A Scandalous Arrangement (21 page)

BOOK: A Scandalous Arrangement
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Much of the time Victoria held her breath, though not in fear. Rather, it was intense concentration that gripped her, every scrape and whisper of the sharp blade impressing itself into her consciousness. She was focused totally on what he was doing to her, as was he.

All too soon he dropped the razor back onto the tray and picked up the flannel again. He dampened it, then used the cloth to wipe every remaining smear of foam away. He was thorough, as ever, taking his time to ensure her body was dry and clean. At last he looked up and met her gaze.

“You are truly naked for me now, sweetheart, and so beautiful it takes my breath away. Would you like to see?”

Victoria nodded, attempting to lift her shoulders and get a good view of her new, smooth self.

“Wait.” He stood and picked up the tray, conveying all the paraphernalia back into the bathroom. He returned with a small shaving mirror.

He angled it in various positions to afford Victoria a perfect view of her shaved pussy. She gasped. She had never seen her body from this angle before, and certainly not in such glorious detail. He made even the familiar seem new, fresh, exciting. He made her feel beautiful.

“Oh! Oh, dear Lord…”

He ran the backs of his knuckles over her soft, peachy mound. “Would you like to touch?”

“Yes, I would. Very much, sir.”

“Very well. Do so.”

Victoria let go of the bed head and reached down to palm her smooth cunt. Despite his work to clean and dry her, she was already wet again.
she thought, but without rancour now.

“It feels— different,” she breathed. “Nice.”

“Yes, nice. Delightful, in fact. I will shave you often, I believe.”

“Thank you, sir. I would like that.”

“Mmm, I am starting to think there is a great deal that you would like. I am also mindful that you have a train to catch in a little over four hours, so shall we continue?”

“Yes. Yes, please, sir.” She replaced her hands on the bed head and closed her eyes.

Adam tugged the damp towel from beneath her hips and shoved the pillow back. This lifted her higher than she had been during the shaving, applying slightly more tension on the rope. She was not uncomfortable, not quite, but she was very aware of the bonds holding her in place. If she had had any qualms at the beginning though, they were now gone.

Adam dropped the towel from around his waist, and she saw his erection, proud and firm and all for her. He would fuck her again this morning, she was sure of that and relished the thought. This was no longer about her longed-for baby though. This was something else entirely.

He lay on his stomach between her legs, his chin propped on his hands as he looked at her.

“So beautiful.”

She felt his breath flutter across her clit, moments before he flicked it with the tip of his tongue.

“Oh! Ooh…”


“Yes, sir.”

“Then tell me so. Those are your instructions, remember.”

“Of course. Sir, that is very, very nice.”

He chuckled and returned to his task. Next he traced the outline of her entrance with the tip of his tongue, before easing the lips apart with his thumbs. He inserted his tongue into her wet warmth to lick the inner softness.

“Oh, God. Sir, that feels… I have no words.”

“Try. Find a word.” His command was a low growl. Victoria thought she might melt.

“Divine, sir. So sweet, tender, I, oh—” She abandoned the effort as he took her clit between his lips and sucked on it.

Her body shuddered, her hips thrusting in spite of her restraints. He drove two fingers into her pussy, twisting and curling them to find that most sensitive place and just rubbing there.

“Sir, I can’t help it. I’m going to…”

“No.” That deep, velvet growl again, soft, menacing, quite implacable.

Victoria clenched, battling to hang onto some semblance of control. Except she had none. He was entirely in command, her body opened and spread out for him to pleasure or torture at will. He combined both in the following moments as he continued to caress her quivering, convulsing pussy at the same time as he sucked on her clit.

The outcome was inevitable. Victoria let out a high-pitched squeal as she surrendered control. Her orgasm was swift, powerful, and took her breath away.

Though he had expressly forbidden her to climax, Adam continued to stimulate her senses, drawing out her response, every last shimmering tingle of it. He did not let up until her body was still again, her breath slowing. Only then did he raise his head to survey her far from repentant features.

