen/Sydney


Andrew Forrester Caught Leaving Kiera Radcliff’s Hotel in Vancouver


Hunky action hero Andrew Forrester was spotted leaving co-star Kiera Radcliff’s Vancouver hotel room last night after spending about an hour inside with the sexy blonde. Filming for Radcliff wrapped last week, but she was needed for a last minute reshoot on a few key scenes so she’s back in the city for a few days. An insider says that Radcliff had no sooner landed at the airport and checked into the hotel when Forrester arrived for a quick rendezvous in her room.


Reports that Forrester was still involved with Sydney Tannen, the stunning daughter of Hollywood elites Evangeline Allen and Reid Tannen, have been contradictory as of late. With Tannen in the U.K. and Forrester on the west coast of Canada, distance could be a contributing factor in splitting the couple up. Insiders on the set of Downtrodden Masses tell CelebCast that the scenes between Forrester and Radcliff were smoking hot and the chemistry was undeniable.


Tannen has recently been seen out partying with rocker Adam Reynolds in a London club and with Ryker Bancroft of the Quantum Stranger Trilogy. It seems as though Miss Tannen is definitely enjoying her rediscovered fame and twisting some of Hollywood’s hottest men around her little finger.

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