A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) (52 page)

BOOK: A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)
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“Please just let me be” please don’t follow me out here I just want to be refused in peace.

Ian does as I ask he leaves me alone and goes about his day he has never been the one to taunt me, he respects my personal space and he understands being a loner himself that sometimes we all need our space to vent, to breathe and to heal.

The afternoon is spent with Ian unpacking his boxes and books and settling into the library, which i
s now his study, he  pretty much kept to himself and gave me my space. I went upstairs after I ran on my treadmill till my legs were jelly, and I filled the bath with Romance by Ralph Laruen and just sat and tried to unwind and there is a knock on the door.



Come in” Ian walks in holding a glass o
f wine he walks over to me as he puts it on the edge of the bathtub and kisses my forehead then proceeds to walk out.

Ian” Ian doesn’t stop he walks out of the bathroom and returns with the chair from the bedroom and puts it in front of the tub and sits down.

“Now tell me Aria what is going on” I am covered in bubbles and he is sitting in the chair legs crossed and I feel like I am in a psychiatrist office yet again. I sink into the bath an
d I just want to escape, I can’t talk to him or I will scream, and I know it is not him, it is me, and it is me missing Tristan and I don’t want to hurt him with my words so I pull my disappearing act.

Ian walks out of the bathroom and I come up for air as
I reach for my wine and I down it.

Reese is picking me up along with Erika and Sabrina.

I pick out my black lace dress with tiny cap sleeves, black silk stockings and I pull my hair back into a French twist.

I walk downstairs and knock on the door to the

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK  I peek around the corner and Ian is sitting at his desk in a mound of papers and books.

Ian thank you for the wine” he looks up at me so young and with love and adoration and I see how he loves me and I am a bitch. I walk over to him past the boxes and papers and books and I sit on his lap.

I hug him hard as he puts his arms around me and I almost cry like a baby….but


I gotta go that is Reese and the girls” I kiss Ian on the cheek and stand up, he looks at me a
nd he is scared, he is treading lightly because he knows I am fragile. I am at the door

Aria” I turn and look at him

Have fun tonight” I smile at him

“I love you Ian”

“I love you too Aria” I walk outside and we head down to the art museum.






The Princess Diana exhibit is amazing, I get a bit teary eyed as I stand before her wedding dress, how I remember watching this when I was just eleven or so, as she married her prince charming and I asked my mom why didn’t they kiss in church and
my mom proceeded to tell me they are not the with Rome their church is different. We walked among the droves of women, young and old, everyone a bit melancholy because of course she was gone too soon. The girls and I make the rounds as we grab a drink and take in the whole display.

“Aria you have to be on pins and nee
dles, yeah this time next week you will be a married women” I smile at her

“Yes this
is my last weekend as a single girl”

“Aria are you ok?”

“Yes Reese I’m sure I will be fine” we are now standing in front of Princess Diana’s black strapless cocktail dress that she wore when she divorced from her Prince Charles.

Aria what’s wrong?”

Just had a bad day” I walk with my arm cross as I clutch my Alexander McQueen brass knuckle bag in one hand and my vodka in the other.

Aria do you know why I am with Mark?” I look at her and you know what this is a very good question.

“No I haven’t got a clue” she and I almost start laughing but she speaks

“Aria, when I met Mark he was so worried tha
t he was not worthy of me, and I was so scared I was not enough for him”

“Well you two are perfect for one another I have never seen Mark so happy”

“And I have never seen you as happy as when Ian came to town” she is right Ian does put a smile on my face and a spring in my step.

Aria Ian loves you, can’t live without you loves you, when he is with you, he only sees you” she makes my cold heart warm and I begin to feel better.

“Why are you telling me all of this?”

“Because sometimes we all need to know that
we are doing the right thing” she hugs me and I feel better.

“Reese thank you”

“Aria you have a wonderful man who loves you, don’t thank me thank Ian, he is your miracle” when she says that, she is right, it is a miracle we even got here, and I was so willing to throw it all away, oh what a fool I have been.

“Some people wait a lifetime for what you have, don’t throw it away”

“Your right I know” I hug her hard and we continue on and take it all the lovely dresses that were Princess Diana’s.

We had a lovel
y evening and I feel like a fool, like a child the way I treated Ian and I want to hurry home to him and Reese got a call from Mark and she smiled and said she is on her way home.

Reese and
I finish up the tour and headed back to her car. We parked near the fountain at the art museum and I looked at it one last time.

Reese thank you for tonight I had the best time and I will see you next Saturday at the wedding”

“Can’t wait Aria” Reese lets me out in the driveway and I run in the back door its after ten o’clock in the evening, Ian left the lights on for me, so I don’t come into a dark house. I run up stairs and my light on my night stand is on and he is asleep, he knows I am afraid of the dark. I take off my dress and stocking and I crawl in bed next to him and hug him, he is sound asleep as he reaches for me and pulls me to him and moans.

“I love you Aria”

“I love you too”
I kiss his cheek as he holds me and I fall fast asleep safe and content in the arms of the man I love.





