A Valentine's Wish (17 page)

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Authors: Betsy St. Amant

BOOK: A Valentine's Wish
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“No, you’re not.” The whisper rushed through Lori’s lips, and Andy’s eyebrows raised.

A wave of nerves washed over Lori like a tidal wave, and she suddenly felt shy. “Sit down. Open your gift—it will
explain everything.” She moved to a table nearby and sank onto the seat, hoping Andy wouldn’t notice her shaking hands. She pasted on a smile and waited while he tore into the paper sack.

“Chocolates.” He popped the bonbon in his mouth and gave her a close-lipped grin. “My favorite.”

Lori relaxed. There was her best friend, the Andy she knew—talking with his mouth full. “There’s something else.” She inhaled. This was it. The moment of truth where they’d either pick up where they left off in the church sanctuary and make this day the best Valentine’s ever…or go to church with broken hearts and a ruined friendship. It was all up to Andy.

“No, wait.” Andy stood and dug into his pocket. “I have something for you, too. I wanted to give it to you last night, but then I got your note—well, Haley’s note—asking to meet you this morning and decided to wait. Since its Valentine’s Day and all…” His voice trailed off, and he handed Lori a slip of notebook paper. “Sorry it’s not fancy.”

Lori slowly unfolded the lined paper. “What is this?”

Andy knelt beside her chair and pointed to the two columns. “A list of pros and cons to being in a relationship with me.”

Lori scanned the list, pressing one hand against her face to hide the slow smile spreading across her cheeks as she read.



     I’ll treat you like a queen

     I can be immature

     You’ll never run of chocolate

     I talk with my mouth full

     I already know all your secrets

     Sometimes I snore

     I’ll always let you have the remote

     I’m cranky after a nap

     You’re my best friend

     I’m a horrible basketball player

Andy cleared his throat. “The lists came out even, so I understand if you’re not interested.”

“Actually, I made a list for myself about being in a relationship with you.” Lori dug the stationery out of the bag of chocolates on the table and handed it to Andy. “See for yourself.”

He took the chocolate-smeared slip of paper, his slight frown morphing into a wide grin as he read. “There’s only one entry, and it’s on the pros side.”

Lori wrapped her fingers around Andy’s, covering the note with her hand. “It’s you. That’s the only reason I need.”

Andy stood quickly, pulling Lori up beside him, and gathered her in his arms. “You know I would never use you, don’t you?”

Lori nodded as tears pricked her eyes. “I’ve always known that. I’m sorry I doubted you.”

“And I’m sorry it took me so long to see what was right in front of me.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and leaned in so his breath whispered across her cheeks. “I love you, Lori. Job or no job, business or no business, I love you. I always have.”

“I love you, too.” Lori welcomed his kiss, tightening her arms around his neck. He pulled away, and she smiled. “You taste like chocolate.”

“Add that to the pros side of the list.” Andy grinned before covering her mouth with his own again. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Lori.”

She let out a happy sigh before snuggling deeper into his embrace. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

And this year, it truly was.


ey, no kissing on my couch.” Carter threw a gummy bear at Lori and Andy from his position in the chair across the room.

Lori ducked away from the onslaught and laughed. “You guys started it.” She pointed at Gracie’s bulging stomach. “About six months ago, I might add.”

Gracie tossed back her red hair and grinned. “I always knew you’d make a great aunt.” She patted her stomach as she reclined back against the love seat. “Only three more months.”

Carter tossed the remote control to Andy, who nestled beside Lori on the couch. “Here. I have a feeling movie night is about to become a chick flick if someone doesn’t man up. These women will be chatting about babies and weddings all evening if we don’t stop them.”

Andy aimed the remote at the television and pressed several buttons. “I don’t think this controller has that kind of power.”

Lori held up her left hand and admired her ring finger. The diamond glistened in the glow of the lamplight. “What’s wrong with talk about weddings and babies?”

“Yeah, it’s not like you guys are innocent in all of this.” Gracie shoved a pillow behind her back. “Whew, that’s better.”

“You think you have it rough now, Carter? Wait until Carter
Junior or Little Gracie appears and you’re walking the halls at midnight.” Lori threw the gummy bear back at Carter.

He caught it and grinned. “Hey, as long as Junior is willing to play the guitar one day, I don’t mind a little crying.”

Gracie rolled her eyes. “He keeps saying that.”

