A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) (53 page)

BOOK: A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)
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“Aria why are you joking about this” Sabrina who is the child
psychologist gets all concerned and she looks like I feel inside very disoriented and confused.

Erika pipes in with

“Aria the shit hit the fan and the two of you decide to marry as scheduled?”

“Actually I didn’t decide
, that was all Ian’s decision”

“Ok sweetie so no
w that your plan backfired on you what are you going to do?”

“What do you mean Sabrina?”

“Come on at least be honest with us, you only told him thinking he would break it off with you so you would be free to run to Tristan” oh shit is that what I really wanted to happen? Is that why I don’t feel guilty for the affair?

“Look you two it’s all good, we are adults not kids anymore and we have handled this in an adult manner”

“Just as long as you know that you are only getting married because he didn’t dump you!” Erika the judge has spoken.

“So dear bride-to-be
the question is are you happy?” I can’t hide my feelings

“I will be”

“Aria you should be ecstatic, elated, over joyed about marrying Ian, can’t eat, can’t sleep, butterflies in your stomach”

Sabrina it was like that in the beginning”

“Aria you ha
ve been engaged for three weeks! How did all this diminish to yes we are getting married as scheduled?” Erika words are always cunning.

“Everything is different since I ate from the tree of knowledge”
meaning mind-blowing sex with Tristan.

“You hit that nail on the head, so has your relations improved with Ian?”
Erika I love her dearly and she is my subconscious at times, she knows about the mind-blowing sex with Tristan.

“We’ve decided to not have sex
until our wedding night”

no sex with either one of them?” I nod no with a salacious smirk.

“I guess I should have gotten you the vibrator instead of the lingerie

“Erika! You are so bad!

‘Aria, if you don’t want to go through with this weddin
g, I will pull you out of it just say so!”

“Erika that is what Tristan told me a week ago.”

“Well I never thought we’d be on the same page, have you seen him recently?”

Friday night in the elevator leaving the casino he was next to me!”

What, wait we were all there what happened?” they are both shocked again, jeez I would just love some boring conversation in my life.

“He caressed my arm and squeezed my hand and that was it”

“So he didn’t call you?”

“No Sabrina, not a call or text”

“Aria this is just the worst that could have happened to anyone”

Sabrina I’m not going to lie to you two I miss him, he was my first love”

“ Aria, I got a feeling Saturday is going to be very interesting.”

“Ian loves me I will learn to love him as much as he loves me.”

“Oh you
are so naïve Aria, but you are forgetting that you have bitten from the tree of knowledge and all this lingerie in front of us is not going to change Ian’s short comings” I believe Sabrina and I both have the same look on our faces now, shock that she went there.

“Erika leave it to you to bring it back to the heart of the matter”
Sabrina and Erika are now just talking about me as if I am not even here.

oes it really all come down to sex?”

“Aria I am a judge, I see it every day, I saw you last week and
you were glowing, I see you today and my heart aches for you”

She hugs me hard and kisses my head, she is six feet and towers over me.

“Aria I wish you a happy wedding” Sabrina is almost as tall as her and beautiful, tall blond and very blue eyes, we stand and hold onto one another for a moment. They are such good friends who know me better than anyone.

s you two, for everything” I whip away my tears and we look at all my beautiful presents, the peignoirs, the gowns, the bustier some beautiful frilly things, but oh wow I love love, love the Chanel bag!

Is there anything else I can bring you ladies” the waiter says very kindly.

We all say in unison

“Mini wedding cupcakes please!” We look at each other and giggle.

three sit and finish the mini-wedding cupcakes, down the last of the champagne and load my car with all my lingerie.

Wow Tristan would make me model every one of these
tonight, Ian I don’t know how he feels about lingerie, and my champagne buzz give me an idea, I think I will try and find out tonight.

I drive home with their thoughts in my head as well as Tristan’s, and I have one of my own was I
hoping to be freed and be with Tristan? I saw on the girl’s faces what I feel and that really worries me, because it lets me know that this is real, it’s not something that I am taking the wrong way.

Ian and I will work, I have to believe that, I am marrying him in church and that is a sacrament that is sacred
from God and his church, I will hold this marriage dear and deep in my heart that is what Ian and I have promise to one another in our bans of matrimony. I am doing the right thing, I have to keep telling myself this and then I am pulled from my thoughts by YOUR DESTINATION IS ON YOUR LEFT.




Chapter 29


ng All My Love For You


I get home and Ian’s car is gone, he must be running errands or maybe at his parents. I grab all the bags and boxes take everything up to my closet, I want to put everything away.

Sunday’s for the past month have
been interesting, since Ian has been in my life we go to Church on Sunday morning and then out to brunch sometimes, or we cook here, but Sunday night we usually hang around the house, at the pool, or go for a walk or really just relax and do nothing, we hardly see one another during the week so we try to keep Sundays as our day to be together.

I want to start having family dinner
s on Sunday after church instead of going to brunch, we’ll see if that happens once we are married, gosh his family and my family in the same room.

y family is strict catholic, his some are catholic and some are not, some are just not a fan of any religion, Ian comes from 9 children and I come from a family of 8 children I’m the baby girl, and Ian is the baby boy, Go figure no wonder we are the way we are, spoiled rotten brats.

