Abandoned but Not Alone (21 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Abandoned but Not Alone
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gaining admittance through the security gates the couple were deposited outside
the main door of the house. Reaching into her purse Aviva passed some money
through the window to the driver, unsure of the cost of the fare and not caring.
The driver made no comment so it must have been enough to cover the distance
they had traveled. Slowly they made their way into the house.

the stairs that would lead them to his bedroom, Jason came to a sudden halt,
looking up, unsure if he could climb them. At that moment the upward climb felt
as though it were akin to the ascent of Mount Everest. The uncertainty of his
thoughts and the enormity of the evening

s events shook him. He didn

t know if he could make it, he didn

t know if he was capable of putting one foot in front of the
other in order to reach the top. He glanced at the small woman at his side,
quickly looking away less she too become aware of just how much his body was
failing him, and he tightened his hold on her hand, his lifeline, his support.
It was too late, she had seen his uncertainty.

gently pulled her hand from Jason

s and
raised an arm to wrap it around his waist. He couldn

t look at her for fear he would sit down where he stood and
burst into hysterical laughter. The thought of petite Aviva supporting his
weight up the stairs was too funny, as soon as the thought entered his mind it
was gone, replaced once again by the task in front of him. A task he may be
unable to fulfill.

realized Jason was very close to his breaking point, she had to get him

now. She
racked her brain for ways to get him moving; deciding to appeal to his alpha
male and spoke in a gentle voice.

Jason, we
need to get up these stairs but I

m not
strong enough, I need you to help me.

He didn

t move, appearing not to have heard her.
After more moments of his immobility, she decided on another tact, and raised
her voice,

Jason, move
your arse, and do it now!

Taken aback
by her sudden change in volume, Jason tried to pull himself together. Looking
up the stairs he held on to the bannister on one side, Aviva supporting him on
the other and placed one foot onto the first step. No longer thinking,
concentrating only on moving one foot at a time, somehow he made it to the top
of the stairs.

Jason realized he was sitting on his bed with Aviva undoing the button at the
top of his pants and somehow his shoes, shirt and jacket were all gone, removed
from his body.

Jason, you
have to help me remove your trousers, I

ve run you a bath but you need to stand up so I can get these
trousers off you.

thought the situation priceless, a beautiful woman had practically undressed
him and he didn

t remember
one single thing about it. He really didn

t want a bath, in all honesty, he would rather climb into bed
and sleep, unable to think of any other way of escaping his current nightmare.
But Aviva had other intentions and he was too weary to fight her.

slowly to his feet, Aviva came face to face with Jason

s amazing naked chest, a chest so wide it seemed to block out
the rest of the room, a chest that held her attention. Swallowing, she took a
small involuntary step backwards, surreptitiously looking up at him, gauging
his reaction to her involuntary movement, she was immediately snagged in his
gaze. Feeling the heat of a blush she hastily broke their eye contact, only to
again be confronted by his magnificent chest. Running her eyes past his collar
bone, she lingered on his nipples, which to her astonishment began to harden,
Aviva stole another look up. He was waiting for her, catching her eyes, he held
the, waiting to see what she would do next.

atmosphere changed, an awareness settling over her of what would happen next.
Jason was almost nude and she was getting ready to remove his last items of

what the
hell was she thinking! Well, she couldn

t back out now; his stare almost dared her to continue what she
had started. Shaking her head as though coming out of a trance, she looked down
at his abdomen which displayed a perfect six-pack of defined muscle

oh my, she thought subconsciously
licking her lips. Her eyes continued downwards, hands still resting on the
buttons of his jeans; swallowing her apprehension, Aviva slowly unzipped his

Jason fixed
his eyes on her face, the tension surrounding them growing minute by minute. He
realized she had been working on auto pilot, seeing to his comfort. Her hand on
his zipper had been the exact moment they had both become aware that the
atmosphere had changed between them. He was no longer lost in thought; she now
had his full attention. He felt rather than saw her hands move as she lowered
the zipper of his trousers, his penis beginning to engorge to a semi-hard
state. Her hand stilled for a heart-beat, trembling at the change to his body,
he offered her no help, wanting to see if she would finish what she had
unwittingly started. Hearing her audible swallow, he held his breath as she
lowered his zipper, putting both her hands inside the top of his pants and
boxers, she slowly began to lower his clothing. At the touch of her hands on
his flesh Jason released the breath he hadn

t realized he had been holding, her soft hands gliding over his
skin, sliding his clothing over his buttocks and down past his hard thighs.

At the touch
of her hand against his skin, down his buttocks, Jason

s muscles tightened. Aviva had an almost uncontrollable urge to
sink her finger into his flesh, to test its hardness. Resisting, she moved her
hands towards his hips, her eyes following the thin line of hair pointing from
his stomach to his groin. Continuing her downwards motion, past the first sight
of his pubic hair to his semi-hard penis, she sank to her knees. Her mouth
watered, her hands trailing in the wake of his clothes, moving them down his
thighs, along his calves, down to his feet. Without being asked, Jason lifted
first one foot, then the other so she could remove the last items of his
clothing. Moving them aside, she rose to her feet, her eyes making the journey
upwards, taking in the muscular body displayed for her visual pleasure.

watched Aviva stand, her eyes traveling up his body, searing his skin in their
wake; waiting for her to look at him, moments passed before he realized she
wouldn't. She turned away from him; reaching out with one of his big rough
hands, he gently took hold of her chin; raising her head she met his eyes.

