A Persistant Attraction (18 page)

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Authors: Silvia Violet

Tags: #Red hot Historical romance

BOOK: A Persistant Attraction
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Amanda saw Rhys briefly on two occasions. At her aunt’s insistence, he took her riding in the park. They had little opportunity to converse. Curious onlookers kept stopping to speak to them in the hopes of having some gossip to carry back to their homes. When they returned to her aunt’s house, Amanda thought she would be able to speak to him in private. Instead, he left quickly, informing her he had to work to do but refusing to elaborate.

Quick to capitalize on the fame the scandal had given her, and contrary to her statement that they would not be allowed back in her house, Lady Winston hosted a dinner party in their honor. Throughout the evening, Rhys was annoyingly aloof, and Amanda couldn’t question him about his investigations in the midst of a crowded drawing room.

The morning of their wedding was damp and gray, a perfect accompaniment to Amanda’s foul mood. Caitlin awakened her at an absurdly early hour so she could be poked and prodded by a bevy of maids who did their best to transform her into a blushing bride. But she had little interest in her appearance. All she could think of was the freedom she had lost and the lonely years she would face once Rhys grew tired of her.

If only she could believe that Rhys loved her or that he would at least grant her the freedom she needed. She assumed he would continue his high-handed ways, expecting her to follow his dictates while he did as he pleased, even if he unknowingly broke her heart. She cursed herself for being unable to remain aloof to his charms. She should never have asked for his help.

When the maids were done with her, she studied her reflection in the mirror. The pale blue dress her aunt’s modiste had insisted she purchase brought out the violet tones in her eyes, and she had to admit her hair looked lovely in the artful pile of curls Caitlin had arranged.

Surely, it was shameful to feel depressed when she was meant to be happy and beautiful. Many women faced far worse than she did when they married. Rhys would provide for her and she could not imagine him being intentionally cruel. For as long as their passion burned, he would bring her pleasure. But neither these thoughts nor the realization that she looked stunning improved her mood.

The ceremony would intentionally be small and quiet. Only her aunt and Elise would attend with her. She missed Cassandra dearly, but her aunt had convinced her that Cassandra should not travel nor should they delay the marriage any more than necessary.

Rhys would be accompanied by his aunt and uncle, and any other members of his family who chose to attend. But he had warned Amanda and Lady Morgan that he hadn’t spoken to his father or brothers in years, and his mother and sister were on a tour of the continent.

When her aunt’s carriage stopped at the door of the church, Amanda took a deep breath. This was it. Any scheme she might devise to escape from the marriage would cease to be a possibility once she crossed the threshold. Even she was not so bold as to cause a scene once the ceremony began.

She sat still for a few seconds after the footman opened the door. But ultimately, she took the offered arm and stepped down to meet her fate.

Elise exited behind her and took hold of her hand as they approached the door. “Try not to look so sad. I still think you’re underestimating Mr. Stanton’s attraction to you.”

“He’s attracted, but that is not the same as being in love.”

“Give it time. Rumor is he’s not so much as looked at another woman since he was first seen dancing with you.”

Amanda wanted to believe Elise’s words, but even if Rhys was temporarily faithful, she could not believe such devotion would last. It was not in his nature. He’d lost the one

woman he’d loved, and he blamed himself for it. He’d never allow himself to fall in love again.

A footman opened the door to the church, and the sisters entered. They had been in the vestibule only a few moments when their aunt appeared to let them know that all was in order. Amanda’s breath caught as the door to the nave opened. She and Elise proceeded toward the altar where Rhys stood waiting for her.

In his wedding finery, he looked even more handsome than usual. The warm, damp air caused his hair to curl against his forehead. As she drew close, the deep blue of his eyes drew her. Nothing could have made her look away from him.

She’d been certain he viewed their marriage as a penalty for playing too fast with her, but he did not look the least put out. He smiled at her with joy, not sarcasm. Her anxiety melted away.

“You’re beautiful,” he said when she reached him, his voice low and seductive. She took his hand and turned to face the priest.

