Abby's Heart (Bryant Station Curves) (12 page)

BOOK: Abby's Heart (Bryant Station Curves)
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Abby focused on the warmth and poured her energy and love into it.

After what seemed like forever, Abby smiled, and collapsed next to Skylar. Her arms trembled. She couldn’t move them. All she could do was stare at Skylar. She hoped he could feel her love, and somehow remember.

You did

You are the bear that stood next to me on the bridge,
aren’t you?

I am.

Abby had to know.

Which why do you want to know?

Why me? Why this? Why let Skylar get me pregnant, and then force me to watch him sleep with other women because he doesn’t remember me?

The bear chuffed, but it sounded more like a laugh to Abby.
We have a mate. We have to make him remember.

Can we do that—make him remember?
Abby felt weak and tired.

Mate’s bear will know us. His bear needs me as much as I need him. He is my other half, just as Skylar is your other half.

Abby closed her eyes. It took too much energy to keep them open, even though she wanted to watch Skylar.
You were here before.

My mate and I were here before, but it was a long time ago for me. I had to wait for you. You are a healer, even though you do not think you are. You can focus our power.

Abby tried to draw in a deep breath. Her efforts caused her to cough.

We have our mate’s cub. Our mate will come back to us.
Abby’s bear sounded confident.

I ho
pe you are right. I don’t know how I will survive without him again.

For our cub, we will survive.


The pain was gone.

Skylar opened his eyes and blinked.

Nothing hurt.

It was odd, but he wasn’t sure why.

He could have sworn he had been in pain—excruciating pain, yet he
couldn’t even remember the cause of the pain. It was more like waking from a bad dream. The details were quickly fading away.

Skylar ran his hand over his stomach. The pain had something to do with his stomach; at least he thought it did. “Where the hell are my clothes?” He suddenly sat up. His muscles protested the movement.

Female smells good,
grunted Skylar’s bear.

What female?
Skylar sniffed the air. He turned his head to his right. A beautify, curvy woman laid next to him. The metallic smell of blood hung heavily in the air.

Skylar touched the woman’s shoulder. “Hey pretty lady, you need to wake up.”

Abby moaned and blinked. “You made it. I was so worried you wouldn’t.”

Skylar frowned. He
didn’t know who she was, but it sounded like she knew him, or at least knew more about what was going on. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you are.” He watched sadness cross her face. “I’m supposed to know you, aren’t I?”

Abby closed her eyes. A tear fell from the corner of her eye. His question hurt.

Lady smells good. Smells like mate.

don’t have a mate.

She smells like mate.

Skylar sniffed again. The faint hint of honey and vanilla was in the air. He frowned. There was something familiar about it. He felt he should know that scent. It smelled delicious and it made his cock react.

Want woman. She smells good. She smells like mate.
His bear pushed against Skylar’s ribs.

The metallic tang of blood grew stronger.

Skylar moved his hand. It was covered with the woman’s blood. He knew she needed medical treatment, or she would die. There was too much blood. Skylar got up, aware of his lack of clothing, but concern over ruled modesty.  “I need to see where you are injured, so I’m going to tear your shirt.”

“My shoulder,” whispered Abby.

“Your shoulder?”


Skylar knelt down next to her. Her clothes were covered with soot and blood. “This may hurt.” He grabbed the edge of the collar of her t-shirt with both hands and tore the material to expose her shoulder. The movement caused the wound to bleed more. He ripped off the rest of the sleeve and pressed the cloth against the wound.  “Who stabbed you?”

Abby blinked. Skylar sounded so impersonal.
“The demon.”

“I’m assuming he took off with the knife?” He raised an eyebrow at the woman.

Abby knew he didn’t believe her. “Don’t you smell the sulfur and brimstone?”

“Yeah, but I thought it was part of the basement smells.”

Abby shook her head. “The demon turned and attacked you. I pulled the knife out of my shoulder and stabbed the demon with it.”

“Why would you do that?” Skylar stared at the woman. Her grey eyes
were filled with sadness.

“I couldn’t let it kill you.”

“I don’t even know you. Why would you care if something was trying to kill me?”

