A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance) (27 page)

BOOK: A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance)
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Her mouth watered. “Please, say yes, rolling stone.”

She gripped him in her hand, squeezing his thick shaft. “I want you to say yes.”

She took him in her mouth.

“God, yes!”

She moaned in delight, sucking him deeper.

“Fuck yes, baby. Yes!”


Wes ripped the front of
her dress open,
sending buttons flying. One quick tug made her boobs spill out of her bra. He squeezed the globes together, his big hands, covering them possessively. Her girls looked pale and delicate against his darker skin. The sight was so hot her breathing became choppy from further excitement. His fingers thumbed and plucked at her nipples. More heat shot straight to her core.

“Perfect. You’re so perfect, my Empress.”

Her anxiety as she sat for hours in her jet while it flew over the Atlantic, thinking about him, missing him, made her desperate to be one with him again, to connect with in every way.

Thankfully, he pulled her panties. She lifted her legs to aid him.

He pressed the silk to his face and inhaled deeply, groaning in appreciation, then tossed it aside. Shit, that was hot. Wes inhaling her panties! She wished she wasn’t too needy to enjoy his little gestures but the pounding ache in her core just couldn’t be denied any longer.

“Wes, please!”

He dragged her to the edge of the bed. He knelt on the floor, spreading her legs wide to her sides.

“Oh baby…” he breathed out, his eyes, riveted on her pussy.

He must see how embarrassingly wet she was. Modesty attacked her for a bit but before she could entertain it further, his face descended on her pussy. She threw her head back with a gratified sigh of pleasure.

“Ohhh god!”

brought her to the brink. The peak loomed way too fast and she clamored for it, her hips grinding against his face as his tongue beat at her clit with an expertise that had only come from vast experience. Jealousy lashed at her but was quickly obliterated by the onslaught of pleasure bombarding her senses. It became sharper with every swipe of his tongue. The pressure in her core pulled tighter and tighter until she was losing her mind. “Wes…please!”

“You wanna come? Hmm? You wanna come for me, babe?”

“Yes, baby, please, please, please!”

She’d called him baby.
It was the first time she’d used an endearment on him and it warmed him, melted his insides in an indescribable way.
“Say that again.”


“Baby. Call me, baby.”

“You’re too big to be a baby.”

He grinned. “That I am but I love it when you call me baby.”

“Stoner, get back to work!”

He grinned. “Yes, ma’am.” He went back to eating her pussy.

She pulled herself up from the pillows and supported herself on her elbows. She met his eyes. It was hot as shit. Ava looking on as he ate her pussy, her eyes dazed, her lips wet and half open as she panted. How he’d missed her taste!
Her sweet juices seeped into his tongue, attacking his system fast like a potent drug, shooting like a bullet though his bloodstreams, electrifying his nerve-endings.

He wanted this delicious pussy forever. He would dine on this sweetness every single day of his life from now on.

“Yes, baby. Oh god, yes, like that. Just like that!”

He fingered her, rubbing her G while sucking her fat little clit. She was dripping on his fingers as her tight pussy accommodated his digits.

She fell back on the pillows. “Wes, please…I can’t…please, don’t stop!” she sobbed.

The sounds she was making were unbelievably sexy. This was probably the best song Ava could ever sing for him. Her sighs and cries and wails of pleasure, knowing it was him who was giving it to her.

His cock was a huge bundle of muscles wanting to explode. Fuck, why were his erections with Ava so good? What was it with her that made him want to go exclusive on her? Like he couldn’t imagine sticking his fork in another pie now after having Ava’s delicious, addicting muffin. This fucking muffin that had him puffing and panting like an animal every time he’d sniff it, or even just think about it.

gripped his shaft and guided himself at her opening. He tapped her wet folds, making slapping sounds as his wet tip made contact with her even wetter lips. He sawed his shaft through her wet folds. Then he pushed in.

He made a guttural sound, gripping her hips as he knelt on the bed, watching his thick cock stretch her little pussy. “Ava…baby…so good!”


He slammed to the hilt inside her. He growled as she clamped greedily around his shaft, pulling him in. He gripped the back of her legs, pushing them wider to her sides as he began the mating dance.