“Shall we begin?” the man asked, looking at Rhys. Rhys looked at her, one of his brows raised slightly in question. Her heart accelerated. This was the moment of truth.

She nodded her consent, and the ceremony began.

Later she realized she’d heard little of the priest’s words. Rhys’s intoxicating presence had filled her thoughts. As she stood beside him, holding his hand, he showered her with uncharacteristically happy smiles. She could not deny how very much she wanted him.

Making idle conversation with her aunt’s friends and the glittering members of the
she’d become acquainted with during her two Seasons was almost more than she could bear. Every time she thought of the pleasures Rhys had brought her the night they had nearly become lovers in his study, she trembled. She could not wait for them to be alone. She might have dreaded giving herself up to marriage, but at least she could look forward to what would happen between them in private.

Conversing with various guests, she received the full gamut of reactions to her marriage. Simpering young ladies could not get over her good fortune in having landed

one of London’s most notorious rakes. Older married women’s congratulations were tinged with sarcasm, indicating they had the same expectations of Rhys’s fidelity that Amanda did. Their cattiness did not surprise her. She was certain much of it was motivated by jealousy. Several of the women’s names had been linked with Rhys’s the previous year. What did shock her were the propositions she received from several men who had the audacity to let her know of their availability whenever she might tire of her new husband.

Afternoon blurred into evening and she feared she would never be free from conversing with the endless line of people wanting to wish her well. Just when she might have gotten a moment to herself, she was cornered by the husband of one of her aunt’s dearest friends. He was easygoing and congenial, and normally she would not have minded his presence in the least. But she felt as if an electric current were running through her body as she anticipated what was to come. She could not focus on a single word he was saying.

She sensed a presence behind her. Turning, she saw Rhys. He took her arm, and she nearly jumped at the sensation the innocent contact produced.

“Please excuse the interruption, Lord Arlington. I need to speak with my wife for a moment.”

His words startled Amanda. It would take some time for her to realize the term wife actually applied to her.

“Certainly, my boy. Congratulations on securing such a beauty.”

“Thank you.” Rhys took her arm, and she allowed him to lead her from the drawing room. When they started down the hall toward the back of the house, she attempted to stop their progress. “Where are we going?”

“To bed.”

“But we can’t. Not yet.”

“I refuse to waste another minute on tedious conversation.”

“Aunt Claire made me promise to stay with the guests until after supper.”

“I’ve married you. We’ve the license to prove it. They can all dashed well leave us to the business of married couples.”

“Everyone will know why we’ve gone.”

“Of course they will, but that will be the case no matter what time we retire. Why not give them something more exciting to talk about? Our passions are already renowned among

Why did she care about the guests’ opinions anyway? “I suppose we wouldn’t want to ruin our reputation.”

“Lead the way.” Rhys gestured toward the back staircase.

As she led Rhys to her room, Amanda felt an uncharacteristic wave of shyness come over her. She’d anticipated this moment for days, but now that it was actually here she didn’t know how to proceed. She had no doubt that the other women Rhys had bedded had far more experience than she. Could she truly please him? When they entered her room, she turned her back on Rhys and walked to the window, needing a few moments reprieve.

Rhys watched Amanda. She twisted her hands together over and over as she looked down at the guests in the courtyard. He had no doubt she was nervous. It was one thing to be swept up in the heat of passion and quite another to know exactly what would happen this night. He even felt a trifle anxious himself. So much was at stake for him. If he couldn’t make her accept him as a true husband, they would both be in for a stretch of lonely years.

He moved behind her, and she turned to face him, her face flushed, her breathing already shallow. He stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Ever since you appeared in this luscious dress, I’ve thought of nothing but taking it off you. Your modiste has quite an eye.”

Amanda glanced down at her dress. “My aunt thought it much too immodest for a wedding dress, but Madame Guitreaux assured her it was the height of fashion.”

“I must insist that you return to her.”

Amanda nodded, but said nothing.

