A Valentine's Wish (11 page)

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Authors: Betsy St. Amant

BOOK: A Valentine's Wish
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Chapter Fifteen

he rich aroma of warm beignets and powdered sugar filled the air as Lori stood in line at Café Du Monde. She rubbed shaky hands down the front of her jeans. How could she have agreed to a blind date with a total stranger? The odds of it being her secret admirer were pretty slim. She must have gotten caught up in Haley’s excitement and lost all sense of logic. She hadn’t done something this silly since dropping a hundred dollars on a pair of polka-dot shoes.

The man in front of her stepped closer to the counter, and Lori inched behind him, keeping her head lowered. She peered from beneath her curtain of hair at the crowded restaurant, searching the maze of tables for a man sitting alone. So far, no one fit the description Haley had offered. Blond hair, average build, late twenties. Great smile.

Lori took another step forward. What if she got stood up? She’d be mortified. Haley wasn’t exactly the best secret-keeper in the church. If that happened, the entire congregation would soon be offering their stream of condolences and matchmaking schemes. She’d forever be the girl getting set up with someone’s great-nephew or grandson or third-cousin-twice-removed.

She’d rather take a vow of celibacy.

A flash of blond hair at a far table caught Lori’s eye, and her heart launched in her chest like a rocket at takeoff. Was it him?

Lori scooted around the man in front of her for a better view, but the blond’s back was to her—a very nice, muscular back. She clutched the strap of her favorite flowered purse. She could do this, one step at a time.
Walk, just walk.
But her shoes refused to move across the slippery, sugared floor.

She took a deep breath and closed the distance between the line and the blond in a matter of seconds. She drew within arm’s length, admiring the way his hair curled over the collar of his polo shirt. The colors, blue and gold, looked familiar, almost like the shirt the staff had worn for a youth retreat last summer.

Lori’s hand reached out to tap his shoulder, then hovered in midair. It
the same polo shirt. And that long hair curling over the man’s ears also looked more than a little familiar. “Andy?” Her voice squeaked.

Andy turned in his seat to face her, surprise covering his features. “Lori! What are you doing here? Needed a sugar fix?” He rose from his chair with a grin.

“I’m, uh…Actually, I was just…” Her voice trailed off. “What are
doing here?”

His cheeks pinked, and he shuffled his feet. “Meeting someone.”

Lori’s stomach pinched. Not another date. She chewed on her lower lip, almost unwilling to ask the question hovering in her mouth. “Eva?”

“What? No!” Andy cleared his throat. “I mean, no. It’s a blind date.”

Lori blinked twice. “A blind date?”

“I know that’s lame. Two in one week.”

It couldn’t be—but it was. Haley had set her and Andy up. Disappointment filled Lori’s senses, then relief. At least she wouldn’t be forced to make small talk with a complete stranger.
But now the hope of meeting her secret admirer was also gone. How dare Haley do this to her? Though she supposed it was a decent prank. Anger mixed with amusement, and Lori choked out a laugh.

“It’s not that funny, is it?”

“No, you don’t understand. I’m supposed to be on a blind date, too.”

“Oh.” A momentary shadow crossed Andy’s face, and then realization brightened his eyes. “Oh!”

“We’ve been tricked.” Lori
with her tongue.

“I never even saw it coming.” Andy shook his head. “I’m slipping.”

“Or maybe the kids are just getting good.”

“Maybe so.” Andy tilted his head, his gaze lingering on hers. “Why don’t we go ahead and get a beignet while we’re here? It’d be a shame to waste the opportunity.”

“Excellent point.”

“Want to get it to go, and sit outside somewhere?”

“Sure.” Another measure of relief washed over Lori. At least outside it wouldn’t feel quite so much like a date.

They rejoined the to-go line to order, Lori’s heart thudding painfully the entire time. Standing behind Andy, she drew a tight breath as the scent of his familiar cologne stirred up another round of the feelings she kept trying to bury. She mentally kicked herself. Technically, this was no different than any other time she and Andy had come here together. But with the weight of Haley’s manipulation hanging over their heads, it sure felt different.

