A Vampire's Saving Embrace (11 page)

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Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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Her fingers went from his face and plunged themselves into his hair as she had wanted to do since she had first set eyes on him – urging, pleading him to go further – to take everything she had to offer and more. A moment later, she wasn’t disappointed.

His mouth left hers as he leaned back slightly to pull the sweater she wore from her. He smiled that damned grin when he saw that she wore no bra - his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners and causing her heart to beat triple time in her chest.

Desmond took a moment and appreciated the pure sensual beauty of her lying there- saying a silent prayer that she wasn’t just a dream. “My God, you’re breathtaking,” he murmured, his voice laced with pure admiration – his eyes burning into hers and for the first time in her life, she felt like it. She felt desirable and wanted.

In a flash, the beautiful silk panties he had gotten her were gone and across the room - or at least what was left of them - she realized and a giggle escaped her.

In movements too quick to even comprehend, his pants were off and being tossed to the floor. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw his erection - large, firm, straining out from the dark patch of hair. My God, she thought with wonder and the tiniest bit of apprehension – he’s enormous! He kissed her again, long and thoroughly before his lips traveled down her jaw to her throat and then slowly to her collarbone - only to come to rest at the soft swell of her breast. His tongue circled her nipple before taking the hardened peak between his lips and sucking, causing her to cry out. He nipped lightly at the tender bud before he lifted his head and looked into her eyes - his blue depths darkened with passion. “Do you like that, my pet?”

“Oh, yes,” she murmured in response, loving the feel of
he was doing. This man was beyond incredible and had her heart beating in her chest like a bass drum.

His mouth left her breast and traveled down her ribs to her belly button where his tongue traced a slow, lazy circle before dipping quickly inside. “And this?”

“Oh God, yes!” She panted hoarsely – trying desperately to get the oxygen that her body needed. He had her on fire!

He heard her sharp intake of breath as his mouth traveled even farther down and his tongue entered her moist heat. His hands stationed themselves firmly on her hips – as his mouth devoured her.

He had wanted nothing more than to taste her - and now that he had, he was awed by her honeyed sweetness, and he swore that his body would burst into flames. She was so hot and wet and tasted like nothing he had ever experienced - nor ever could have imagined, and his hands slipped beneath her, lifting her closer as his mouth cherished her.

“Please…” she moaned, her fingers tangling themselves in his hair. “Please Des.”

“Yes, love?” he questioned against her soft folds, his tongue working its magic on her sensitive and swollen bud and he sucked on it gently before nipping at it with his teeth - making certain that his fangs were not present.

“I need…” she gasped, opening her legs for him a little farther as she arched her back, thrusting her hips towards him in desperation as her head thrashed from side to side –certain that she would go mad from the pleasure he was giving her.

“Abby,” he said gently, his long fingers sliding inside her and sending another electrical shock coursing through her body. “Tell me what you need, love.”

Abby squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to make sense of the words coming from him. She was in such a blissful haze that it seemed as if her ability to hear and understand words and sentences had suddenly flown out the window. He might as well have been speaking to her in a foreign language! She gave herself a mental shake and tried with everything she had to give him a coherent answer – but what he was doing to her had her mind turning to mush.

“I need…I need
! Oh, please Desmond!” she practically screamed as her hands clenched in his hair.

“You have me, love,” he answered, dangerously close to the brink himself. Her response to his touch was heating his body like a raging inferno and he was more than ready to sink himself into her. She held nothing back from him and it was a powerful thing. Her total abandon had him on the edge of sanity.

“Inside,” she begged and the words sounded almost like a sob. She was so close and needed him so desperately.

He couldn’t deny her any longer - no more than he could deny himself. With the movements of a cat, he was suddenly hovering above her once more - his mouth taking hers as he slowly slid inside. Thrusting his hips hard once, he stilled - reveling in the feel of her moist heat surrounding him as her channel was stretched to accommodate his generous member.