“Like you don’t wish your little one will grow up to work in the aquarium?” Andy quirked his eyebrow at Gracie.

She reddened. “At least I don’t say it every ten minutes.”

“Shh, the movie is starting.” Carter pointed to the TV. “No more baby talk for the next two hours.” He cut a glance at Andy and Lori from the corner of his eye. “Or smooching.”

Gracie clicked off the lamp, and everyone settled in for the movie. Andy nuzzled Lori’s hair, and she leaned back against him with a soft sigh. “I can’t believe all that’s happened in a year.”

“I know.” Andy’s breath warmed her cheek. “Last Valentine’s Day we were just starting to date. Now we’re engaged. Maybe next year we’ll be expecting our own baby. Who knows what God has planned for us?”

Lori snuggled closer as the opening credits of the movie rolled. “I don’t care what we do, as long as we’re together.”

Andy pressed his lips gently against the top of her head. “Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope I get to tell you that for the next fifty years.”

“You’d better.” Lori smiled at the diamond on her finger and then angled her head toward his. “I want a real kiss.”

“Are you sure you want to risk Carter’s wrath?” Andy rubbed his nose against Lori’s.

“I’m not scared.” Lori wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

Their lips brushed sweetly together. Then they simultaneously ducked the next round of gummy bears.

Dear Reader,

I hope you had as much fun reading this book as I had writing it. I knew as soon as Lori made her first appearance in
Return to Love
that she needed to share her own story. She and Andy seemed to be the perfect match from the very beginning, and I had a blast putting them together.

Valentine’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. Some argue that it’s simply a commercial holiday, a manipulated attempt at getting consumers to spend money on things they don’t need in order to express their feelings. But I say celebrating love and romance is fun! What’s better than redand-pink window displays, heart-shaped candy, mushy greeting cards and, of course, a ton of chocolate? Some of my fondest memories from my school-age days were sending Snoopy or Care Bear valentines to classmates and indulging in pinkfrosted cupcakes.

It’s good to show our spouses and friends that we care about them, but in the midst of celebrating earthly love, we need to always remember the gift that was demonstrated through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—the
lover of our souls.


  1. The book begins with Lori feeling overwhelmed and in desperate need of chocolate. What is your favorite comfort food?
  2. Lori and Andy were best friends for years before realizing their feelings for each other. Have you ever had a close relationship with a person of the opposite sex and suddenly discovered you had feelings for them?
  3. Andy thought sending gifts as a secret admirer would warm Lori up to the idea of his being boyfriend material instead of simply friend material. Was this a good idea, or did it just cause more problems later in the story?
  4. Have you ever had what you thought to be a good idea backfire and create issues in your life?
  5. What was your favorite of the gifts Andy sent Lori as a secret admirer? Why? If you were to send surprise gifts to someone, what would you send?
  6. When Jason showed up and lied about the gifts being from him, why didn’t Andy object?
  7. How did Andy’s staying silent create more problems for him and Lori?
  8. Lori was tempted to accept an offer she knew wasn’t right for her because it would propel her toward a longtime dream. Have you ever had to choose between right and wrong at the risk of sacrificing a specific dream or goal?
  9. Andy worked at the church as a single youth minister. Do you agree or disagree with the staff for pressuring him toward marriage?
  10. Lori’s befriending her coworker Summer helped turn the younger girl back toward God. Have you ever reached out to someone who was a little different than you to share the gospel? If so, what happened?
  11. At first, Summer’s hardened appearance of dark clothes, tattoos and piercings turned Lori away. How are appearances often deceiving? What efforts can we make to ensure that we never falsely judge someone?
  12. Lori had a special love for shoes. Do you have a favorite accessory or item of clothing that you always look for when shopping?
  13. Two of the teenagers in the youth group played a part in putting Lori and Andy together. Did their matchmaking schemes make things easier or harder on them? Should the teens have gotten involved, or stayed out of it? Why or why not?
  14. Lori dreaded the approach of Valentine’s Day because she was going to be without a date. Have you ever been in that position during a holiday? What did you do to celebrate alone?
  15. Lori’s knack for design helped land her the permanent management position at the Chocolate Gator. If you were a customer at the shop, what sort of logo merchandise would you suggest Lori sell?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4866-7


Copyright © 2010 by Betsy St. Amant

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This edition published by arrangement with Steeple Hill Books.

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