She was definitely going to have a word or two with that skinny little blonde.

“Hey, look. Our table is open.” Andy gestured toward the corner of the patio. “Let’s sit there instead.”

Lori’s eyebrows rose with surprise. He thought of it as their spot, too. She wanted to insist they eat outside where the busy
French Quarter traffic could distract from this weird feeling in her stomach, but Andy was already hurrying toward the vacant table. Reluctantly, Lori left the line and followed him across the floor.

She took a seat and focused on looping her purse over the back of the chair so it wouldn’t get coated with sugar from the floor. Andy’s fingers drummed a fast beat on the tabletop. They looked at each, smiled, looked away, back, and then burst into simultaneous laughter.

“Wow, this is awkward. I’m sorry.” Andy exhaled loudly.

“It’s not your fault.” Lori tossed back her hair and smiled. “Haley’s really going to get it for this one, isn’t she?”

“I’m thinking snack duty at church for life.” Andy laughed. “But, hey, it got us here, and we needed a chance to catch up. I feel like I haven’t really talked to you in forever. I barely saw you at the Wednesday-night service.”

“The kids kept me busy, and with Summer there…” Lori’s voice trailed off. She knew the excuse sounded petty, but she couldn’t admit that ever since that near kiss, being around Andy was sometimes more painful than pleasant. That would ruin their friendship for sure.

Andy cleared his throat. “I’ve missed you.”

Lori swallowed. “I—I’ve missed you, too.” Her heart hammered, but doubt tickled the fringes of her mind. He couldn’t mean it the way she hoped. He probably meant he missed all their joking around or ragging on her many shoe purchases—not that he missed her, personally. If that was the case, he would have kissed her when he had the chance last weekend.

Mercifully, a waitress came then and took their order, and minutes later whisked back with plates of beignets and two cups of coffee.

Lori shoved a piece of beignet in her mouth, and instantly her stress eased. Too bad there wasn’t any chocolate syrup to drizzle on top. At least filling her mouth saved her from having to say anything else about missing Andy.

Andy bit into his pastry. “So, how did Summer like the youth service?”

“She enjoyed it. She’s excited about the retreat.” Lori forked another piece of beignet from her plate.

“The kids seemed to take to her well.”

“I knew they would.”

Andy sipped at his coffee and then paused. “I have a question. Might sound stupid, but I have to ask.”

Lori nibbled on her lower lip, having a sinking feeling she knew where the conversation was heading.
Please don’t be about us, please don’t be about us.

“Are you mad at me?” The vulnerability in Andy’s gaze nearly tore out Lori’s heart.

She busied herself with brushing her sugary fingers on a napkin. “Why do you ask?” He had to be referring to her distance at the shop, but Lori couldn’t admit to being frustrated without starting an argument. This nondate was awkward enough without adding a fight to the mix. Or maybe he was referring to the taboo topic of last weekend’s movie night. Either way, not something she was up for discussing.

“Every time I see you lately, you seem upset.”

Lori played with the crumbs on her plate. “I didn’t realize.”

“Lori, come on. Be honest with me.” Andy scooted his plate aside and leaned forward.

She stared at her coffee cup, unwilling to meet his eyes. “I guess maybe I am a little upset.” She drew a deep breath. “So, now I have a question for you.”
No, don’t go there. Stop talking.
But Lori’s mouth wouldn’t listen to her mind. “Are you checking up on me for your aunt? Is that why you’re always popping in the store and asking me about business and profits at church?”

Andy lifted one corner of his mouth in a half smile. “Busted.”

“You really are?” Lori shouldn’t have been surprised, but she was a little shocked that he admitted it so freely.

“Yes. Bella asked me to keep it a secret. She was worried
about your finding out and losing confidence in yourself. She didn’t want you getting paranoid about managing the shop. She just wanted me to keep an eye on things. To be there in case you needed help.” Andy released a heavy sigh.

“Did you not think I could do the job?” Hurt laced Lori’s tone, and she couldn’t help but frown.

