Read A Wolf's Pride Online

Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #paranormal romance, #werewolf, #werewolf romance

A Wolf's Pride (50 page)

BOOK: A Wolf's Pride
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Never. I
just…let me do it.”

He calmed
immediately though his heart was still racing, the blood rushing
through his veins at an unnatural speed. His hands dropped to his
sides and he waited, eager for her to begin. Her hands reached
forward, inching beneath his shirt and Ryan sucked in a ragged
breath, struggling for control. The feel of her hands against his
skin made his heart race and his desire for her strengthened,
threatening his tenuous control. She moved slowly, rubbing the tips
of her fingers over his strong chest before running her nails
across the prominent ridges of his abs. His body trembled slightly
in response to her slow pace, showing him once again just how much
power his mate had over him. A simple touch from her could have him
hard for hours, a slight lifting of the corners of her mouth and he
was ready to do whatever he had to do to make her smile. He was
sure she had no idea of what she did to him, how he lived to please
her, how she was the one who truly held power in their

She finally
pulled the shirt over his head, tossing it aside but instead of
continuing to strip him, she showered his chest with light kisses,
intended to tease, designed to inflame his senses, meant to drive
him wild. In that moment he wasn’t so sure she was unaware of just
what she did to him. Her tongue made a languorous sweep over one of
his small, brown nipples and his tremors magnified. He didn’t know
how much more of this treatment he could withstand without
snapping. His low groans of pleasure filled the room, encouraging
Chloe to speed up, to release him from the confines of his clothes
so he could be bound intimately with her. Her hand inched down his
chest, crept over his muscled stomach and swept over his engorged
shaft before retreating. Ryan had had enough. There was only so
much he could endure and after a day of unfulfilled desire, he was
at his limit.

He pulled
away from Chloe’s soft fingers with a growl that heated her skin
before the pleasure settled between her aching thighs. His clothes
were torn quickly from his body and then he was blissfully naked.
Her heart sped up in trepidation though anticipation was thrumming
through her. His body slid up hers, the contact searing, causing
her to moan in pleasure from the simple meeting of skin. He moved
swiftly, pulling her hard nipple into his mouth, sucking and laving
the small pebble with his very talented tongue. Her moans increased
in volume, her breath coming in short pants but when his fingers
drove suddenly into her wet heat, she screamed.

Ryan smiled
against her breast, switching his attention to its neglected
partner and engulfing the other nub in the heat of his mouth. He
toyed with her slick folds, his fingers confirming what his nose
had smelt. His mate was soaked, drenched with desire for him. Her
breath hitched as his fingers made lazy circles on her clitoris,
drawing pleasure from her. Two fingers inched their way into her
body, withdrawing and entering her with long, slow strokes as his
thumb continued pushing her closer and closer to the

Come for me
Chloe,” he ordered, sliding a third finger into her

Ryan,” she
moaned, his name forming a soft entreaty. “Ryan. Ryan.

Yes angel,
come for me. Now.” The fingers within her sped up, curling at
unexpected moments. His heat, his touch…it was all too much and
with a loud scream, she exploded, the pleasure too much for her to
handle. Her back bowed, her sweat slickened limbs falling useless
to her sides, now completely boneless.

He couldn’t
take it anymore; he had to be buried within her. Ryan pulled his
fingers from her body, desperation making his body tremble.
“Chloe,” he groaned, spreading her thighs. Her heavy eyelids opened
at the sound of her name and she watched him position himself
between her legs, a question burning in the depths of his eyes. Her
arms were heavy, but she lifted them to him in invitation,
welcoming him into her body. Ryan breathed a sigh of relief,
guiding the head of his heavy erection to the entrance of her still
pulsing core. He pushed, embedding the head within her body, a low
groan spilling from his lips but this time it was in pleasure not
in pain. The instinct wasn’t going to punish him for this. Gripping
her hips tightly within his hands, Ryan pushed hard and sunk deep.
Her velvet heat encased him and he roared in response. The pressure
within him built to an almost unbearable level but it wasn’t

