A Tale of Two Vampires (31 page)

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Authors: Katie MacAlister

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

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“You didn’t know better,” I reassured him, leaning in to give him a quick kiss. “No one told you how to be a vampire after the demon lord made you one, so you couldn’t have known all the rules.”

“I should have contacted them,” he repeated. “I may prefer to discover knowledge for myself, but I should have made an exception in this situation. However, that is now moot. This Beloved that you speak of, she has her soul, yes?”

“Yes,” Fran said, smiling at Ben. “I have to say, it’s kind of romantic that your dad had to come into the future to find his one true love.”

“Oh, we’re not in love,” I said quickly, a little embarrassed that everyone should think we were a madly romantic couple. “I mean, I’m very fond of Nikola, and we enjoy being together, and yes, I did say that I wouldn’t mind spending however long with him because he’s really fascinating, but we’re not
in love
. Just kind of…in fond. Right, Nikola?”

“I shall draft a letter to the council immediately, demanding that they tell me everything that they told my son,” Nikola said to himself as he made another note.

“See?” I waved toward Nikola.

Fran turned to her husband. “Didn’t you tell me that all vamps are madly in love with their Beloveds?”

“Yes, but—”

“And Io smells like a Beloved?”

I straightened up. “I beg your pardon!”

“Then that means he has to be in love with her,” Fran said, gesturing toward me. “So why isn’t your dad getting with the program?”

“He’s always been a little…different,” Ben said with obvious apology.

“Hey! There’s nothing wrong with your dad. He just likes to keep track of important stuff and things he’s curious about. Nikola, tell your kid that you’re not weird just because you’re not in love with me.”

“And perhaps I’ll conduct some research into the phenomenon of losing and regaining a soul—hmm? Why are you pinching me?”

“Ben thinks you’re defective or something because you’re not in love with me.”

“He does?” Nikola eyed his son. “I tried to love your mother, but was unable to do so despite the fact that she was quite worthy of that emotion. It is no surprise that I am unable to do likewise for Io.”

“Mama was not your Beloved,” Imogen said, giving me a long look. “Evidently Io is.”

“And that should make a difference?” Nikola asked them.

“Yes,” Fran answered.

“Ah.” He considered me.
Would you like me to be in love with you, sweetling?

No! Of course not! No, unless…you know…you wanted to be. I don’t want you to feel like you have to pretend you’re in love with me, because that’s not the sort of relationship we have.

Exactly what do we have? In reference to our relationship, that is?

Well…we like each other a lot.

Yes, we do.

And of course, the sex is spectacular.

Most gratifyingly so, yes.

And we want to spend time together. I mean, I like being with you, and you said you like being with me, so that’s what we have.

With no love?

No. Er…not unless you wanted it. Do you?

I don’t know. Do you?

Everyone is staring at us.
I cleared my throat.
I think this is going to be one of those discussions that we’ll have to have another time.

As you like.
He turned back to the others. “Io is thinking over whether or not she wishes for us to be in love. Until she makes up her mind, we should go on with what advice this kind lady has for us.”

“I wondered if anyone was going to remember me,” Tallulah said with a private smile. “It is Sir Edward who offers the advice, and that is this: Find the man who has used the portal. Find him as quickly as you can, and do what you must to restore balance where you have brought unbalance. For if you do not…”

Her voice trailed off dramatically, leaving me with a shiver down my back and arms. Once again, I leaned into Nikola for comfort.

“If we do not?” he asked her.

Her gaze moved along each of us, ending on me. “If you do not, countless lives will be sacrificed.”

It wasn’t until almost an hour later that we were able to gather—“we” being Imogen, Ben, Fran, and Nikola and me—in Imogen’s trailer. She had insisted that we meet Peter Sauber, who was one of the two owners of the fair, and explained to him that Nikola was her long-lost father.

“Cousin!” I had said quickly, flashing a very toothy smile to Imogen before turning it on the balding, slightly worried-looking man. “Nikola is Imogen’s cousin. He couldn’t be her father because he barely looks ten years older than her. He’s her cousin.”

“It’s all right, Io,” Imogen said, patting my hand. “Peter knows about Ben and me. What we are, I mean.”