“Of course I thought you could—
you could,” Andy corrected. “But I couldn’t turn down my aunt. She was already stressed about her family, and she needed to be able to relax and not worry about the store.”

“I guess I can understand that.” Lori fingered the edge of her coffee cup. “Have you been giving her good reports?”

“Yes, because you’ve been doing a great job.” Andy’s brow furrowed. “Hopefully she won’t be too upset that I told you.”

“I won’t tell if you won’t.” Lori smiled, glad the truth no longer stood between them. At least now Andy wouldn’t have to pretend to be asking from his own interest, and she wouldn’t have to wonder if he believed in her capabilities.

“So you’re not mad?”

“No. I’m not mad.” She narrowed her eyes playfully. “I do think that this calls for another beignet, though, your treat.”

“Coming right up.” Andy ran his fingers through his hair as he scooted his chair back, then noticed the sugar on his hands. He patted at his head. “Uh-oh. How bad is it?”

“Let’s just say I didn’t realize you were going gray before your time.” Lori winked.

“Very funny. Help me get it out, would you?” He leaned forward, and Lori reached to brush the powder from the fine blond strands.

Andy’s eyes met hers, and his grin faded to a more serious expression, their faces close together. “Lori, listen. There’s something you should know.”

Lori flicked at another lock of his hair, frowning slightly at the glazed powder refusing to budge. “What’s that?”

His mouth opened, but before he could speak, Lori’s gaze locked on something over his shoulder. A man with a thin goatee and wire-rim glasses heading toward their table. No. It couldn’t be. But the green eyes behind those familiar black frames flickered to meet hers, and she knew it was.

Her fingers curled into Andy’s hair.

“Hey!” he yelped and pulled backward, rubbing his head. “What was that for?”

“Him.” She couldn’t breathe.

“Him who?” Andy twisted in his seat. “Who is that?” Andy’s eyes darted back and forth between the tall, distinguished-looking man approaching their table and Lori.

He was back. Jason was back in town.
town. Lori clenched her fists on the table. Her knees felt weak, and not from being swept off her feet as Jason had once done. No, this time it was out of sheer indignation. She gritted her teeth.

“Who is that?” Andy asked again. Lori’s mouth opened to answer, but at that moment Jason grinned at her, and she snapped it closed again. She struggled to keep her shock in check as Jason stopped at their table.

“Lori. It’s good to see you again.”

Andy rose from his chair and offered his hand. “Andy Stewart. And you are?”

He shook Andy’s hand, but his eyes never left Lori. Her stomach twisted. “Jason Chumley.”

Andy’s expression contorted to mirror what Lori was sure resembled her own, and his fists doubled. No doubt he was remembering everything Lori had ever told him about her ex—which was a lot.

“What are you doing here?” Lori finally found her voice, proud of the sharp edge it carried. No sense hiding her feelings.

Jason looked undisturbed. “Getting a beignet, what else?” His wide smile stretched, so fake it seemed plastic. Too bad she hadn’t seen through him years ago.

“I mean, what are you doing in New Orleans?” Lori stood as well, determined to hold her ground. Andy looked as though he’d love to take a swing at Jason, and at the moment, Lori wasn’t sure she’d stop him.

“I’d hoped to have this conversation elsewhere.” Jason’s voice lowered, and his gaze darted to Andy, then back. Good. Let him be nervous.

“What conversation?” Lori crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

Jason drew a deep breath, his smile slightly wavering. “Rightly so. However…” He cleared his throat. “I came to New Orleans to find you.”

“Why would—” Lori’s eyes widened as reality struck like a blow to her gut. “It was you.” A fresh wave of shock nearly knocked her off balance. The timing was perfect. It all made sense now—horrible, perfect sense. Her hand clutched at the neckline of her shirt in protection of her heart. “You sent the gifts, didn’t you? You’re my secret admirer.”

“Of course I am.” Jason’s smile was back, wider than ever, and his eyes warmed as Lori’s hopes froze. “Who else would it be?”

