Read A Vampire's Saving Embrace Online

Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

A Vampire's Saving Embrace (13 page)

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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“Luke,” Desmond said, cracking the eggs and dropping them into a pan. “I want to thank you for standing beside us in this. I know Abby appreciates everything you are doing to insure her safety – as do I. I know you didn’t sign up for all of this – but I want you to know that it is appreciated.”

“There is absolutely no need for thanks.” He said in all seriousness. “Christ, Des. You are a brother to us, and you know that we are all here…”

“Oh, Shit! Stop!” Marcus broke in, laughing. “I really don’t have the stomach for this love fest right now. It’s just too damn early. You
how I feel about being awake at this hour of the morning.”

Desmond shot him a look, but a smile curved the corners of his mouth. After his night with Abby, there wasn’t any amount of goading or joking that was going to get to him. For the first time in his very long existence - he was content. Blissfully, and completely - content.

“How many escaped,” Desmond asked, trying to keep his mind occupied with the task of preparing the lovely little fey’s breakfast as quickly as possible so that he could get back into his bed with her – where he planned to stay for most of the day…and night if he had his way, he thought with a chuckle.

“Three,” Luke replied. “So we’re thinking that they’re going to regroup and try again. We have to consider what stupid bastards they are and that they won’t have the good sense to just give it up. I can’t believe that with your notoriety among the demon world that they would ever even consider attacking in the first place.” Luke said with a snort. “But, as we all know, they
dumb asses.”

“Dumb-asses, yes.” Desmond replied, his brow furrowing slightly. “But it seems that my reputation does not factor in with their desire to obtain Abby. It seems that losing some of their brethren is well worth the price to them,” he finished grimly.

Luke grunted, his eyes snapping fire. “Well, let them try all they like. She is under our protection now, and we won’t let anything happen to her,” he bit out vehemently. “Besides, it gives us the opportunity to take some of those bastards out. Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Marcus and I are planning on going out tonight and scouting the clubs for any information we can get. Perhaps we will luck out and find out just how they even discovered Abby is here - or if they are working for someone. We have to consider every possibility. The pack will remain and watch the house of course.”

Desmond nodded, knowing full well that these bastards would not give up easily. His body tensed at the memory of Abby writhing in pain and as if reading his brother’s thoughts, Marcus walked over to him and laid his hand on his shoulder, gently giving it a squeeze. “What happened last night?” he asked -concern etched firmly in his features. “Why the hell did she scream like that?”

“The poison from the blade isn’t out of her system yet,” he offered, turning and grabbing a plate. “I believe that between the attack and the Demon’s venom, it must have sort of
- for lack of a better word, her fey blood. It seems to react when evil is near –a warning signal as such. Obilex possessed a similar power - although his did not cause him pain,” he finished, hating the fact that Abby’s did. And now that Abby’s blood had been released from its dormancy, there were going to be many things she would experience that she had never experienced before – and as much as he hated to admit it - the thought was a bit daunting. What type of powers
the daughter of the Fey King possess? He silently wondered - a muscle in his jaw twitching slightly.

Both men considered this a moment, then finally it was Marcus who spoke. “So, she is immortal now as well?” he asked and Desmond nodded distractedly. “Have you told her yet?”


“Well, all I can say is that I certainly hope that crap is gone before the next attack,” he exclaimed vehemently . “That is a sound I wish never to hear again.” Marcus had felt an instant brotherly bond with Abby, and the thought of her being in any kind of pain worried him more than he was willing to admit and Desmond knew it came from the deep seeded fear that he had failed Josephine all those years ago, and couldn’t save her from the pain he knew she suffered at the hands of their mother.

Desmond remained silent, although he couldn’t have agreed with his brother more. The sound of Abby’s scream had been like a stake through his heart. He never wanted her to feel such anguish again.

He shook the thought from his mind, silently vowing to protect her at all cost. They would
get near her. Where he had failed her father - he would not fail her. He would move Heaven and Earth to insure her safety. He slid the eggs onto the plate, poured a glass of juice and grabbed a bagel.

“If you gentleman will excuse me,” he said - heading for the doorway. “I will meet up with the both of you later. I would suggest you both get some rest.” As he headed up the stairs he swore he heard both men burst into laughter and Luke telling Marcus that he was buying the drinks tonight.

When Desmond walked through the door to the bedroom, he found the bed empty and a moment of pure panic hit him - until he noticed the sound of the shower running. With a smile, he set the plate and glass down on the bedside table, unbuttoned his pants and dropped them to the floor - heading for the bathroom. As he walked through the door, he heard Abby singing softly and was instantly taken by the sheer beauty of her voice. It was soft and melodic and absolutely entrancing - the true lilting sound of a fey.

He leaned against the doorframe and listened quietly for several moments before walking over and gently pulling back the curtain. He stepped in behind her and smiled.

“Is there room for one more?” he asked and Abby nodded. He wrapped his arms around her, his chest to her back and kissed her neck. “You didn’t stay put,” he murmured, his lips traveling up and down her skin in the most delicious way.

Abby leaned back against him and sighed. “The thought of a nice hot shower was just too tempting to resist.”

“You could have at least waited for me,” he admonished gently, his hands sliding up her belly to the soft swells of her breasts -still slick with soap. He cupped them lovingly, his thumbs teasing her nipples as his tongue traced her ear.

Her nipples hardened instantly and she moaned softly as she felt his steely length pressing against her backside - demanding to be noticed. Damn he felt good – she thought with a grin. “You’re here now,” she whispered huskily, her breathing speeding up as it always seemed to do when Desmond was near her.

“You have a beautiful singing voice,” he murmured, his teeth gently nipping her shoulder as his hands continued to caress her – leaving a trail of white hot heat wherever they happened to venture.

