A Warrior's Revenge (23 page)

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Authors: Guy Stanton III

Tags: #interracial romance, #warrior, #space opera, #supernatural, #science fiction, #historical romance, #action adventure, #christian fiction, #speculative, #space adventure, #christian science fiction

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Ellanara brought my hand up to rest on a
yellow flashing command key on the table before her. I knew what
would happen if I engaged the yellow flashing key. I would bring
her people back to my galaxy.

“Our people dear.” I heard her soft
correcting thought in my head and I acknowledged it, “Yes, our
people.” I pushed the key.

The enemy ships had begun a barrage upon the
destruction of one of their own, but there weapon blasts were
having little effect at all despite their numbers. Their barrage of
energy bolts slammed into and shattered against the fast-moving
maelstrom of color particle streaks left off by the faster than the
eye could see spinning v-wing orbiting electrons, which were
hammering away in bright arcing bolts of deadly power. Every enemy
ship fell victim to the spraying firepower of the bar-Trinity’s
twin spinning v-wings

At the pressing of my hand on the control
key the main body of the bar-Trinity realigned in space and then
its turbine began to spew sheeting out its characteristic golden
color. The pinkish atmosphere of the charged nebula cloud began to
be sucked into the fast spinning turbine and with that connection
of limitless energy made a gigantic yellow particle beam shot out
from the rear of the ship into space.

On its way out into the galaxy the particle
beam passed through an enemy cruiser and completely shattered it
into nothingness.

The giant supercharged particle beam sped
out over the galaxies at an incredible rate fueled by the power of
a failed star.

Ellanara leaned back trustingly against me,
as the battle enfolded. The bar-Trinity shuddered slightly from the
impact of an enemy weapon fire blast that managed to slip through
the color stream shield.

“Now we wait and pray everything goes
right.” Ellanara said squeezing my hands firmly.

I held her loving the comfort of her
presence in my arms and mind. How long would it take for them to

Abby’s voice broke into my thoughts,
“Long-range scanners have picked up on a lot of ship signatures. It
looks like they’re sending everything.”

Of course they were the greedy vengeful
little rats! They wanted to crack this color stream shield to learn
all the secrets that the woman in my arms held, how I prayed that
would never happen.

The particle beam coursed through the galaxy
and into another, as it traced the earlier route of the
bar-Trinity’s exodus. Through the atmosphere of the Vallians former
homeworld it burned only to send up a great column the sizzling
steam, as it plunged into the watery depths of the Sassian Ocean
just off the coastline of Assoria.

For a while nothing happened, as the
coursing yellow beam plowed endlessly into the distant seafloor
below, but then the surface of gently white capping ocean began to
stir and then boil with action, as five great works of metallic
glory eased up out of the foamy froth of their former ocean

Like colossal titans they eased clear of the
ocean blue and assembled in a staggered formation of varying
heights around the central beam and then as one they moved into the
beam, which coursed around their hulls in an unbroken flow of
current. Stacked up on top of each other they were stationary for
only a short moment before all five rocketed skyward in unison the
beam dissipating behind the last ship.

I held onto the console with one hand, as I
steadied Ellanara with the other hand, as the ship around us
shuddered violently. The main hull of the bar-Trinity was beginning
to take a lot more direct hits.

Abby’s voice was worried as she informed,
“V-wing one has suffered heavy damage and is falling out of
geocentric orbit. The color stream shield is down to thirty percent
coverage efficiency. Permission to divert power from the particle
generator to primary flex shield?”

“No!” Was all Ellanara said, but I could
feel her shaking against me.

A couple more direct hits like that and the
main part of the bar-Trinity would break apart into so many pieces.
A full fleet of seventy-one ships had been hammering away at the
bar-Trinity for the better part of half a day.

The enemy fleet outside was merciless in
their bombardment of us and I began to doubt that they did want
Ellanara’s secrets after all, not to mention claiming the rings and
the relic of Perth. The bar-Trinity shuddered violently again and
most of those standing were knocked to the floor.