“Ah, Miss Wynne, you have much to learn. For orgasming without permission you will lie across my lap and accept ten slaps. Do it again, and that will increase to twenty, then thirty. Do you really intend to stand in the train carriage all the way back to Yorkshire?”

“I believe I may have to, sir.”

“And I believe I may require a more effective deterrent then, if you are ever to learn some self-control.”

“I am in your hands, sir.”

“Insolent girl. You would do well to retain some manners. Your current situation is precarious.”

His tone had hardened, and Victoria shivered. The orgasm had been wonderful, but she now wondered about the wisdom of relinquishing her efforts to suppress it. “I apologise, sir. I meant no offence. It’s just—difficult. When you do those things to me. I can’t help how I react, I have no control…”

“I know that, and you will improve with practice. Punishment is a part of the learning process, an important part. You will learn the lessons and do better in future. I do not want excuses, I expect you to obey.”

“I know. I will, sir.”

“We will see. Now that you are quite yourself again, we continue.”

Victoria flattened her lips in determined concentration as he returned his attention to her pussy.

His fingers had been inside her the entire time, and he resumed his rhythmic caress of her inner sweet spot. She resisted the impulse to squeeze around him, preferring to ponder the correct price to pay for her next consignment of merino wool. The tactic worked for all of twenty seconds before her body was clenching of its own volition.

Adam stopped and withdrew his fingers. “Victoria, are you really trying?”

“Yes, sir. I can manage.” And she could, now that he had ceased tormenting her. She turned her thoughts to the intricacies of recreating a perfect shade of crimson using the latest synthetic dyes.

“I believe I do not have your full attention, Victoria. This will not do at all.”

“Sir, I…”

Adam drove three fingers into her pussy, coating them in her juices then proceeded to smear the moisture around the small pucker of her anus.

“Sir, what are you doing?”

“I will fuck you here, though not today. First, you must be prepared, become ready to accept my cock.”

Whatever Victoria might have expected, it was not that. Despite her lack of direct experience prior to the last few days, she had garnered sufficient working knowledge of the process of procreation that not much of what he had done to her had come as a total surprise. The red ribbon was perhaps an exception, but as for the rest… This though, this was beyond anything she might have imagined.

“Sir, Mr. Luke, you cannot do that.”

“No?” He proceeded to ease his finger through her tight opening.

“No!” Victoria attempted to draw away, to wriggle, but there was no give at all in her restraints. She settled for squeezing her rear hole tight shut, but it was already too late. He had buried his finger in there, up to the first knuckle.

Adam used his free hand to part her buttocks in order to gain better access. “The more you resist, the harder you make this for yourself. This is happening, Victoria. Accept it. Or say your word and I will free you now.”

“I, I… please, sir, do not force me to do this.”

“There is no force involved. You can stop me at any time. You know how.”

She shook her head, tears flowing down her cheeks. Tears of defeat? Of humiliation? She did not know. All she knew was that she did not want this, but would allow it anyway, because the alternative was to use that word. She was desperate, but not yet at her limit it would seem.

With a sob, she relaxed her bottom and allowed him to drive his finger fully inside.

“Look at me, Victoria.”

She shook her head again, mortified at the sensations he was evoking as he slowly withdrew his finger, then slid it back inside her.

“Victoria, obey me. Open your eyes. Now.”

She had no choice. Victoria forced her eyelids apart and met his gaze. She expected anger, exasperation at the fuss she had made. Instead, she found warmth, pride, and approval.

“Good girl. You did well. Now, your reward.”

He smiled at her as he laid the pad of his thumb over her plump clit and circled slowly.

“Oh, oh, God, Don’t… I can’t…”

“You may climax. Relax now, enjoy yourself.”

His voice was soft, low, achingly gentle. Victoria needed no further urging. Her body responded, sweeping aside any objections from her rational, more proper self.

This was not real, could not possibly be. The real Victoria Wynne would never contemplate travelling all the way to London on a train to meet a man, a near stranger to her, a man she knew wanted nothing other than to take his perverse pleasure with her. She would certainly not allow that man to tie her to a bed, naked. She would never in a million years contemplate allowing him to force orgasms from her, threaten to spank her, then insert his finger into her arse and suggest she might like to orgasm again.