Chapter Sixteen

riday night, Lori snuggled on the couch with an oversized pillow in her lap, a chocolate bar in one hand and a white chocolate mocha in the other. Her mind had yet to process the shock of seeing Jason earlier in the day. She’d worked through a mindless afternoon at the shop, came home and, before she even prayed for it, found a message from Gracie on her answering machine. Her friend had announced she was home, unpacked and wanting to come over for the evening.

Now Gracie sat facing Lori on the other end of the sofa, feet propped on the cushion Lori held and her own flavored coffee in hand.

“Chocolate, caffeine and cashmere socks.” Gracie wiggled her blue-socked feet in Lori’s lap. “Everything a girl needs to dish. Now, spill it. I want to hear everything. You sounded so panicked on the phone.”

“You should tell me about your honeymoon first.” She wasn’t stalling—exactly. She just wasn’t sure how to start. Lori sipped her coffee and let the hot liquid warm her all the way through. But the chill of seeing Jason again wouldn’t go away.

“Are you kidding?” Gracie shook her red hair back from her face and smiled. “Okay, fine. The honeymoon was perfect.
Lots of alone time, gorgeous scenery and more seafood than I could ever hope to eat again. Your turn. What’s up?”

Lori drew a deep breath and stared at the plastic lid on her cup. Might as well blurt it out. “I ran into Jason today at Café Du Monde.”

Gracie’s eyes widened. “Jason Chumley? The guy who cheated on you? Your Jason?”

Lori nodded. “The very one.” But he wasn’t hers anymore. Not by a long shot.

Gracie sat back against the couch, her jaw set. “Let Carter have a word or two with him. I’m sure he’d be happy to communicate how you feel.”

“I know he would. You married a good one.” Lori smiled wistfully. “But in this case, that wouldn’t be wise.”

Gracie studied her friend through narrowed eyes. “You’re leaving something out, aren’t you?” Her nails tapped a rhythm on her coffee cup.

“Just a small detail.” Lori laughed, but it came out hollow and hard. “He’s sort of my secret admirer.”

“What?” Gracie sat up so fast she jostled Lori’s coffee. “That’s impossible.”

“Why? It makes sense, in a twisted way.” Lori took a bite of her chocolate bar, willing her endorphins to work their magic. “Think about it. All the personal details of those gifts meant it was someone who knew me really well. And who knows me better than the guy I dated and was engaged to for years?”

“I refuse to believe it.” Gracie set her cup on the coffee table and crossed her arms.

“What do you mean? He said so himself.”

Gracie blinked rapidly, then shook her head. “Again, impossible.”

“Why are you so sure it’s not him?” Lori closed the wrapper on her candy bar and tossed it on the pillow with a huff. Gracie hadn’t even been around the last month, and now suddenly she
was an expert on Lori’s secret admirer? Gracie hadn’t even seen the gifts. “You’re being weird.”

“It almost sounds like you want your secret admirer to be Jason—which is what’s weird, if you ask me.” Gracie raised her eyebrows at Lori.

They stared at each other, each refusing to back down, as the clock above the sofa loudly ticked away the seconds. Slowly, Lori let her shoulders relax as she eased back against the cushions. How many times had she and Gracie argued on this very couch? About men, money, friendships. Until now, she hadn’t realized exactly how much she’d missed her old roommate.

“Listen, I don’t want to fight.” Lori broke the chocolate bar in half and handed Gracie the bigger piece with a smile. “Truce?”

“Truce. Keep your chocolate, you need it more than me.” Gracie grinned; then her expression slowly sobered. “But please explain why you’re defending Jason.”

“I’m not defending him—and I didn’t want him to be my secret admirer, trust me. I couldn’t have picked a worse person for that title.” Lori shuddered. “But these gifts are different than his usual style—which might mean that he’s changed.” That fact had dawned on Lori during her afternoon at work and had erased the top layer of her anger. She would never consider dating Jason again, but if he was searching for forgiveness, she could possibly offer him that much—if he was sincere. With Jason, it was always hard to tell.

