About the Boy (16 page)

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Authors: Sharon De Vita

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: About the Boy
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“You’d do that?” she asked, glancing up at him in surprise. He was so close, and she was so tired, it was almost too tempting to have his warm, solid presence so close. The urge to just lean against him, to let go of every worry in her mind and just let her guard down and relax against Lucas was nearly overwhelming.

“Of course,” Lucas said with a smile. “Why not?”

She shrugged, feeling off balance because he was so close and her resistance was so depleted. “I don’t know, I thought maybe male loyalty or something might prevent it.”

“Nope,” Lucas said. “I seemed to have missed the male loyalty gene. Besides, I happen to adore your mother,” he said, brushing a strand of hair off her face and letting his finger linger on her cheek. “And I agree with you that running for mayor might not be the best thing for her. Besides, I happen to think the mayor’s doing a fine job.”

“I agree with you on both counts,” Katie said slowly. With the warmth of his touch lingering on her cheek, she just wanted to nestle her cheek against his hand, close her eyes and do nothing but feel.

“Listen, Katie…” Lucas hesitated. “I know you’re beat, but I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out for a drink or some coffee or maybe something to eat, but if you’re too tired—”

“No, actually, I think I’d like that,” she admitted, meeting his gaze and seeing so many things that stirred and touched her heart. Her heart began a two-step when she realized what he was asking—he was asking to see
not Rusty. Her. Alone.

The mere thought had her stomach doing a jig. In all this time, they’d never been alone and Lucas had never made any attempt to see her without Rusty being present since he was after all, Rusty’s buddy. But she knew now that they’d crossed some kind of bridge, some kind of barrier and were about to embark on something that might change her—and their relationship—forever.

“Everything in town is closed by now, Lucas,” she said carefully, “so why don’t you just come by the house and I can make some us some coffee and something to eat.”

“I’d like that,” he said softly, aching to touch her but aware they were in full view of the whole town. Trying to keep his mind on the task at hand, Lucas’s gaze searched the gym. “But I’ve got to round up all the boys and drive them home first.”

“And I’ve got to drive Mama and Aunt Gracie home.”

“So how about if I meet you at your house in say…half an hour?”

“That will be great,” she assured him. “I’ll be waiting.”

Chapter Nine

y the time Katie got home, she was a bundle of nerves. It had been so long since she’d been alone with a man, so long since she’d felt any of the feelings Lucas stirred in her, she wasn’t quite certain what to do with herself.

To keep her mind off her jangled nerves, Katie concentrated on the practical. The moment she got home, she started a fresh pot of coffee, checked the kitchen to make sure it wasn’t a total disaster area, then went into the family room to start a fire in the fireplace. It was nippy enough now that a roaring fire would not only take the chill out of the air, but also would make things seem a bit cozier.

She dashed into her bedroom to check her appearance and to change. She’d worn a dress to the dance, but now slipped into a comfortable pair of jeans and an oversize sweater. She pulled the pins out of her hair and brushed it through, letting it fall free. She thought about redoing what little bit of makeup she had on, then decided against it, settling for another spritz of her favorite perfume.

She’d just taken a deep breath and checked herself out in the full-length mirror when the doorbell rang.

Pressing a hand to her stomach to try to steady it, she took a deep breath, then hurried to the door, pulling it open.

“Just in time, I think the coffee’s just about done,” she said with a shaky smile, letting Lucas in and cursing the nerves that were dancing over her skin, almost making her shiver.

“Smells great,” he said as he followed her back to the kitchen, loosening his tie and collar along the way.

“Have a seat in the family room,” she said, gesturing him toward the couch. “I lit a fire. It’s the first one of the season.”

“It’s terrific,” he said, taking off his suit jacket and laying it on the back of the couch. His tie followed, and he unbuttoned his shirt collar, opening it to let his neck breathe.

He stood in front of the fireplace for a moment, watching the flames, aware of how quiet it was in the house, and how alone they were.

As she got out coffee mugs, cream and sugar and placed everything on a tray, Lucas came to help her, taking the tray from her hands. Their fingers brushed and it was as if a jolt of electricity shot through both of them. Katie’s gaze flew to his and held. She was surprised by the warmth and softness in his eyes. Gone was the pain and anguish she so frequently saw, and she couldn’t help it, she relaxed a bit, knowing he seemed relaxed.

She followed him to the couch, sitting down next to him as he handed her a mug of coffee and took one for himself.

“It’s so quiet in the house it’s almost spooky,” she said with a laugh as she sipped her coffee. “It’s rare when Rusty isn’t here, blaring the television, or his video games or the radio.” Aware of how close Lucas was to her, Katie stared into her coffee mug. “Lucas, I don’t know how to thank you for everything you’ve done for Rusty.” She dared to look at him, and found him watching her curiously. He set his mug down, and sat back, laying his arm around the back of the couch. “I don’t know that I ever realized how much Rusty needed an adult male’s influence. At least not until he met you.” She took a sip of her coffee because her throat was suddenly dry, then set her mug on the table in front of her.

