A Perfect Trifecta: Delta Heat, Book 3 (3 page)

BOOK: A Perfect Trifecta: Delta Heat, Book 3
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All four of his friends’ gazes studied him.

“Jenn and I are just…friends.” He knew he wasn’t being very convincing by the sharpening of those honed looks. “She’s got a guy.”

Beau’s head nodded slowly. His lips stretched just a fraction. Beau knew that Craig wouldn’t be the least put off by sharing a bed with a girl and another man. They’d done it while helping Jackson tackle every item on Marti’s sexual bucket list. But while Beau had been nervous about just how close and intimate their dicks had gotten, Craig had suffered no such embarrassment.

Truth was, Craig had discovered he had no true preference for dick or pussy. Something he hadn’t known about himself until Beau’s cock had been crammed against his inside Marti.

Beau kept staring, waiting for a reaction.

Craig gave him a cutting glare. “There’s no ah-ha. Jenn and I are just friends, and like I said, she’s with another dude.”

“I didn’t say a damn thing, but funny how you needed to point that out.”

Gus clapped Craig’s back then squeezed his shoulder with his big, beefy hand. “Buddy, I’m just glad I don’t have to worry about your dick bein’ anywhere near me again.”

Craig shook his shoulder to ease the pinch. “Great blowjob, by the way,” he murmured.

Gus shook his head. “Never know when to stop, do you?”

“Looks like you’ll be the next to fall,” Jackson said, chuckling. “But will there be a bride or another groom?”

“Shut the fuck up. All of you.”

Jackson raised his hands. “Not judgin’, man. We’re here for you.”

“It’s not like that…”

“All this protestin’…”

Craig gave Jackson a shove.

“Hey, you bunch of badge bunnies! Quit flirtin’! It’s time to play,” Sorensen yelled from the middle of the field.

“I’ll show you flirtin’,” Craig said, cracking his neck before following his teammates to the field.

What was supposed to be a friendly game of flag football between his police substation and the local firehouse had devolved into a much rougher game over the past few weeks. Not that anyone was complaining. Those who played upheld the honor of their uniforms—and earned a chance at a morning off, because both departments ensured the best players represented their departments.

Craig, Gus and Jackson had all played high school football together and still worked like a team on the field. Beau and Mondo, whom they had added to their inner circle when they met at the academy, were agile and fast due to their martial arts training, and they melded well with the team on the gridiron.

The game started after the flip of the coin gave Craig’s team the ball. Several skirmishes later, they had inched their way toward the goal line.

“Hut, hut…”

The ball snapped and Craig ran long, skirting the scrimmage line then running deep into the end zone.

The ball soared and he jumped high, but a long arm stole the ball.

Aiden gave him a smile and darted past Beau to run toward the opposite end zone.

After brushing dirt off his backside, Craig followed Aiden, not stopping until another player forced the big brute to step out of bounds—but not before a twist of Aiden’s body delivered a slam which knocked Craig on his butt. The ref’s whistle stopped the play.

Craig glared up at Aiden. “What was with the body check?” he growled. “It’s

“Sorry. Didn’t see you there.” Aiden held out his hand.

“Right.” He accepted the help up, but the other man’s grip was hot and strong. Craig felt a flush climb his neck as he sprinted away.

Since all the players worked offense and defense, the lineup didn’t change.

Craig crouched, then jerked his head up when Aiden bent opposite him.

“I’ll try not to hurt you,” Aiden said softly, but the smile on his face was anything but reassuring.

Craig felt another stirring in his loins. “Don’t hold back on my account,” he muttered.

Aiden nodded. “I won’t then.”

The snap caught Craig off-guard, and Aiden plowed right through him, shouldering him out of the way as he rushed past to guard the quarterback, who ran with the ball.

Craig bounced up and followed, but Aiden was quick for man his size and kept stride with the quarterback. Gus, who was in position in the backfield, ran for the quarterback, elbowing past Aiden to catch the flag waving from the quarterback’s rump. A whistle blew.