“Oh.” I pursed my lips as I examined the man in question. “Sorry. Are you a vamp, too?”

“No,” he said, his forehead wrinkling a little. “I’m a magician. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Baron. I understood that you were in South America recently.”

“No, that was the wrong past,” I corrected him, smiling at Nikola just because he was so incredibly handsome, it took every ounce of strength I possessed to keep from flinging myself on him.

You are more than welcome to—

Stop right there, or I will have no resistance whatsoever.

Nikola laughed in my head.

“The wrong…no, don’t tell me. There’s enough going on without trying to figure that out.”

After meeting a few more people, we finally ended up in Imogen’s pretty trailer, the inside of which was done in shades of olive and taupe.

Imogen, Fran, and I sat together on a gently curved taupe and olive polka-dot sofa, while Ben and his father stood at the far end of the trailer, their heads together as they discussed something. It made my heart happy to see Nikola reunited with his son, especially since it was obvious they were having such an emotionally intense conversation.

“Io, I think I owe you an apology,” Fran said, drawing my attention back.

“About being so mean to Nikola? I suppose it’s understandable, although really, even if Nikola had been from the past you remembered, he’s still Ben’s daddy, and thus due a little respect—”

“No,” Fran said, holding up a hand to stop me. “I meant about mentioning you guys being in love. I didn’t realize that it was possible for a vamp and his Beloved not to be in love, and I think I made you very uncomfortable. I’m very sorry if I did.”

“Ah, that.” I waved a hand like it didn’t mean anything. “I think it’s because Nikola and I are so much more matu—er—settled in our ways. We’re not young, like you and Ben are. Or rather just you. Not that you’re an infant, but…oh, you know what I mean.”

“Yes, I do.” She laughed. “I’m glad I didn’t offend you. And I’m really glad that you found Nikola, no matter how it came about, or what form the relationship takes. It’s just nice to see another Dark One who’s found his other half.”

I couldn’t help but look at Nikola, my gaze caressing him in a manner that I knew was going to spell trouble if I let it continue. I swear, my mouth started watering just from looking at him with his head next to Ben’s as they talked quietly.

“Isn’t that cute?” I said softly, nodding toward them. “Seeing them together like that, I feel like the Grinch when his heart grows so many sizes.”

“What do you think they’re talking about?” Fran asked Imogen.

She smiled, her eyes a bit bright with tears of happiness. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. I’m just so pleased to have Papa back, the Papa I remember from my youth. He was always such a loving man…until that day.”

“Which didn’t happen anymore,” I pointed out, feeling my own eyes getting misty, as well. “I bet they’re talking about something deep and important. I bet Nikola’s telling Ben how proud he is of him, and how much he’s missed him, and maybe even is offering fatherly advice.”

“Oh, yes,” Imogen said, sniffling happily.

What are you talking to Ben about?
I couldn’t help but ask.
Something sweet and tender and touching?

Nikola glanced my way.
I asked Benedikt if he often caught his pubic hair on the fastening device of these breeches. He said that is what Jockeys are for. What is a Jockey? I do not wish to appear ignorant in front of my son. Is it something you stuff down the front of the breeches to protect your genitals?

I burst into laughter, unable to keep the mirth contained. “Oh, yes, they’re having a deep and important conversation.”

The two men, evidently through with said discussion, sat down opposite us. “You said you wished to help us locate Rolf?” Nikola asked, shooting me a look that let me know he could read my thoughts of just how I’d protect his pubic hair from undue zipper pinching.

“We would be happy to help you, but there’s a situation that has been growing steadily worse, culminating in the attack you saw earlier,” Ben answered, leaning back in one of Imogen’s curved easy chairs. “The liches were sent by an Ilargi, a lichmaster who is also working with a group experimenting on therions and now Dark Ones. The man who is the father of Francesca’s half sister, Petra, is responsible for the kidnapping of my blood brother David.”

“You have a blood brother?” Nikola asked, a little startled.