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A Wedding Tea in Honor of

Aria Macy

Given b
Erika and Sabrina

June 24, 2012

Two in the afternoon

The Main Salon

The Ritz Carlton










Chapter 28


Tea for Two


June 24, 2012

Sunday morning and I am feeling much better Ian and I attended Mass and return home and decide to make coffee and waffles, safe food I have not had waffles with anyone of interest so when he decided to make them I was all for it and I have a Cinderella waffle maker to boot.

“Aria Cinderella waffle maker only you
, although I would have thought maybe a Chanel one?”

“See Ian now you gotta find us a Chanel waffle maker but these are going to be the best because of the awesome Cinderella waffle mak
er that makes them so great” I start the coffee and I grab the paper from the porch and Ian gets busy on his batter and we feast on waffles.

“Aria what time will you be back today?”

“Um I don’t know about six maybe?”

“Ok I am going to go see my parents and
then I’ll be back for dinner”

“Ok sounds good” we finish our waffles and I head out to see my friends for one last tea before the big day.







I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends they have thrown a Tea for me at The Ritz Carlton as a shower. We feast on cucumber sandwiches with salmon, cream cheese and chives. Scones with Lemon curd, and Devonshire cream. The chocolate Ganache filled tarts are simple to die for.

The wedding tea which is delicious,  quite unique
only to THE RITZ CARLTON HOTEL. It is their signature lemon-mint tea, they brew it for wedding showers here at the Ritz.

hat we couldn’t get enough of are the mini-wedding cupcakes, I gotta take one home for Ian he is a chocolate freak like I am. They are two tier cupcakes chocolate frosted white wedding cake with mini sugar brides on them. The strawberries with chocolate tuxedos on them are adorable. We started with cocktails all the glasses were adorned with sugar wedding bells and intertwined gold rings all edible of course.

he highlight of the whole afternoon was seeing all my girlfriends; this is the last time we will all be together before the wedding. I bought all the girls a coach bag and a watch they all brought me presents why not think of them. We laughed and joked around and reminisced about old times and then it was time for me to open up my shower gifts.

Let’s face it I’m not a twenty something bride,
I have furnished a house so it’s not like I needed all the essentials that a young couple needs starting out. I didn’t register or anything like that, but Erika and Sabrina insisted on throwing this for us all to be together and share in the joy of me getting married I guess when it was originally planned I was a much more happier bride-to-be but all and all the afternoon is wonderful.

Erika is the lingerie fanatic she presented
me with La Perla a wedding peignoir in ivory, long and flowing it is simply beautiful, wedding lingerie a must for any bride I think and I love it.

a knows I now wear Ralph Lauren Romance perfume, that Ian has made my new scent so I am now well stocked. 

I am now the proud owner of
the Tiffany silver picture frame that I have been eyeing
thank you mom.

hands me a box from Saks, I sit back in my chair and look quizzical at her, because she is so excited for me to open this so I rip off the ribbon and remove all the tissue paper and I scream.

Oh my gawd, oh no you did not just do this!” Inside I find the Chanel bag that is so un-get-able I have been looking and scouring the earth for this bag and here it is.  It is so cute, it looks like a book, actually with the gold pages along the side and the leather bound on the other side it looks like a novel. I am smiling ear to ear as I hug the bag and the girls all laugh at my reaction.

Oh this is so worth getting married for alone!” All the girls laugh but Erika she is shaking her head, I am the handbag connoisseur and considering my recent behavior she probably does not find my comment quite so amusing.

“I just have the best f
riends in the world.” I blow kisses to Sabrina and walk over to her and hug her.

The rest of my gifts are awesome, bath salts, jewelry, and of course
more lingerie, and Chanel no.19 which I understand all the brides wear, me I am partial to Chanel  Coco Mademoiselle and the original Coco but I have a fondness for Ralph Lauren Romance it is what Ian likes me in.

We finish o
ur afternoon of Tea and lounge as we are surrounded by lingerie, a little Chanel for good measure, and friends to die for. We are all hugs and kisses as they say goodbye, all promising to see me at the wedding. We are all finally alone as I look at Sabrina and Erika they are giddy and having a ball.

My friends are like flowers give them to drink and watch them
bloom…Erika, Sabrina and I sit down after the rest leave, the wait staffers are busy cleaning and clearing.

Sabrina looks at me and goes for it

So did you tell Ian?” As I push yet another piece of mini wedding cupcake into my mouth.

“Yes and no”

Erika pipes in “Spill it Aria” I lick my finger and look at them and here it goes.

I went to tell him and he already knew!” Their jaws are now on the floor,

xactly the reaction I had ladies, he forgave me because and are ya ready for this one? He had me followed for the past six months to make sure I was not with Tristan then he came to find me!” They are now in utter shock, gasping for air as I fill their glasses with champagne.

Oh and to top it all off ladies Ian’s words
‘we are getting married on Saturday as scheduled’”

Good, glad to see I reacted the same as them
, although I had a few days to let it sink in, so my utter shock and dismay has faded

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