A New Journey (Second Chance #3) (24 page)

BOOK: A New Journey (Second Chance #3)
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Chapter Sixty-Two



“Karla, are you alright?”

“Callie, am I stupid?” Karla asked instead of answering Callie’s question.

“No. You are the smartest person I know.” Callie answered honestly.

“Do you think I should have slapped Conner and walked away from him?”

“That would have been my initial reaction, but after thinking about it I would have realized that he really didn’t do anything wrong. You two were broken up at the time and he stopped it before he actually had sex with her. I would still be hurt though.”

“I am still hurt, but I can’t fault him for something he did while we were apart. I love him and I know this is going to sound bad, but I’m kind of glad she tried something because it made him realize that he only wants me. Now if he’d actually let it go all the way I wouldn’t be able to move past that. Because of the rape I’m technically not a virgin, but I still see myself as one because I have never willingly had sex. I like the fact that when we do finally do it it’ll be the first time for us both and we can share that together.”

“Travis isn’t a virgin, but neither am I, and we’re both okay with that. I know we aren’t a couple or anything official yet, but it’s moving in that direction.” Rylee told them.

“Manuel isn’t a virgin.” Callie said matter-of-factly. “But I know that when we do take that step he’ll make it special for me.”

“Has he made you think he’s ready for that with you?” Karla asked.

“I know he is. I am too, but we have decided to wait until after I turn eighteen so no one can say anything about the age difference.”

“I’m ready.” Karla announced. “I was ready before Conner and I broke up. He’s the one who keeps pulling back whenever we’re close. I think he’s afraid of scaring me or hurting me so he hesitates.”

“That’s a sign that he truly loves you.” Callie told her.

“I know he loves me, which is why I have been letting him take the lead. I think I’m going to step up my game though and see how far he’ll let it go.”

“Who are you and where is the Karla we know and love?” Rylee asked with a chuckle.

Karla laughed and shook her head. “I’m still the same me, but I have a little more confidence than I did before and I know what I want. I was unsure about myself and about whether I could do it or not, but I’m not now. I know what I want and I know what I have to do to get it.”

“Karla, are you telling us that you’re going to try to get Conner to have sex with you even if he doesn’t want to?” Rylee asked concerned.

“Of course not. I would never make him do anything he didn’t want to do. I know he wants to though. You both heard him say that if it had been me he wouldn’t have stopped so I’m going to see how far he’ll let it go.”

“You’re playing with fire, Karla. He’s never going to let it go too far if he’s afraid of hurting you.” Callie told her.

“Maybe I’m not afraid of getting burned anymore.” Karla said and yawned. “I think it’s time we all get some sleep.” She told her two best friends.

“This conversation isn’t over, Karla.” Rylee informed her with a grin.

“Never thought it was.” Karla replied and yawned again.

They all laid down and fell asleep quickly.


“Can we talk?” Conner asked Karla the next morning as they cleaned the kitchen together after breakfast.

“Sure.” Karla answered and followed Conner out of the kitchen. When they made it into the dining room Conner pulled the doors closed and turned toward Karla.

“I need you to tell me that we’re okay.”

“We’re more than okay.” Karla assured him and took a step toward him. “Conner, what you did happened while we were apart and even though it upsets me to think about I can’t be mad at you. I broke up with you and you had every right to go out with whomever you wanted.”

“You are taking this better than I expected. I’m waiting for you to tell me I betrayed you and that you never want to see me again.”

“That isn’t going to happen.” Karla said and took another step toward him. “I love you and I want to take what happened in the past and leave it there. I want to focus on today and tomorrow. I’m tired of living in the past. I want to live for the present and future.”

“You are too good to me. I don’t deserve you.” Conner said and pulled Karla into his arms. As soon as her body touched his he knew he’d made a mistake. She was still wearing the thin t-shirt and pajama pants she’d slept in and he could feel the heat coming off her body.

“Conner.” She whispered into his chest. “We should get back to the kitchen and finish loading the dishwasher.” She placed a quick kiss on his chest before she pulled out of his arms and walked back into the kitchen. 

He shook his head and followed her out of the room. When he made it back to the kitchen he froze. Karla was loading the dishwasher and Kevin was standing in the other doorway watching her. His temper flared and he had to take a deep breath to control it before he snapped and lost his temper in front of Karla again. Before he could take a step forward Kevin walked into the kitchen and Karla looked up and the smile fell from her face.

“What do you want, Kevin?” She asked with a frown.

“I want to know what kind of game you’re playing with my brother.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that little show last night.”

“What show?”

“The forgiving act you pulled after he told you what he did.”

“Kevin, there was nothing to forgive. When he did that with Alissa he and I weren’t together. He was free to see whomever, and do whatever, he wanted. I’m not a grudge holder and I’ve been told I forgive too easily. I guess this is just another one of those times.”

