A Writer's Diary (49 page)

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Authors: Virginia Woolf

BOOK: A Writer's Diary
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Common Reader, The,
First Series,

Common Reader, The,
Second Series,

Diary, the,

Duchess and the Jeweller, The,


Freshwater, A Comedy,

Haunted House,

Here and Now
, see
Years, The

Hours, The, see Mrs. Dalloway

Jacob's Room

Kew Gardens

Knock on the Door, see Three Guineas

Letter to a Young Poet

Lighthouse, To the

Mark on the Wall

Monday or Tuesday

Moths, The
, see
Waves, The

Mrs. Dalloway

Next War, The, see Three Guineas

Night and Day

Open Door
, see
Three Guineas


Pargiters, The
, see
Years, The

Poyntzet Hall
Poyntz Hall
, see
Between the Acts



Roger Fry, A Biography

Room of One's Own, A

Shooting Party, The

String Quartet

Tap on the Door
, see
Three Guineas

Three Guineas

Two Guineas
, see
Three Guineas

Unwritten Novel

Voyage Out, The

Waves, The

Women and Fiction
, see
A Room of One's Own

Years, The

Virginia Woolf,
by Bernard Blackstone, pages 36, 37, and 38 (British Council & Longmans, Green, London, 1952).



* Lady Ritchie, Thackeray's daughter.



Rev. Canon S. A. Barnett; His Life, Work and Friends.
By his wife, Mrs. Barnett, C.B.E. (Murray).



* Gerald Duckworth, publisher, half-brother of V. W.



† E. M. Forster.



* Katherine Mansfield.



† J. Middleton Murry.



* T. S. Eliot.



* Violet Dickinson, an old friend.



* Bruce Richmond, Editor o£
Times Literary Supplement.



* Ralph Partridge.



†Mrs. Partridge.



‡ Dorothy Brett.



* Desmond MacCarthy's pseudonym.



* Thoby Stephen, V. W.'s brother.



* Of
Jacob's Room.



Westminster Gazette.



* David Garnett.



† Logan Pearsall Smith.



‡ Philip Morrell.



* Lady Ottoline Morrell. What follows describes a week-end at Garsington where she and Philip Morrell lived.



† Anthony Asquith.



* Subsequently this title was altered to
Mrs. Dalloway.



† Mrs. Arnold-Forster.



* Julian Bell, son of Vanessa.



* G. W. Rylands.



† A house near Firle rented by J. M. Keynes.



* R. C. Trevelyan.



* Lady Cromer.



† 22 Hyde Park Gate where V. W. lived until the age of 17.



* A dog.



* Mrs. St. John Hutchinson.



* Mr. St. John Hutchinson.



* Siegfried Sassoon.



* The Keynes's house.



* Perhaps
The Waves
(Oct. 1929).



* Wife of Hubert (later Sir Hubert) Henderson.



* Dorothy Wellesley, later Duchess of Wellington.



† A spaniel.



* Son of Lord Ritchie.



* Rector of Rodmell in 1927.



* Miss Hawkesford



* The graveyard at the back of Brunswick Square. Jane Harrison and Hope Mirrlees lived in a house near by.



† Hope Mirrlees.



‡ Jane Harrison.



* Monks House, Rodraell.



* Became
The Waves.



* Miss Ritchie was the traveller.



A Room of One's Own.



* J. T. Stephen, brother of V. W. He died in 1906.



† Hubert Henderson, editor.



* E. Sackville-West.



† Afterwards Lord Macmillan.



* Hyde Park Gate, where the Stephen family lived when V. W. was a child.



* Elly Rendel, V. W.'s doctor.



* Ethel Sands.



* David Cecil.



* Queen Victoria.



* Eventually
Three Guineas.



* Ethel Smyth.



* Ethel Smyth's sister.



* There is an entry in Arnold Bennett's diary for 1930 in which he records that he went to a dinner party at which V. W. was another guest, and adds: "Virginia is all right; other guests held their breath to listen to us."



* R. C. Trevelyan.



* The word is illegible.



* Eventually
Three Guineas.



* G. Lowes Dickinson.



* Word illegible.



Virginia Woolf,
by Winifred Holtby.



† D. H. Lawrence.



* It became
The Years.



* Virginia Woolf kept her diary for each year in a separate manuscript book. This and the following entry are at the beginning of the 1933 book.



* This entry is at the end of the 1932 manuscript book.



* There is a blank here in the manuscript.



* Blank in manuscript.



* Abbazia di Antimo at Montalcino.



* Lady Southorn, sister of L. W.



* In her workroom at the end of Monks House garden.



* Word illegible.



* Lady Aberconway.



* Illegible.



* Stella Duckworth, V. W.'s half-sister.

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