A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance) (25 page)

BOOK: A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance)
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“It’s not for you to decide!”

A cocksure smile split his lips. “No? Then it’s for your pussy to decide. I find it more decisive than you.”

“Bastard, no!” She turned to flee.

But he caught her fast. “Yes.”

His jealousy got the better of him.

He grabbed her and pulled her roughly toward his body, intent on only one thing— dominate her, assert his position in her life, in her heart, in her body.

She gave herself to him FIRST, not to his fucking ex. That should count for something, right? He won’t allow that motherfucker to just come back, walk in on their relationship and resume where he’d left off. Over his dead fucking body.

Ava was his. And she’d better remember it always.

Right NOW!

“LET! ME! GO!” she hissed in his face like a hellcat, fierce and defiant, firing up all the possessive cells in his already raging green-eyed monster.

Her resistance became his aphrodisiac, because he knew he could break it down. She may not want him in her mind but she sure wanted him in her body.

The thought that Ava wanted Tyrone in her reality and HE was just a filler in her fantasy threw him to the edge.

He ground his lips over hers, punishing her with his burning desire to own her body and soul. He would probably go mad if Ava went back with Glass. He’d kill the mofo. His career would be over. His life would be over. He didn’t care. Didn’t give a shit. Without Ava in his life, he was finished. He knew it.

Ava was his and his alone!

He kissed her, swallowing her whimpers of protest, her sweet breath shooting like a heady drug to his brain, making him a slave of his visceral needs.

He lifted her and crossed the small distance to the bed and dropped her there. She scrambled to get away. “No—o!”

She tried to kick him, her killer stiletto missing his gut. He grabbed her legs and dragged her to the edge of the bed, flipping her on her stomach.

She screamed and buckled under him. “Wesley, stop!”

He was forcing her and he couldn’t stop himself. He was a war party of angry, insecure and obsessed and it was on full offensive. The only thing that could pacify him right now was to be gloved by Ava’s tightness and wetness.

“I will hate you for this, Wesley, I swear!”

He held her firmly by her waist while his other hand groped under her voluminous gown. “Hate me! Hate this!” He palmed her pussy, sinking his big fingers into her lush nether lips.

“No—o! I hate you!”

He expelled a guttural laugh of satisfaction in finding her panties soaked. “At least you pussy loves me. I’ll settle for this for now.”

“Damn you, don’t—!”

With a rough tug, he ripped her little thong, baring her for his exploration. His fingers slid between her folds, coating him with her juices immediately. She was slick and soft and drenching his fingers with her arousal and he was grateful for this small victory. She wanted him. Whether she liked it or not, he could make her want him like this even if she hated his guts.

He rubbed her clit and she went limp under him, her legs clamping tight around his hand. “I hate you…I really do…” she sobbed and he knew he got her.

He tore at his fly, freeing his engorged cock.

Pushing away layers of her gown, he bared her ass. His cock lurched and dripped pre-cum at the sight of her perfect, heart-shaped ass. Fuck, he’d kill Glass if he’d ever as much as lay a finger on this beauty. This was HIS.

He squeezed the plump cheeks possessively. “This ass is mine, you hear me, Av? MINE!”


He slapped her ass with enough force to sting. She jerked and shrieked furiously. He pinched her clit then slipped his middle finger inside her tight hole. She collapsed on the bed again and moaned.

“Oh god, Wes, I hate you…”

He slipped another finger, stretching her. She sobbed, pushing her ass up for more and he knew he had won. She was now asking for it.

He bent and nuzzled her nape. “Do you know how hard I am right now, baby?”

She mewed, her pussy clenching at his digits greedily.

“That’s right. I’m so fucking hard I can split your fucking ex’ skull
open with this wood.” He rubbed his cock head on her ass cheeks, spreading his pre-cum on her warm skin.

“You’re so gross…” she
whined but he knew if he let her go, she would impale herself on his pole.

“Yeah. Let’s see how much you want this gross thing inside your tight pussy.”

He guided his cock to rub against her sopping folds, hissing at the agonizing pleasure of the contact. How could he want a woman like this? Like he would go mad if he didn’t shove all of his length inside her in the next seconds? It seemed impossible months ago but now, Ava had made him a believer of exclusivity. This was the one and only pussy he wanted right now, in the next days, in the next months and years and he didn’t know how long till he’d get tired of it. He only knew one thing right this moment. He couldn’t live without it, without this woman, and the thought of not having her body and heart simply destroyed him.

“I love you.”

She stilled under him.

“I love you so much I can’t stand the thought of you loving someone else. Even if you loved him first.


“I want you all to myself, Ava. I so fucking love you I’m losing my shit. Do you feel how much I love you, baby?”

