A Touch of Magick (4 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: A Touch of Magick
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She could see the sense in that. “Okay. I’m sorry I didn’t call the police immediately.” And she should have and would have if she hadn’t been so muddled. Certainly, she might not be the only business affected by this vandal. There were most likely others.

“No problem. You go on inside and get warm. I’ll be in to talk to you as soon as I can.”

She turned and opened the door, grateful for the blast of heat that hit her. Still, she paused and stared after him as he strode toward his vehicle. The man looked as good going as he did coming. She felt her cheeks heat. Her choice of words had all kinds of images flashing through her brain.

She wondered what he’d look like when he came, and how it would feel to have him buried deep inside her when he did. Her thighs quivered and her breasts began to tingle again. Crossing her arms over her chest, she ignored the blatant signs of arousal. She was obviously losing her mind. There was no other explanation for having such lascivious thoughts about a man she’d just met.

Although, there was no denying Ryland Stone had a first-class butt. His pants cupped his ass to perfection. She’d bet anything it would look even better in jeans, or out of them. He opened the door to his vehicle. She hadn’t even noticed it parked by the curb. Ryland. His name wrapped around her like a warm hug.

She shook herself when she realized she was standing there mooning after a man she didn’t even know. “Get a grip,” she ordered herself as she shut the door tight, refusing to take one final look. “Yes, he’s handsome, but so what.” Striding back to her office, she grabbed her clipboard, ignoring the way her nipples tightened beneath her sweater. “Yes, his eyes are blue.” She stilled and took a deep breath. His eyes were exactly like the ones she’d envisioned during last night’s spell. She gave herself a mental shake. “Forget it. You’ve got inventory to do and a store to run.” Determined to put all thoughts of him aside, she headed back into the store to work.

Ryland could feel her eyes boring into his back as he walked to the squad car. He fought the urge to turn and stare at her. He knew of Rhiannon Sparks. Everyone in town knew about the transplanted Californian who’d shown up here on the East Coast and opened her unusual shop. But he’d never seen her up close and personal until this morning.

It had been pure chance that had led him to drive down this street. He’d been covering the night shift while another deputy was off sick and this was his last night on duty. In another hour, he’d have been off work and headed home to sleep before enjoying two well-deserved days off. When he’d seen the lights on in the store and the graffiti plastered all over the front, he’d stopped.

He opened the car door, grabbed his radio and gave the dispatcher all the pertinent information. That done, he went to his trunk and pulled out his gear. Walking back to the building, he tried to focus on the scene, but images of Rhiannon crowded his brain.

She was a tiny thing—petite but womanly, with curves in all the right places. The black skirt she wore fell almost to her ankles, but her vibrant red sweater clung to firm, high breasts. Her hair was short, black and sassy and suited her features. A trio of hoops twinkled from both ears and a bunch of bracelets jangled on one wrist. She had a tip-tilted nose, a pointy chin and reminded him of a picture of a fairy he’d seen in a book as a child. There was something ethereal about her. But it was her eyes that had captured him. They were an unusual blue, almost violet in color.

His gut clenched and his body hardened as he pictured her sprawled naked across him, her breasts pressed against his chest and her mound snuggling his erection. “Down boy.” He glanced down at the bulge in the front of his pants. From the moment they’d touched, he felt the spark between them, and not just static electricity. Her hand was small and feminine, yet her handshake had been firm.

Shaking himself, he put all thoughts of her aside as he assessed the scene. Grabbing his camera, he began to take pictures of the graffiti. Another deputy would be along to help soon, but Ryland began the preliminary work. He shot picture after picture, trying to ignore the burning low in his body. It wasn’t like him to get aroused so quickly or to have it interfere with his work.

He’d just finished snapping his last photo when another vehicle pulled up. He went to meet Jed Bearson as he climbed out of his SUV. “Morning, Jed.”

“Morning, Ry. What have you got for me this morning?”


“Break and entry?”

He shook his head. “No.” He hadn’t asked, but he knew with a certainty he didn’t question that her store hadn’t been broken into. She’d been more annoyed than angry, and although she might be tiny, he had a feeling she’d be more like a tiger if she were really upset.

