A Perfect Trifecta: Delta Heat, Book 3 (2 page)

BOOK: A Perfect Trifecta: Delta Heat, Book 3
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Gus growled around it, loudly at first. The sound died away the deeper Craig pushed toward the back of his throat.

Ash leaned toward Gus’s ear. “Baby, suck it. For me.”

Even before the firm mouth locked around his dick began to pull, Craig was counting silently to himself, trying every trick he knew to keep from blowing straight down Gus’s throat.

The feel of Gus sucking his dick, not just giving it a token tug but drawing deeply, his jaw working to strengthen the sensation, evoked a hard shudder that shook Craig from head to toe.

His eyelids began to dip, his body swayed forward and back, but then he glanced up and caught the dark-haired man’s own lambent gaze. The man’s eyes narrowed, and then he gave a short side-to-side shake of his head.

Don’t come. Don’t come,
Craig imagined a rough voice saying.

Feeling as though he was being tested, Craig widened his eyes, dug deep inside himself and thought of crime-scene photos, autopsies, anything to keep from giving in to the delicious sensation of one of his best friends blowing him.

Soft applause sounded around them. It wasn’t for him, but for the couple at the center of the scene. For Gus’s willingness to submit
to his Domme. Still, Craig appreciated the clapping, used it to keep himself distracted.

Ash walked quietly back to the tray, unzipped her skirt, let it fall and kicked it to the side. Naked below, she stepped into a harness and fitted a dildo to the front.

Craig groaned under his breath, then shot the other man another look. Again, the dark-haired man shook his head.

Craig started to sweat and increased the speed of his hips, deepening and quickening the strokes he gave Gus’s hot mouth. Not that Gus seemed to notice, because his jaw slackened the moment Ash lubed his back hole and worked her fingers inside him.

Craig cradled Gus’s cheeks to ease the strain on his neck as Ash thrust three fingers inside, then pulled free to ease the dildo up her lover’s ass.

Gus’s body shuddered. Deep, desperate moans vibrated all around Craig’s cock.

“It’s okay, Gus,” she whispered. “It’s okay. Come for me. Do it now, baby.”

Gus clamped hard around Craig, sucking him in deeper.

Craig met the dark man’s gaze again and received a short nod.

Thanking God, he let his head fall back as he slammed deep until the first hot spurt of come ripped through his dick.


“Didn’t I tell you he was perfect?” Jennifer purred.

Aiden Byrne dropped his head and nuzzled into her fragrant hair just as he slid a hand over her hip, down her thigh, then slowly climbed again, raising her skirt.

Her breath hitched, but she made no complaint.

Not that he expected one. They hadn’t played in public before, but this was a natural progression. As the manager of La Forge, she was always watchful, strolling the floor to ensure everyone played nice, lending her expertise where needed. But everyone was watching what was happening on the stage.

Even if anyone did glance their way, Aiden didn’t give a shit. He and Jenn had avoided each other in the club to keep their liaison a secret, but for what? He’d wanted privacy to seduce her, without judgment or prying eyes—and without anyone deciding to label what it was they had. Aiden wasn’t sure about what they had. Jenn hadn’t tried to nail him down. Maybe she’d been holding off because she’d sensed something about him—well, hell,
didn’t cut it. She had to know because she’d insisted that he stay to watch tonight’s performance.

But her attention hadn’t been consumed with Aislinn and the burly dude the Domme seemed to care so much about. No, Jenn was watching the other man who’d offered Ash service.

Aiden’s attention had been caught the moment the blond man smirked. Something about his cockiness, the bounce in his step, set Aiden’s teeth on edge—not with annoyance, but with a need to answer a challenge the man likely didn’t even know he’d issued.

That easy self-assurance made Aiden think of all the ways he wanted to break him, make him beg for mercy. It made Aiden imagine overpowering the lean, muscled man and taking him to the floor.

Aiden’s cock surged, and he ground it against Jenn’s ass as she chuckled. She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Was I right?”

“What’s this about, Jenn?” he growled into her ear. As if he didn’t know. But did she want Craig for herself or for him?