“Because you are special to me.”
Abby couldn’t stop the tears. “Go. Find some clothes and get some help. I’ll be okay until help gets here.” She closed her eyes.

Skylar put Abby’s right hand on the rag-covered wound. “Hold pressure here. I
will be back with help as quick as I can.” He stood up and moved toward the light on the other side of the basement.


Do not leave her.

I have to go for help.

We should take her with us.

wouldn’t want us touching her. She carries a mark on her shoulder.
Skylar wasn’t happy about seeing the bite mark on the woman’s shoulder, but there was nothing he could do. Someone else had already claimed the curvy beauty.

She smells like honey and vanilla. She smells like our mate.

Skylar shook his head.
She can’t be our mate. She already has a mark on her shoulder.

Close your eyes and feel with your other senses. Honey and vanilla means she is our mate.
The bear growled.

Skylar gave his bear a mental shove.
Go lay down somewhere while I get some help.


Abby opened her eyes and watched her mate walk away from her. She wanted to scream and hit something—preferably him! Maybe that would make him remember.

He will remember us.

He didn’t even recognize his own bite mark.

Her bear snorted.
Males are stupid. They cannot see what is in front of them.

Abby closed her eyes.
I’m so tired.

I will protect our cub, but you must fight to live for all of us.

I know,
said Abby as she slid into the darkness.


Chapter 13


“Billy, would you quit sniffing me?” Abby swatted Billy with the papers she was holding.

“You hit my nose!”

“Bad doggies get a newspaper across their noses.” Abby tried keeping her face as blank as possible, but the corners of her lips turned up.

“And I thought we were friends.” Billy rubbed his nose.

“I am, but you need to quit sniffing me. It is annoying, and just plain wrong. Besides, my bear doesn’t like it.” Abby put the papers into a folder.  “Okay, I think I have everything I need.” She closed the file and put it into the leather messenger bag sitting on the table.

“You broke my nose. You need to fix it.”

Abby raised her eyebrows and looked at Billy. “You’re nose isn’t broken.”

“But it hurts. Can you please, pretty please, make the pain go away?”

Abby roll her eyes again. “There’s nothing wrong with your nose. Go put some ice on it.”

“But doesn’t that go against the Hippiecratical oath thingy.” Billy plastered a silly grin on his face.

“Only doctors take that oath. I am not a doctor. I’m a healer.”

“Even better, I don’t have to worry about using my insurance and having the premiums go up.”

“You are so not funny.” Abby picked up the messenger bag and swung it over her shoulder. “While I’m gone, make sure they finish the trim and paint on the third floor. They need to open a couple of windows too. The fumes the other day were a little overpowering.”

Billy snorted.


“Do you realize who you’ve got painting?”

Abby looked at Billy. “What are you getting at? Of course, I know who I’ve got painting.”

“They’re wolves, honey.”

“I know.”

“Wolves have sensitive noses, and we use chemical free, odorless paints because of that fact.”

Abby turned red. “If it wasn’t paint I smelt, what was it?”

“Hank had burritos for lunch. He was kind of gassy afterwards.”

“You’re joking.”

Billy shook his head.

Abby leaned against the table. “Great! Now my sense of smell is off the charts.” Her stomach made a loud rumbling noise, causing her to turn redder.

“You’re hungry. Did you eat breakfast this morning?”

“Yes, I ate breakfast.”

Billy glanced at his watch. “Did you eat a midmorning snack?”

Abby sighed. Since the pack found out about her pregnancy, her new abilities, and the situation between her and Skylar, they had become overly protective of her. It
didn’t matter to the pack that she could now shift into a bear, but heaven help if a bear shifter got too close to her, especially if its last name happened to be Anderson.

She was never alone, but she was lonely. She and her bear were thrilled with the life growing inside them, but they mourned the loss of their mate. Skylar and his bear should be here with her, taking care of her, and watching the changes in her body as their cub grew inside her. Instead, it was the pack rallying around her, and she was thankful for them, but they
couldn’t hold and snuggle with her under the covers.

