A Touch of Magick (6 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: A Touch of Magick
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She glanced over her shoulder as she started up a set of stairs. “I just need to grab my bag. I’ll be right back.”

Ryland shifted uncomfortably. It was going to be a long evening. Anticipation filled him and he smiled. He was looking forward to getting to know Rhiannon Sparks better. Much better.

Chapter Four

The drive to the restaurant passed mostly in silence. Butterflies were doing the rumba in her stomach and she placed her hand over it, hoping to settle her nerves. Not likely.

She was all too aware of Ryland sitting in the driver’s seat. He was so close she could reach out her hand and touch him. He was a large man. Solid. He’d definitely have a hard time fitting comfortably into her economical, compact car. The thought of him trying to fit his legs beneath the console made her smile. It didn’t surprise her he drove a truck.

Thankfully, she’d worn pants and he had running boards, otherwise she might not have been able to climb into the thing. And wouldn’t that have been embarrassing.

Or maybe not. If he hadn’t had running boards, he would have had to wrap his broad, strong hands around her waist and lift her into his truck. She sucked in a breath at the thought of being that close to him. Her breasts probably would have brushed against his solid chest.

“Is anything wrong?” he asked.

He’d heard her swift intake of breath and was wondering about it. “I’m fine. Where are we going?” She figured it was wise to change the subject to something neutral.

He flashed her a grin before returning his attention to the road. “I made reservations at The Seaside.” The restaurant was one of the nicest ones in town and was geared toward fine dining. She’d never eaten there. When she, Esther and Maggie went out they tended toward the more casual places like the local diner, an Italian restaurant or a steakhouse.

“Sounds wonderful.” She only hoped her stomach settled down enough so she could actually enjoy her food.

Ryland wasn’t helping. The man was handsome in a uniform, but in dress slacks, a shirt and blazer, he was devastating. His pants and blazer were a dark chocolate, almost black, while his shirt was the color of oatmeal. Oatmeal had never looked quite so good before. She wanted to push the collar of his shirt aside and nibble on his neck.

He smelled good too. A combination of soap and male. The soap was the same woodsy smell she remembered from this morning. But underneath it was the unique scent of Ryland, a heady, musky cologne that made her want to bury her nose against his chest and inhale. Her inner muscles clenched at the mere thought. She bit her lip to keep from moaning aloud.

An air of barely contained power swirled around him. Rhiannon wanted to be the one to unleash it, to make him lose control. Her toes curled and she clutched her purse more firmly as her blood heated. As if he could read her thoughts, he glanced her way again. In that brief second she felt seared by the barely banked sexual desire simmering in his pale blue eyes.

His fingers gripped the steering wheel and he shifted slightly in his seat. The sound of leather creaking above the purr of the engine made her glance down. Not a good idea. The fabric of his pants was drawn taut against his muscular thighs. His jacket covered his lap, but she’d bet almost anything that he was hard beneath it.

She swallowed and looked away. At this rate, they’d end up having sex in the cab of his truck if they weren’t careful. She’d known sexual chemistry existed, but until today she’d never really understood exactly what it was or just how powerful it could be. It was always there, lurking beneath the façade of normalcy, waiting to explode.

She tightened her hold on her purse, desperately trying to pull herself together before they had to face a crowded restaurant. They continued on in silence, the quiet in the cab punctuated by passing cars and streetlights. When they arrived, Ryland found a spot near the back of the lot and parked the truck. As soon as the ignition was turned off, she reached for the door handle, not waiting for him to come around and open her door. She needed some fresh air.

Rhiannon thought he might have sworn under his breath, but she couldn’t be sure. She was too busy pulling cool air into her parched lungs. There was a distinct chill in the air, but she barely felt it. She was hot. Almost breathless.

She felt Ryland standing next to her and squared her shoulders, ready to face him. He was watching her intently as she turned.

“You okay?”

She nodded decisively. “I’m fine.” The tone of her voice was even, which pleased her. All in all, she sounded normal.