He remained immobile, allowing her body time to adjust and accept all that he had to offer without hurting her. She was tight and he knew that he had to take it slow – as difficult as that was. Every instinct in his body screamed out to take her – to brand her as his and he fought the overwhelming desire he felt to claim her.

He kissed her languidly - enjoying the sensation of being buried in her to the hilt. It was as if he had come home and the feeling was indescribable.

Abby moaned against his lips as he filled her and realized with a start that for the first time in her life- she felt whole. She felt complete. “Mmmm, finally,” Abby murmured against his mouth and he responded with a groan, his gaze sweeping up to hers.

Their eyes locked as he began to thrust into her and she wrapped her legs around his hips, urging him deeper as she matched his pace - needing to be as close to him as possible. They moved in perfect synchronicity, their bodies fitting perfectly against the other as if made solely for this purpose.

He could feel her body tightening against his and knew that she was near her release, and with one final thrust he spilled his seed into her the moment he felt her climax, her body milking his as she gasped for air as wave after wave of pleasure surged through her.

“Holy Hell!” she breathed when she could finally catch her breath - still riding out the tremors of the most unbelievable, awe-inspiring orgasms she had ever experienced!

Desmond rolled onto his side, taking her with him and cradled her against his chest - their bodies still deliciously joined. “Holy Hell, indeed,” he chuckled, kissing her eyelids, her nose, and the side of her mouth – basking in the taste of her skin.

“I…I um…” she stuttered, at a complete loss for words. To say her climax had been explosive would have been a severe understatement. “All I can say is - damn, but you do curl my toes,” she finally said, burying her face in his chest and hoping that he wouldn’t see the blush that she knew without a doubt was coloring her cheeks.

She had been more brazen than she had ever been in her entire life. But the payoff had been more than worth it, she thought with a smile. Talk about mind-blowing sex. Cripes! Who would have thought that it could be so earth-shattering?

“Is that a good thing?” he queried, and she looked up at him through her lashes. His brow was raised quizzically and she grinned at him before nodding against his chest.

“Oh, it’s a
good thing,” she admitted, placing soft little kisses on his skin.

Desmond was silent for a long moment - then finally his deep, rich laughter filled the room. “Well, then - please allow me to curl them again for you,” he murmured, that grin once again coming to his lips, right before his mouth claimed hers and he pulled her on top of him.

“Curl away, vampire,” she whispered against his mouth. And he did.

“Do you really wish to know how I was turned?” Desmond asked softly as they lay there in the darkness, his arms wrapped around her as he held her securely against his chest. God how he loved the feel of her in his embrace.

Abby lifted her head so that she could see his face – and was instantly struck again by how breath-taking he was, as the moonlight danced across his perfect, chiseled features. Her heart skipped a beat and she graced him with a smile. “If you’d like to tell me,” she replied, wanting nothing more than to know every little detail about him – but afraid of pushing him. She sensed such a sadness in him when he spoke of his past that she didn’t want him to have to dredge up painful memories at her expense.

Desmond kissed the tip of her nose, his lips curving up. “I do,” he stated simply and realized with a sudden, strange tightening in his chest that he wanted to share so much more with her. He pushed back the thought and tightened his hold on her- then sighed raggedly as she burrowed her face against his neck and his body instantly reacted to her touch.

He swallowed the desire washing over him and gently stroked her back with his fingers. “But first I wish to know how you got that scar under your chin.” He had noticed it when his lips were traveling down her neck, but at the time he had been much too pre-occupied to inquire about it he thought with a grin.

He felt her body stiffen slightly as she lifted her head to look at him. “An ex,” she stated simply.

“An ex-boyfriend?” he asked, anger bubbling up inside him at the thought of someone –
laying a hand on her.

Abby nodded, her eyes sliding closed. “About a year ago I was dating this guy who thought the best way to get his point across was with his fists – or at this particular time - one of the only good vases that I had.”