Gracie started shaking her head again. “I don’t think—”

Lori interrupted. “The last present was a monogrammed Bible cover. When did Jason ever do anything remotely spiritual before?”

“He didn’t.” Gracie paused. “But supposedly sending that Bible cover doesn’t necessarily mean he’s changed now.”

“There’s no
about it. It was him. He said so himself. Andy was my witness.”

Gracie’s face suddenly turned red, and she coughed hard, pounding herself on the chest.

“Are you okay? Here, drink.” Lori handed her the cup she’d placed on the coaster earlier.

Gracie took a sip, and her natural color returned, but she kept her eyes averted. “Sorry, got choked up there.”

“On what?”

“Never mind. You were saying?” Gracie cleared her throat and took another sip of coffee.

Apparently that Mexican sun had gotten to her friend. Lori peeled back the wrapper on her chocolate, wishing it was one of the signature gators from the shop instead of the store-bought candy she’d found in her newly supplied emergency stash at home. “I said Andy was with me at Café Du Monde when Jason showed up, so he heard his confession, too.”

“Andy was there.” Gracie pressed her fingers to her lips.


“Andy was there when Jason admitted to being your secret admirer.”

“Yes!” Lori fought a wave of impatience. Was Gracie losing it? How many times did she have to repeat herself?

“And he said nothing? Nothing at all?”

“No, why would he?”

Gracie closed her eyes for a brief moment, as if gathering her thoughts. “I’m just surprised, that’s all. I figured Andy would have something to say. He knows about your past with Jason, and he’s a good friend. That’s all.”

Lori shrugged. “I think it surprised both of us, to be honest. We never saw it coming.”

“I bet,” Gracie mumbled.

“Are you okay?” Lori frowned.

Gracie rubbed her temples with both fingers. “Fine. Must be the jet lag.” She let out a sigh that sounded more frustrated than tired.

“So, do you believe me now about Jason? Since Andy heard him say it?”

“I guess I have to.” Gracie didn’t exactly look thrilled, but at least she wasn’t arguing.

Lori downed the rest of her coffee and swung her legs over the side of the couch. “I’m not saying I’m not disappointed.”

Hope lit Gracie’s eyes “You are?”

“Why is me being disappointed good news?” Lori wrinkled her forehead.

“It’s not, of course. I’m just happy you’re not excited about Jason being your admirer.”

This was getting confusing. No wonder Gracie was rubbing her head as if she had a headache. Lori felt the sudden strong urge to do the same. She rotated her neck on her shoulders. “I’m glad I know who the secret admirer is, but I wish it wasn’t Jason. I really was hoping to meet Mr. Right this way.” And she had really wanted Mr. Right to be the one man it could never be—Andy. A grim taste filled her mouth.

Gracie offered a sympathetic smile. “Your turn will come.”

“I know. I guess.” Lori nudged Gracie with her shoulder and smiled. “I really am happy for you guys. I don’t mean to sound bitter.”

“You’ll find that same happiness soon, I can feel it.” Gracie looped her arm around Lori’s shoulders. “Was there someone you were hoping the gifts would be from?”

Lori paused as Andy’s face again flashed in her mind. She took one look at Gracie’s open, searching gaze and swallowed hard. “Nope. No one in particular.”


Guy night—finally. Was anything better than hanging out with an old friend, watching sports on TV and drinking a ridiculous amount of Dr Pepper? Andy crinkled the empty aluminum can in his hand, then tossed it across the room to Carter. “Heads up!”

Carter caught the can and rebounded it into the trash can by the TV. “Nothing but net!”

Andy cranked the handle on the recliner, propping his feet up. “Do me a favor, man. Don’t get married and leave for a month again.”

“I don’t plan on it.” Carter fisted another handful of popcorn into his mouth. “Weddings are expensive.” He laughed.

