A Warrior's Revenge (24 page)

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Authors: Guy Stanton III

Tags: #interracial romance, #warrior, #space opera, #supernatural, #science fiction, #historical romance, #action adventure, #christian fiction, #speculative, #space adventure, #christian science fiction

BOOK: A Warrior's Revenge
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We picked up my people without further
incident from the moon that they had all congregated upon. All of
my people could have fit into the empty berths of the
bar-Kregridor, but to my surprise they asked to be spread out among
the entire fleet. It would seem that they too had learned the value
of forgiveness and had chosen to live in the future more than that
of the past.

The bridge of the bar-Kregridor was truly
massive and filled with people, but in a way it seemed like I and
Ellanara stood alone within it. I met her eyes and saw the love
there that she had for me and I knew that I reflected that same
love back to her. In unison we grabbed the handles of the relic and
it began to initialize, something that hadn’t been done in several
thousand years.

I configured the settings and the relic
began to pulse brightly, which lit up the engraved markings that
were all over its outer surface. A ray of light speared out of the
device through the front of the ship and traced out into space.

Abby looked up stunned, “It’s already

Ellanara glanced at her screen, “The
destination route is already logged into the ship’s navigation

She turned curious eyes to me, “How did you
say your ancestors got this device?”

I smiled broadly, “That’s a story better
left for another time.”

I turned to Zevin, “Signal the other ships
to take positions behind us and bring the bar-Kregridor onto course
at full velocity.”

Zevin nodded and started the process that
would take our people to their new home. The blue sparking haze of
our color particle gate opened up ahead of us and we slid into it
followed by the other four ships.

I glanced at the navigation display. It was
a long journey we had ahead of us. It would take us almost 9 months
at top speed to reach the Haven Worlds. That seemed like a long
time for some reason. I had lived for so many years, what was
another nine months? The last several weeks of my life seemed like
they’d had more content of substance shoved into them than the one
hundred years previously.

I had to admit to a fear that had become a
new reality for me. I was going to be packed away in a ship for
nine months with people, a lot of people. It seemed like everyone
wanted to talk to me about anything and everything.

“Don’t worry dear. I’ll make sure you have
plenty of alone time. Alone that is except for me. I should be able
to keep you occupied don’t you think?”

I smiled, as the thoughts of my lovely wife
invaded the solitude of my mind. I turned and saw her over by her
series of screens seemingly paying me no attention at all and I was
on the verge of believing I had imagined her presence in my mind,
when she gave me a quick wink before turning back to her work.

She was too sure of herself by half!

What she needed was to be shook up a little.
She thought she had me all figured out and well maybe she did, but
not everything. I softly left my spot by the portal and came up
behind her without being seen by her. I picked her up and slung her
over my shoulder to the tune of her surprised squeal. Surprise
achieved, with maximum shake up well in hand, I thought to myself,
as I headed out of the control room in full view of everyone.

“Salanicus what are you doing? This is
embarrassing!” She said slamming one fist hard into my back.

“Tell me about it!” I said, as I reached up
one hand and smacked her hard on the bottom in retaliation for
hitting me on the back.

“As to your first question, I thought you
could start distracting me sooner rather than later.”

“You could’ve asked!” Ellanara grumbled out,
as laughing people made way for my approach down the hall. They
were happy. Heck I was happy!

“That wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun
now would it?” I said jovially giving her a lighter pat to the
bottom than I had before.

“I’ll make you pay for this!” She said, but
I could detect the smile in her voice.

“No doubt you will, but that will have to
occur at a later date. I’m too busy being distracted right now.” I
said with a smile of my own, as I kicked the door of our room shut
behind me.

Chapter Twenty One
Divine Restoration

Two hundred and eighty-one days later.

The bar-Kregridor followed by its four
brethren broke through the crisp atmosphere of the greater of the
two Haven Worlds. The journey was over.

Ellanara made her way out the open entrance
of the ship and into the cool green grass that the bar-Kregridor
had set down in. The sight of the green grass and the texture of it
against her legs was a welcome relief from the sameness of space
travel. The wind stirred her hair and brought her the essence of
late spring flowers. She smiled, as she pushed a strand of hair
from off her face, as she looked at the distant snowcapped

Yes, this was home at long last. She gasped
softly at the sudden movement within her womb. It was painful, but
she smiled anyway. She loved to feel her child move within her. It
was one of the best feelings that she had ever experienced in life.
Her husband came up behind her and she relaxed back against him, as
his big hands slid over top of hers where they rested on her belly.
This was another of the best feelings of her life. God had not only
blessed her with a new home, but a man she could enjoy it with and
soon a child that she would share it with.

