A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s (33 page)

BOOK: A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s
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Abolitionist cause
See also
Pregnancy; Reproductive rights
Civil rights movement; Feminism; Labor movement; Suffrage movement; Women’s movement
Adams, Rebecca
Adolescent girls.
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
(radio and television show)
Advice books/articles
African-American families
African-American women
as civil rights leaders
discrimination and prejudice facing
engagement of, outside the home
and higher education
and job ads
and NOW legal cases for working-class women
relevancy of
The Feminine Mystique
undercounting, in the workforce
unwed, attitude toward
as victims of double discrimination
views of, on activism and marriage
See also
Civil rights movement
Ahrons, Constance
Airline industry and employment
Aleskovsky, Pat
Alexander, Sadie T.
All About Eve
American Association of University Women
American Enterprise Institute
American Medical Association
American Psychological Association
American University
“The American Woman’s Dilemma” (series of
Andelin, Helen
“Anne’s Readers’ Exchange” (newspaper column)
Archives of General Psychiatry
(American Medical Association)
“Are Women Wasting Their Time in College?” (Friedan)
Atlantic Monthly
Baker, Ella
Bales, Robert
Baptist Women’s Mission Society
Barbie dolls
Barker, Linda
Bates, Daisy
“Battle of the sexes” prophecy
Baudelaire, Charles
Beard, Mary
Becker, Gary
Beecher, Louise
Bennett, Lerone, Jr.
Bergmann, Barbara
Berman, Mary Rinato
Bernard, Jessie
The Best of Everything
Betty Friedan and the Making of the Feminine Mystique
Birth control.
See also
Abortion; Pregnancy; Reproductive rights
Biskind, Peter
Black Power movement
Black women.
African-American women
See also
Blue Collar Marriage
Blue-collar housewives.
Working-class women
Bogartz, Sherry
Bohm, David
Book Find
Booth, Heather
Boushey, Heather
Bowdoin College
Brandeis University
Bratz dolls
Breines, Wini
Brockwell, George
Brown, Helen Gurley
Buck, Pearl S.
Cancian, Francesca
Career mystique
Career women.
Single career women; Working women/mothers
Castle, Marian
Catalyst organization
Chetnik, Neil
Chicago Tribune
Chicanas, undercounting, in the workforce
Child care centers
committee calling for
and costs
government created
need for
Child care, sharing
Civil Rights Bill
Civil rights movement
African-American women as leaders in the
Friedan’s support for the
gender consciousness raised by the
and McCarthyism
public debate focused on the
status of the, in early 1960s
Civil Service Commission
Clark, Septima
Clinton, Hillary
Cody, Pat
Cold War
College education.
Collins, Christina
Collins, Gail
Columbia University
Committee on Civil and Political Rights
Cold War; McCarthyism
Concentration camp analogy
Congress of Racial Equality
Connecticut College for Women
seductions of
and the sexual sell
Consumers’ Guide
demanding the right to
denying access to
Cornell University
Coughlin, Robert
Coulter, Ann
The Crack in the Picture Window
“Credo for the New Woman” (editorial)
“The Crisis in Women’s Identity” (Friedan; chapter title)
Cultural mores about sexuality and gender.
See also
Freudian psychiatrists/ideas
Current Population Survey
“Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t” (Catalyst report)
Dating advice.
See also
Marital advice books/articles
Davis, Bette
Davis, Rebecca
de Beauvoir, Simone
“The Decline of the American Male” (
magazine title)
Depression, the.
Great Depression
Desperate Housewives
(television show)
Destined for Equality
Deutsch, Helen
The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution
Dichter, Ernest
Discrimination and prejudice
facing working mothers today
and the independence effect
legislation banning
overt barriers facing women as
that women faced
See also
Civil rights movement
Divorce rates
Dollard, John
Domestic violence
Donna Stone (TV character)
“Double bind” theory
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
Dr. Laura
(radio show)
Duchess of Windsor
Duncan, David
Dusky, Lorraine
Earhart, Amelia
East, Catherine
Economy, booming postwar
Ederle, Gertrude
access to
anti-intellectual trends in
changes in achievement and attitudes towards
discrimination and prejudice in
employment in
Freudian ideas seeping into
and income disparity
lack of role models in
level of, effect of
and math test scores
middle-class housewives and
and pressure to major in traditional fields
Edwards, Glenda Schilt
Ehrenreich, Barbara
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisenmann, Linda
Electroshock therapy
discrimination in
double standards involving
job ads for
rates of
satisfaction from
Empty-nest years
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Equal Pay Act
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Evers, Mrs. Medger
Families and Work Institute
Family Medical Leave Act
Family Weekly
Family-work issues.