“Good enough.” Jed was a man of few words and went straight to work. Jed would check the perimeter of the building and any garbage cans for possible evidence. If they got lucky they might find a spray can with fingerprints. It wouldn’t help them unless the culprit had been arrested before, but if they managed to come up with a suspect, it would link him, or her, to the crime. Knowing the scene was in good hands, Ryland made his way to the front of the store, tapping lightly on the door before letting himself in.

He paused and watched as Rhiannon stood on a stepstool scribbling something on a clipboard. He closed the door softly behind him and strode toward her. She was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn’t notice him until he was almost upon her.

Her eyes widened and her lips parted as she swiveled, almost losing her balance. He reached out and steadied her, feeling the heat of her body seep into his palms through the layers of her clothing. She was on a stool and that brought his face almost even with her breasts. He tried not to look, but he couldn’t help himself. Her waist was tiny, but her breasts would definitely be a handful. The red sweater clung to them, and if he wasn’t mistaken, her nipples were puckered tight.

She was definitely attracted to him.

His mouth was dry and his hands flexed. His cock was hard, pressing against the front of his pants, demanding to be satisfied. “You steady now?” He glanced up at her as he spoke, his voice so low and guttural he almost didn’t recognize it. He cleared his throat. “Rhiannon?”

She stared down at him, a dazed look in her eyes. “What?”

Shaking his head, he lifted her down, setting her safely on the floor. She dropped the clipboard, her hands clutching at his shoulders for support.

“Are you okay?”

The color of her eyes deepened and he almost groaned when she licked her lips. He wanted to trace the curve of her lips with his tongue, tug on that full bottom one with his teeth before tasting her mouth. She had a mouth that begged to be kissed.

“I’m…” She swallowed hard and tried again. “I’m fine.”

He knew he shouldn’t. Knew it was against all the proper rules of conduct. Knew he was putting the career he loved more than anything else in jeopardy. Still, he couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and pressing his mouth against hers. Her lips were soft and warm. His tongue laved her lower lip and he tasted coffee and vanilla.

She froze for a second, but before he could regret his action, she went up on her toes, bringing her mouth closer to his. Her hands tentatively went from his shoulders to around his neck. His hands wrapped around her waist. Their bodies were barely touching, but he could feel the heat sizzling between them. His erection was throbbing worse than a toothache, but he didn’t want to stop kissing her.

He ran his tongue across the seam of her lips and she parted them. Satisfaction filled him as she allowed him access. His tongue dipped into her mouth before retreating. He did it again and again until they were both breathless. Her nails dug into his skin. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, blood pounding through his veins. He wanted this woman in his arms with a ferocity that was as alarming as it was seductive.

A hard knock on the door pulled him back to his senses. What the hell was he doing? He stepped back, releasing Rhiannon. She swayed and he had to reach out to steady her. Another knock had her straightening her spine and crossing her arms across her chest. Still, nothing could hide the dazed look in her eyes or the wet, puffiness of her lips. She had the appearance of a woman who’d been thoroughly kissed.

“You might want to go to the bathroom and freshen up while I get that.”

The dazed look on her face was replaced by one of annoyance and, if he was reading her correctly, frustration. Muttering under her breath, she whirled around and hurried toward the back of the store. Ryland wasn’t sure he wanted to know what she was saying. Whatever it was, he was sure it wasn’t anything good. He strode to the door and pulled it open. Jed was waiting patiently outside.

“You done yet?”

Was he done? Deep in his gut, he was afraid he might never be done with Rhiannon Sparks, and that scared the living hell out of him. He’d faced down armed men and junkies brandishing knives, but he didn’t want to face one small woman. “No. I haven’t had a chance to question her yet. She’s in the bathroom.”

Jed nodded. “I’m done outside. Just copy me your report when you’re done with it. I’ll send you what I’ve got.”

“Will do.”

The sound of footsteps announced her presence. Not that he needed to hear them. He’d known the second she’d stepped into the room. Turning, he plastered a professional look on his face and drew his notebook out of his pocket. “Tell me everything that happened this morning.”