When Craig bent in the huddle, Jackson gave him a dark look. “Keep your head in the game or they’re gonna beat our asses.”

“Maybe that’s what he’s hoping,” Mondo bit out, giving Craig a glare.

“You did see he’s gettin’ physical, right? How come the ref’s not callin’ him on it?”

“Lonnie’s too busy flirtin’ with Jenn to notice your boyfriend.”

“Ha-ha, very funny,” Craig said, snarling and getting a little worried that the rest of the team, not just his close friends, had picked up on the tension rising between him and Aiden.

The huddle broke. Beau slapped his bottom. “Don’t worry. They’re just teasing.”

“I’m not worried. There’s nothing goin’ on.”

“Sure. Wanna change positions with me?”

Craig went to the right of the line and hunkered down. A moment later, Aiden faced him again, the knuckles of one hand digging into the grass. “Trying to avoid me, Eason?”

“I wasn’t thinkin’ anything about you.”

The snap sent the lines into motion. This time, Gus plowed into the quarterback and the ball went rolling. Craig leaped over the quarterback and dove for the ball. A large body slammed into him, taking him to the ground. He didn’t need to glance back to know who had him pinned.

“Nice ass.” A hand slid over him, intimately.

Craig tensed, lying still even after Aiden rolled away.

“You hurt? Man’s a fucking bulldozer,” Gus said, standing beside him as Craig slowly rolled, then pushed up to stand.

Gus’s gaze dropped. “Man, you need a bigger cup.”


Jenn watched the interplay between Craig and Aiden. Anyone who knew them both well would know something was going on between them. All that testosterone floating in the air was a heady, dangerous mix. Aiden seemed bent on testing Craig. She only hoped he didn’t injure him in the process.

“So what’s up with your boyfriend?”

Jenn turned to Ash, who’d left her seat to join Jenn, and whose face was tense with worry.

“Not sure. He nearly bit my head off over pointing Craig out last night. Now he’s trying to wipe the field with him.”

“Well, he’s not doing any serious injury. Maybe he’s just checking him out.”

“In a way only a man can understand?”

Ash smiled. “Yeah. Craig must have impressed him. Is your guy bi?”

Jenn shrugged. Aiden kept his emotions and his past to himself. “I really don’t know. He’s used male and female subs for training, which sometimes led to sex—before we hooked up, that is.”

Ash tilted her head, studying Jenn’s expression. “You suggested he come watch for a reason. Were you just hoping it would inspire him?”

Jenn wrinkled her nose. “I was hoping he’d find a sub who could take what he can dish out. Aiden likes to play with pain. It’s my thing too, but he holds himself back. He has a thing about not playing rough with women.”

“He’s never gotten rough with you?” the redhead asked softly.

Jenn gave a firm shake of her head. “Never. He’s careful with me. Too careful. I’d really like to see him let go. I thought maybe Craig, since he’s shown interest in sadism, might be the answer.”

“Sure looks like he can take it,” Ash said, wincing as Aiden slammed into Craig once again.

Aiden paused on top of the other man, not long enough that the casual observer would notice, but Jenn wasn’t the least bit casual. Aiden’s hips aligned with Craig’s for just a moment, their gazes locked, then Aiden pushed up. Craig rolled to his side to watch the other man sprint away. His gaze fell away and met Jenn’s. She raised her hand and gave him a thumbs-up. Craig’s eyes bugged a bit, but then he pushed off the ground and gave her wave as he ran back to huddle with his team.

“What was that for?” Ash asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

Jenn’s mouth eased into smile. “Craig understands. The game isn’t really going to start until this one ends.”

Ash gave a soft grunt. Her gaze still reflected doubts, but she strolled back to her chair.

Jenn relaxed, watching both men as they continued to size each other up. She didn’t miss the amused glances Craig’s friends shared each time a play ended and Craig wound up at the bottom of pile of rough-hewn bodies. Craig was going to be one sore little switch.

Her gaze roamed to Aiden and her heart squeezed.

