A Scandalous Arrangement (19 page)

BOOK: A Scandalous Arrangement
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Adam straightened and positioned the cane across her left cheek. Victoria sighed as she pressed back against it, seeming to relish the harsh promise it offered. Adam wasted no time in unnecessary preparation now, just a couple of slow strokes across her bottom, then the rapid, practised flick of his wrist to lay a fourth perfect, vivid stripe across her skin.

She hissed in pain, dancing on her toes as she fought to assimilate the searing burn. He really was going very lightly with her, but her response was exquisite. He knew she was at the very extreme margin of what she could tolerate, and this last stroke would test that. If he was not about to conclude anyway, he was well aware that this final swat would in all probability drag her safe word from her. He thought it wise to remind her anyway.

“Last one, then we stop.”

She nodded, her head drooping.

Adam shifted his stance and fixed his gaze on her thighs, on that place just below where her buttocks and legs joined, the most tender sit spot. He laid the cane on her, but instead of the sawing motion he gave her several light taps with it before lifting it higher and slicing down across both thighs.

Victoria screamed and her legs buckled. She collapsed forward onto the cushion of the chair, twisting her body about to ward off further blows. Adam moved fast to release her wrists, then scooped her into his arms.

“I have you, sweetheart. We’re done now, all finished. You did well, so brave.”

“Hurts. Oh, God, it hurts. I can’t—”

“You did but it’s over. No more.” He carried her to the bed and lay on it with her still in his arms. Victoria wriggled until she was lying face down across him, draped over his chest. Then she went utterly still.

Adam folded his arms across her back to anchor her to him, but said nothing more. He waited.

Eventually his patience was rewarded. “I do not think I wish to do that again.” Her voice was small, the merest whisper.

“That’s up to you. You don’t have to.” She needed to hear this, now, but he knew she was wrong. She would do it again. Once the initial shock and bewilderment were passed, once she had processed her confused feelings a little, come to terms with the unexpected arousal created by the intense pain, her natural curiosity would prevail. Not to mention her craving for the rush this could give her. He had seen enough in the last hour or so to be absolutely certain that Victoria was a submissive who responded to pain. This might be a revelation to her, there might be period of denial, but they would get there eventually. And once the inner submissive was out, there would be no putting her back into the dark.

“You promised… You said you would…”

He grinned. Still the innocent despite that stain on their bedspread and the smarting in her arse, unable to verbalise just what she wanted. Perhaps her vocabulary remained too limited, or maybe she knew the words but had no experience at all of actually saying them out loud. He would work on that too, coax the request from her.

“Tel me what you want, little one.”

“I want you to do what you said.”

“I said lots of things to you.”

“You know what I mean. Please don’t do this.”

“Did I hear a sir anywhere in there?”

“Sir, yes. Please …”

“Please what? More tea? Another slice of that excellent apple tart, perhaps?”

She dragged in a long, shuddering breath. “I want you to make love to me, sir. Please.”

“Ah, did I mention making love? I do recall offering to fuck you.”

“That is what I meant. It’s the same.”

“Is it? I think not entirely, but I daresay we will manage. If I’ve done my work well enough, your lovely derrière will be much too sore for you to relish lying on your back. I am a considerate man so we’ll have you on all fours, I think.”


He tapped her hip. “Move, girl, before I change my mind.”

Hell would freeze over before he changed his mind about this, but she wriggled into action anyway. Victoria positioned herself next to him, on her knees and her elbows, her beautifully marked arse up in the air. Adam rolled from the bed and started to remove his clothing. He had simply pulled his shorts and trousers back on while Victoria slept earlier, so it was the work of moments to get naked again.

Victoria watched him with undisguised interest but he fancied a lot less trepidation than the last time he undressed in front of her. Excellent progress indeed. He decided to press the point. Adam took his erection in his hand and pumped his fist up and down the length a couple of times. Victoria seemed fascinated, chewing on her lip as she watched him.

“Soon, you will take my cock in your mouth and suck on it until I climax. I’ll fuck your mouth, and you will swallow my seed. Every drop. Then you will lick me clean. You will do this for me, will you not, Victoria?”

