A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) (43 page)

BOOK: A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy)
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“Nay.” He pulled her to him and held her tight, breathing in her essence, needing to hold her just for a moment. “I must help with the fire first.”

At last, Royce eased back to look into her tear-filled eyes. “Royce, you did the right thing. You could’ve killed him when you had the chance, but you didn’t. You’ve honored your parents well this day.”

Her words brought him
a sense of
peace, and he knew she was right. “Thank you.”

“Let me look at your wound. It will only take a moment.”

He shook his head. “I’ll be back after we see to the fire and then you can care for it.” He trailed his fingers along the softness of her jaw, his gaze holding hers. “As I said before, we have much to speak of, you and I, as soon as the fire is out.”




A rose hue washed the dawn sky as a tired Alyna sat on the steps of the keep at Larkspur, Nicholas cuddled on her lap. “Isn’t the sky beautiful, Nicholas?”

Her little boy gave a small nod, then burrowed deeper in her arms, his exhaustion getting the better of him after all the excitement.

The fire had been extinguished at last before spreading far. Alyna had helped to treat the minor burns and other injuries incurred by the servants and men-at-arms who’d fought the flames. Smoke permeated the air. Even Nicholas’s hair smelled of it. Alyna knew she did as well. They both sorely needed a bath.

She’d caught glimpses of Royce as he shouted orders and directions to the scrambling men. He was a natural leader, that was certain.

Now that the fire was out, her patience was nearly at end. Where was he? Enough, she wanted to shout. It’s our turn.

“He’s coming, Mama,” said Nicholas in a sleepy voice without opening his eyes.

Startled, Alyna looked around, but did not see Royce’s tall form anywhere.

“What have we here?” A familiar deep voice whispered from behind her.

Shivers ran down her spine and her stomach trembled in anticipation. She turned her head as Royce sat down on the step beside her. “I was wondering where you’d gone.”

His warm gray eyes held hers with an intensity that took her breath away. “Only to you, my lady.”

She tried to regain her balance and calm her sudden nerves. “Let me see to your shoulder.”

“It’s fine. Someone needs to lie down for a bit, I think,” Royce said as he put his hand on Nicholas’s back.

As though he’d been watching for the right moment, Hugh emerged from the shadows and mounted the steps. “Are there any strong young men here in need of rest?”

Nicholas held up his hand, and Royce and Alyna laughed.

“Come here, Sir Nicholas. I think you may have earned your spurs this day with your bravery. Let us discuss the possibility with Lord Blackwell.” Hugh lifted the boy easily, then winked at Alyna. “We’re off to find some food and then a bed. Right, Nicholas?”

The little boy nodded and yawned. “Good night, Mama and Royce.”

The cool pre-dawn air chilled the warmth that Nicholas’s form had provided, and Alyna rubbed her arms in response.

Royce pulled her close. “I think I mentioned earlier that I needed to speak with you.” He nuzzled her neck and breathed softly in her ear.

Alyna’s shivers returned. “You did indeed.”

“That time has come at last.” He paused, his mouth before hers, then touched his lips tenderly to hers. Once. Twice.

She sighed in response, desire soothing her nerves. Love warming her from the inside out.

“I’m not going to let another moment pass before I tell you what’s in my heart,” he murmured against her lips, then kissed her again, his passion heating her thoroughly, his desire for her undeniable.

He drew back, his gaze locking on hers. “Alyna, I should’ve told you how I felt the day we made love. I wanted to wait until I had everything planned. Until I had everything resolved.”

Alyna bowed her head. “When you left, and my grandfather told me that Lord Tegmont was your uncle, I thought you had somehow used me to aid you in your revenge.” She looked up at him, her amber eyes solemn. “I’m sorry to have doubted you.”

“Nay. I should’ve told you he was my uncle from the start.” Royce shook his head. “I’ve waited my entire life to fulfill my vow of vengeance. Yet when you were gone, I realized it no longer mattered. Only you. Only you matter, Alyna. I love you.”

Her eyes filled with tears, her throat tight with emotion, and joy sang in her heart. “And I love you.”

Royce placed a gentle hand on her cheek. “I will cherish you. I swear it.” He rested his forehead against hers. “Please say you’ll marry me. My life will only be complete with you by my side.”

Alyna hesitated. “I, too, made a vow I intend to keep. I know you care for Nicholas, Royce, but I need to know if you care enough to raise him with me.”

Royce answered without hesitation. “I love him as well, and I would be honored if he
chose to call
me father.”

“Then my answer is yes.”
Deep joy
speared through Alyna, and s
he threw her arms around Royce
. Surely, she was the happiest woman in all of England.

He held her tight then kissed her passionately. Alyna swore she could feel all the love in his heart, flowing into hers.

“I vow here and now to love you always,” he promised.

“Always and forever,” she agreed and kissed him again.









A special thanks to Mom and my sister, Linda for your edits and encouragement over the years.


To my entire family, who kept asking about my writing.


To Annie MacFarlane, Michelle Major, and Jodi Anderson, my critique partners and anchors in all things.


To Robin, Jessica, Heidi, who encouraged me in so many ways.




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