He opened her wet folds for his entry and rimmed her opening. No matter how far gone he was, he knew his size and he didn’t want to tear her tender flesh.

“Wes, please!

“Feet it!”

He pushed, entering her. All the way to the hilt.

She gasped, wrapping like paradise around him.

Her tightness took his breath away as usual, but not only that. All of her took his breath away. The sheer pleasure she gave him every time they were one like this. Not only that. Her scent that comforted him. Not only that…

Wes, please, I want…!”

“Yes, baby. I’m going to give it to you. I’m yours. All yours.”

He pulled back slowly, dragging his length all the way to the tip and slamming right back in. She squealed in delight and caught the rhythm right away.

“Wes, oh god, yes!”

He jacked her in a rhythm in tandem with his fingers on her clit, watching his cock sink in and out of her, his shaft going harder and harder at the breathtaking sight, basking in the fact that Glass had never touched this part of her before, had never been in here before.

It was him and him alone who’d been here and it will remain that way for the rest of their lives.

He crouched on top of her and pulled her face for a voracious kiss, taking her almost violently, filling her with his essence in all the ways he could at once.

“Feel me, baby? Every. Inch. Of me. Is yours.” He punctuated his words with deeper and deeper thrusts, owning her pussy, strumming her clit faster, forcing her to reach the peak with him.

He was close. So fucking close.

“Yeah, squeeze me, baby. Take me. Everything I have. Take me!”

The sounds of their flesh slapping together echoed in the room, his grunts and her moans adding to the chorus of feverish carnal chant.

She screamed and went rigid in his arms, coming hard, her pussy clamping tightly around his shaft then spasmed and quivered and milked him toward his own release.

His shout of satisfaction mingled with hers and they were suspended in that pinnacle of violent ecstasy for seemed like an eternity before they both fell forward on the bed, panting in the aftermath of their spent passion.


She didn’t answer. She was lying under him like a dead weight. So still. Fading away.

Fear slammed into him.

Did he hurt her?

He was sure she came. Had felt her every squeeze and ripple as she rode her climax with his cock
shooting cum inside her.

But before that…

His own orgasm had calmed him down. He was now thinking minus an erection fueled by his jealousy. Now he was just a spent, jealous man and it felt different.

“Babe…?” he called her gently.

No answer.

Sighing, guilt and shame ripping through him, he gently pulled out of her.

He saw his semen leak out of her and he wished for the nth time that he’d made her pregnant. But he was a selfish bastard for wishing that. She was clearly not ready to take their relationship to the next level. And bastard that he was, he’d continued taking her unprotected in his own selfish desire to bind her to him irrevocably.

But it wasn’t fair to her. No matter how much he loved her, it wasn’t fair to force her to belong to him by using sex. Because the truth was, he couldn’t take it either if she loved Glass for real and she was just using HIS dick to get off.

“Baby…I’m sorry—”

“Just leave.”


“Leave. Please, Wes. Respect.”

Her words froze him.


Sighing dejectedly, he stood up. She moved and curled in a ball on the bed, shutting him out.

He wanted to take her in his arms, break down her walls. But she knew he couldn’t use sex this time.
His own emotions were too raw for that, too.

“I’ll fly to France tomorrow.”


“We’ll talk when I get back.”

“I don’t care.”

Her lifeless words sliced though him mercilessly. He couldn’t take her total withdrawal.

He fixed his clothing and walked to the door. He paused at the sofa and picked up his coat. He pulled out a little box from the inner pocket. He stared at it with a gaping hole in his heart for a few seconds then placed it on the center table.

Then he walked out the door, feeling emptier than he’d ever been in his life.

God, had he just lost her?

How can you lose what you didn’t have in the first place?

He wanted to deny it, defy that glaring truth.

But it was the truth.


“Your Mom and Dad have been
blowing up my phone. You’ve been ignoring their calls. They said call them back or they’re coming over.”

Ava groaned and rubbed her eyes with her knuckles.

Reena sat beside her on the floor and rested her back on the wall. “Okay,” Reena patted her shoulder. “BFF mode.”

Ava rested her head on her friend’s shoulder.
“Reen…” she sighed heavily.

“Out with it.”

“Wes isn’t taking my calls.”

“What happened?”

“We had a fight the night of the NAFAs.”

“That night has surely been a hit in the rags. And?”

“I don’t know. I’m so confused. He told me he loves me.”

“Do you love him?”

She made a pained sound. “Is it possible?”

“What, to fall in love at first sight?”

“I wouldn’t call it that. Gosh, how cheesy.”

“You mean you fell in lust with him at first sight? Is that cool enough?”

“You sound just like him.”

“We’re a rare breed of badassery, that’s for sure.”

She snorted.

“Go on.”

BOOK: A STELLAR AFFAIR (A Hollywood Bad Boy Romance)
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