She’d do anything for him. Already loved him so much she carried around a permanent ache inside her chest. Jenn hadn’t been in a serious, exclusive relationship in a while and hoped she’d at last found the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. But she’d begun to worry about the day he grew dissatisfied with their arrangement. She wasn’t everything he needed, and like a good sub, she wanted her Dom to be fulfilled and happy.

She’d made up her mind days ago to search for a solution. Craig’s willingness to take a harsh lash or rough squeeze to his testicles had got her thinking that maybe he could add a little edge to their sex-play. By the looks of Aiden’s maneuvers, he seemed to be coming to that conclusion himself. If Aiden needed Craig to take off his rough edges, on a temporary basis or forever, she’d adjust her dream for their future. She’d let everything progress naturally, with a little nudge from her every now and then to keep things moving along.

The teams faced off again, players bent, bodies tensing as the firehouse quarterback took the snap and shuffled back, his arm raised. The ball spiraled toward Sorensen, who gave a little leap and cuddled it against his chest a second before Gus reached out and snagged the flag, then gave him a deliberate shove. Aiden, who’d blocked Gus, then trailed Craig’s agile run for the QB, didn’t bother stopping when Gus caught the flag. Once again he slammed into Craig, more gently than before but still taking him down.

Jenn smiled as the men gasped for breath, facing each other. She could already imagine how they’d look together naked. Could already sense how intense the sex would be. She only hoped she wouldn’t be a bystander as the two men succumbed to their powerful attraction.

They drew apart, and again Aiden reached down a hand to help Craig to his feet. Craig weaved for a second. Aiden cupped his shoulder to steady him before he turned away. Aiden’s glance rose and met hers for a long moment. A small, satisfied smile curved his firm mouth.

Jenn released a deep sigh, already imagining how he would reward her for her gift. She raised her hand and blew him a kiss. He gave her an answering wink, no amusement gleaming in his eyes, just a hot, dark promise. She ambled toward Craig’s team bench to wait, and to issue an invitation.

Chapter Three

Butterflies in his belly, Craig approached the room Jenn had reserved for the night. The main salon was hopping. Music blaring, three scenes going at the same time on the corner stages. He didn’t so much as glance up to see what was happening. He didn’t want to be distracted.

His body ached. Livid bruises stretched and bunched with his movements as he strolled down the hallway. Each twinge sent heat soaring through his veins. Aiden had worked him over good on the football field that morning. Considering all the action around them, it was quite a feat that Aiden had managed to deliver dull blows to different parts of Craig’s body. Both buttocks throbbed. One shoulder wore a pretty yellow and purple flare. Craig had thought he only loved the sharp sting of leather or the stretch of his balls, but Aiden had given him something better than the superficial marks. Something deeper. He’d left the park this morning aching from head to toe, pleasure searing his cheeks.

Mondo had stopped beside his vehicle before he’d left and given him a look—one that took in every grass stain, every rip in the fabric of his sweats. Craig had met Mondo’s gaze with a direct one of his own.

“Aiden’s good,” Mondo had said in that voice of his, flavored with Spanish and his own brand of male sensuality.

Craig wasn’t immune to the hypnotic pull of that simmering voice. “A good player, yeah,” he’d said, not sure if he should acknowledge more.

“Play by the rules. He’ll lead.”

Craig ducked his head to sever the intense stare. “Jenn asked if I wanted to play.”

Mondo nodded. “Don’t worry about what we’ll think.”

Craig shrugged. “I’m not worried. It’s not like I haven’t had a man’s dick in my mouth before,” he said with a quick, wry smile.

“But you were playing at subbing. This is more.”

Craig raised his face. “Mondo…” He inhaled, pausing as he chose his words. “I don’t understand what’s happening. Why I’m…”

“Attracted to him?” Mondo’s mouth curved. “Some of us aren’t hardwired to want a particular thing. It’s not about sex. But about what we need. You, my friend, love the ladies, but you’ve never loved just one. Why is that? You like the way they smell, the way they feel. You like women. Deep down. But you need something that doesn’t have a thing to do with gender. Don’t get so hung up on what that something is. Be free to explore.”

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