“Well, like I said, Katie,” Lucas began softly, playing with the silky tips of the back of her hair. It was just as soft as he’d always imagined. “He’s a terrific kid and you’ve done a terrific job with him.”

“Thanks.” Her heart was banging against her ribs so fast and hard she feared he might hear it. Not one to play coy, Katie decided she’d had enough of being nervous. “Lucas, look, I’m sorry, I’m not very good at this.”

He smiled at her. “Good at what?”

She sighed. “Good at making small talk with a man.” She shrugged. “I don’t exactly have a wealth of experience when it comes to men, and I’m afraid even if I did, it’s been so long since I’ve been alone with a man I’m just woefully out of practice.”

“You’re nervous,” he said gently, pleased and touched when she nodded.

“I am,” she admitted, glancing up at him.

Touched and humbled beyond measure that she could be so nervous, and look so vulnerable because of him, he took her hands in his. “Relax, Katie,” he said softly, lifting her hands to kiss her fingertips. “There’s nothing to be nervous about,” he said softly, releasing her hands to caress her cheek, feeling his own heart jump when she nestled her face against his hand in welcome.

“Did I ever tell you how much I love your perfume?” he asked, letting his hand slide from her cheek to caress her neck. Her skin was like silk and warmed under his touch. “That first night we met, when I caught you digging up my yard, I swore I smelled your scent all night long. It kept me awake,” he admitted with a smile. “You’re trembling,” he said quietly and her eyes opened and she smiled wryly.

“Yeah, I am.” She shrugged, trying to dismiss her nerves. “My perfume might make you crazy, but when you touch me it makes me crazy,” she admitted without a hint of embarrassment.

“And that scares you?”

“Lots of things scare me, Lucas, but you’re not one of them.” She lifted her chin, forced herself to meet and hold his gaze. She could feel her pulse speed up, could feel the hot seed of need and desire begin to plant itself deep inside.

“I’m glad.” He couldn’t resist any longer. She was so close and the tight rein of control he’d had on himself for so long suddenly seemed to be slipping and he knew there was nothing he could do about it.

He bent his head to gently nibble at the corner of her mouth and heard her soft sigh of acquiescence. It only fueled and flamed the need and desire coursing through him.

“Lucas,” she murmured, reaching for him, sliding her hand around his neck and pulling his mouth down fully on hers. “You’re driving me crazy.”

Her words set off a flash fire inside of him that threatened to burn him up from the inside out. Fighting for breath, for sanity, he dragged her closer, crushing her mouth under his.

His blood went straight to boil, overloading his system as he dragged her yet closer, wanting to mate, to meld with her, to become one. It had been a desperate need growing from the moment he’d laid eyes on her, and now, the desire had been unleashed and he knew he was hopeless to stop it.

“Katie.” Gently, his hands bracketed her face as his gaze held hers. “Beautiful, you’re so beautiful.” Awed and humbled by the emotions shimmering in her eyes, the trust and vulnerability, he slid his fingers through the sensuous silk of her hair, the silk he’d dreamed of, fantasized about night after night until he thought he’d go mad.

He murmured her name like a prayer, a plea. Anchoring his fingers in the silk of her hair, he tilted her head back to tease and caress her mouth with his, taking the kiss deeper, then deeper still until the blood was pounding in his ears, his limbs, his loins.

“Lucas,” she murmured his name, fisting her own hands in his hair, dragging him closer, fearing she’d slide off the edge of the world if she didn’t. They slid down on the couch together, his body half covering hers.

Her heart was slamming inside her breast as desire, dark and dangerous, slid through her like a magic potion, awakening all the needs and desires, all the things she’d kept buried for so long.

She wanted this now, wanted to feel this joy, this pleasure, this man in her arms, in her body.

When his mouth slid from her lips to her neck, caressing, nibbling, arousing, she could only moan softly, holding him tightly, silently pleading for more.

She shuddered, then sighed when his warm hand slid under her sweater and skin met skin. The shudder went straight through to her heart, and his heart gave a shuddering sigh in return.

She reached down, pulled the hem of her sweater up and over her head, tossed it across the floor, her gaze never leaving his. She would remember the look in his eyes forever. Desire, fresh and hot, flared and darkened his gaze until she was certain she might ignite from all the heat.

“Katie,” he said her name reverently, a soft prayer in the quiet room. The logs in the fireplace shifted, sent a spray of sparks flying upward even as he caressed her, from shoulder to waist, bare hand to bare skin until she was moaning softly, wanting, begging for more, arching upward toward him, pressing her body against his, wanting to ease the ache that had only grown with each moment of his touch.

When his mouth, soft and sweet, dipped into the gentle hollow between her breasts, she moaned softly, slipping the straps of her bra off her shoulders to give him better access.

Her eyes closed and she gasped as his mouth closed over her breast, warm and wet, urging her up and up until she was certain she would go mad.