I leaned down and spoke into her ear, “Does
your new home meet with your approval darling?”

She nodded and I could feel her smiling in
my thoughts, even as I watched the evidence of it on her face.

She moved one of her hands up and pointed
toward the distant mountains, “I want a castle home over there and
a village right beside it.”

“Whoa! We just landed and your already
master planning out the future?” I said teasingly.

“Yes!” She said smiling cheekily up at me.
“You’ll build them for me won’t you?” She said tilting her head
back and giving me one of those looks that I could never deny.

“You know I will.” I said, as I lowered my
head and kissed her passionately.

Together we started out holding hands, as we
explored the sights and sounds of our new home making our way
through the tall grass thick with wildflowers. She dug her hand
into a pocket and pulled out a flat piece of stone that I had seen
her carry with her for months. I knew what the stone said and the
rich meaning of the story behind it.

She held the stone in her hands for a moment
and then she looked up at me her eyes wet with tears. I don’t think
her tears were anything to do with sadness, but rather an
overflowing well of happiness.

“Can we build the Chapel first though?” She
asked looking at me questioningly.

I nodded and said, “We’ll start on it in the
morning my love.”

Two shadowy holographic images watched the
young couple walk through the meadow towards the mountains in the
distance. If they could have, both networks would have been crying
on each other’s shoulder for moral support.

“I’m so happy for them!” Abby choked

“Me too!” Responded Nara equally choked up,
as they both stared out at the scene of a new life unfolding all
around them.

Both of the networks wanted to be a part of
everything that they had helped make possible through the years,
but they were content to see the happiness of others. Neither of
them saw the robed figure materialize out of nothingness behind
them. Nor did they hear or sense His approach, but they felt His
touch. Both Abby and Nara reacted in astonishment, as electric
shock waves dissipated off of them to be extinguished in the

They turned to look at each other and then,
as if not yet believing what they felt they reached out and touched
each other’s faces in wonderment. Together they turned towards the
source of the touch that had made them whole. Both women fell to
their knees crying before the Master of all life.

Come. Walk with Me.”
He said, as he
gently pulled them both up to their feet and led them out into the

You have both given up much in the
pursuit of being faithful to the work assigned to you and it is
nothing for My Father to give you a reward such as this for your
long and faithful service. Abberslolena you will find a soulmate of
your own soon and have the joy of becoming a mother just as you
have always yearned to, but have been so faithful to keep hidden
these many long years. Now for you Nara. I know all is not what you
would’ve wished it to be, but you will know joy and comfort yet in
your older years. Soon your arms will hold and rock to sleep the
child of promise that your beloved husband’s faithfulness is due in
large part to. There will be more children and you shall teach them
of the wisdom of their grandfather and of My ways and in the
fullness of time you will be laid to your rest in peace, after many
good years. Now go and enjoy the goodness of the day that I have
made along with all the deserving people that have clung to My Name
and have not forsaken My ways.”

The Master disappeared from before their
eyes and both woman stood staring at the empty space for a moment
before they came together hugging each other fiercely and then
screaming for joy they broke away to start running through the tall
grass after the couple that had gone on before them eager to share
the good news that had made them whole once again.

The older couple that stood in the shadow of
the bar-Kregridor smiled at the antics of the two women.

Raya glanced over at Zevin and he met her
gaze as she said, “Now that was worth sticking around for! A pity
your father couldn’t see this day too. I know how worried he was
about the future.”

Zevin nodded and smiled as he said,
“Something tells me he’s not worried anymore. Everything that was
promised has come true. God has been faithful to deliver. Shall we
follow after them my dear and share in the good news?”

Zevin started to lead Raya after the two
departing women, but she pulled him away in a different direction,
“I had something else in mind dear. You’re looking a little old
today and I need to fix that.” Raya said with a wink.

“There’s good reason for why I’m looking old
dear, after all I am……”

Raya cut him off by placing several fingers
over his lips, “It matters not how old you are or how near both of
us are to our rest. What matters this day is celebrating life. This
day is the beginning of the restoration of our people that the Lord
has made possible and as a people we should rejoice and be glad in

Zevin bowed before her and kissed her hand,
“Yes my Queen.”

Raya smiled, “That’s more like it old

Guy S. Stanton, III

A few things about me

I live in the country. It’s the best place
to be I’m

thinking. I share my life with my beautiful
wife, Beth,

my three children and one cat named

When I’m not lost in a daydream the most

place you’ll find me at is flower

or at the movie theatre. I use to think I
was strong, but

now I freely admit that I’m weak. My new
reality is

okay because Jesus Christ has me

It’s better that way trust me!

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