A World of InTemperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: A World of InTemperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 2)
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“DeeDee, help!”

“Abigail, you are being drawn to the terrible, gnashing, perfect white teeth in the gaping maw of our unstoppable stalker!”

~gnash, gnash, gnash!~

“She is going to eat me, DeeDee!”

“Mon Dieu, though I fight with all my fury against these lovely digits, I cannot get a flicker of acknowledgment from those flashing eyes!”

~gnash, gnash, gnash!~

“I say, you
appear to be filled with an enormous, if morbid, appetite, my dear, eh hem? If you’re hungry, Madame, then eat this.”


“Loosen your grip on my friend, you over-hexed woman!”

The scream of ecto-munitions spitting out their maelstrom of emerald death through the spinning, rotary barrels, steals my words.

“I send you, my cycloped sorceress, to rest in this crevasse for all eternia.”


“Good, the huskies are still here to pull us home.”

“I say, look, girls, here is an unexpected visitor.”

“Wib, wib, weally girls, did you think I would wib, wib, wait all day?”

“Welly Nelly! We did not expect to see you, I think?”

“Wib, wib, well who do you think is going to do all your sewing, silly?”

“Oh! Oui! Of course! You shall be Mademoiselle DeeDee’s personal seamstress, I think, oui!”

“”Wib, wib, oui, oui!”


P.O.V. Ichabod


“Ain’t it nice of President Clemens to have this reception for us on the lawn of the White House, here in Washington D.C. Miss Plumtartt?”

“I say, indeed, Mr. Temperance. I find it especially considerate of him to hold the ceremony in the evening so as to accommodate Mademoiselle Gauzot’s sunlight allergy, eh hem?”

“Yes, Ma’am, Miss Plumtartt, Ma’am.”

“Come away from the buffet table, Mr. Temperance. Mark, that is, President Twain, er, that is, President Samuel Clemens is ready to begin the awards ceremony.”

“Mistah Caw-gee-tow, it is mah distinguished honuh, to grant the status of Naturalized United States Citizen upon you, my lad! We are a richer nation for having you with us.”

“Thank you, Mr. President, I am thrilled to be an honorary member of Mankind.”

“Ah would like to extend warm appreciation for the help provided by our international friends. Please accept these Medals of Merit from a grateful nation and world, Persephone Plumtartt and DeeDee Gauzot.”

“I say! Thank you ever so much!”

“Merci beaucoup, too!”

“Our United States citizens that have acted with such noble heroism, Wilma Altamont, Madame Pâte à Glacer, Wolfgang Metzger, Abigail GoldenBear and Ichabod Temperance: your country is forever in your debt.”

“My Pleasure!”


“Danke, Herr President!”

“My pleasure, Mr. President.”

“Aw, shucks, t’weren’t nothin’ sir.”

“P.T. Piston, and Commodore SilverQuarter are hereby acknowledged for their selfless and heroic efforts. Furthermore, provisions shall be made for the advancement in the ethical treatment of our animal companions. Great reserves shall be set aside for their protection.”

“There is one individual present, to whom more lives than any other present, are owed. His clear thinking, presence of mind, gentle nobility, and knowledge of the human spirit have done more to bring a lasting peace to the entire continent of Europe than anyone else in hundreds of years. That good little dog, gets a Presidential Citation, and an official Presidential pat on the head.”

~pat, pat~

“Good dog, Mistah Bolt!”


“Gee, whiz, what about our friend, James?”

“Hey! Look! Up in the sky!”

“It’s a bird!”

“It’s a blimp!”

“Nein! Das ist mein friend James!”

Moving through the night sky, over the city of Washington D.C., a fiercely-burning, upside-down candle slowly travels through the air. Super Special Secret Agent James Murray guides his rocket pack over the trees and onto the White House lawn. With handling grips comfortably positioned in front of him, the Great James Murray expertly sets himself and his rocket pack gracefully alight on the grass.

Wolfgang and I run forward to get the dangerous contraption off him and to help put out the fires on his pants.

Pulling his goggles back, the Australian reveals a ring of cleanliness around his smiling eyes.

No one seems to mind that most of James' pants have been burned away by the rocket engine; least of all, James.

“Good work there, Mistah Murray. I hereby proclaim you to officially have the courage of a Lion!”

“Krikey, thanks, Mr. President!”

“Gee, we have been all over this world Miss Plumtartt, Ma’am, but I realize now that there was only one place I ever wanted to be.”

“Home, Mr. Temperance?”

“With you, Miss Plumtartt.”


“If you will excuse me a moment, please, I want to go have a word with President Clemens.”

“Come right back, Mr. Temperance, I am not through with you.”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Now run along.”

“Howdy, Mr. President.”

“Huh-lo, Ickety.”

“Gee, I have been a fan of yours for a long time, sir.”

“Thank’ye Itchy-bod, Ah appreciate that, mah boy. Always happy to meet an admirer.”

“I was thinking of committing a few of our adventures to book form, sir.”

“Oh, best to leave that sort of thing to the professional, son.”




Thank you, Dear Reader, for sharing our adventure with us!



Happy Reading!


Your pals,

Ichabod and Persephone.


More from the world of Ichabod and Persephone:


The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance



(Volume One of The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance)

A World of InTemperance

(Volume Two of The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance)

For the Love of Temperance

              (Volume Three of The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance)

A Study in Temperance

              (Volume Four of The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance)

In a Latitude of Temperance

              (Volume Five of The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance)

The Measure of Temperance

(Volume Six of The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance)

The Seventh Voyage of Temperance

(Volume Seven of The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance)

The Title of Temperance

(Volume Eight of The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance)


available in print and for Amazon Kindle at Amazon.com and CreateSpace.com


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