Desmond growled deep in his chest, his entire body tensing. “I will kill him,” he said softly and Abby’s eyes widened. She had no doubt that he meant what he said, but it was the past. Eric couldn’t hurt her anymore.

“Desmond, it’s over. He’s long gone - and believe me, he left a little worse for wear.” Her mouth turned up in a shy smile.

“What does that mean?”

“Well,” she stammered, her cheeks growing warm. “After he hit me with the vase, I…” she hesitated, not wanting him to think any less of her. She had been so angry that day. So tired of being bullied and abused – both mentally and physically that she had finally come to the end of her rope.

“Please, tell me that you castrated the son of a bitch,” Desmond replied, his voice dripping with ice. As angry as he was at this bastard for touching her, there was also a small part of him that gloried in the notion that she had taken care of him. Giving him back a small part of the hurt he was sure he had subjected her to.

“No, but I did give him a fairly good kick in the family jewels right before throwing him and everything he had at my place out into the street.” She sighed softly. “I’m pretty sure that he won’t be fathering any children anytime soon.”

Desmond broke out into laughter, his eyes twinkling with pride at this fiery little hell-cat. The woman definitely had balls. “You should have castrated him.” He replied seriously after a few moments and made a mental note to find this asshole and pay him a visit at the first opportunity. The least he could do would be to scare the shit out of him.

“So not worth the mess,” she said with a shrug, and laid her head back on his chest. “I was stupid for putting up with him for as long as I did – but he was
good at messing with my head. He had me believing that
was the good guy and everything was my fault.”

“Did you love him?” Desmond asked, not sure that he wanted to hear her answer. The thought of this woman loving someone caused a deep ache in his chest.

“No.” She answered truthfully. And Desmond felt himself relax with her words. “At first he was charming and fun, but then…” she paused, a slight shiver running through her and Desmond pulled her closer. “He quickly became controlling and violent. His charm was just an act.”

“I’m sorry, Abby,” he murmured – gently kissing the top of her head – wanting nothing more at that moment than to take her pain from her.

“There is nothing to be sorry about. It’s ancient history – just a hard lesson learned.” She said, softly, her voice thick with acceptance and Desmond’s opinion of her skyrocketed. She didn’t let life break her, and he couldn’t help but admire her for her strength. “So… now that you know my sordid past -are you still planning on telling me yours?”

“I promised you that I would,” he whispered softly, unable to stop the feeling of relief washing over him at her words. She hadn’t loved that piece of shit! He brushed his lips against her hair once again and inhaled her intoxicating scent a moment before pulling her even closer. “I was born and raised in England. My father was a nobleman who lost his title and family’s considerable wealth because of a penchant he had for gambling and drinking. Our mother left him once she realized that he had squandered everything away and could no longer maintain the lifestyle to which she had grown accustomed. She was a spiteful, evil woman who never loved anyone but herself – yet my father could not see her for what she was. He was devastated after she left and decided that drinking himself to death was the easiest way out. I was sixteen when he died and Marcus only fourteen. I did everything I could to keep us fed and clothed once my father was gone.” He was silent for a long moment, lost in his thoughts and Abby’s heart broke for him. To be so young and have such responsibility was overwhelming – as she knew all too well. He kissed her temple - his lips lingering a moment before he shrugged. “But it seemed that I had a good head for business,” he finally continued softly, “and was willing to work hard. I made my fortune building ships and by the time I was thirty, I had attained a substantial fortune.” He laughed softly, a note of bitterness lacing his words. “Marcus was engaged to a lovely young woman named Josephine. He was truly happy for the first time since I could remember - and on the night that we were celebrating their engagement
walked back into our lives.” Abby lifted herself up so that she could look into his face once again and saw the raw pain in his luminescent eyes. He held her gaze for what seemed an eternity before leaning forward slightly to kiss her lips – his touch tender.

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