Abandoned but Not Alone (17 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Abandoned but Not Alone
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At that
moment, Aviva didn

t know if
she could put her needs into words. Her heightened senses raging nearly out of
control by only the touch of his lips on her sensitive neck.  Grabbing hold of
his hair Aviva tried to maneuver his mouth in the direction she wanted him to
go. He resisted, pulling her painful grip from his hair he raised her hands
above her head and held them in his powerful grip. All the while ensuring he
maintained their lower body contact, gyrating his hips before slowly pushing up
into her core with a slow grind, then moving away. Aviva followed his body, but
he held himself away refusing her the contact she craved. It took a few moments
for her to realize he was no longer moving his big hard body against hers.
Opening her eyes, her gaze was immediately snagged by Jason

s sensual black eyes.

What do you want Angel, I need you to
tell me.

I need you to touch me; I need to feel
your mouth on my breast.

Without a
word Jason rose to his knees, pulling Aviva upright into a sitting position, at
the same time drawing her strapless top over her head, discarding it. He
already knew she was bra less; his gaze traveling down the globes of her full
bare breasts that awaited his attention. As he looked at her nipples, they
tightened, grew even more erect. Jason licked his lips in anticipation of how
they would taste, extending a hand he took hold of her left breast and gently
kneaded the firm globe.

gasped as Jason made contact with her breast, her head falling back in pleasure
at his touch. Lowering his head, he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked,
pulling on the small swollen bud. Hearing Aviva

s breath of pleasure, Jason laid her back against his bed,
without breaking contact as he continued to pull on her nipple. Lifting his
head he blew a gentle breath against her heated skin before moving to its
partner to give it the same lavish treatment. God she felt good, his Angel felt
so good. Jason wanted to devour her like the most lavish of gourmet meals

and he was hungry.

Aviva felt
hot, so hot sweat covered her entire body, her heart raced to such an extent
she thought she might combust. Who was this man, what was he doing to her. She
had read about these extreme emotional reactions happening to women in romance
novels and she had notched it up to a writer

s ability to weave a good story, but it was true, thank you God,
it was so true.

Her skin
was so sensitive she felt the impression of everything she touched; the smooth
satin texture of the bedspread below her back, the rough fibers of the jeans
encasing Jason

s legs as
they moved sensually up and down the inside of her sensitized thigh, the rasp
of his shirt as it pulled across the tips of her breasts as he moved from side
to side, administering his own brand of loving. Suddenly Jason stopped moving
on top of her. Aviva recognized the stillness, when the stillness came over him
he had something on his mind, something that could quite possibly blow her
mind. Opening her eyes she found Jason staring at the juncture of her thighs

things were about to heat up, inhaling,
waiting with anticipation of what he would do next, she held her breath.

slowly, Jason rose from the bed and stood looking down at her as though
wondering where to begin. In a sudden move he grabbed hold of both her legs,
spun her and pulled her so her legs were hanging over the end of the bed. Aviva
gasped at the unexpectedness of his move. At the sound, Jason looked at her
from under his brows, his smile filled with possibilities. She was held
spellbound by the lust moving across his handsome face. Jason

s hands moved to the buttons keeping the
material of her skirt together. Undoing them one at a time, he laid the folds
of material on either side of her body; then ran his hand across the small
piece of lilac lace of her thong. Hooking his fingers on both sides of her hips
he whispered in a rumble that sounded as if it came from deep in his chest.

Lift up Angel, this needs to come off.

All the while his finger stroked an
erotic pattern against her skin, back and forth, back and forth. Mesmerized by
the sensation, Aviva forgot to follow His instructions. With a show of
controlled strength he ripped her thong apart, exposing her to his stare.

Falling to
his knees, Jason lowered his head and inhaled her scent.

You smell so good, but what I really want
to know is

how do you
taste. Hmm, I think I

m gonna
find out

right now.

Placing his hands below her knees, he
parted her legs so he could fit his massive shoulders between them. As her flesh
parted, her inner folds unfurling, revealed for his perusal, he maneuvered her
legs over his shoulders. Moaning in anticipation of the first touch of his
mouth against her over sensitized core, Aviva griped his hair, pulling his head
towards the part of her body that needed his touch, needed it so badly she
thought she might expire from the expectation of what was to come.

