A New Journey (Second Chance #3) (26 page)

BOOK: A New Journey (Second Chance #3)
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Chapter Sixty-Seven



“Karla, are you ready?” Dr. Deppen asked before she started the exam.

“As I’ll ever be.” Karla answered nervously.

“I promise this won’t hurt. It’ll be uncomfortable, but it won’t hurt.” Dr. Deppen assured her.

“I’m right here, sweetheart.” Leslie said from beside her. “It’ll be over in just a few minutes.”

Karla nodded and laid her head back as Dr. Deppen started the examination. She let her mind wander to places far away from here. When Dr. Deppen patted her knee she opened her eyes and realized it was over.

“All done, kiddo.” She said and stood up from her seat. “Now here are some pamphlets about the different kinds of birth control available. You can get dressed and look though those for a few minutes. I’ll be back in just a little while.”

Once she was gone Karla dressed quickly and started looking through the pamphlets. “Mom, I think the patch would be best for me. I know I could remember to take the pill every day, but things happen and sometimes my memory slips.”

“Your memory never slips, but I have to agree. That would mean coming here more often and running the risk of Mark seeing you though.”

Before Karla could say anything there was a soft knock at the door. “Come in.” Karla responded and when Mark walked in she cringed. “I think that ship has sailed.”

“Hey Leslie, Karla, Penny just called me in to do a consult and when she said your name I thought it would be best to come talk to you before I told her anything about your past. Are you okay with me discussing that with her or would you rather tell her yourself?”

“Can I take a third option and just crawl into a hole and disappear?” Karla asked and buried her face in her hands.

“I know this is embarrassing, it is for me too, but she needs to know so she knows what options to take.”

“You can tell her.” Karla said quietly. “Dr. Newberry, can you please not tell Conner about this? He doesn’t know I’m here and I would like to keep it that way.”

“I would never violate a patient’s trust.” Mark reassured her.

“I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t.” Karla said with her face buried in her knees.

“Hey, look at me.” Mark said gently. When Karla only lifted her head slightly he sighed. “Karla, I have teenage girls in here all the time to talk about birth control and the changes happening in their bodies. It’s always embarrassing for them, but it has to be at least a hundred times more embarrassing for you because you know me and you’re dating my son. I’m proud of you for taking a step to protect yourself even if you and Conner aren’t sexually active. At least Andrew and I can be reassured that we aren’t going to be grandpas any time soon.”

“Oh, God.” Karla said and buried her face in her knees again. “You have my permission to tell Dr. Deppen everything.” Karla said in hopes of ending this conversation.

“I’ll talk to her. Now, as for the birth control, for someone your age I would recommend the patch. There are a couple of reasons I recommend the patch instead of the pill for most of my teenage patients. One is because most teens find it hard to remember to take a pill every day and the second one is I can monitor everything and make sure they aren’t having any kind of negative reaction to the contraceptive. The patch is also a favorite to most teenage girls because unlike the pill, you only have to remember to change it out once a week.”

“Okay. Can I go now?” Karla asked quietly.

“Not yet. The reason I came in here has two parts. One was to ask about talking to Penny, but the second one was more personal. As a doctor I told you your options and have advised you how I would any other patients. Now, as your boyfriend’s father I have a couple of questions.”

“Oh, God.” Karla groaned. “Conner and I have not and are not planning on having sex.”

“That’s good, but that isn’t what I was going to ask.”

“Really?” Karla asked in confusion.

“Really. What I wanted to ask is that you wait until you’re one hundred percent ready before you do anything. Taking your past into consideration I don’t want you to feel you have to do anything that you aren’t ready for.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Conner is very patient and very understanding about everything. He isn’t ready either so we have decided to wait until we’re both totally sure it’s what we want.”