Ryland placed his hand at the small of her back. That slight touch burned through the fabric of her jacket and blouse to heat her skin beneath. Just as it had this morning, a spark seemed to ignite between them, causing her to jump.

Cursing, Ryland yanked his hand away and shook it. “Damn static electricity again.” He gave a rueful smile. “Let’s try this again.” This time his hand went a bit lower, almost touching her butt. Rhiannon swallowed hard as heat radiated out from his hand. Her panties grew damp.

The air around them seemed charged. Electric. They’d only taken a few steps from the truck when he turned to her. “I’ve got to do this.” Wrapping his large hands around her shoulders, he pulled her toward him until her breasts were touching him. The pressure both eased and aroused her.

Then he lowered his head.

As she watched, his lips got closer to hers. Her eyelids fluttered downward, blocking out everything around her. His warm lips touched hers in the briefest of caresses. Soft and undemanding, luring her closer.

If he’d been more demanding, she might have been able to resist. Instead, he enticed her with the promise of more. So much more. His touch was pure magick, making her want to give him anything he wanted. That thought shook her and she forced her eyes open. He was watching her, his expression intent. Did the spell she and her friends cast have anything to do with this or was it nothing more than coincidence?

Ryland pulled back and stared down at her, the color of his eyes growing dark with passion. He leaned toward her again. She was waiting for his kiss, anticipation making her heart pound. Her palms were damp and her breathing was none too steady.

This time the pressure was firmer. His lips were warm and inviting. He nibbled on her lower lip, catching it between his teeth before soothing the small sting with his tongue. She sighed and his tongue slid into her mouth, exploring her, tasting her. One of his broad hands glided up her neck and his fingers sifted through her hair. Her scalp tingled and she leaned into his touch. He tilted her head slightly and deepened their kiss.

Embers flickered to life deep inside her, threatening to ignite at any second. A sense of restlessness, of anticipation, filled her. She wanted more. Had to have more. Going up on her toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss.

He groaned, his strong arms enveloping her. It was amazing. Incredible. There were no words to describe how good, how right, it felt to be held tight in his embrace.

A flame flared deep in her soul, in her body. She was so hot she was starting to sweat. Power welled up inside her, threatening to explode. Rhiannon began to panic. She could feel her magick swirling within, totally out of control. She had to stop kissing Ryland. She had to rein it in before something happened.

A flash of power escaped, slipping out of her grasp and flaring outward. A car alarm shrieked beside her, quickly followed by another. Ryland jerked back. “What the hell?” His arm came around her and he pulled her into the curve of his shoulder as his gaze darted around the parking lot.

Rhiannon didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as another alarm joined in the din. Six separate car alarms were wailing. She put her hands over her ears, but it didn’t help. Ryland hurried her toward the door of the restaurant just as several people came rushing through the door.

“What happened?” one man demanded.

Ryland shrugged. “I didn’t see anything. All the alarms just started going off at once.” The man hurried to his vehicle, followed by the others. Rhiannon breathed a sigh of relief as the alarms went silent, one by one.

Leaning down, Ryland whispered in her ear. “Static electricity. Now car alarms. You’re certainly living up to your name, Miss Sparks. What’s next?”

She laughed at his teasing tone. Still, she knew there was truth to his statement even if he didn’t. Ryland seemed to stir the power inside her, magnifying it. The energy that arched between them was enormous.

That worried her. Maybe she shouldn’t see him. Maybe it was too much. What would happen if the magick inside her was released and she couldn’t control it? She nibbled on her bottom lip as she considered the ramifications.

Gwen’s words trickled through her brain, reminding her that her magick could possibly be released through sex. Her mother always maintained that it was Rhiannon’s own inner fears that had held back the development and maturation of her power. Was Ryland the man who could finally release it?

And maybe she was making something out of nothing. Everything could be nothing but coincidence. Like the fact that she’d met the perfect guy after casting a simple candle-magick spell with her friends. Then there were the sparks that seemed to fly, literally and on a physical level, each time they came in contact. Not to mention the latest episode with the car alarms. Rhiannon almost snorted aloud. She didn’t believe in coincidence.