His eyes were on their combined wetness painting a riveting, unforgettable picture of glistening flesh pounding at each other, melding, hungry for that ultimate ecstasy.

He wanted to see this every day and so much more of this woman he didn’t think he could live without now. He was sure of it as his passion was about to hit breaking point in the next heartbeats. He would fill her up so good, again and again until she was pregnant with his baby. The thought was an urgent reality in his mind. Right this minute, he knew he was truly ready to be a father.

“You love my cock, baby? Tell me how you love it.”

“Yes! Definitely yes! I love love love your cock! Harder, baby!”

“Give me your tits.”

She scooped up her boobs and squeezed them together, offering them to his lips. He latched on her pink nipples as he fucked her senseless.

She screamed as she came, her legs clamping around his hips tightly, her pussy going impossibly tighter around his shaft.

He rammed one last time and shouted, shooting his warm seed inside her, filling her with his very future.

“Nothing could be better
than this. Nothing.”


“I don’t think I’d wanna be
inside you any other way but bareback, baby.”

“Are you always this chatty after coming?” she said weakly.

Wes chuckled and sighed against her neck. He was sprawled on top of her, languishing in her warmth and softness. “I wish your pussy chats me up more often.”

“I pity your PR team and the shit they must be cleaning up from your cock tales every time. Your vocabulary is a bloody barbarian edition.”

He caught on her word play. “Cock tales.” Man, she had a saucy mouth. “I love your PR team. They brought me the Empress’ pussy in its medieval edition. Maiden edition, too. It was bloody.”

She smacked his ass.

He moaned. “Oh yeah, baby. Harder.”

“You’re so crazy.”

“You love me as I am.”



He couldn’t believe he threw the L-word between them again. Him who was allergic to anything L-related. Well, it seemed not anymore. Six weeks and a cherry on top and Ava Ryder was him making sing her love songs.

But why the hell not? And why could’t she say it back? She must love him if she wanted to marry him, right?

He rose up on his elbows to look at her, ready to demand it out of her. He wanted to hear her say it.



“I need to pee…and do something. The test. Will you help me?”

Joy suffused him. He smiled, his insecurity instantly forgotten. There will be plenty of time to make her say it.

He swore she’d be shouting she loved him to the rafters in the coming days.

“Always, baby. I’ll always be here for you.”

Ava thought they were
going to take a shower first. The RV’s bathroom was small and it gave her wild ideas as Wes stripped them both naked before they entered the cubicle.

But he had other ideas.

He knelt before her, the pregnancy kit in his hand. “Come on. Pee, baby.”

She was scandalized. “Are you serious?! What happened to squatting on the commode?”

He grinned at her wickedly and pressed her lower belly with his palm.

She gasped as the combined pressure of resurging arousal and nature’s call gave way. Helplessly, she watched herself release her bladder in front of him.

She would never forget this.


It was a total loss of control, probably more intimate than her orgasms with his cock deep inside her. Well, Wes-cock orgasms topped the list of her must- haves and amazeballs, but this was a whole new level of intimacy. It had nothing to do with the physical, and yet it had everything to do with it.

Hot liquid trickled down her thighs and he watched her there doing one of the most private rituals in a human being’s life, his eyes, burning, hungry, possessive. He had shattered all her inhibitions and all that was left was her most naked self. Bared to him completely.

“Beautiful,” he rasped, his wet palm running on the insides of her thighs. Then he wet the point of the pregnancy kit on the stream. This was totally beyond her wildest dreams but she didn’t feel icky one bit. She felt liberated.

Her arousal was fully resurrected. Her need to orgasm again almost overpowered her excitement in finding out the result of the test.

He hid the kit behind him as he dipped his head and kissed her mound. He then licked her nether lips. She gasped. “Wes!” She was mortified and aroused beyond belief by what he was doing. So dirty and yet so intimate. She’d never felt closer to any other human being than she was with this man right now.

He stared up at her. “I love you.”

Her heart felt like it would burst with overwhelming emotions.

She combed his hair away from his face with her fingers, “I love you. God, I love you, Wesley Stoner.”

He smiled. “You ready?”

She nodded wordlessly.

He brought up the pregnancy kit between them.

She was too nervous she forgot what was positive and negative. “Baby, what does it mean? Is that…?”

BOOK: A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance)
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