“V-wing two has been destroyed, we are bare
to the enemy’s strikes. We must send power to the shields!” Abby’s
voice insisted.

“No, besides the shield wouldn’t last long
anyway. If we are to die so be it then!” Ellanara said savagely,
but I could tell that she was at her strength’s end.

“They’ve stopped firing on us. Prepare to
defend the ship against borders.” I said calmly.

Loric and the rest of the men headed off
into the ship. Ellanara turned in my arms and pushed her head
against my chest for a moment and then looked up at me, as tears
tracked down her face.

“How are you still so calm?” She whispered

I leaned down to her and kissed her. Drawing
back I looked deeply into her eyes and said, “I have to believe
that knowing what I do of my God that he wouldn’t lead me so far
only to forsake me in my hour of greatest need.”

She nodded slightly and let her head fall
forward to rest against my chest.

The smaller Orlandian cruisers closed in to
finish off the kill. One latched onto the drifting wreckage of
v-wing one, as the others closed in on the main hull of the
bar-Trinity. As they approached they suddenly burst into flame and
debris, as monolithic creations of elemental design shot through
them completely unscathed by the fiery carnage they wrecked behind

What cruisers that didn’t fall prey to the
juggernauts approach soon dissolved in the concentrated bursts of
hellish fury that emanated from the great beasts, as they took a
protective formation around the injured bar-Trinity. The last
survivors of the Vallians had arrived with a vengeance.

The screens came alive within the control
room as the five newcomers to the fight checked in. Ellanara dashed
away her tears, as she regained control of her console. The others
rushed back from the main body of the ship no longer needed there
to repel boarders.

“Captain Nadalarkin of the bar-Tannin

“Captain Roth of the bar-Thunder

“Captain Zalok of the bar-Seth II

“Captain Tega of the bar-Leviathan

The last screen flashed up and revealed a
handsome older man who was smiling, “Hello little sister. It looks
like you ran into some trouble. The bar-Kregridor is ready to

Ellanara smiled back warmly in reply, “Can
you make my troubles go away Zevin?”

“Indeed I can. All ships commence firing!”
Zevin said commandingly.

The five great ships hadn’t been built for
speed or any talent maneuverability show. They had a simpler
purpose, which was to survive. To survive often meant the use of
extreme firepower, of which they had no lack of. Multiple primary
beam weapons per ships shot off simultaneously, only to moments
later rip through the enemy’s largest consorts with comparable
ease, as smaller armaments took aim and fired on everything that
was an enemy ship under power.

The stunned Orlandian fleet had no time to
think, as they tried to react to the sudden incursion of the
strangers that were taking them out left and right. Ten minutes
into the fight it was a rout, as the surviving smaller class ships
tried to escape the arena of war they had but mastered completely
not fifteen minutes before.

As the red hazy escape gates of the routing
smaller class ships lit up all five Vallian ships ceased fire and
together they pulsed brightly with color in unison. A shockwave of
streaming color radiated out from them and overwhelmed the shields
of the smaller Orlandian vessels in an instant, which exposed the
crew of the smaller ships immediately to the harmful atmosphere of
space. The escaping Orlandian cruisers came to a halt, as their
crews suffocated or died from harmful radioactive exposure.

The nebula field was strewn with the
wreckage of the mightiest ships the Orlandian’s had been able to
muster. This time it had been the Orlandian’s that had been drawn
and baited into a trap of devastating magnitude.

Zevin came back onto the screen, “Where to
now Ellanara?”

She grasped my hand tightly and said, “To
pick up the rest of our people. I’ll relay the coordinates over to

“You’re a little banged up more than I think
you know sister. We’ll come to you. You can ride with us.”

The bar-Kregridor rose massively up beside
the injured bar-Trinity and attached grappling hooks that began to
pull the smaller ship into the opening hangar bay of the

The five great ships represented the work of
generations of effort. Under Zevin’s commanding leadership the vast
underground chamber of the tannin had been converted into a giant
shipyard and aided by Ellanara’s wisdom through a direct feed from
Thunder Ridge the great project had begun.