“Yes.” Ben’s eyes were dark with anger. “He is a therion, a leo of his pride, and he was helping me when he was taken. We’ve tried for three months to locate where de Marco—the lichmaster—has taken him, but every time we get close to finding where they’re holding David, they move him. Fran’s ghosts have assisted us, as well as those therions who haven’t gone into hiding to protect themselves, but we don’t have much information to go on.”

What’s a therion?

I don’t know.
He thought for a moment.
The word means dangerous animal in Greek. Perhaps…yes, I believe he’s speaking about a man who has an animal spirit. I read of such things, but I did not know if it was the wild imaginings of the author or a genuine being.

“So, there are animal spirit dudes who this lich guy is experimenting on?” I asked, not minding if I was the one who looked ignorant.

“Animal spirit…ah. Therions are shape-shifters,” Ben explained. “David’s animal form is that of an Asiatic lion. His pride, the group of therions that he leads, are all also lion shifters. The lichmaster is intent on building an army of therions he can control.” His gaze shifted to Nikola. “And lately, he’s wanted to try to control Dark Ones, as well, hence his interest in capturing me.”

“Which is not going to happen,” Fran said, moving over to sit on the arm of his chair, one hand tangled in his hair as she leaned into him.

Nikola watched them with interest for a few seconds before looking at me, one eyebrow cocked.
I’m not as young as she is,
I pointed out.
I don’t perch on arms of chairs well. Not to mention that it’s undignified.

I do not think so.

Well, I do. Also, I’m not a young thing who can’t keep her hands off of you. I am, as you so obnoxiously pointed out, mature. I can sit in the same room with you without feeling the need to maul you, or touch your hair, or kiss you.

All of that sounds rather nice, actually.

Well, it can just sound nice. I’m not going to pretend I’m a giddy twenty-something madly in love with you. Besides, my behind is bigger than hers and needs a more substantial platform.

Your bottom is lovely, and just the size it should be. It gives me great pleasure. I enjoy looking at it and stroking it. I also wish to bite it, but I suspect you might find that objectionable, so I am content to keep that desire to myself until such time as you will let me do so.

“Oh, screw it,” I said, and took three steps to plop myself down on Nikola’s lap, wrapping one arm around him, and glaring at Imogen when she giggled. “Right, so those scythe guys were trying to grab you for their lich boss?”

“Yes. He’s made an attempt to kidnap Ben before, right after we were married.” Fran looked worried. “We were close to finding the whereabouts of David, and several of the therions de Marco has turned feral, for lack of a better word, caught us, and we had to run for our lives.”

“Tallulah said that Uncle Rolf might be tied in with the David situation,” Imogen said, her expression turning serious. “But I do not see how that can be. He is mortal, not a therion, and not a Dark One. Surely the lichmaster would have no interest in him, or vice versa.”

“I can see no reason why this lichmaster would have an interest in Rolf,” Nikola agreed, mentally considering and discarding various possibilities.

“Maybe you can’t, but I can,” I said, suddenly feeling chilled. I put my other arm around him, my stomach sick at the thought.

I can’t breathe if you clutch my head to your breasts like this.

You don’t need to breathe. You’re a vampire. And I want to keep you safe.

Once again, gratitude and astonishment filled him as he gently pried my arms from around his head.
As do I with you, sweetling, but we have nothing to fear from Rolf. I am immortal, and it seems we are close to making you so, as well.

“What do you mean?” Imogen asked, stark white stress lines appearing around her mouth as she tightened her lips.

“I mean what if Rolf decided he needed some help getting rid of Nikola? He wanted him dead in the past; who’s to say he doesn’t want him dead now, too? Maybe that’s why he followed us here. Maybe he is seeing this as a way of settling a score, or satisfying a need to destroy, or who knows what? If he wanted Nikola dead, then who better to go to than a vampire-torturing lichmaster with a bunch of rabid werewolves at his command?”

“Therions, not werewolves,” Ben corrected automatically, but I saw the way he glanced at Fran. He suddenly looked just as worried as I felt.

“I don’t see how Rolf would know about de Marco, though,” Fran said slowly.

“But is it likely that he would be able to find information about this lich dude? That’s the only issue I see. I mean, he’s not a vampire like you are, Nikola.”

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