I am now sitting in my closet on the floor going through all my
over generous shows of affections that my friends have bestowed upon me. I am sure they will all fit but I gotta try on the one that is pale pink from Sylvie in France, Cindy ordered it special, I strip and slip it on wow it feels like a second skin, the silk is luxurious and refined, the handmade lace around the neckline it is amazing, but the tiny crystals that are the straps make it shimmer and sparkle. I look at myself in the three way mirror, it is one of the nicest pieces of lingerie I own. I love it, and how I looked in it, this one is definitely for the wedding night.

I take it off and hang
it in my linger section of my closet. Which consist of all satin padded hangers, and my lingerie drawers are almost like a map chest or a sheet music bureau, a lot of long thin drawers where all my lingerie can lie flat. Yeah I’m obsessed with clothes and storage you are just figuring that out! You’ll get use to it.

I grab the o
ne that is just sex a la carte, I have to try this on to see if it is me, my thoughts immediately drift to Tristan and how he would love me in this.

I lo
ok at myself in the mirror and I am transformed into the Goddess of sex, I mean I look like sex alamode, yeah I could be considered dessert in this number the bra is all lace the empire waist gown is all Toole and fine mesh that flows and underneath the tiniest of silk panties.

I am brought back from my naughty lingerie fantasy by the very real sounds of my fiancé.

“I’m in my closet”
I reply my voice is higher than usual, shit lingerie has a very profound effect on me

, knock, knock

Ian pops his head in and then opens the door wide.

“You don’t have to knock Ian!”

I turn around and his jaw
drops, the look on his face, so young and juvenile he looks like the Ian from high school, he is in his shorts, t-shirt he looks yummy…

“What have you been up to today Aria?”

“Do you like?” I turn around so he can get the full effect, long flowing white two pieces. a sheer robe, the gown is basically a bra that is all lace and satin and then all sheer fine mesh that flowers and billows to the floor, underneath the tiniest of silk panties, my hair is cascading over my shoulders and I just drink him in, as he is eyeing me up.

“I think you need to come here” I walk slowly towards him and he goes to grab me and I pull away,
I think I will play with him.

“Oh no Professor Bollinger, I believe we agreed
to wait till our wedding night”

He l
ooks at me smiling, nodding, no, no, no, he is adorable, his brown hair is tousled, those dark eyes that know me, he is fetching.

You are right Aria, it would be foolish for us to indulge, let’s wait till our wedding night.” He turns around and walks out my closet shutting the door behind him.

What the hell
just happened here?

I run over to the door on my tippy-toes, op
en it, Ian is on the other side of the door leaning against the frame.

Oh I so own you Aria! Come here!” he pulls me into the bedroom, I pull his t-shirt off , toss it to the floor I run my nails down his chest, I quickly drop his shorts and I think I can work with this. He has been for a run and he smells of sweat and Ian, that heavy combination that drives me crazy.

I take him in my hands and move up and down
his shaft, he is getting aroused by my touch, my actions and hello things are looking up, I drop to my knees and kiss him. I lick and swirl my tongue around him, as he grows in my mouth, I suck hard against his girth and pull him all the way in my mouth, sad thought comes to mind, he will not know that I don’t have my tonsils anymore.

I manipulate him and ease him
in and out of my mouth in a very slow and seductive manor. I reach over and hold his thighs as he flexes his pelvis he is getting into this I can tell, as his hands are now in my hair hold me on him, I suck hard and long as I swirl and lick and persecute this man of mine. Ian runs his hands through my hair, pulling and tugging and then his hands are now at the side of my head, I ease him in and out of my mouth, he is flinching and squirming, my tongue winds around him and I can feel it, he is going to come, he is hot and rock hard as he stills, and holds on for dear life, I get rougher and start using my teeth and when he yell “FUCK” I think I got him right where I want him. He is trying to pull away from me but I won’t let him, I grab his testicles and fondle them and he is surprised by my lavish attempts and very hands on gestures, it is obvious I am not the same girl he left when he went off to Chicago. My assault is harsh and indifferent as I want to please him, I want that familiar rush that I had with a certain someone else. I think he likes it, suddenly giving him a tug and a very strong milking gesture that sets him off as he finds his release and slides down my throat accordingly.

ell, rendering my information from Cosmo, his stale taste indicates that he has not been getting busy. Well at least one of us is faithful.
I wonder how many women he has been with…hmm

I stand up and whip
the corners of my mouth, I look up at my husband to be, he looks shocked but oh so happy. I have never done this to him before and he looks pleased with me I think.

“Aria I have to say your oral recitation is truly Ivy

“Coming from a Yale man I take that as a compliment”
as he catches his breath I can tell he is quite surprised by my audacious antics this evening.

“My fiancée has an
insatiable appetite”

Well professor I have to admit this is the first time you acquiesced to my demands!” he looks at me with a voracious glare in those dark eyes of his.

y turn,” he pushes me down on the bed and lays down next to me kissing my neck and fondling my breast. I began to get emotional, I feel like I’m suffocating, I can’t breathe, my face flushes and I can’t do this, I have to stop…I’m going to cry, I don’t know what comes over me but I have to stop him I can’t do this.

Ian I can’t, I can’t do this!” I try to push him off but I can’t he keeps kissing me and touching me and he is reaching under my gown for my panties and the pawing and touching I can’t take it, I sit up suddenly.

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