Her eyes widened, but she did not look away. Instead, her voice stronger now, she answered him. “Yes, sir, I will do that.”

“Good girl.” He mounted the bed and moved to kneel behind her. He tested her readiness one last time, though from the moisture glistening on her pussy and inner thighs Adam had little doubt she was thoroughly prepared. Even so, she had so recently been a virgin and he surmised she must be at least slightly sore. Despite his words to her, if there was ever a time for making slow, gentle, leisurely love, it was now.

He parted her pussy lips with his thumbs and placed the head of his cock in her entrance. She let out a small sigh and pressed back against him. He slapped her bottom, careful to avoid her cane welts. “Be still, girl.”

“I apologise. I had not meant to—”

“Shh, it’s all right. Relax, and let me do this for you.” He had caught the slight hitch in her voice and knew she needed him to be gentle now, tender even. She was obedient, willing, but inexperienced. She would learn, and punishment was a useful tool to drive the lesson home. Right now though she needed to be cherished, and he could do that too.

Adam pushed, and his cock slid into her welcoming, tight warmth. He let out a low groan of his own; she felt so bloody good stretched taut around him, gripping him. He pressed harder and buried his erection in her. She winced as his hips bumped her sore arse, but she was already squeezing her inner walls around him, gyrating her bum in her unpractised enthusiasm.

On another day, when she had more experience and was better versed in knowing what he required, he might have slapped her bottom again. He did not. Instead he held her hips still as he withdrew then drove his cock into her again. He repeated the action, angling his strokes to rub against her inner sweet spot and knowing he had hit his target when she gave a high-pitched gasp of sheer delight.

The sound warmed him, and his cock solidified yet further if that were possible. He wanted to please her, craved her passion and pleasure as much as his own. More perhaps since he controlled all she felt, all she experienced. This wanton, writhing woman beneath him was his own creation. He had recognised her submission, nurtured it, drawn it from her. Now, he would witness her blossoming in his hands.

Or more accurately at this precise moment, around his cock.

He delivered several long, slow strokes, each one thrusting deep into her. She clamped her hands into fists, grabbing the bedclothes and twisting them between her fingers. Her breath was heavy, her gasps and moans becoming louder as he picked up the pace. He could have fucked her harder, more powerfully, but he preferred a delicate touch on this occasion. He had no wish to hurt her, and he would, he knew he would if he did not exercise restraint. He was a patient man, and despite his dominance and need for control, Adam liked to think of himself as a considerate, generous lover. At least, he would try. For her.

He tamped down his own mounting arousal to concentrate on Victoria. She was close, he knew that. Her pussy was contracting, tightening around his cock, her body spasming as her orgasm gathered within her. She was murmuring, but incoherent. He caught the yearning in her tone though, the desperation as she searched, reached, started to soar. He leaned forward to lay the pad of his middle finger over her clit, then drew it across the swollen nub in slow, circular strokes.

“Oh, God. Dear Lord…” Victoria stiffened, her body rigid, then she let out a keening moan.

Adam withdrew his cock, then surged forward again. He filled her, balls-deep, and her tight little cunt convulsed around him. He held still, but increased the pressure on her clit as her release took over. Victoria was shuddering, shaking under the impact of it. He leaned down again to kiss her neck, the fingers of his free hand laced in her hair, and willed himself not to come until she was completely finished.

It seemed that her orgasm pulsed on forever, powerful, consuming her and very nearly him too. But he managed. His iron self-control was tested, but held. At last Victoria was still again, her breathing returning to a steady rhythm. Adam knelt upright again, his hands back on her hips as he slowly drew his cock from her. He waited, the head still penetrating her entrance, until he judged she was ready to pay attention again. Then he rammed his cock all the way home. He repeated, pumping in and out in fast, demanding strokes. It did not take long, mere seconds, before his balls tightened and he was there. He drove his cock deep one last time, then held that position. His hot semen filled her, and he could not suppress his shout of sheer male satisfaction at the absolute perfection of it.