His fingers petted her mound then slid between her folds. With his free hand, he pulled her skirt higher and nudged her with his knee from behind, giving her something to lean on as she sank against him.

Her bottom split over his upper thigh. Her stance widened. She gave him everything—her pride, her permission. Liquid spilled over his fingers as he sank two thick digits deep into her slick pussy.

Forgotten was the couple embracing on the stage, the handsome blond man who’d snagged his attention. His arms were filled with Jenn, who trembled against him, and he did what his nature compelled him to do. He controlled her escalating arousal with the measured swirls and lunges of his fingers, with the teasing bites he gave her lobe and the corner of her jaw. “Make some noise, baby,” he whispered.

She shook her head, but he withdrew his fingers and pinched her clit.

Her body bowed and a long, painful moan drew the attention of those standing closest to them.

Aiden went to one knee, bringing her down with him, then urged her legs apart, opening her pussy. “You denied me. Now show them all you’re mine. Fuck yourself.”

She shook her head, turning her face to kiss his jaw. “I want you,” she groaned. “I’ll get us a room…”

“Pansy’s here. She’ll watch the floor for you.”

“Dammit, Aiden. I found you something. Someone new to play with.”

“And you assumed I’d be all over him? Why?”

She raised her eyelids. Her dark gaze met his, confusion and regret wrinkling her forehead. “I thought…”

Aiden’s chest tightened. He didn’t like being led. Didn’t like that she’d read him so well. He hardened his face. “Sink three fingers inside yourself.”

With her lower lip pushing out in a lush pout and her shoulders sinking, she at last did as he asked, thrusting three long fingers deep inside. But her gaze never lowered. Defiance gleamed in the moisture welling in her eyes.

Chapter Two

Whistles rang out. Laughter, masculine and dirty, followed.

Craig straightened from his bent-over stretch. A sleek black pickup pulled in beside him. He flicked his middle finger after recognizing two of the men who waved their arms out the passenger windows.

Another searching glance later and his back stiffened. Inside the truck, crammed across the front and back passenger bench seats, were five of the Memphis Fire Department’s finest, plus one interesting addition.

With a strut in his stride, Craig approached, stepped onto the truck rail and leaned through the open side window. The moment he looked inside, he wished he hadn’t. Shock struck him like a sucker punch to his midsection when he noted who the driver was.

His gaze then went straight to the lone woman among the brawny bunch, hoping no one had noticed the color seeping into his face. Jennifer Callum sat squished between the firefighters in the front bench seat.

“’Sup, Jenn?” he asked, giving her a direct, questioning stare. She’d never attended one of their friendly Saturday morning games.

Her dark brow arched like a wing. “Lookin’ to see who’s got the best game,” she drawled.

The men in the truck laughed.

Craig gave her a tight smile, then aimed a challenging glare around the cab. “Boys, you ready to get your asses whooped?”

Grins stretched. The fireman sitting closest, a brawny, blue-eyed man with a tattooed sleeve that ended at his elbow, grabbed the door handle and popped the door open, forcing Craig to jump back. “Eason, we’re gonna have your pansy ass cryin’.”

“You’re dreamin’, Sorensen.” Craig forked his fingers and pointed at his eyes and then at the tall, blond Swede. “I’m gonna be all over you. You lose, you buy.” He smiled at the guffaws and curses that followed him as he walked past the front of the muscle truck.

The driver’s door opened. Craig allowed himself a second to acknowledge the big, dark man who stepped to the ground with a curt jerk of his chin, then continued strolling toward the benches beside the field where his team was gathering. He only hoped his reaction to the burly man wasn’t noticeable. Or was at least attributed to Jenn, whom the big guy helped from the truck.

Craig shook his head. He liked Jenn. A lot. But the tension in his body didn’t have a thing to do with her. It had everything to do with the man who placed his hand on Jenn’s waist like he was staking a claim.