Work-family issues
Farnham, Marynia
Fascinating Womanhood
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
The Feminine Mystique’s
publishing history. See Publication of
The Feminine Mystique
decades of attack on, toll of
in the 1850s through 1920s
in the 1920s
in the 1930s
in the 1940s
in the 1950s
in the 1960s
in the 1970s
public face of, losing the
and publication of
The Second Sex
See also
National Organization for Women (NOW); Suffrage movement; Women’s movement
Ferguson, Angella
Ferree, Myra Marx
Fessler, Ann
Finkbine, Sherri
Firestone, Shulamith
Fisher, Sherry
Flight attendants.
Airline industry and employment
Fost, Ruth
Fourteenth Amendment
Fox, Muriel
Frazier, E. Franklin
Freeman, Jo
French, Brandon
French, Marilyn
Freud, Sigmund
Freudian psychiatrists/ideas
Friedan, Betty
attitudes spurring activism by
and the audience she wanted to reach
as Betty Goldstein
celebrity status of
death of
life of
marriage of
organization established with help from
perceived characteristics of
tombstone epigraph suggested by
tribute to, on the NOW Web site
See also specific works by Betty Friedan
Friedan, Carl
Fulkerson, Mary Lee
“The Functional Freeze, the Feminine Protest, and Margaret Mead” (Friedan; chapter title)
Future Shock
Gallup, George
Gallup polls
Garrity, Rose
Generation of Vipers
Gerst, Gary
GI Bill
GI Bill for Women, proposal for a
Gilbert, James
Girl Talk
(television show)
Girls Gone Wild
advice books/articles for
and high school graduation rates
and the hottie mystique
raising, in the 1950s
feminine stereotypes and
and the sexual sell
unwed, attitude toward
The Girls Who Went Away
Glass ceiling
Glass, Jennifer
The Golden Notebook
Goldstein, Betty
See also
Friedan, Betty
Good Housekeeping
“Good Wife” certificates
Gordon, Linda
Graebner, William
Graham, Richard
Graham, Virginia
Great Depression
“Greatest generation” label
Green, Edith
Greer, Germaine
Griffiths, Martha
Grimke, Angelina
“The Happy Housewife Heroine” (Friedan; chapter title)
Harriet Nelson (TV character)
Harris, Alice Kessler
Harris, Corra
Harrison, Cynthia
Harvard Law School
Hawes, Elizabeth
Hayden, Casey
“Head and master” laws
Height, Dorothy
Helme, Vietta
Henderson, Peta
Hepburn, Katharine
Hernandez, Aileen
Heskin, Kathy
Hickey, Margaret
The Hidden Persuaders
Hierarchy of needs
Higher education.
Higher Education Research Institute Study
Hitler, Adolph
connection between fatigue and sexual desire of
as consumers
daughters’ aversion to becoming
dismissing the work of
educational level of
educators recommending women be
following the first feminist wave
forced to join the workforce during the Depression
Gallup article from 1960s characterizing
hostility directed toward
married to the most poorly paid men
and the masculine crisis
middle-class women as
and the mommy wars
perceived attack on
postwar defense of
postwar television portrayals of
and the sexual sell
working-class women as
See also
Male breadwinner-female homemaker model
See also
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horowitz, Daniel
Hottie mystique
House Beautiful
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Housekeepers and nannies
Housewife syndrome
Housewives/stay-at-home mothers.
Housework, sharing, statistics on
Hull, Gloria
Human Events
Humanistic psychology
Hunt, Ridgely (Nancy)
“I Have a Dream” speech
I Love Lucy
(television show)
“I Rebel at Rebellion” (Castle)
“I Wear the Apron Now” (Duncan)
“I Went Back to Work” (Friedan)
“If I Had a Daughter” (Thompson)
“Illegitimate” children
discrimination and
gap in
growth in

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