Absolute Lovers (Absolute #2) (24 page)

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Smiling, I kissed my way up her body, loving the sight of
her satisfaction.

“A-plus,” she breathed out, laughing a little as I tickled
her ribs. "Now you. Take your clothes off, please. I want to see

I sat up on my knees and rid myself of my clothes quickly,
albeit gracelessly. But Julia didn't care about my clumsiness. Her eyes were
glued to my naked torso.

"Fuck, you look so hot," she practically moaned.
"How much time have you spent at the gym?"

"More than before." I shrugged. "I didn't
like being at home without you."

"Never again," Julia promised, sitting up to
position herself in my lap. "I’ll never leave again."

"Good." I wrapped my arms around her, loving the
way her naked skin felt against mine. "I really don't function very well
without you. And I've missed you so much."

"I can tell," she said as she glanced down, her
eyes lit up with mischief.

"Not just that part." I laughed softly.

She nodded. Julia always understood what I meant.

"Let's make love," she whispered.

"I think we always do, in everything we do together.
All those long weeks of phone calls and emails…we were making love then, too,
because every day I loved you more even though we were apart. Does that make

Instead of answering, Julia kissed me passionately, tangling
her fingers in my hair.

"Yes," she whispered and kissed me again.
"Yes. God, I love you so fucking much, baby. I want you, please."

I lifted her up, moaning when I slipped inside her. This was
where I belonged, making beautiful love with my Julia.

And we did.

We made love for hours that night, only pausing to rest and
hold each other close until we were ready again. We were insatiable, but there
was no desperation in our movements like the last night we spent together
before she left. No one was leaving now and we had all the time in the world to
enjoy one another.

And we did.

Many hours later we finally dressed, both of us absolutely
exhausted and starving but also deliriously happy.

"Ready?" Julia asked, holding her gloved hand in
mine as she opened the door to the outside.

I was on a completely new continent, so far from my boring
and predictable life back home before I met her. Yes, I was more than ready to
experience whatever this new world had to offer as long as I had my sweetheart
by my side.

"Ready," I replied happily, giving her hand a soft

There was no doubt in my mind as we stepped out into the
cool crisp night that this was the beginning of a great adventure. There was so
much to see, so many places to visit, so much to experience. The endless
possibilities filled me with an excitement I had never previously known and it
was all thanks to her. My Julia, my sweetheart, my future wife. We walked hand
in hand through the brightly lit city, the whole world at our feet. We had it
all. We were in love and I knew we were going to stay that way forever.

And we did.



“So you see, although some of
Kerouac’s ideas and opinions are outdated, the message of the book is still
valid today; it’s about taking chances and searching for the kind of life you
really want, even though it might not look like everyone else’s.”

I looked at my students, several of whom were nodding along.


One of the girls in the front row raised her hand.


“Did you ever do that? Take a chance like that, I mean?”

I traced the gold band on my fourth finger. “I certainly

“Did it work out the way you’d hoped?”

“Even better than I’d hoped,” I answered, giving the girl a
smile. Color rose to her cheeks and she nodded before looking down at her notes.

“And with that in mind, I hope you all have a good weekend,”
I concluded, dismissing my class. “But remember that your paper’s due on
Monday, so don’t do too much partying, OK?”

I chuckled as they groaned while packing up their things,
eager to get out of there.

“Have a good weekend, Professor,” the girl from the front
row half-whispered as she passed my desk, her eyes darting to mine for a

Soon, the place was empty, and I starting putting my laptop

“Well, it looks like you have another admirer.”

My heart skipped a beat and I lifted my gaze. My beautiful
wife was leaning against the door, arms crossed.

“Oh, please,” I said with a grin. “Like half your students
aren’t madly in love with you, sweetheart.”

Julia laughed softly. I watched as she walked toward me, her
hips swaying sensually underneath her pencil skirt, her heels clicking with
each step. At home, she still preferred her denim skirts and band T-shirts, but
here she always dressed professionally. I loved her work clothes just as much
as her more casual attire. In fact, there wasn’t much about her that I didn’t
love. Sure, it still drove me crazy when she messed up her side of the home office,
but I’d learned my lesson long ago, and never tried to organize her notes and

“All those poor boys,” I teased, pulling her into my arms.
“Do you dress like this on purpose to set their hearts aflame?”

“No. I dress like this for you. To set your pants aflame.”

“Mission accomplished.” I laugh-groaned as she moved against
me in an entirely suggestive way.

 “Mmm-hmm.” She stood up on her toes to kiss me.