“I do?” she asked in surprise as she arched her back slightly, pressing her breasts more firmly into his skilled hands. “I must have been zoned out. I didn’t even realize that I was singing.”

“You were,” he replied, his attention going back to her earlobe and tugging at it gently with his teeth. “And it was lovely.”

“You must be completely tone deaf,” she laughed.

“Actually, my hearing is quite exceptional.”

She turned to face him - her arms sliding up his chest and fastening themselves firmly around his neck. She leaned up on her toes and kissed him - lightly at first, but with a growing hunger. “Among other things,” she whispered against his lips, her teeth tugging at his bottom lip playfully. His response was immediate and he pulled her closer - his tongue possessively exploring her mouth as he tilted his head slightly, so that he could deepen their kiss.

Abby’s hand slid down his neck to his chest then traveled to his belly, and finally her fingers wrapped around the shaft of his erection, causing Desmond to shiver. She tightened her hold ever so slightly as she moved her hand in slow, easy strokes up and down his rock hard shaft as she squeezed him gently.

“My God, woman,” he groaned into her mouth - his hips thrusting to meet her strokes. “You are going to kill me… again.”

Abby smiled against his lips, loving the way he reacted to her. Never before had she affected someone as much as she seemed to affect this man, nor had anyone ever affected her this way. Being with Desmond was utter bliss, on levels that she could never have ever dreamed of. He was kind and considerate and just one look from him could set her body trembling with desire.

“I would never,” she cooed softly as she slid down his body and took him into her mouth, her tiny hand still squeezing him as her mouth worked it’s magic. Her tongue slid slowly along his shaft and around his tip which was throbbing harshly.

“Christ,” Desmond moaned, plunging his hand into her hair as he pulled her closer. Her warm mouth on him was driving him to the brink and he knew that he wouldn’t last long – not with her tormenting him as she was. God, her lips felt so damn amazing – he was feeling like a gangly, green teenager.

In the next instant Desmond lifted her up by her arms and backed her up against the back of the shower - the tip of his manhood at her hot, wet opening.

Abby gasped, wrapping her legs around him as she tried to join them, but Desmond only shook his head as his mouth took and ravaged hers. “Not yet, sweetness,” he growled - his mouth turning up in a devilish smile.

He lifted her higher, as if she were weightless and took her nipple into his mouth lavishing it with sweet attention.

Abby’s hands clutched his shoulders - her fingers digging into his smooth skin as she chewed her bottom lip, already feeling that delicious tightening her belly. After what seemed to be an eternity of sweet torture – his lips left her breast and he lowered her, sliding deep inside.

“Des,” she breathed, burying her face in the curve of his neck - her body trembling in the most wonderful way. Holy Hell, what this man could do to her she thought with a groan.

Desmond moved his hips slowly, delighting in the feel of this woman in his arms. He wanted to prolong this ecstasy for as long as possible, although he knew that he would never have his fill of her. She was like a drug that he just couldn’t get enough of – she
his addiction. An opiate running through his bloodstream that could never be purged. There was no rehab for her. Her passion, beauty and honesty were breaking down the walls that he had spent decades building, and he realized with a smile that he didn’t care. Let the walls come tumbling down! He needed this –
it, with a yearning that he hadn’t felt in centuries! Who the hell was he kidding, he thought with a grin – he had
felt this way with anyone. Even before he had been turned, no one had even come close to firing his blood as this beautiful creature in his arms did.

With that thought in mind, he began to thrust his hips faster and heard Abby moan against his neck, her arms wrapping themselves tightly around his broad shoulders – holding him close. Abby was trying desperately to catch her breath as her orgasm built up a crescendo around her - hitting every nerve ending in her body with indescribable pleasure. “Oh God,” she cried, her body tightening up around him, “now Des,” she gasped - and as if on cue, she felt him reach his own climax, driving himself into her hard – a growl passing through his clenched teeth.

Desmond’s arms tightened around her as his body tensed and her name passed from his lips as if it were some sacred mantra. There were no words to describe the utter euphoria he felt and his entire body trembled from the force of it as his seed spilled into her – almost bringing him to his knees. And he found himself wondering how it was that instead of satisfying his needs - she was only intensifying them.

It was as if he would never get enough of her…ever! That each time he touched her – took her, it only served to whet his appetite for her – and each time was more intense than the last. Christ! At the rate they were going, he would be a pile of boneless mush in no time. He threw back the shower curtain and stepped out - Abby still wrapped around him and reluctantly withdrew from her warmth and set her down. Reaching for a towel, he tenderly dried her off - then wrapped another securely around her.

She could only stand there and watch in complete awe as he hastily dried himself off, wrapped a towel around his perfectly tapered waist and gazed at her – his eyes dark and smoldering. “I’m sure your breakfast has gotten cold,” he said, running his fingers gently through her damp hair. She shrugged - not caring in the least.

“Come,” he murmured, taking her by the hand and leading her into the bedroom.

“Oh Lord,” she groaned- her eyes sparkling with mischief. “I have! More times than I could possibly count, and I really,
believe that if I did so again - it would seriously kill me. And you accused
of trying to kill
She finished with a snort.

Desmond’s head whipped around as his eyes met hers – completely stunned. This woman never ceased to amaze him.

Finally his lips lifted up into that earth-shattering grin. “Why Miss Montgomery,” he chided, trying hard not to laugh. “I do believe you are mistaken. I was merely requesting that you follow me. Although, we could always test out your theory if you would care to.” The smile he gave her was predatory and utterly lecherous and she felt a tingle run up her spine – not to mention that ever present heat whenever he was near.

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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