When she woke up in the hospital with only her parents and Sheriff Todd Anderson in the room, she knew she had lost Skylar. He had made sure she had gotten to the hospital, but he
hadn’t come back by to check on her. Her suitcase and other belongings appeared in her hospital room a couple of days before she the hospital released her, but she didn’t even know who brought them to her room. She was sure it wasn’t Skylar. From what she overheard, Skylar had picked up with his life and gone on without her.

It hurt.

It hurt bad, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. Skylar had no memory of her and he wasn’t interested in getting to know her either.

Now, four months later, the Willis project was almost finish, thanks to the two extra crews her stepdad had sent her when she refused to step down from the project. Abby knew he wanted her closer to home because he wanted to protect her from anymore hurt that could possibly happen if she ran into Skylar, and he wanted his first grandchild safe. There was also the issue of the wolves who had offered to mate with
her, even though she wasn’t their mate.

Most wolves waited for their other half, their true mate, but a few grew desperate from the loneliness of not finding the one person who completed them. These wolves were willing to take anyone for a mate. Unfortunately, these unions never ended up very well.

In the last two months, three different wolves had approached her about becoming her mate. Abby had turned each one down. She told them her mate was alive, but fate was keeping them apart. They seemed to accept her decision, but the unmated males in her pack made sure she was never far from their sight, just in case one of the wolves got desperate.

“Well, did you eat?”

“I told you I ate breakfast.”

“You’ve got to make sure you eat more often. You are not exactly human anymore,
plus you have a baby growing inside you. If your—”

“If you’re what?”
Abby couldn’t keep the sharp edge out of her voice.

“If you’re not going to bring snacks, I’m going to tell the Alpha.” Billy covered his slip. He originally started to tell her it was her mate’s responsibility to take care of her. He and the rest of the pack were angry because she was going through all the changes without Skylar. “I’m hungry too. How about we go to the diner and get something to eat?”

“I have a meeting with Theo Willis in about ten minutes.”

“Actually, I’m a little early for the meeting.” Theo Willis stood on the second floor landing.

“Mr. Willis, I thought our meeting was at David Anderson’s office?”

Theo smiled at Abby. “I wanted to see the building.” He put up a hand to stop any protests. “I know you have a few things to finish, but I wanted a tour, and it saves you a trip.” His eyes traveled up and down Abby, coming to a stop on her growing belly. “You shouldn’t be driving in this weather. The roads are too wet.”

“Really, it wasn’t a problem for me to meet you at Mr. Anderson’s office. But since you’re here, let me show you around.” Abby slid the messenger bag off her shoulder and laid it on back on the table.

Billy watched Theo.

He is different.
Billy’s wolf narrowed its eyes as it glared at the man through Billy’s eyes.

“Abby, do you want me to show Mr. 
Willis around the building?” Billy watched Theo Willis raise an eyebrow at him.

“I’m fine. If I need anything, I will yell.”

Billy nodded slowly. “I’ll go check on the crew upstairs.”

“The wolves are very protective of you.” Theo said as he watched Billy walk away.

Abby frowned. “Excuse me?”

Theo turned his attention to Abby. “I know you grew up in a pack of wolf shifters. I know you
were recently gifted with a bear.  Your healing abilities are growing just as the cub you’re carrying grows.”

Abby stepped back. Her hand went over her belly. “I won’t let you harm me, my cub, or any member of the pack.” She let out a low growl.

A deep, low chuckle rumbled in Theo’s chest. “I like you. You are strong, protective, and caring. You are special and unique. Mother was right when she forced you to release your abilities and gifted you with a bear spirit.”

Mother Bear is your mom?” Abby paled. Her mouth gapped open. Her legs trembled. She wasn’t sure if they would continue holding her up.

Theo Willis
didn’t seem to think so either. He took her arm and led her to a chair, and made sure she was comfortable before he stepped back.

Abby stared at the man. His hair was black. She knew it was long, but she had never seen it loose. He kept it tied with a piece of leather at his neck. Abby thought his icy blue eyes were beautiful but intimidating because it seemed like he was looking through you to your very soul.

She shook her head.

Now, she knew why.

“I don’t agree with mother forcing you to sacrifice your mate.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the table. “Mates are sacred. Some search all their lives without ever finding their true mates.”