Please Jason,

she moaned,

touch me.

extended his tongue and groaned in delight as he took his first taste; licking
across the small nub of her sensitive nerve endings. Aviva arched her back and
groaned, if felt so good. But Jason had just started, he licked, sucked and
stroked, swirling his tongue in one erotic pattern after another until Aviva
had to release her hold on his hair to thrust a palm across her mouth to
prevent a scream from being torn from her throat. Unable to keep still, she
began to gyrate silently against his face, begging for more, more of his touch,
more of the exquisite pleasure running through her body, more of the touch of
his expert ministrations. She began to tremble, Jason eased a long thick finger
into her body, moving it in and out. He inserted another digit, Aviva could now
hear the sounds of moisture her body as it flowed from her opening, down onto Jason

s skilled fingers. Thrashing her head
from side to side on the bed, her inner muscles clamped down on his fingers
making it increasingly difficult for him to withdraw. He knew she was close, he
changed the angle and depth of his fingers tapping firmly against the bank of
spongy nerve ending inside her vagina, his other hand pressing down on her
pubic bone to intensify her pleasure. Aviva threw back her head and screamed as
the onslaught of the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced hit her head on,
the feeling so intense she tried to get away from him, tried to slide her body
across the bed to outdistance his devastating touch. Without releasing his hold
on her legs, Jason softly kissed her on the inside of her thighs, waiting until
she stopped shaking before he repositioned them on the bed. Moving up her body,
he took Aviva into his arms to sooth her, stroke her until her breathing slowed
and returned to normal. With a finger beneath her chin Jason lifted Aviva

s face so she could look into her eyes.

Are you okay, Angel?

Am I okay?  Give me a moment, I need to
think about that... hell yeah I

m okay. I
just discovered the eighth wonder of the world and it

s called Jason King!

Jason threw
back his head and laughed at her outrageous comment. Gently surrounding her
within the shelter of his arms, he closed his eyes with the sure knowledge he
was where he wanted to be; holding tightly to the woman he was falling in love


Aviva asleep, Jason made his way downstairs, hoping to find Steve. Their
interlude, although delightful, had only managed to dispel Hope

s destructive actions for a while. The
full magnitude of the fallout had yet to come. Entering his office, he saw
Steve sitting behind his desk, speaking on the telephone. Moving across the
room he fixed himself a drink before turning to Steve and raising the decanter
in a silent question. Seeing his gesture, Steve held up a glass already filled
with the amber liquid they both enjoyed. Glass in hand, Jason walked over to
one of the chairs before his desk and took a seat, sipping from the glass,
awaiting the completion of Steve

conversation. Hanging up the phone Steve placed his elbows on the desk and
dropped his head into his hands.


m sorry man, so sorry any of this had to happen. I know how you
felt about Hope.


s laugh was filled with self-deprecation.

Yeah, and who

s the fool now!

Come on Steve, you can

t blame yourself for the way she acted.
The woman has issues she needs to work through, and those issues have nothing
to do with you.

I could tell things weren

t right, did you know that?

Not waiting for a response Steve

But I
ignored them. Don

t ask me
why because I don

t know

somehow I convinced myself she was who I
wanted to spend the rest of my life with

and you know the really pathetic thing

I still do.


t believe what he was
hearing. Had he lost his mind? The woman was a faithless bitch, how could he
want anything to do with her.

You have
got to be kidding me, how could you still want that devious bitch?

Jumping to
his feet, Steve banged his hand on the table.

Shut the hell up, Jason. You don

t know shit about her.

I don

t know shit about her? I know she

s a lying bitch, who without a thought was prepared to ruin my
reputation, all because of her narcissistic delusions of her own self-worth.

squeezed the bridge of his nose; he understood where Jason was coming from but
he didn

t know the full story.
He didn

t know about the
factors that had shaped Hope into the woman she had become. Not ready to reveal
those facts, he took solace in silence.

Steve as well as he did, he didn

t push any
further. If Steve still had feelings for the duplicitous woman, those feelings
were his to decipher. As long as she kept away from him, he would leave her in
peace. But heaven help her if she ever again attempted to mess with his life
and his love in the way she had earlier. As much as he cared about Steve, he
would take her down without a single thought.

What are you going to do?

I just got off the phone canceling the
minister for the wedding, and the honeymoon, that about wraps up all the
cancellations. Whoever came up with the idea of having the reception before the
wedding just did me a huge favor.

sympathized with him, who reached thirty-four without having experienced some
form of heart break, he knew he certainly had.

Is there anything I can do?

Nothing, look, I think I

m going to go out for a while, you know

try to clear my head.

Do you want company?

No, I

ve got this,

said, a mixture of regret and sincerity intertwined on his face.


thanks man, I appreciate the offer.

Always, call me if you need me, okay.

Sure thing.

Steve said as he headed out the door.

Chapter 9

Jason and
Aviva were going out for dinner, both deciding they could do with a change of
scenery and getting away from the house would probably do them both some good.
Unsure of whether she wanted to go to the trouble of dressing up, Jason assured
her the place he had in mind was casual, she needed to dress comfortably rather
than smart.

as to Steve

whereabouts, Jason filled her in on their conversation, omitting what he had
said about Hope and Steve

s cryptic
defense of her past. Maybe she felt as wary as him, and was therefore willing
to accept his less than satisfactory explanation. With a nod of her head and a
look of resolve, she had left to change for their meal.

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