* * *


Adam hitched his hip on the windowsill, the casement open at his back. It was dark outside, the sounds of the city muted at night. A swirling wisp of cigar smoke spiralled from the lighted cheroot between his fingers. He was an infrequent smoker, didn’t actually like it that much really, but he found it helped him to think. And the delightful Miss Victoria Wynne gave him much to ponder.

She was asleep, her gentle breathing just audible from the depths of the large bed where she lay curled on her side under the covers. It would be some days, at least, he suspected, before she might sleep on her back again. Even so, she looked peaceful, content. He was pleased though not especially surprised. Submission was an exhausting business, and the more sated a sub, the deeper they slept, or so he had often observed. Victoria had been most thoroughly pleasured, caned, and fucked. She had every right to lapse into near unconsciousness now.

A heavy scene usually had the opposite effect on him and tonight was no exception. His mind was buzzing, racing, ideas cascading around his head. There were his business interests, of course, investments to make, cargoes to purchase or sell on, contracts, assets, and liabilities. All required attention, but Mr. Catchpole could deal with such matters. Horace just required instructions and the occasional meeting with his client in order to keep Adam in touch with his affairs, but otherwise the man could be safely left alone.

Adam had pressing personal issues also claiming his time, and those were less easy to delegate. The recent letter from his sister-in-law was a case in point as she expressed her plans for her coming marriage to her country parson. The Reverend Winters might be a fine, upstanding pillar of the church and of the rural Hampshire village where he tended his flock and to which Violet intended to relocate following her wedding, but Adam could not warm to him. Violet’s betrothed was far too inclined towards moralising and censure for Adam’s taste, and as a result he found it hard to envisage the vivacious Violet being happy in her new circumstances. She was convinced otherwise, however, and the wedding was scheduled for the following month.

Adam’s dislike of Thomas Winters was reciprocated. The parson found Adam’s lifestyle questionable, his wealth unseemly, and his attitude towards the church lacking in generosity. Adam had refused to foot the bill for a new vestry roof, and their relationship had foundered from there.

He shrugged and extinguished his cheroot. His sister-in-law was mistress of her own destiny. He wished her well, though he was not optimistic. Her determination to upset the applecart though did present him with an issue he needed to resolve. He had been at something of a loss, but an idea was forming.

Adam crossed to the dressing table and rummaged in the drawer for a sheet of hotel notepaper. A pen and ink were also provided. He scribbled a note to Horace seeking a meeting with him as early as possible the following week. Monday would be excellent, he suggested. Adam signed the note and placed it in an envelope ready to hand to the hotel staff in the morning.

He yawned and turned to regard his lovely companion again. The bed looked inviting, as did she. He might find he could sleep after all. He stripped quickly and slid in beside her, pressing his chest to her slender back. She was naked, naturally, and smelled of something delicate and pretty. Roses, maybe? Honeysuckle? No matter, the scent was
uniquely fresh, soft, and warm. Victoria muttered something incomprehensible, and rolled over to face him. She snuggled into him, nuzzling his chest with her nose, and settled again. Adam stroked her hair, content with his choice. In seconds he was asleep too.

Chapter Eleven



“What are you doing? Stop that…” Victoria shivered and grabbed for the bedclothes, which appeared to have mysteriously removed themselves.

“Wake up, Victoria. You really do not want to miss this.”

“I am awake, and I should not be. What time is it?”

“Time you learnt to obey, little one. Should I turn you over and spank you, I wonder?”

“What? No!” Victoria squeaked, opening her eyes to see Adam’s face close to hers. His grin was quite wicked. Before she could summon any further reaction he winked at her, then lowered his head to take her left nipple between his teeth. This was what had wakened her, the persistent tugging, suckling sensation. She glanced down and could see that her right nipple was wet and swollen. He had clearly started there. Still half asleep, she reached again for the blankets, but he was faster. He grabbed her wrists and lifted them above her head.

“Take hold of the bed head. Do not let go.”


BOOK: A Scandalous Arrangement
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