Now you, I want to see you

all of you.

Aviva began
to tremble; all she had wanted to do was comfort him, to help him relax so he
could get the rest he so obviously needed. She had given no thought to her
innocent benevolence leading to this spell binding tension.

I want to see you Angel; will you do that
for me?

Jason asked in a low
voice, stroking the underside of her chin.

Aviva took
a step back in silence, then another.  Reaching behind her back with one arm
she pulled down the zipper of her dress, slowly lowering the straps. Holding
the dress to her chest, she hesitated before seeming to make up her mind. With
the release of her hands, a slight sensual twist of her hips, the silk dress
glided to the floor, pooling around her stiletto clad feet and with a small
step moved away from the discarded garment. Jason sank onto the bed, his eyes
taking in the woman standing before him, wearing only a strapless black bra,
thong and stilettos.

Now the

Jason demanded in the
lowest baritone Aviva had yet to hear.

As if in
slow motion, she unclasped the front opening of her bra, allowing it to fall to
the floor.   Bending forwards she reached for the strap of a shoe.


Jason said quickly before she could begin to undo the buckle
holding the shoe in place.

Leave them

Aviva complied.
Rising she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, slowly pulling
them down, ensuring her fingers brushed along her skin with a sensual sweep.
Reaching her ankles she stepped out of her underpants and stood before Jason in
nothing but black stilettos.

Turn around.

Aviva hesitated, uncertainty, vulnerability showing on her

Turn around Angel.

Jason said in a low soothing voice. He
had already drank in the sight of her high full breasts with their dark
areolas, their distended nipples, her small waist and flat stomach, her wide
hips and shapely thighs leading to slim legs and ankles all encased in milk
chocolate skin. Unhurriedly she turned, her back displayed to him, who started
at her shoulders, his eyes running down her back and down to the flare of her
high rounded buttocks. Unable to see his expression her awareness level rose,
she felt his presence behind her sparking tentacles of warmth zinging along her
nerve endings. All this he accomplished without a single touch. Jason leaned
forward, his nose running along her neck, inhaling as his lips made their way
towards her ear. Reaching his destination, he latched on to the sensitive skin
behind her ear and sucked

Aviva gasped, closing her eyes in pleasure, arching her head away, giving him
better access to his task.

I love the way you smell

, Jason groaned, alternating between
sucking and licking the same spot, she gasped, his touch so sensual no her over
heated skin. He ran his hands down her arms, leaving a trail of goose bumps
rising in his wake. Clasping one of her hands he led her towards the bathroom
and the scented water that awaited them.

Coming to a
stop in front of the bathtub, Jason lifted Aviva into the water, stepping in
behind her.  Sitting down he pulled her between his legs, close to his body,
wrapping his arms around her. Resting his head on the back of the bathtub, he
exhaled. Throughout their whole encounter in the bedroom, his body had not
moved past a semi-erection. This was definitely a night of firsts: the first
time he had ever met any blood relatives, the first time he even knew any
existed, the first time a beautiful woman had undressed him while he was sober
and he remembered only half of it.  Then she had undressed for him, and he

t seem to get further
than a semi-erection. Jason shook his head remembering all the nameless,
faceless women with whom he had had sex. Yet this woman who he had wanted from
the first moment he saw her running towards him; for this woman he couldn

t make his penis rise further than its
semi erect state. His arms tightened around her body, pulling her even tighter
against him, burying his nose in her hair.


s okay Jason.

assured softly, hugging the arms that crossed over her body. She understood
that tonight would not be the night they would first made love. Their time
would come, of that she was sure, but not tonight. Tonight he needed only the
comfort that could be found in holding and being held.

remained in each others arms until the water began to cool. In silence, Aviva
rose and stepped out of the bath. Walking over to the towels she had laid out,
she wrapped one around her body. Pulling another from the warming rail, she
walked back to the bathtub, very aware of Jason

s eyes locked on her every movement. Holding out the towel
towards him, he rose from the water and stepped out. Aviva ran the fluffy towel
over his skin until it was dry before leading him back into the bedroom.

back the covers, Aviva spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lay down on your front. I

m going to give you a massage, it should
help you to relax and get some sleep.

climbed onto the bed and closed his eyes. Reaching for the little bottle of
massage oil she had left on the bedside table after running their bath, she
climbed onto the bed. Opening the bottle, she squeezed a few drops of the
fragrant oil which contained Pine, Melissa, Cinnamon and Roman Camomile into
her palms, before rubbing them together, heating the mixture, defusing its
aroma. Straddling Jason

s body, she
placed her palms against his shoulder blades and began to rub his skin,
applying pressure wherever she encountered a knot in his muscles. Aviva rubbed,
pressed, kneaded and stretched his muscles. Moment by moment she felt him
relaxing beneath her hands. At the change of his breathing, she continued her
ministration for a few more minutes and then stopped. He finally sounded as
though he were asleep.

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