Read A Wolf's Pride Online

Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #paranormal romance, #werewolf, #werewolf romance

A Wolf's Pride (46 page)

BOOK: A Wolf's Pride
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She shook her
head silently, having lost the power of speech at around the same
time that he’d bitten her. Her body was on fire with need for him
after only a few moments of contact. She dreaded to think what
would happen if he bit her again or touched her any further, all
the while hoping that he would. Her reactions to him when they had
both been fully clothed were intense, practically naked they were
extreme, almost overpowering but she desperately craved

Well you do
for future reference. I thought you might taste like them too.” He
moved, positioning himself between her spread thighs and increasing
the amount of contact between them. “But you taste better. I don’t
think I’ve ever tasted anything as sweet, as perfect as you. Let me
show you the other ways that you’re perfect to me.”

The hands
that had been casually running up and down her legs as he had
spoken moved swiftly, grabbing her hips and cupping the round
cheeks of her ass. He pulled her against his hard shaft, rocking
frantically against her. Her moans soon turned into keening pleas
of desperation as he rubbed against her deliciously wet core.
Despite the apparent wildness in his movements, Ryan was being
extremely careful. It would have been so easy for the head of his
shaft to touch her entrance; she was so slick and wet that it might
even have been equally easy for him to slide straight in. The
temptation was there but he knew he had to resist. He hadn’t
claimed her and the instinct would rebel if he were to try and go
against its dictates.

See,” he
purred, “perfect. I love the curves on your body. If you were any
smaller, I’d worry about hurting you when I take you and I’m going
to take you long and hard in every possible way you can imagine.”
As if to emphasise his point, he pulled back slightly before
returning in force, pushing and grinding against her until she
screamed as pleasure like she had never felt before washed over
her. Her body went limp, her limbs too heavy to move and she looked
at him from beneath half closed eyes.

Again angel,
come for me again.” His hips were moving once more, forcing her to
reach for the peak once a second time. “I love your ass. I love how
round and soft it is. It fits perfectly in my hands and I can do

His grip
tightened slightly as he lifted her, wrenching her up and down the
long length of his shaft. She moaned incoherently, bringing a wide
smile to Ryan’s face. Her hands reached for him greedily, eager for
more contact but he was trying to teach her a lesson and couldn’t
afford to get swept away in the wave of passion that would ensue
should Chloe touch him. He pulled her down his length once more,
his hips working furiously as he rubbed against her clitoris. She
screamed again, her body catapulted over the edge as another climax
tore through her. Her hands fell to the wayside.

I love your
hips,” he continued, running his hands over the small bruises that
had appeared against her skin from his rough handling. Lowering his
head, he placed gentle kisses against the abused skin, licking the
flesh and taking her taste into his mouth. “They call out to me to
hold them. When you walk, the way you swing your hips drives me
mad. I’ll let you in on a secret.” Her breath hitched as his clever
fingers, moved between her legs and replaced the thick heat of his
shaft. “Do you want to know it?”

Yes,” she
panted, unsure of how much more pleasure her body could take but
desperate for more.

His fingers
ghosted over her entrance, toying with the slick folds as he
watched her with desire etched over his face. A second passed, two,
perhaps even three before two fingers sunk deep. Her inner walls
contracted wildly around his fingers causing Ryan to groan in
frustration. Now that he knew how it felt to be within her, he
wanted more. He wanted to pull his fingers from her and plunge his
heavy erection into the paradise her body was offering and love her
so hard that she wouldn’t be able to stand the next day and then he
would start all over again. He forced his mind away from fantasies
of something he couldn’t have. He was trying to teach her

closely,” he purred in her ear while his fingers thrust hard within
her. Her moans filled the air so listening may have been difficult,
nevertheless, he proceeded to reveal the secret. “When you’re
angry, the way your hips move is a sight to behold. There have been
times when I’ve almost jumped on you, torn your clothes off and had
my way with you. The instinct is the only thing that’s stopped me.
You’re not listening Chloe,” he scolded playfully, pulling his
fingers from within her. A moan of frustration left her lips at the
departure. Bringing his glistening fingers to his lips, Ryan licked
them clean, moaning loudly as the taste of her exploded on his

His wolf demanded.
I want
more. Taste more!

Patience. I’m
trying to teach her a lesson. There’s a system in place.

His fingers
now clean; he proceeded to place a string of kisses against her
stomach, slowly moving his way up to the curve of her breasts. “I
love the way your skin tastes, the way it feels beneath my hands,
my lips. And do you know what I really love? I love how much there
is of it for me to pleasure. And these,” he sat up once again,
claws springing from his nails. The sight should have frightened
her, instead it evoked a sense of anticipation within her and Ryan
didn’t disappoint. He was methodical and slow as he gently shredded
the material of her bra. When the tips of his claws did
occasionally graze the soft skin of her breasts, it only served to
heighten her arousal. The material now shredded beyond all
recognition, his hands finally cupped her breasts. “See, perfect.
Just like the rest of you they fit into my hands perfectly.” His
thumbs ran over the rosy tips of her nipples, touching them
lightly. “More?”

More,” she
agreed running her hands over his back. He allowed the move,
convincing himself quickly that his control was good enough for the
small contact.

Can you see
how perfect you are Chloe? Can you see?” he pressed, pinching her
nipples before rolling them within his grasp. Her moans grew louder
in volume as he continued and Ryan smiled. Just as he’d thought,
her pleasure was an amazing thing to see. His hands moved away from
her breasts, running down the outside of her body before making
their way back to between her thighs, his new favourite place to

Ryan, no,” she
pleaded. “I can’t take any more.”