More,” he
groaned, gripping her hips tighter. “You have to take more. You
have to take all of me Chloe.” He lifted her hips, changing the
angle of penetration before wrenching her along his shaft. Chloe
moaned, long and loud as he filled her, her body so full with his
that she wasn’t sure she would ever be able to get him to leave
entirely. She wasn’t even sure she wanted him to. He gave her no
time to rest, moving against her as though his life depended on it.
Her body shook with the force of his thrusts, lifting from the bed
as he moved within her and yet she found herself demanding

Harder Ryan,”
she panted, her hands reaching greedily for his skin.

increased the speed of his thrusts in response to her demands as
their groans of pleasure filled the room. His hands roamed her
body, eliciting surprised gasps from Chloe as he randomly tweaked a
nipple or brushed a knuckle over her sensitive clitoris. Pulling
his head down, she met his mouth in a heated kiss, panting heavily
into his mouth. She could feel the pleasure building again, lifting
her hips to meet his thrusts as she sought to reach the pinnacle.
He pulled back, almost leaving her body completely before thrusting
hard against her, grinding against her over sensitised clitoris.
Chloe screamed, each one louder than the last as he continued his
hectic pace. Her body finally went limp as her climax tore through
her, sending her adrift in an ocean of pleasure, Ryan the only
thing keeping her afloat as she held tightly to him.

A snarl of
frustration left Ryan’s lips as Chloe’s inner walls clenched around
him, desperately trying to milk him of his seed but to no avail.
His mate’s glorious heat surrounded him, the intoxicating scent of
her arousal engulfed him and yet the instinct seemed to have
abandoned him. There was nothing within him that was insisting he
mark her, the claiming words that would bind them together for
eternity were stuck in his throat. He sat up, feeling increasingly
frantic. He could bite her but what good would that do if the
instinct wasn’t guiding him to do so? Would her life not be truly
linked to his? Would it still be possible for her to

he snarled.

A beam of
moonlight hit his skin in his new position and he felt it. Felt the
voice that wasn’t truly his own, that was bigger than him or any
wolf, he felt the instinct. He turned his head away from the
tempting sight Chloe made, sprawled out on the bed, ready for him
to have her again and placed a hand in the shaft of light. The
instinct grew louder, though its words were still unintelligible,
and he knew what he had to do. Though it pained him almost like a
physical injury, he pulled away from the haven of Chloe’s body. Her
heavy eyelids opened, an empty feeling settling within her as soon
as Ryan left her. She watched, confused, as Ryan pulled the bed
closer to the window. His shaft still stood hard and erect and
doubts began to assail her. Why hadn’t he come? Had she done
something wrong?

The time for
doubts was brief as Ryan turned to her, a feral smirk on his face.
He was quick to rejoin her on the bed, turning her over onto her
stomach and repositioning her onto her hands and knees. He ran his
hands over the soft cheeks of her ass before entering her swiftly.
Her sex throbbed around him as he renewed his thrusts. He was wild,
frantic, and he growled angrily as the instinct continued to elude
him. The pressure in his loins had yet to abate and he was
desperate for the release he should have been able to find in his
mate’s body. The pleasure simply continued to mount, but there was
no release. She clenched around him again, another orgasm tearing
through her body but he gave her no time to rest, his hectic pace
continuing regardless, driving them onward to the final

Chloe’s head
was heavy but she managed to turn around far enough to see Ryan’s
face and realisation dawned when she did. His head was straining to
reach the light from the moon, an expression of desperation etched
onto his handsome features, his hands grasping for the beams of
light almost blindly. She had done this to him. Her fears had
brought him to this. He’d told her the claiming needed to happen
outside but for her he was prepared to do it inside walls where the
moon was unable to reach him, the small windows casting
insufficient light into the space and now something was going
wrong. Her gaze returned to the door she’d stared at with hatred
for the majority of the day and her decision made itself. She could
feel another orgasm rising, her body primed for release as Ryan
pumped into her with a power and force unlike anything she’d ever
felt before. He pulled from her body but before he could return,
she’d slipped out of his grasp, sliding from the bed and rushing to
the door. She was outside before he’d even realised what was going

Chloe,” he
growled, chasing after her.

bathed his skin as soon as he stepped out and the instinct returned
in force, demanding that he claim his mate and bind her to him. He
looked around, expecting her to have run away from his forceful
handling of her fragile body but instead she was kneeling in the
grass, her breasts pressed against the soft turf, her ass high in
the air, her sex glistening in invitation.