Seemed it only took that dark, searing glance to make Craig’s cock stir. Not something he wanted to admit to another living soul. Craig was a ladies’ man. Everyone knew that about him. It was part of the image he groomed. But the image was beginning to show some wear. Little cracks were appearing around the edges from some of the things he’d indulged in lately.

He dragged his gaze away as he approached his own team’s bench. Craig smiled easily at the girls, his friends’ fiancées, who were setting up folding chairs well behind the football field’s sidelines.

He took Marti Kowalski’s chair and unfolded it, then waved his hand for her to take a seat.

“Why, thank you, suh,” she said in a mock-Southern accent, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. Marti wasn’t from Memphis. Raised by a dad in the military, she’d lived all over the world before landing here and meeting up with Jackson Teague, whom both Gus and Craig had met in high school.

Marti’s cheeks bloomed with color before her gaze slid away.

Yeah, he was remembering last night too. After Ash and Gus had left La Forge, Gus had brought his girl home for a little payback, which had included some very sexy play with their band of brothers. Marti had gotten to join in too, with Jackson scowling ominously from the sidelines to make sure his rules for her conduct were enforced.

Craig leaned close. “Is he watching?” he whispered.

“Uh-hmm,” she murmured, pushing her hair behind her ear. “And scowling.”

“Good.” He bent closer still and gave her cheek a peck. “For the team.”

She pulled back and laughed. “You didn’t do that for the team.”

He winked. “Why should Jackson have all the fun?”

The sound of a throat clearing had him glancing down at Ash, who sat in her chair, her feet propped up on a cooler. “Don’t think I’m gonna forget…”

“Forget what?” he asked cheerfully. The guys had already formed a pact. Whatever happened during playtime was never talked about. Not even among those who’d been there—just so no one ever felt uncomfortable afterward. What they did, they did for each other. To ensure their happiness. Guilt and jealousy would never enter into the equation because they’d never allow it.

So far, it had worked. Of course, last night’s escapade was still fresh enough to cause both him and Ash to blush.

“Just sayin’,” Ash said, a dimple digging into her cheek as she flashed him a smile. “Saw the look Aiden was givin’ you last night.”

“Aiden?” he asked, trying to act casual.

“The tall dude with Jenn. He’s new. Moved from Kansas City. Can’t believe you’ve missed him at the club. He’s a Dom.”

“Must have a different schedule. Didn’t know Jenn was seein’ anyone.”

“She’s kept it quiet.”

“Why’s that?”

“I think she doesn’t want to jinx anything. Wants time to see where it all leads.” Her eyebrows did a little up-and-down jiggle. “Which makes his interest in you really intriguing.”

Craig swallowed to clear the sudden dryness in his mouth. “What interest?”

“Pansy worked the floor last night. She was watching everything. Jenn had told her she might want to play and needed someone to cover her shift. Pansy says Aiden and Jenn were watching us too closely for it to be casual.” Her sharp-eyed gaze studied him.

Craig hoped he kept his excitement from his expression. “Darlin’, you held everyone spellbound.”

She narrowed her eyes. “She said they weren’t watching me all that much.”

He grunted, pretending that he wasn’t pleased he hadn’t been imagining the connection the night before.

“Just be careful, Craig. He likes to play a little rough.”

His breath hitched, holding for a tense second or two, then slowly escaped. “That supposed to warn me off?”

She chuckled. “Guess not. Sweetie, you always this hard before a game?”

Craig gave her a quick, biting glare, which only made her laugh more, then strode toward the bench where his posse—Jackson, Gus, Mondo Acevedo and Beau McIntyre—waited.

Gus’s eyebrows shot high and then he dipped his gaze to below Craig’s waist. “You wearin’ that cup or is it wearin’ you?”

Craig grimaced and dropped his hand to adjust it. “Let’s not talk about it. Maybe it’ll go away.”

“Better not have a thing to do with Marti,” Jackson growled, but his eyes danced with amusement.

“My bet’s on Jenn,” Beau said, his chocolate eyes alight, but his expression remaining deadpan. “Saw you chatting her up. Surprised the firehouse boys didn’t kick your ass.”

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