A Pimp In Pumps (4 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: A Pimp In Pumps
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              “You suck his dick Nadi?” I had to know.

              We’d all wagered a bet although I was mad as hell at Kamal. Was he really fucking that bitch Brielle? If so, he was going to catch the rest of the ass whooping she didn’t get.

              “Hell nah I ain’t suck his pale ass dick. That shit looked funny as hell. The head was all pink like a lollipop and shit. All I did was jack him off. Don’t worry. He got rid of the video and they let them bitches go too. All I wanna do is graduate on time. Fuck jail and shit. I’m eighteen. Ya’ll bitches would get off as minors,” she said getting behind the wheel of her whip.

              I shook my head. “Thanks boo.”

              “You good?” Jordan asked. She was sitting in the passenger seat beside me.

              Bells and Cherie got in Nadia’s white Camry. “What ya’ll ‘bout to get into?” Bells asked.

              “I’m gonna drop Jay off and then go slap the shit out of Kamal,” I hissed angrily.

              “Those bitches were lyin’. You already know Kamal don’t want Brielle,” Bells defended him.

              Putting the key in the ignition, I thought about what she said, but that shit still rubbed me the wrong way.

              “I’ll call you,” I said before pulling off.

              “Calm down Sasha. You already know how Brielle is. She’s always throwin’ herself at Mal.”

              I shook my head defiantly. “Of course you’re gonna say that Jordan. That nigga ain’t all innocent and shit. He’s makin’ that bitch think she’s important or something, but that’s cool.”

              We kept going back and forth about it until we pulled up to my Aunt’s crib. Jordan stared at me.

              “What?” I asked.

              “Don’t do nothing stupid. I know you.”

              “Worry ‘bout your own lame ass relationship and let me do me.” I wasn’t really mad at her, but she was the only one I could lash out at.

              Kamal wasn’t answering his phone, but the plan was for me to pop up on his ass. All I needed was for Jordan to get out of my face.

              “You know what. Fuck it. Ruin your relationship by yourself.” She walked off, got into her car and sped off.

              ‘Fuck her,’ I thought as I headed to Kamal’s.

*  *  *


              “Hey Ms. Montgomery. Is Kamal here?” I asked his mother, although I saw his Honda Accord in the driveway.

              “Yes, come in,” she smiled pleasantly at me.

              I stepped inside and stood there as she went off to get her son.

              She was old fashioned and didn’t allow us to go into his bedroom, or anything. At times I longed for her to be my mother. Usually she was nurturing to me, but it seemed as if he had told her something. Was she being loyal to him? Yeah, probably so. By the way, he was her son.

              Kamal appeared and I was immediately heated all over again. I’d held it in because of his mom and his siblings, but when I looked at him my blood boiled.

              “Can we talk…outside?” I asked not wanting anybody else in our business.

              He gave me a look, but he couldn’t read me that time. Our bond had been broken and I wasn’t letting him in.

              Once we were outside and the door was closed I tore into his ass. “Nigga, fuck you! I got into a fight with Brielle at the movies. You fuckin’ her?”

              He really looked shocked and taken aback by what I’d just accused him of. “What the…Bri who?”

              “Nigga, you know who I’m talkin’ ‘bout. Big booty Brielle who is always up in your face! Don’t act like you don’t know who the fuck I’m talkin’ about!” I narrowed my eyes at him.

              “Oh…her? Baby, c’mon. You already know…”

              “I’on know shit. Prove it. If you don’t want her then you gon’ tell that hoe in front of everybody Monday at school.”

              I could literally hear him gulp.

              “It don’t have to come to that.” He looked up at me. “Why can’t you just trust me?”

              “Cause I’on trust nobody!” I snapped. “People go away. I’m used to that shit.”

              His hands were on my face and my eyes burned. Damnit I needed him, but what if he was going to go away too. My parents had been taken away. Maybe knowing me was a curse and it was best for me to disassociate myself from those I loved. What if those that I held close to me were destined to be taken away. That thought alone made me want to just give up on love. Not only the love for a man, but love period.

              “Not me. I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” He cupped my chin in his hand, but I moved away.

              “Did you fuck her?” My eyes met his.

              “No,” he said, but I couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth. I just didn’t believe him.

              I ran off in a haste and was met with the pellets of a hard, spring rain. Damn, I didn’t want to fuck my hair up.

              “Sasha!” Kamal yelled behind me.

              When I turned around he was heading toward me with an umbrella in his hand. He caught up with me and held it over my head while I was in stride.

              “Slow down.”

              I did.

              “I’on want her ma. I only want you. I ain’t never touched that girl. I’on know what the fuck she tryna prove, but I love you Sasha. I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. Please…believe me.”

              I stood under the shelter he’d provided for me with no reservations. It was obvious that Kamal loved me, but for some reason that hoe Brielle didn’t like that shit.

              “Well, shut that bitch down then nigga. Either that, or I’m gone. You will not make me look like your fool.” I was going through enough and there was no way that I was going to prove to everyone around me that I was a failure at keeping my relationship together.