Andy grinned. Lucky for him, Gracie and Lori declared an emergency girl-talk night. That left him and Carter to catch up on their trip, eat some junk food and, most importantly, get Andy’s mind off Lori. He relaxed against the soft cushions of the recliner and tried to clear his thoughts. He couldn’t believe Jason had showed up out of nowhere and stolen Andy’s credit for the gifts. He’d been so shocked that he couldn’t deny it, and by the time he found his voice, it was too late. The lie had progressed.

The worst part was Lori hadn’t seemed too bothered by it.

The front door of Gracie and Carter’s new house suddenly slammed. Andy jumped, heart hammering in his throat. Across the room, Carter’s face scrunched. “Uh-oh. Three, two…”

“Are you crazy?” Gracie burst around the corner of the entryway, temper as fiery as her red hair. Her hands planted on her hips, she stared at Andy until he squirmed against the leather upholstery. “You stood right there and didn’t say anything while another man claimed your work? And your woman?”

Andy attempted to stand, but the chair threw him off balance, and he fell back against the seat. “First of all, Lori’s not mine, which is the whole point.”

Gracie sagged against the door frame and crossed her arms. “She could have been if you had spoken up.”

“You assume.” Andy looked to Carter for help, but his friend simply held up both hands in refusal.

“Why on earth would you not correct Jason? He had the nerve to lie to her face, and you let him?” Gracie shook her head, and her hair bounced. “I don’t understand.”

“You didn’t see Lori’s expression.” Andy struggled to his feet and faced off with Gracie. “You didn’t see that little smile after that jerk said what he did.” He rubbed his hands down the length of his cheeks and sighed. “She seemed happy it was him. I didn’t want to mess that up.”

Gracie opened her mouth, then closed it. She opened it again, looked over at Carter and then back at Andy. She threw her hands in the air. “I can’t say anything to her without betraying you. Do you have any idea how frustrating this is? All because you can’t be honest with her about your feelings.”

“I’m not so sure what I feel anymore.” Andy slowly sank back onto the recliner. He’d thought his friendship with Lori had found solid footing again and had planned on breaking the news about the gifts at Café Du Monde during their impromptu date—until Jason showed up and ruined everything. Now he had no idea where he stood.

Gracie moved to sit beside Carter on the couch, tugging a blue plaid throw pillow into her lap. She inhaled slowly. “Do you love Lori?”

Andy stared at his hands. It really was too soon to admit something like that, especially to someone other than Lori. But he couldn’t lie; he’d known Gracie for years, and she’d see right through him, just like she always did. He licked his dry lips. “Yes.”

“So you want what’s best for her?”

Andy looked up in surprise. “Always.”

“And you really think that’s Jason?” Gracie wound her arm around Carter’s and leaned against his shoulder. Her face nestled perfectly against his arm, as if they were two puzzle pieces cut to fit.

A lump knotted in Andy’s throat. Was Lori his matching piece, his other half? Or was he wishing for something that would never be? Surely her puzzle piece wasn’t Jason, not after the horrible way he’d treated her.

But the choice wasn’t his to make. Until Lori showed him that Jason still didn’t claim a portion of her heart after all these years, he would have to stay out of the picture.

Andy leaned forward, bracing his elbows against his knees, and looked Gracie square on. “I think that’s up to Lori to decide.”

Gracie squirmed as if she wanted to say more, but didn’t argue. Of course, the hand Carter laid on her arm could have been a warning to hush. “Fine. That’s your call. I just think you’re making a big mistake.”

“You’re not going to tell her about the gifts, are you?” Panic seized Andy’s stomach, and the sausage pizza he and Carter had ordered twisted like a rope of licorice. “You can’t.”

Gracie’s chin lifted. “I won’t lie for you.”

“I’m not asking you to lie. I’m asking you not to volunteer information that isn’t any of your business.” Andy struggled to keep his voice firm when all he wanted to do was drop to his knees and beg Gracie to keep quiet.

“All right.” She blew at a piece of hair that fell across her forehead. “But I still think you’re making a big—”

“A big mistake. I know, I know.” Andy sighed, turning to look out the picture window at the growing darkness. “You’re not the only one.”

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