Of course you
can,” he reassured her, his fingers gliding through her wetness and
gently teasing her as they entered her slightly before retreating
again. “When I claim you I’m going to do all this and more, all
night long. You asked for more.” His voice was muffled against her
breast, his tongue reaching out to occasionally lap at her nipple.
“Let me give you more.”

He drew one
of her nipples into his mouth sucking insistently. His tongue
lashed over the small pebbles, his teeth occasionally grazing her
as though in punishment. His mouth was driving her insane, causing
her to grow wetter with each second and that was before his clever
fingers came back into the equation. The fingers that had been
gently teasing her suddenly became wild, plunging unexpectedly into
her wet heat. A loud scream was torn from her throat at the
intrusion, pleasure racing through her as he touched the
over-sensitized skin. His thumb came into play, rubbing circles
over her clitoris and her body shook in response. His mouth and
fingers worked in skilful symphony to bring her body to the
breaking point, pleasure building within her until she

As her body
calmed, Ryan once again brought his wet fingers to his mouth,
licking them clean and appeasing his wolf’s desire for more. “Look
at me angel,” he demanded, cupping her face and forcing their eyes
to meet. “Everything about you is perfect to me. If anyone is
imperfect in our relationship then it’s me. I’m not good enough for
you. I know that but I can’t let you go. In my eyes you’re like an
angel that’s fallen to earth. I know I should try and return you to
heaven but I want to bask in your radiance. You’re beautiful angel.
Say it.”


Say it Chloe,”
he demanded, his voice forceful.

She gulped
unsure of whether the words could leave her lips but as she looked
into Ryan’s amber flecked eyes, a sense of certainty filled her.
Ryan thought she was beautiful, perfect and when she was around him
she felt it. “I’m beautiful Ryan.”

He nodded in
agreement before falling to lay beside her. “I’m glad we cleared
that up. I don’t like having to punish you but I couldn’t let those
things you said about yourself back there stand.”

This was a
Her mind raced.
If this was a punishment I can’t wait to see what
he’s like when he’s only trying to give pleasure.
Her eyes fell to his still hard shaft and she
almost purred in satisfaction.
only one way to find out.


Chapter Thirty


Ryan’s blood
was racing, his whole body thrumming with need as he lay beside his
naked mate. Her skin was hot, damp after all that he had done to
her and it seemed to be scorching him. His wolf was pacing his mind
frantically, trying to figure out a way for his body to truly enter
hers without the instinct rebelling against him. Ryan knew the
search was futile, there was no way to get around what the instinct
dictated and he and Chloe hadn’t completed the claiming properly.
Though he had resigned himself to being hard and aching, he was
reluctant to move and resolve his problem by leaving Chloe’s
presence. The rich scents of her natural aroma and her arousal had
combined to create what to Ryan was a potent drug. Though his own
body was still desperate for release, he felt sated. He had
satisfied his mate and the instinct was rewarding him, his whole
body feeling relaxed and at ease. He let his eyes drift shut,
content to simply inhale the intoxicating smells that were in the

It was
because of this that he didn’t see Chloe move. It was only when he
felt the weight of her settle over his shaft, the pressure of her
legs on either side of his that his eyes flew open. His breath
caught in his throat at the sight of her astride him, ready and
prepared to take him into her body. The flush on her face had
spread to cover her neck and was vastly different to the pale skin
of her breasts. The contrast only served to remind him of what her
nipples had felt like against his tongue and his mouth practically
watered in anticipation before sense and reason returned en

Chloe, what
are you doing?” he gasped.

I want to feel
you inside me Ryan.”


Yes,” she
replied, gripping the base of his shaft as she lifted herself
slightly in preparation.

You aren’t
scared of me?” His eyes fell to the bruises that had appeared on
her hips and the ones that were now showing up on her

No. You would
never hurt me, you love me don’t you?”

I do,” he
answered honestly.

Want to know a
secret?” she purred, inching closer to the head of his engorged


I think I
might just love you too.” She pressed the head against her entrance
and Ryan growled angrily beneath her. Her words had been a shock,
an amazing shock but the instinct was punishing him.

Angel, we
shouldn’t be doing this,” he snarled, trying desperately to fight
against the pain that was beginning to wrack his body.

Why not?” she
asked confused.

Her body
stilled and Ryan breathed a sigh of relief. While he would love to
believe that he was the exception to the rules, he knew better, the
instinct was absolute and it said there were steps to be taken
before Chloe could truly be his. The steps had to be followed
otherwise there would be dire consequences, consequences he was
currently dealing with.

Ryan, don’t
ruin this,
the wolf howled from within his
Our mate is here, ready and willing
to be taken. We can deal with a little bit of pain. We’ve felt
worse and the reward has never been so sweet.

Chloe’s face
was a picture of confusion and Ryan’s will faltered. His mate had
just declared her love for him, how could he deny her? His hands
rose to her hips and he began pulling her body down on his. Wet
heat engulfed him as more pain beset him. Gritting his teeth
against the pain, he pulled her down again. A pleasured moan
spilled from her lips and Ryan smiled despite his own torment. His
smile died quickly though. As soon as the head of his shaft was
fully embedded within her body, pain like he had never felt before
ripped through him. He roared, long and loud in agony. Fangs
erupted in his mouth and he barely managed to tear his hands from
Chloe quickly enough so that she wasn’t hurt when claws exploded
from his nails. His back bowed from the bed, pain making his body
tremor violently.

Ryan,” Chloe
asked confused and afraid. “What’s going on?”

BOOK: A Wolf's Pride
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