“Okay. That’s all I needed to say. You and Conner are both intelligent, mature and responsible young adults and I know I can trust you both to make the best decision for you. We can tell you not to have sex until we’re blue in the face, but we can’t be with you all the time and we have to trust you to make the right decision. I don’t want you to have sex, but that’s the parent in me. As a person who was once a teenager I have to say that I would rather you two be safe if you’re going to do it than be unsafe and have to pay the consequences. I don’t want to see either of you lose the future you’ve worked so hard for because you weren’t prepared.”

“That’s what I’m doing here. Getting prepared.” Karla said and finally unfolded her legs and stood up. “Mark, Conner and I will never take the chances that Kevin did.”

“I know, but the father in me isn’t rational.” Mark said and hugged Karla. “I’m glad you’re doing the responsible thing.”

“Me too.” Leslie said from behind her. “Now, are we ready to get your prescription so we can go home?”

“Definitely.” Karla answered and Mark nodded and headed out of the room.  

Chapter Sixty-Eight



“Oh my gosh, Karla, it’s beautiful.” Leslie said when she pulled the hand-sewn blanket from the box. “Where on earth did you get this?”

“Mrs. Kerns, the librarian at school, made it.” Karla answered.

“It’s perfect. MaryLynn is a very blessed little girl.” Meghan said from beside Leslie.

“You did a great job with this shower, Karla.” Leslie said and Meghan agreed.

“This is a beautiful party.” Karen said as she walked up behind Karla.

“Thank you.” Karla said with a smile. “We didn’t know if it was going to come together before nationals, but we pulled it off.”

“You, Callie and Rylee can do anything if you put your minds to it.” Helen said as she walked up with Callie and Rylee.

“Thanks, Mom.” Rylee said and hugged her mom.

“So, Karla, I heard you were voted head captain for next year.” Karen said with a look of pride on her face.

“I was. Apparently the team thinks I can led them to nationals again.” Karla said and shrugged her shoulders.

“Congratulations.” Meghan said and smiled. “You also got top marks on your ACT and SAT didn’t you?”

Karla shuffled uncomfortably and nodded.

Leslie noticed Karla’s discomfort and decided to change the subject. “Karen, Helen, look at this amazing blanket Karla got for MaryLynn.”

Karla looked at Leslie and mouthed a silent “thank you” before she walked off with her friends.

“I’m glad they didn’t know about the summer program I was accepted into at Vandy.” Karla said quietly.

“Karla, they’re just proud of you and your accomplishments.” Callie said and grinned. “They’ll know if they stand over there and talk to Leslie long enough.”

“Ugh.” Karla said and walked into the kitchen. “I’m glad we chose to have this here. I can go hide in my room if necessary.”

“You could, but you won’t.” Rylee said and grinned. “You love Leslie too much to sneak out.”

“You know me too well.” Karla said as she sat at the bar. “I need to tell you two something.”

Callie and Rylee sat on either side of Karla and waited for her to tell them.

“I went to the doctor last week and got on birth control.”

“I’ve been on it since I was fourteen.” Callie told them. “I had really long, painful cycles and my Dad put me on the pill. About two months ago I chose to switch from the pill to the patch so it’s easier to deal with.”

“Wait. Which doctor did you go to? I know Leslie sees Mark.” Rylee asked.

“I went to Dr. Deppen.” Karla told them. There was no way she was going to tell them that she saw Mark too.

“Dad’s office, but not Dad. Good choice.” Callie said with a grin. “That would just be weird if Dad was your doctor.”

“Weird doesn’t even begin to cover it.” Karla said and shuddered.

“Karla? Are you in here?” Leslie asked from the door.

“I’m here, Mom. What do you need?”

“Do we have any more punch?”

“Yep. I’ll bring it right out.” Karla replied with a smile. “How’s it going out there?”

“It’s perfect. Thank you for doing this for me and MaryLynn.” Leslie said and hugged her.

“You’re welcome, Mom. Are you going to be alright without me here next week?”

“I’ll be just fine. Karen is going to come stay with me through the day and your Dad and Elliot will be here in the evenings. I promise I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, Mom. Here’s the punch.” Karla said and turned to carry the punch into the dining room. Once she sat it down she walked around to make sure nothing else was empty and headed back to the kitchen. “Callie, can you take the other veggie tray out while I grab the other sandwich tray?”