Please Ryan,”
she pleaded, rocking her hips back and forth to attract

He was
entranced by her movements, his shaft swelling to its fullest but
he managed to keep his desire under control long enough to ask,

Yes.” She
lifted her hips even higher and the scent of her arousal began to
waft towards him. “Here.”

He needed no
further invitation. He was behind her within a second and buried
within her in two. His wild pace slowed as he took in the finger
shaped bruises forming against her hips. Scowling at himself, he
allowed his fingers to ghost over the marks, ashamed of his lack of
I’ll be more careful with her
this time around,
he promised himself. His
lips wandered over the length of her spine and Chloe moaned in
contentment, eagerly awaiting the next place she would feel his
lips against her. His lips left her back abruptly as he pulled her
upwards until her back was flush against his chest. She moaned in
pleasure, her head thrashing at the change in position.

His whiskered
cheek came to rest in the crook of her neck, his breath feathering
against her sweat slicked skin. The warmth of his hands crept over
her stomach, rising higher until he cupped both of her breasts
firmly within his grip. “Chloe,” he growled, pulling lightly
against her pebbled nipples.

She panted,
“Yes.” As he twisted her nipples between his talented fingers she
could feel a corresponding ache begin in her core. She needed him
to move. Now.

Are you
listening to me?”


Good. You’re
mine Chloe. Do you understand?”


Say it angel.”
He pulled harder against her throbbing nipples, tugging the turgid
peaks before twisting them carefully between his

I’m yours.
Ryan, please… I need you.”

Her desperate
pleas for fulfilment were beginning to affect him and he began to
move slowly, thrusting shallowly within her. “I’m yours until your
heart stops beating.”


He snarled
against her throat, nipping her slightly in punishment. “I’m yours
until your heart stops beating. Say it dammit!”

I’m yours
until your heart stops beating.”

he groaned, thrusting hard
and fast within her. Her breathy moans quickly filled the air as
pleasure began to wrack her body once more. “I love you angel.” He
couldn’t have said the words more simply but the emotion behind
them was real.

I love you too
Ryan. Love you so much.”

Her words
struck him straight in the heart. His mate loved him. Life was
perfect. “I claim you for my own. I’ll stand by your side for all
eternity because you are my mate, the only one for me.” His pace
sped up, once again becoming wild and frantic. Her inner walls
began to spasm around him and he knew she was close. Licking her
neck wildly, he prepared her for his bite, for his mark.
Mark her. Mark her. Mark her. Mark her.
The instinct was riding him hard now that he was
fully within its grip.

Ryan,” she
gasped, the breath leaving her body on a shuddery sigh as her
muscles tightened around him.

Fangs erupted in his mouth and he bit down hard,
breaking the skin as she was catapulted over the pinnacle of
pleasure. The sweet taste of her blood exploded on his tongue as he
licked her skin, his tongue swirling around on her skin as he drew
his initial on her flesh, marking her as his own and claiming her
for all time. He drew his mouth away from her as he began to seek
his own release, thrusting within her desperately. Her breath
caught as Ryan moved more forcefully within her, pushing her to
reach for yet another orgasm. She didn’t know how much more her
body could take but reached for it blindly regardless. His climax
snuck up on him, ripping right through his body and he couldn’t
resist sinking his fangs into Chloe’s tender flesh once more as she
spasmed around him. Now there were two sets of teeth marks on her
neck, telling others of his possessive nature. Chloe was the most
important person in his life and anything or anyone who tried to
separate them wouldn’t stand a chance.

BOOK: A Wolf's Pride
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