Need spiraled through her, and she clutched at the back of his shirt, dragging it up so she, too, could feel flesh against flesh. Her hands smoothed under his shirt, caressed the skin until she had him nearly mad. Her hands slid up and down his back, wanting more, needing to feel his arousal even as she felt her own.

“Lucas, I want you.” Her voice was a husky moan as he slid his hand from her shoulder to her waist in a teasing, caressing motion. Unbearable heat and love poured through her and she clung tighter to him when he drew back to look into her eyes as he unsnapped her jeans.

The moan ripped from her when his mouth touched the bare, tender skin exposed by her zipper. He drew her jeans off, kissing every bare, exposed inch as he did, before tossing her jeans in the heap of clothes on the floor.

For a moment, he merely looked at her, then ran a finger, just one gentle finger, over her lips, down her chin, her shoulder, across the curve of her breast, down the flat of her bare belly, then down one leg, and up the other, first the inside, then the outside.

She was warm, wet and welcoming, and the knowledge almost pushed him past reason as his fingers expertly caressed her, sliding inside her welcoming body until her eyes glazed with numbing desire. He drove her higher, then higher still, until a moan ripped through her as she hit the peak and spilled over him.

She was nearly panting when she reached up to hook her arm around his neck and drag him back down to her, fusing her mouth with his for one hot moment.

“Off,” she murmured, tugging his shirt with a free hand, and he obliged, slipping out of his shirt, and then his pants, so that he could cover her naked body with his own.

He had to stop, to take a deep breath, to fill his aching lungs with air or else he’d go mad from the feel of that soft, feminine body, smooth as silk, slid against him.

Gently, he pushed her hair off her face, then stroked the length, wanting to prolong this pleasure, this madness. God, how he loved the feel of her hair. He’d never grow tired of the feel of it sliding through his fingers, rubbing against his skin.

She arched upward, kissing every inch her mouth could reach, wanting to taste him, to feel him, to be filled by him. To mate with the man she loved, to know the ultimate beauty of that love.

“Lucas.” She only said his name, but it was enough. He lifted her gently, and she arched in welcome, causing him to mutter a curse as her legs wrapped around him like a vise.

He buried his face in the silky skin of her neck even as he slowly buried himself inside of her, certain he would lose his mind from pleasure, the welcoming of her. He felt entirely possessive and protective of this woman who’d somehow managed to fill his heart and his mind, and stir his senses. The feelings threatened to overwhelm him, blinding him, deafening him to everything but the feel and touch of her.

“Lucas.” The word gasped out as she began to move beneath him, pure joy sliding through her as the rhythm of love nearly took her to the edge.

She clung to him, pressing her lips to him anywhere, everywhere, wanting this total connection, this total mating as the rhythm increased and they rocked against one another, faster and faster.

“Lucas, Lucas.” Her eyes closed, and she felt salty tears behind her lids for this beauty he’d given to her, for the joy of knowing and feeling love again.

She clung tighter to him, digging her fingers into his bare back, urging him on, whispering his name like a prayer over and over until he was nearly blind, dazed and delirious.

“Katie.” Her name wrenched from him as she went taut, then shuddered around him, dragging him over the edge of reason with her.

A log shifted, broke in half, then clattered to the bottom of the fireplace. The sound stirred her and Katie opened her eyes. She had no idea how long she’d been dozing, but it had grown chilly in the room, and the fire was half the size it originally was.

But she felt warm and cozy nestled naked in the crook of Lucas’s arm. She turned her head to look at him, to admire his profile, his strong, handsome features, her heart nearly overflowing with love. Unable to resist, she ran a hand over his bare chest, feeling the steady, soothing beat of his heart.

“I think our coffee’s probably gone cold,” she said, planting a kiss on his shoulder. “Would you like me to make some more?”

“No, thanks.” His voice was clipped, curt, and he didn’t look at her, he just kept staring up at the ceiling.

She touched his shoulder even as her own heart began to hammer in fear. “Lucas, what’s wrong?”

He sat up abruptly, dragging his hands through his hair. “Katie, look, I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” she repeated, confused. The first pebble of pain slid under her heart, making it ache. But pride refused to allow her to show it. “Sorry for what, Lucas?” she asked softly.

“For this…” He waved his arm in the air. “For everything.”

“You mean for making love with me?” she asked quietly, sitting up and dragging the afghan from the back of the couch to wrap around her. She was suddenly very cold.

“This shouldn’t have happened,” he snapped, reaching for his shirt off the pile and yanking it free. He was furious with himself. “I shouldn’t have let this happen.”

“It seems to me you weren’t the only one involved, Lucas. I let it happen, too.”

“Yeah, then we both should have known better,” he snapped, shoving his arms into his shirt and buttoning it. He was disgusted with himself, disgusted that he’d let his emotions overrule his common sense. He knew better, didn’t he? Knew that no good could come of this?

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