She stared at him and then her gaze flicked over to Jed before returning to him. “Everything?”

Chapter Three

Rhiannon’s body was burning with need and no amount of water she splashed on her face was going to cool her ardor. The only thing that would satisfy her was hot, grinding, sweaty sex. Not that she’d ever really had that kind of sex before, but she had a feeling Ryland Stone was just the man to deliver it.

Was it coincidence she’d met him this morning? She didn’t know. What she did know was that she was more attracted to him than any man she’d ever met in her life. She’d gone the long-term commitment route and that had gained her nothing but a broken heart and lukewarm sheets. Maybe what she really needed was a few nights of uninhibited sex with a man who only wanted the same thing?

She watched him as her question sank in. He didn’t flinch or even look particularly uncomfortable. His control impressed her even as she wanted to destroy it. Her breasts were aching and her panties were damp, making it awkward to stand here and talk to him. She was feeling hot and bothered and wanted him to feel the same. She glanced down at the front of his pants and immediately noticed the bulge. No way to hide that. And it was pretty impressive. Hmmm, Mr. Deputy wasn’t as immune as he was pretending. For some reason that made her feel better and restored her good humor.

Sticking out her hand, she approached the other man who was standing quietly to one side watching them. “I’m Rhiannon Sparks.”

“Jed Bearson.” He stepped forward and took her proffered hand. She liked his firm handshake and quiet demeanor. He was very easy on the eyes too, but she felt no spark, not like she did with Ryland. “Nice place you’ve got here.”

Pride filled her as she glanced around the shop. “Thanks.”

Jed nodded and then turned back to Ryland. “I’ll start talking with the neighbors to see if anyone heard or saw anything.” He glanced back at Rhiannon and nodded. “Ms. Sparks.” Turning on his heel, he headed back outside, closing the door behind him.

Rhiannon squared her shoulders and faced Ryland. She was still having a hard time reconciling the sexual attraction between them. It had happened so fast and burned so hot, she didn’t quite trust it. Ryland was the type of man she usually steered clear of—definitely the alpha, in-control type. Usually she preferred a more laid-back, easy-going kind of man.

Gwen’s words echoed in her head.

She shook her head, refusing to believe her sister was right, even though deep in her heart she thought that maybe her sister had a point. Ryland was certainly not the sort of man who was attracted to her. Or maybe she’d just never noticed before.

“I shouldn’t have kissed you earlier.” Ryland’s deep voice broke through her meanderings. “I’m not sorry I kissed you.” He gazed at her lips, making her toes curl in her shoes as heat suffused her body. “But this was not the appropriate time.”

“Then when is the appropriate time?” Was that her voice, so soft and sultry? Rhiannon cleared her throat, but refused to look away.

“When do you get off work?”

His forthright question surprised her. “Today?”

He inclined his head, his pale blue eyes watching her intently. “We could have dinner together?”

Is that what she wanted? Before her mind could work it all out, her lips were saying, “Yes.”

He nodded, the harsh planes of his face not softening at all. “I’ll pick you up at six?”

She shook her head. “I don’t close until then.” Her stomach was jumping and she placed a hand over it to try to calm it. “I’ll have to go home and change first.”

“How about I pick you up at seven? He reached into his pocket and drew out a notebook. Obviously, as far as he was concerned, everything was settled.

Rhiannon gave him her home address and then closed her eyes, barely stifling a groan. What was wrong with her? She never went out to dinner, not on a first date. There were too many chances of things going wrong. She generally preferred meeting for coffee or lunch. It was a short, finite time. If either of them decided they didn’t want to pursue the relationship beyond that, then there was no harm done.

Opening her eyes, she noted Ryland was watching her intently. The heat in his eyes made her clothing feel too tight and restricting. She pressed her thighs together, trying desperately to ease the growing ache within her. What was it about this man that made her feel as if she already knew him? She certainly wanted him.

He blinked and all the heat was suddenly gone. No, not gone, she realized, but banked. “Now, tell me about what you saw this morning.” His tone was brisk as she gave her statement. He interrupted her from time to time to ask her to clarify certain points.

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