But this Victoria would. The Victoria now clenching and writhing helplessly on the bed would do exactly that and more. She gasped and sighed as he caressed her clit, stroking, teasing, urging. With a long, low moan Victoria gave herself up to it, allowed the waves of sheer pleasure to wash over and through her. She spasmed, every muscle tightening then releasing in a surge of delight. She was shaking, trembling, her head spinning. Even as she started to recover her wits, he rubbed her swollen bud again to whip her into another frenzy of lust, then another as he brought his tongue back into play.

He had scared her, pushed her mercilessly, made her do the unimaginable, but the pleasure he now heaped upon her was worth it. She climaxed again, then a third time as he played her body like a violin, drawing every last shimmering note from her before at last he allowed her to rest.

Adam withdrew his finger from her now receptive arse. He dropped a light kiss onto her pussy and another onto her smooth mound, then murmured an ‘excuse me, one moment, please’ before washing his hands in a small basin of water. He dried them on a napkin, then reached to unfasten the rope binding her right knee.

“Now, I fuck you.”

It was an announcement, a demand. Victoria saw no cause to dispute it.

“Yes, sir.” She allowed her legs to relax, only now realising how stiff she had become from straining against the rope as she sought to thrust her hips forward to greet his skilled fingers. She stretched them out on the bed, her hips still raised by the pillows under her. Adam did not remove them. He simply hooked his arms under her knees and hauled her against him. He positioned his cock fast, then drove his erection deep into her.

Victoria screamed. She grabbed his shoulders with her hands and clung to him.

“Sir, sir…”

“Yes? Tell me.”

“I want… I want…”

“This?” He withdrew, then slammed into her again.

“Yes! Oh, sweet Jesus, yes…” She was close to sobbing, her pussy convulsing as he rammed into her fast and hard. She let her head drop back, her back arched as she clenched around him, her inner walls squeezing around the solid shaft filling her.

Adam set up a powerful, demanding rhythm, each stroke long and deep. Victoria dug her nails into his shoulders as she climaxed again, but he did not appear to mind, He continued to drive his cock into her, his own guttural sounds now louder than hers. He reared up, his eyes closed, then he sank his cock into her and held still.

Victoria gasped again as he twitched violently inside her, the head of his cock nudging her cervix. Then, in a final surge of possessiveness she could not quite explain to herself, she wrapped her arms and legs around him as the thick spurts of hot semen filled her.


* * *


“Victoria, it’s time for your spanking. Then we must leave if we are to visit Hyde Park before you need to be at the station.”

“Spanking? Surely you don’t mean to…” She peered over her shoulder at him from her position in the bed and Adam had to admit she made an adorable sight. She lay face down, apparently exhausted after their exertions though it was not yet ten o’clock in the morning. He would have liked to leave her there and allow her more rest but he knew she would fret if she was late back. That would undermine his careful efforts to strip away her repression and inhibitions. The last thing he needed from her now was a rush of guilt to overshadow the other fine qualities he had started to discover. Victoria was a diligent and dutiful young businesswoman in public, and he now knew her to be a passionate, sensual creature in private. He loved both facets of her.

Adam himself was already fully dressed again and ready to leave once the formalities had been concluded. He regarded his sleepy, tousled companion with a degree of amusement from his vantage point by the window.

“I do indeed mean exactly that. Ten spanks, over my knee. Your punishment for disgracing yourself earlier.” He pulled an upholstered stool from under the dressing table and sat on it. “Get out of that bed and over here, Victoria. Now please.”


“I will count to five, then every second you delay after that will earn you an additional spank. And you really do not want to even think about how sore your bottom will be if I have to come and get you.”

He kept his smile carefully concealed as she groaned, then dragged her body stiffly from the bed. He made a mental note to keep this a relatively light spanking. The last twenty-four hours had been momentous for her, she had coped well, but it had taken its toll and she was close to her limit now.

BOOK: A Scandalous Arrangement
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