“Why did she take him from me?”
Abby felt the sting of unshed tears building in her eyes.

“She was…testing you. She wanted to see if you would give him up in order to save his life, but she also wanted to see how the wolves would react to you being a bear. She was hoping they would turn against you, but they did the exact opposite. They are more protective of you than before.”

“This is all some sort of sick game?” Anger started rising.

“You could say that.”

“What about the demon that almost killed us? Was that part of the test too?”

Theo’s eyes narrowed. “No, it wasn’t part of the test. The demon had fixated on you.” He held out his hand. The knife suddenly appeared in his palm. “The knife alone wasn’t enough to destroy the demon, but combined with your…unique blood—that’s a different story, as we know.” He held out his other hand. A scabbard appeared. “The knife actually belonged to my father, but was stolen by demons when he died.” He held it out to Abby. “Now, it is yours.”

Abby shook her head. “It’s not mine.”

“The combination of the knife and your blood, make it special.”

“You mean, the combination allows me to kill a demon.” Abby chewed on her bottom lip. “If I already killed the demon, why do I need the knife?”

“Because there are more demons, and they will make their presence known. You must protect yourself and your unborn child.”

“And everyone around me.”

“That is your nature—your strength, but it is also your weakness.”

“Fine!” Abby took the knife. She shook her head as she looked at it. “Honestly, demons are the last thing I’m concerned about. I want to know how I can get Skylar back into to my life.”

Theo smiled at her. “You need to go to his construction site.”

Abby frowned. “Why do I need to go there?”

“There is going to be an accident today. If you wait too long, Skylar won’t survive.”

Abby’s face went white. “What have you done?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

Theo looked around the room. “You really have done a wonderful job with this building. It is more than I expected.”

“What did you do?” Abby’s voice grew louder.

“Your attention to detail is phenomenal. I love the way you’ve mixed the modern elements with the existing old bits and pieces.”

Abby shook with anger.

The Great Mother Bear kept our mate from us to test

It seems that way.

Why would she need to test us?
Abby’s bear growled.

don’t know, but I have a gut feeling there is more to it than just some sort of test, and I plan to find out what. Protect our cub.

I will protect our cub. You get our mate back.

Abby glared at Theo Willis as he calmly walked around the room, stopping every so often to examine something that caught his eye.

“You are very good at what you do, but that’s only part of the reason I hired you.” Theo turned to face Abby. He took off his glasses, making his eyes appear more intense.

“Let me guess. You were helping your mother with her idea of fun.” Abby stood up.

“No, I wasn’t.”

“I don’t believe you. You are her son, you said so yourself. Family protects family.”

“I am not protecting her.”

“Then quit dancing around, and tell me the truth.” Abby raised an eyebrow.

“You are like your father.” Theo tilted his head to the right as he stared at Abby. “I was trying to put an end to the revenge trip she is on.”

“And I’m supposed to believe this? First, you say, she is testing me, now she is on some sort of revenge trip. Make up your mind which it is.”

“I’m telling you the truth.”

“You are only telling me half the truth.”

“I wanted to understand why she was keeping one of her bears away from his mate. What she was doing was totally out of character. I knew I had to get you and Skylar back together—as you were supposed to be.

“So now, you’re trying to help me?”

“Yes, I am!”

Abby stared at him. It was the first time she had ever seen Theo Willis lose his temper. “Why? Why would you want to help me?”

Theo took several deep breathes. “Mother Bear once took a mate. He
wasn’t her true mate, but she loved him. Eventually, a child was born of the union, but Mother Bear’s mate grew restless and left to find his true mate.”

Abby felt a lump grow in her throat. She knew the child, Theo spoke of, was
him. She swallowed. She could not let her sympathy get in the way. “What did she do?”

“For a while, Mother Bear concentrated on her child, but as the child grew into a
man, he reminded Mother Bear of the mate she lost. She eventually banished the child to the mortal plane, and turned her full attention to her bears. Then she learned of her mate’s ultimate betrayal. He had taken a human for his mate and had a daughter with the human. Mother Bear’s anger had no bounds. She wanted revenge. She attacked the human female and his daughter.”

BOOK: Abby's Heart (Bryant Station Curves)
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