Six years of marriage hadn’t diminished the excitement I
felt whenever her lips touched mine, or the way my heart started pounding
whenever she was close. I was so in love. We were so in love.

“You know,” she said, pulling back to perch on my desk. “I
used to sit right over there, watching you teach.” She nodded in the direction
of the first row.

“I remember.”

“I used to fantasize about you all the time,” she confessed.
“About you…fucking me right here.” Slowly, she leaned back on her hands,
parting her legs.

“H-here?” I stuttered, amazed that after all this time, she
could still surprise me.

She looked up at me, nodding. “I’d imagine saying something
that would piss you off, and you’d ask me to stay after class.”

I moved closer to her, tracing her stocking-clad legs with
my fingertips. “And then what?”

“What do you think?”

I chuckled. I certainly had some ideas of what she might be

“Naughty girl,” I whispered, leaning down to capture her
lips with mine.

Unlike our previous gentle kiss, this one was filled with
heat and I moaned as she deepened it, sliding her tongue against mine.

“Lock the door,” she murmured.

I stood up, instantly aroused. “We could get caught.”

“We could,” she said as she unbuttoned her blouse. “But it’s
unlikely. It’s Friday afternoon. Classes are over and the cleaning crew doesn’t
show up ’til later.”

I watched as she pushed the fabric off her shoulders,
revealing a white, lacy bra I loved on her.

“Besides, we could’ve gotten caught when we first got
together and that didn’t stop us, now did it?”

I had to agree with her there. What we had done then was
much more of a risk. And the campus
practically deserted at this

sorry I said Jack Kerouac is a literary hack,
Professor,” she added in a breathy voice, grinning wickedly.

“Oh, you will be sorry,” I promised gruffly, turning on my
heel and heading for the door.

I flipped the lock and dimmed the lights before taking a
deep breath.

I can’t believe she wants to do this here. My wife is the

As I approached her, I felt a change come over me. We’d
role-played a few times before and always had great experiences. It was fun,
which was quite a revelation to me, since there was a time when I never would
have thought sex could be like that.

“Oh, Ms. Wilde,” I said, looking her over. “What
going to do with you? You’re failing my class.”

“That’s not fair, Professor!” she exclaimed, catching on
immediately. “Just because I don’t like some boring old writer you happen to
admire.” She raised her chin. “I’m allowed my own opinion.”

Towering over her, I pushed her down onto her back and pulled
up her skirt.

“Shut up,” I whispered, hooking my fingers underneath the
lace covering her, dragging it down her legs.


“No. A woman is quiet,” I insisted, stuffing her underwear
into my pocket. “Kerouac says so, remember?”

She huffed in annoyance, but her eyes shone with excitement.

“And if you want to pass my class, I need to make sure you
understand what I’m trying to teach you.” I opened the front hook of her bra,
pushing it out of the way.

“A woman is feminine and sexy,” I told her, running my hands
up her torso to massage her breasts. “And you certainly are that, Ms. Wilde.”

She gasped as I pinched her already stiff nipples.

“Mmm, very sexy.”

I leaned down, pushing her breasts together, and caressed
her with my mouth, my tongue flicking across her sensitive flesh. Already,
Julia had started grinding her lower half against me, moaning softly as her
hands roamed over my back and shoulders. Good. We had to be quick about this.
As exciting as this was, I really didn’t want us to get caught by the
maintenance staff.

I stood up between her parted legs and unzipped my pants.

“A woman is always ready for her man.” I looked down,
smiling as I spread her wetness around, rubbing her clitoris.

“And a woman never complains,” I continued, pushing two
fingers inside her. Leaning over her, I fucked her slowly, loving the sight of
her enjoying my touch.

“You wouldn’t dare to complain or voice your opinion, would
you, Ms. Wilde?”

Julia’s laugh turned into a moan as my thumb swept across
her, and she bucked her hips.

“You bet your ass I would,” she panted. “Just fuck me,

“Good girl. Sexually available. Kerouac approves, ” I said
with a smirk, earning me a look from her. I was going to pay for my comments at
a later time, I was sure. Julia enjoyed being the one on top, as much as she
liked this. I loved all of it.

Lifting up her legs, I fucked her right there on my desk.
The sight of her, blouse unbuttoned, skirt hiked up, wearing only her thigh-high
stockings and heels was wildly arousing. The best part, though, was the gold
band on her left hand, clearly visible as she fondled her breasts. She was
mine. My wife.

“I love you,” I moaned, slipping out of character.