“Yep.” Callie said and pulled the veggie tray out of the fridge. Karla followed with the sandwiches and once they were in place Karla walked up to Leslie.

“Mind if I head upstairs and finish packing?” She asked.

“Go ahead, honey. If we need anything I’ll text you.” Leslie said with a smile.

“Thanks, Mom.” Karla said and hugged Leslie tightly. “I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetheart. Thank you for today. It has been perfect.”

“You’re welcome, Mom.” Karla said and headed upstairs with Callie and Rylee to finish packing.


“Why in the world do you have these?” Callie asked as she held up a package of condoms.

“Because you never know what could happen.” Karla answered and snatched the box out of her hands.

“Did you buy those?” Rylee asked in a shocked voice.

“No. Manuel bought them and gave them to me yesterday. He wants me to take a couple with me everywhere I go. Just in case.” Karla answered.

“Are you kidding me?” Callie asked irritably.

“What? He told me he wasn’t ready to be an uncle.” Karla told her. “Although I think he has more to worry about from Kiara than me, but whatever.”

“That guy is unbelievable.” Callie said and threw up her hands.

“Cal, what’s going on?” Rylee asked hesitantly.

“Manuel bought Karla a box of condoms, but he won’t do more than kiss me. He thinks I’m too young to be ready, but I am the same age as Conner and older than Karla yet he buys them condoms?”

“Callie, calm down and think for a minute. Could it be that he’s taking your age difference into consideration when he says that you’re too young to be ready?” Karla rationalized.

“Probably, but that doesn’t make me feel any better that he bought you condoms, but won’t do more than kiss me.”

“Cal, are you ready to do more than kiss?” Rylee asked.

“Well no, but it would be nice for him to at least try so I can tell him no.” Callie said and then shook her head. “Okay, that sounded stupid and childish even to me.”

“No comment.” Rylee said with a grin.

“Okay, I get it, but that doesn’t mean I like the idea of my boyfriend buying condoms for my best friend and brother.” Callie said and rolled her eyes.

“It’s not like I’m going to use them.” Karla told them. “Conner and I have decided to wait a while.”

“Take them with you.” Rylee said and tossed them into Karla’s suitcase. When Callie and Karla just stared at her she shrugged. “You never know what could happen.”

Chapter Sixty-Nine



“Karla, can I talk to you for a minute?” Alissa asked from behind Karla.

“What do you want, Alissa?” Karla asked as she turned around.

“I need to tell you something. Something that happened between me and Conner when we were going out.”

“I already know.” Karla told her and started to walk past her.

“So he told you that we had sex?” Alissa asked skeptically.

“No. He told me that you almost had sex, but that he stopped it before you actually did.” Karla told her.

“He lied. We had sex in his bedroom, on his bed and it was amazing.” Alissa told her.

“Describe his room for me.” Karla told her.

“Umm.. He has a full-size bed with blue sheets and a red comforter. He has a desk under the window and his dresser has a picture of you and him on it.”

“You’re lying, Alissa. His bed is a queen-size bed, his desk is against the wall beside his closet and his sheets and comforter are both green, which is his favorite color. The only thing you had right was the picture on his dresser. There is a picture of me and him, but there is also a picture of him and Callie and one of the four of us together. He also has a night stand beside his bed that has another picture of me and him on it. The picture on his night stand was taken on the night he asked me to be his girlfriend. Now, would you mind telling me why you just lied?”

“Trevor dumped me.” Alissa said sadly. “And I was hoping I could break you and Conner up and get him to go back out with me. It worked before when I told him about Daniel going outside at the competition in November.”

“Yeah, that isn’t happening, but thank you for that other tidbit of information.” Conner said from behind Alissa.

“Conner, I didn’t know you were there.” Alissa said as color creeped up her cheeks.

“I’ve been here the whole time, Alissa.”