Rhys couldn’t think of anything to say either. His body was growing impatient. He wanted to bring forth the passionate woman who had tempted him to the brink of madness in his study. He cupped Amanda’s head and began removing pins from her hair.

As the artful array of twists and curls tumbled, Amanda gazed at him. Her eyes flashed with desire, but apprehension lurked there as well.

“Don’t be afraid. I seek only to pleasure you.” She shook her hair loose as he pulled the last pin free. “I know. I—” He placed a finger on her lips. “Don’t try to explain. Just feel.” She closed her eyes then and inhaled slowly. Rhys skimmed his lips along her hairline. When he reached her ear, he blew softly into it. She shivered. He smiled against her skin as he traced the line of her neck with the tip of his tongue, barely touching her.

He nipped at her collarbone and continued his exploration down to the neckline of her dress. He placed butterfly kisses across the swell of her breasts, teasing her, hoping she’d forget her distress.

When he felt some of her tension ease, he released her and took a few steps back.

“Take off your dress.”

Her eyes flew open. “I thought you wanted to remove it.” Rhys smiled. He imagined that she was as excited by the prospect of undressing for him as she was unnerved. “Consider it a challenge. Seduce me until I can’t help but touch you.”

She smiled. She never could resist going head to head with him. Her hands rose to the small buttons at her bodice. One by one she undid them. As she finished with each one, she pulled the fabric apart slowly, revealing a satiny chemise which rode so low on her breasts Rhys was amazed they hadn’t sprung free from their confines.

When she finished with the buttons, she reached behind her and untied the sash that circled her waist, bending forward so her hair fell around her like a curtain. When she was done, she flung her head back, letting her hair settle around her shoulders. Once again, Rhys was her amazed by her natural seductive instincts.

She smiled and turned her back to him. In a coquettish voice, she said, “My lord, I’m afraid I cannot reach all the buttons. Either you will have to touch me, or I will be forced to call for my maid.”

“I will touch the buttons, nothing more.”

Somehow, he resisted the call of her creamy skin as he unfastened her dress and exposed the lace-trimmed shift to her waist. He sat back on the edge of the bed, wishing he could undo his trousers and release the pressure from his rock hard cock.

“Turn around.” She did as he asked, deliberately wiggling her body to entice him.

God, he wanted her bad. Neither of them would be getting any sleep that night.

She let the dress fall off her shoulders and pool on the floor. After working the laces for a few moments, she removed her short stays without assistance. Now, she stood before him in nothing but her chemise and stockings. He couldn’t stop staring at her breasts. The shift was thin enough to show off the rosy color of her nipples. Their hard peaks pressed against the fabric, revealing her excitement.

After a few moments, he realized her progress had stopped. He glanced up. Her teeth sank into her lower lip, and uncertainly was evident in her eyes.

“Don’t stop now. I want to see you utterly naked.”

“It’s not fair that you are still fully dressed while I’m—” She ran a hand over her chemise.

He reached for her hand and pulled her toward him until she stood between his legs.

“Lovemaking doesn’t have to be fair, dearest Amanda. You’re mine now, and I want to look at you.”

He instantly knew he’d said the wrong thing. Anger burned in her eyes, turning them to steel rather than the purple gray of passion.

“I’m not anyone’s property. That is exactly why I wished to remain unwed.”

“Amanda, I have no intention of treating you as my property.”

“But you think you can command my behavior whether in the bedroom or out of it. I won’t stand for it. I went along with this marriage to protect my family from scandal, but I will not allow you to control me.”

Rhys clenched his fists. He wanted very badly to smash something. How had this gone so wrong so fast? He knew Amanda had been enjoying herself. Would she really let one wrong phrase ruin their entire evening? “I do not wish to control you.”

“Of course you do. You’ve been trying to dictate my actions since I first asked for your help. Maybe since we first met. Now you have the power of the law behind you.”

“I have no intention of exacting any legal rights against you. The only time I’ve tried to exert my control was to protect you from mortal danger.” She crossed her arms over her breasts and stepped away. “I want us to make an agreement.”

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