              My father was going to prison and my mother had been murdered, but that didn’t mean that my future was doomed too. I had to prove that I wasn’t a statistic. My high school sweet heart was supposed to marry me and I was destined to have my happily ever after.

              “Okay, whatever you want.” With his free arm he pulled me close and kissed me tenderly.

*  *  *

              That Monday in school during lunch Kamal made it his business to do what I had asked. I guess he wasn’t trying to lose me.

              “Babe, c’mon,” he looked at me and grabbed my hand.

              Brielle was sitting at a table not too far from ours with her hoe clique.

              “Yo’, Brielle. What the fuck was that shit ma? You know I’on fuck wit’ you. I never have. You keep throwin’ it at me, but I’m good. You already know who my girl is and you know who my wife gon’ be.”

              He pulled me even closer to him when he said that.

              I looked at her. “Hell yeah bitch! What now?”

              Grabbing her by the throat, I used my eyes to drive my point.

              Kamal’s hand was on my shoulder. “Let her go baby. She ain’t worth it. I told you I ain’t never touched her. Graduation is only a few weeks away. Don’t fuck it up.”

              Walking across that stage in my graduation gown was all I wanted. Shit, I was sick of high school and despite my irrational temper, I really wanted to make something of myself. Kamal was my voice of reason and he kept me in line. I loved that about him.

              Letting the bitch go, I added for emphasis, “Cross me again and you gon’ feel it for real bitch.”

              “Fuck you,” she spat trying to play hard around her friends.

              I knew better. My eyes drifted to Amika who was staring me down. “What the fuck you lookin’ at? I’ll make you choke on those bucked teeth bitch!”             

              Everybody in earshot bursted into a fit of laughter.

“C’mon babe, let’s go.” Kamal grabbed my arm and attempted to pull me.

              Against my will, I allowed him to guide me to our table. My girls were sitting there with their eyes glued to us.

              “I thought you was gonna whoop that hoe’s ass again,” Jordan laughed.

              Nadia glanced over at me. “I need you to stay outta trouble for the next few weeks boo.” Her eyes said it all. She was tired of getting me out of shit.

              Of course none of us mentioned the sexual favor she’d done to get us out of trouble at the movies. Her man was right there and we knew how to keep quiet. We’d all been close since elementary school, so we were loyal to one another.

              “I was gonna beat her ass, but Kamal stopped me. As far as me stayin’ outta trouble I’m tryin’, but that bitch keeps askin’ for it.”

              Bells spoke up. “Fuck her and her ugly ass crew of wannabes. She’ll never be you, no matter how hard she tries. It’s almost over. Graduation’s gonna be here before you know it.”

              “That’s what I told her,” Kamal said looking over at me. “These…chicks wanna fuck up what we got, but I ain’t gon’ let ‘em.”

              I loved how he expressed his feeling for me even around his boys. He wasn’t afraid to let them know that he loved me.

              He grabbed my hand and everybody at the table started teasing us.

              “Aww. Look at the love birds,” Cherie joked as she dunked a chicken nugget in barbeque sauce.

              “I know. This nigga’s all in love,” Tremaine teased.

              Travis joined in. “Hell yeah. You the mushy one who makes it hard as hell for the rest of us.”

              “You should take notes from Kamal,” Jordan threw back at him. “You could be a little bit more romantic.”

              I cleared my throat, feeling a little bit uncomfortable by my best friend’s favorable comment about my boyfriend.

              “I’m just sayin’.” Jordan’s eyes caught mine. “It ain’t like that Sasha.”

              “I didn’t say it was, but...”

              Travis got up and walked away from the table. Jordan got up and went after him. There was an awkward silence after that. The bell rang to end lunch about five minutes later and everybody got up to throw their trays away. Kamal put his arm around my waist and I flinched.

              “What’s up babe?” He asked me.

              “Nothin’,” I dismissed him. My attention was on Jordan and Travis who seemed to be making up in the corner.

              I didn’t want to read too much into what Jordan had said, so I walked off and went to my locker. Of course Kamal was right behind me.

              “Something’s up…”

              “I told you it’s nothin’. I gotta get to class.” Grabbing my Chemistry book, I walked away from him with so much on my mind.

              “Since when have you given a damn about gettin’ to class on time?” Kamal’s voice resonated behind me, but I kept on walking.

*  *  *

              “Baby, talk to me,” Kamal was leaning against my car waiting for me after school.

              I sighed heavily. “I need some time alone, okay.”

              “Time alone?” He looked hurt. “Why? I don’t know why you lettin’ outside shit come between us.”

              “I’m not.” I had to look away from him before I started crying. “It’s just…” I cleared my throat. “a lot going on.”

              “I know it is, but that’s why I’m here. You got me.”

              He walked over to me and wrapped me up in his arms. “I know Mal, but, please, just give me some time. Okay?”

              After he pulled away from me, he stared lovingly into my eyes. “Okay. Whatever you need.”

              “I’ll check up on you later.” He caressed my cheek gently.

              “Okay,” I nodded and forced a smile on my face.

              After a soft peck on the lips, Kamal finally walked off. I got behind the wheel of my car and headed back to the condo in Buckhead that I had shared with my father. At that point I really needed some time alone to think.



















Chapter 3

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