“Love…oh!…you!” Julia groaned. “Fuck, Stephen!”

I took her with hard, fast thrusts, rubbing her clit as she
came, making certain she got every ounce of pleasure out of it. The moment she
recovered, she pulled herself up and kissed me. Pushing me backward, she
surprised me by sliding off the desk and kneeling before me, taking me into her
mouth. I didn’t last long after that.

“Oh God,” I exhaled a few minutes later as we were putting
our clothes back into place. “I love your mouth. What brought that on?”

“I didn’t want to make a mess on your desk,” she said,
smiling as she finished buttoning her blouse.

“Since when do you hate making a mess?” I asked, returning
her smile.

“Ha-ha. You know I don’t. But this is your domain.”

I brought her back into my embrace. “It’s yours, too, now.
I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.”

Julia had worked incredibly hard since we returned from
London six years ago, flying through the studies for her master’s degree and already
securing an assistant professor position while studying for her PhD. Next
month, she would be turning in her dissertation, and would officially have a
doctorate. She was a great teacher and the students she taught loved her. The
boys loved her a little too much for my taste, but that couldn’t be helped. How
could they not fall for the brilliant, gorgeous woman in my arms when even her
shy, grumpy professor had been helpless to resist her allure?

“I got a letter today,” she whispered. “From England.”

My heart leapt. “And?”

“I kept in touch with my professors over there. They want me
back. Teaching full time, next semester.”

She turned her face up, a determined look in her eyes. “I
won’t go without you.”

I smiled, caressing her face. “I’d never let you go without

“Do you think it’s possible?”

“Anything’s possible,” I assured her.

Truthfully, I had seen this coming. During the year we’d
spent in London together, Julia had dazzled the faculty and I knew they’d been
keeping tabs on her academic progress. I was only teaching part-time now, since
launching my new career. I had started writing fiction while we were abroad,
needing something to fill my time while my fiancée took her classes and studied
like a madwoman. As it turned out, I was pretty good at writing when it wasn’t
poetry, and had now published three reasonably successful novels, set in the
1950s, about the Beat generation. I wasn’t exactly wealthy, but between our
salaries, her inheritance from her grandfather, and my book sales, Julia and I
lived very comfortably.

“It’s just for six months,” she added. “I know your parents
aren’t going to be thrilled that you’re leaving again.”

leaving,” I corrected. “They won’t be
happy to see either of us go. But they’ll have more than enough to focus on
when they become grandparents.”

“You’re right. We’ll come back for a visit when Meg gives
birth. I can’t believe those two are going to be parents.”

I laughed, shaking my head. My brother had come a long way
and his lothario ways were far behind him. Now, he had a fiancée and a baby on
the way, and he’d never been happier.

I grabbed my bag and took Julia’s hand in mine as we exited
the classroom.

“Do you think that will be us someday?” she asked. “With a
baby, I mean?”

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation. “We have time still.
Don’t worry, sweetheart.”

I knew that Julia worried about that, mostly because of our
age difference and the fact that she wanted to have a career. I was pushing
forty now, but I’d honestly never felt better. We were healthy and active, and
I didn’t see why we couldn’t wait another year. Julia wasn’t even thirty yet,
after all. She stopped, tilting her head back to look at me.

“I’m ready now,” she said.

I gaped at her.

“Y-you are? Really?”

She nodded her head. “I could stop taking birth control when
we get to London. Even if I got pregnant right away, it’s still enough time to
finish the semester. What do you think?”

“I think…I think this is the best idea I’ve ever heard!” I
exclaimed, lifting her off her feet to swing us around in a circle. “Oh,

“Thank you,” she whispered, clinging to me.

I pulled back. “For what?”

“For not giving up on me,” she said softly. “For not letting
me ruin this with my insecurity and cynicism when we first met. For putting up
with all of my annoying habits and helping me study all those nights. For
coming to London. For loving me.” She caressed my face with her fingers. “Thank
you for all of it.”

I didn’t know what to say. I was the one who should be giving
thanks to her. I didn’t even want to think about how things would have turned
out for me if not for her. She was my whole world.

“I love you,” I said simply, leaning down to give her a
gentle kiss. “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”

She smiled, taking my hand again.

“Let’s go home,” she agreed.

We strolled through the nearly deserted campus, bits and
pieces of our conversation floating through the air.

“…hear that Sophia and Shawn are in Paraguay…”

“…buy a house when we get back…”

naming our baby ‘Jack,’ Stephen!…”

This was my wife. This was my life. And it was absolutely

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