“Oh.” She said and looked at the floor. “I’m sorry. I’m just so upset that Trevor broke up with me.”

“Alissa, I’m only going to say this once. I don’t want anything to do with you so stay away from me and stay away from Karla.” Conner told her. “I was hoping we could be friends, or at least get along for the team, but after this I seriously doubt I’ll ever be able to be anything other than tolerable of you.”

“Alissa, wait.” Karla said as Alissa started to walk off. “What you just did was wrong and inexcusable, but you’re hurt and you’re confused. You thought that if you broke me and Conner up again that he would come to you with open arms, like last time, but Conner isn’t the same person he was a few months ago. Even if I had believed you, which I didn’t because Conner wouldn’t have lied to me, Conner would have done everything he could to get me to forgive him.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that when Conner was with you on your couch and he stopped what was happening it was because of me.”

“It’s true.” Conner told her. “I couldn’t do that with you because my heart belongs to Karla and it always has. She’s the only one I want.”

“Oh.” Alissa said and looked at the floor. “I am such a fool. I’m sorry.” She added and then ran back down the hall to her room.

Once she was gone Conner turned to Karla and pulled her into his arms. “Thank you for believing in me.”

“Always.” She replied then she pulled from his arms, grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall. “Can we talk?” She asked as she pulled him into the room she was sharing with Callie and Rylee.

“Sure.” Conner said as he sat on the chair at the table. “Where are Callie and Rylee?”

“They’re in the lobby.” Karla answered and slowly walked toward Conner. “I wanted a little time alone with you. Are you okay with that?”

“I am more than okay with that.” Conner answered and rose from his chair. “Come here, Karla.”

Karla closed the distance between her and Conner and he pulled her into his arms. “I love you.” Karla said and stood on her tip-toes and brushed her lips across his.

“I love you too, Karla.” Conner said and kissed her deeper. After a couple minutes he broke the kiss and pulled back a little. “We can’t, Karla.”

“I know, but I just want to touch you.”

Conner groaned at her words and brushed his hands over her face. “Then come here.” He said and led her to the bed. He sat down and pulled her into his lap. She threaded her fingers into his hair and locked her lips on his.

He moaned deeply and ran his hands up and down her back then up and into her hair. She pulled back when he went to deepen the kiss and kissed his neck. “Conner.” She whispered against his skin.

“Yes.” He responded in a raspy voice.

“I want you to take your shirt off.” She said quietly.

Conner released her hair and slowly pulled his t-shirt over his head. Once it was off she dipped her head down and kissed his collar bone before moving lower and kissing his chest. “Karla, you’re killing me.”

“Just a bit more.” Karla said and kissed his chest again.

He sat there and let her torment him for a few more minutes before he reached out and started rubbing his hands up and down her arms. “Baby, we need to stop.” He said in a hoarse whisper.

When she raised her head and looked into his eyes he captured her mouth roughly and tangled his hands into her hair. After a minute he broke the kiss and gently nipped her earlobe before softly kissing her neck. “Thought you said we needed to stop?” Karla said breathlessly.

“We do.” Conner said against her heated skin, but he didn’t stop. Instead he skimmed his hands under the edge of her shirt and brushed his fingers across her stomach and up her ribs. He ran his hands up and down her ribs for a minute before he pulled away from her and sat her on the bed. “Not yet, Karla.” He said quietly as he stood up and put his shirt on.

“Not, yet.” Karla agreed and stood up from her seat on the bed.

“I think it’s time I went to my room, took a cool shower and got ready for dinner. I’ll see you downstairs in about half an hour.” Conner said and walked to the door. Before he could open it Karla was across the room and back in his arms.

“I think we’re ready, but I will respect your decision to wait. I love you, Conner.” She pressed her lips to his and kissed him hard before she pulled away, walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

“I love you too, Karla.” Conner said to the empty room before he walked out the door and into the room he was sharing with Daniel.  

BOOK: A New Journey (Second Chance #3)
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