It had taken over two hundred years to
complete the five ships that now housed over three hundred thousand
people. Most of them were native born Assorians, but there were
also the descendants of many survivors from all over the larger
continent that had fled to Assoria that made up the complement of
human cargo. Together as one people they had worked hard in the
depths of Lanoria to make this day possible. The day that they
seized back their freedom for forever.

Chapter Twenty
A King’s Pleasure

I walked a little behind the others, as the
bar-Trinity came to rest within the hangar of the larger ship.
Ellanara waited very impatiently for the hangar bay to be safe
atmospherically, which caused me to smile at her anxiousness. For
me this moment could go on for forever. I was in no hurry to see it
end, but I was also eager to start what came next.

The doors opened and Zevin walked in and
enfolded Ellanara in a big hug.

“I knew you could do it sister!” Zevin said
before he whisked Ellanara off to somewhere, even as scores of
people descended upon the crew of the bar-Trinity.

I smiled and nodded and made my way through
the packed throng of humanity beginning to be in need of some alone
time. I heard the coordinates for the moon where my people were
waiting broadcasted over the ship’s com system and inwardly I
relaxed. The Vallians weren’t going to leave us behind this

I walked alone to a portal on the ship’s
side and watched the other great ships come into formation in
readiness to travel to the destination where my people waited to be
picked up. My father had been right to do what he had done so long

The graceful and strong form of an
exceptional woman stepped up to the portal beside me. She was
beautiful, even as she was apparently very old, if the snow white
tresses of her hair gave an accurate description of her age. While
old I could tell the heart of a warrioress still beat strong within

She smiled up at me charmingly, which
revealed a mouth full of glistening sharp teeth, “Tell me what is
your name warrior?”

I smiled in return already liking the exotic
featured woman, “Salanicus.”

“Tell me who you are Salanicus?”

Now that was a question. Who was I?

“I was a King once, but now I think I’m just
a survivor.”

Her smile only deepened, “My name is
Raya’nasa. I was a Queen once, but like you I’m just a survivor

“Your people are not Vallians?” I asked

“No, they were of Berniam, but the lines
have blurred. It is hard to say as to what we are now in terms of
ancestry, but what is important is that while we are of several
people’s we are still all of one race. We are after all, human, are
we not?”

“Yes!” I said smiling.

“Now come along big warrior. I may not be a
Queen any longer, but you are most definitely are still a King.”
She said, as she took my hand to lead me away from the portal to
the bridge where the others were.

The older man named Zevin, who was somehow
Ellanara’s brother spoke up, “You will always be my Queen my love.”
He said directing his words with affection to the woman by my

Ellanara came forward and hugged the older
woman fiercely, who returned the hug with equal measure.

I turned from the two of them to the serious
face of Zevin, who spoke to me, “Salanicus, it is an honor to
finally meet you just as it is my honor to serve you. This fleet is
at your command and awaits your orders.”

I glanced at Ellanara stunned and then back
to Zevin, “I am but the lesser of the peoples gathered here. I
should be in charge of nothing.”

Zevin shook his head, “Not so! None of these
people would be here if not for the wisdom of your father and the
sacrifice of your people. Your people are now part of our people
and where you go we will go also. Leadership is yours by both right
and merit. What are your orders sire?”

Zevin and those gathered behind him knelt
down to one knee looking up at me earnestly in expectation of what
I was to say. Ellanara slipped over to my side and gave me a look
of, “What are you waiting for?”

“I think it’s time that we all found our new
home.” I said addressing all those present within the room.

“A home we can all share. A home that we can
all be proud of. A place where we can learn from our past
differences and turn them into our core strengths, as one people.
One people under the one and only Sovereign God of all the
universes combined.”

They seemed to like all of what I had said,
if one could judge by the uproar of applause, but they had no idea
how far I had come character wise as a person to say and mean what
I had just said to a crowd of people largely made up of Vallian
extraction. I had been wrong in my former judgments of these people
and I gladly admitted to it now in favor of the future that was now
becoming a reality. Ellanara’s hand slipped into mine and together
we bowed to the people, our people.

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