She thought about going home but dismissed the idea almost as soon as she had it. Nothing was going to happen over dinner. She was here now and planned on enjoying her evening. Time enough to worry about the rest of it later.

Ryland opened the door and ushered her inside. The quiet, classy ambiance of the place immediately enveloped her. The hostess, who was at her post, smiled and greeted them. After checking their reservation, she led them to a private table in the corner.

Rhiannon was very aware of Ryland walking next to her, his big hand resting against her back, guiding her through the maze of tables. In spite of being a modern woman, there was something almost elemental about having a man walk protectively next to her that Rhiannon found a turn on.

All around them, people were eating and chatting. Both she and Ryland nodded and murmured hello to people they both knew, but they seemed to be cocooned in their own world where no one else could intrude on the intimacy of the moment.

Once they were seated, a waiter appeared with menus. After taking their drink order and listing the evening specials, he faded away to give them time to decide what they wanted to order. Rhiannon opened her menu but was more interested in her surroundings than what was printed on the pages in front of her. She’d never been here before but had always been curious about the place.

The floor was made up of wide oak planks that looked original to the old building. A wide archway opened up into another room. Thick beams lined the ceiling and an enormous stone fireplace occupied a good portion of one wall. Flames flickered in the hearth, adding a sense of intimacy and warmth to the room.

“This place is lovely.”

“I’m glad you approve.” Ryland was seated next to her, their knees almost touching beneath the table. A long, crisp tablecloth made of heavy white linen fell almost to the floor, covering their legs from view. White china etched with gold trim, heavy silverware and crystal glassware adorned the table. A white candle sat in the center of the table, adding its glow and making everything sparkle. It was all understated but there was no doubting the quality.

As the power gradually subsided within her, settling down to a low hum, Rhiannon began to relax. She was here to have dinner with an interesting, sexy man. Nothing more. She didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want to. And since she’d already decided she wasn’t having sex on the first date, there was nothing to worry about.

That settled in her mind, she turned her attention to her menu and perused her options. By the time the waiter returned, they’d both decided on what they wanted. Ryland ordered the steak and baked potato, while she opted for the grilled salmon with baby potatoes roasted with garlic and rosemary and glazed carrots. She had a glass of crisp white wine, while he settled on an imported beer.

The food was excellent and the company was even better. The meal passed quickly as they found myriad things to chat about. They talked about the town and the upcoming harvest celebrations. Not surprisingly, they discovered they had friends in common. In a town this size it would be virtually impossible not to. The amazing thing was they hadn’t met before today. Then again, she’d been immersed in starting A Touch of Magick and he wasn’t the type to shop at her store.

They both liked classic rock but neither of them enjoyed rap. They argued local politics and shared funny work stories. The more time she spent with Ryland, the more she liked him.

He laughed when she told him about the ten-year-old who’d saved all her money to buy a birthday present for her mother’s birthday and had brought her pink piggy bank to the store, plunking it down by the cash register when it was time to pay. Rhiannon had opened up the pig, dumping the contents of his tummy onto the counter. Then she’d patiently counted and rolled twenty-four dollars and fifty cents worth of pennies, nickels and dimes while Amy had wrapped the gift.

He was still chuckling when she veered away from work and asked him a more personal question. “What about your family? Do your parents live in town?”

The mood changed instantly. He stopped laughing and his expression went blank. “Why do you ask?”

The change in Ryland was astounding. He’d gone from easy-going to totally closed-off in a split second. She didn’t need to be psychic to know she’d inadvertently hit on a sore topic. She shrugged and tried to lighten the mood, wanting to get back the relaxed, happy atmosphere of moments before. “No reason. It’s just one of those questions one usually asks on a first date.”

The tension in his shoulders eased slightly and he leaned back in his chair. “Not much to tell. My mother is dead. My father moved back to his hometown in Iowa a few years back and lives on the same farm he grew up on. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. You?”

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