Kevin took a step closer to her and Conner walked into the room. “Kevin, I told you last night to stay out of my life. My relationship with Karla is between me and her and has nothing to do with you. Back off and leave her alone.”

“Conner, you are such a blind fool. When she stabs you in the heart I will take great pleasure in saying I told you so.” Kevin said and walked out of the kitchen.

“You okay, Karla?” Conner asked as he stroked a hand across her cheek.

“I’m fine.” Karla assured him.

“I’m sorry about Kevin. Something has crawled up his butt lately.”

“Conner, can I tell you something?”


“I want to take our relationship to the next level.” Karla said bluntly and Conner’s jaw hit the floor.

Chapter Sixty-Three



The next couple of months passed quickly. Conner and Karla were back to the way they used to be, but they still hadn’t taken that next step and Candice had been released from the hospital. She was doing better, but still had a long road ahead of her.

As Leslie’s pregnancy progressed and Kiara’s wedding approached they were all really busy.

Conner opened the front door of the Peterson`s and stepped inside. When Leslie walked into the family room her face was glowing with a broad smile. “Are Karla and Elliot ready?” Conner asked as he grinned at her.

“Just about. Come on in and they’ll be down in a minute. Thank you for taking Elliot with you today. I have a doctor’s appointment and really didn’t want to leave him here alone.”

“We don’t mind taking Elliot with us. We’re meeting Callie, Rylee, Travis, Malinda and Madison there so it only makes sense for Elliot to come with us.” Conner said with a smile.

“What are your plans for today?” Leslie asked.

“Since we don’t have school today we are all getting together at Manuel’s to plan Kiara’s and Jake’s wedding shower.” Karla said as she walked into the family room.

“You kids are so sweet. Do they know that you’re planning this?”

“Nope.” Elliot said as he joined him.

“Well if you need any help just let me know.” Leslie said with a grin.

“Mom, is Dad meeting you at your appointment? If not I can go with you and you can drop me off at Manuel’s after.” Karla said and Leslie’s eyes filled with tears.

“Would you really blow off your friends to go with me?” Leslie asked as tears flowed down her face.

“Of course.” Karla answered with a smile. “You’re having a sonogram today and you need someone there with you. I’ll gladly go if Dad can’t be there.”

“Dad will be there. He already told them that someone will have to cover the ER from noon until my appointment is over.” Leslie said and smiled. “Go be with your friends. I’ll call you when the appointment is over.”

“If you’re sure.” Karla said and Leslie nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you when I get home.”

“Have fun and be careful.” She told them as they walked out the front door together.

Once they were gone Leslie walked into her bedroom and snagged her clean clothes off the bed. Today was the day they were going to find out what the sex of the baby was. She knew Andrew wanted a son, but she was secretly hoping for a girl. They already had one of each, but this was likely the only biological child they would ever have and she wanted a little girl. “I’ll love you no matter what.” She whispered to her slightly larger belly as she gently rubbed it. When she felt a flutter inside she smiled. That was hers and Andrew’s baby growing inside her. This was something she never thought she would experience, but since Karla entered their lives she knew miracles really did happen.

After she showered and dressed she grabbed a bottle of water and an apple out of the fridge and headed for her car. She had half an hour before her appointment, but she was excited and was ready to get there. As she backed out of the garage she turned the radio on and was happily singing along as she drove toward Dr. Newberry’s office.

When she pulled into the parking lot she spotted Andrew walking out of the ER entrance and she smiled. She got out of the SUV and stood beside it as he approached her.

“You ready to do this, baby?” He asked as he stopped beside her.

“I’ve been ready.” She answered and flung her arms around his neck.

“Then let’s go.” He said with a grin and took hold of her hand. They walked into the office together and were greeted by Mark’s nurse, Maggie.

“Dr. Peterson, Leslie, y’all are early today.  You must be anxious to find out the sex of the baby.”

“We are. I’m ready to pick out names and buy clothes.” Leslie said with a grin as she signed in.

“I’ll see if I can get you back a little early.” Maggie said with a grin.

“Thanks, Maggie.” Andrew said with a wink before he led Leslie over to one of the small sofas and sat down with her.

“Why am I nervous?” Leslie asked with a small chuckle.

“Because this is a big deal.” Andrew responded and linked his hand with hers. “Today is the day we find out if we’re having a boy or a girl.”

“Leslie, Dr. Newberry is ready for you.” Maggie said from the doorway.

“That was fast.” Andrew said and Leslie smiled.

“Maggie never makes me wait long.” Leslie responded as they followed Maggie to the room where the sonogram machine was.

“If you would change into this gown and climb up on the table I’ll go let Mark know you’re here.”

When Mark walked in five minutes later Andrew was sitting in the chair beside Leslie. “Good afternoon.” Mark greeted them with a smile.

“Hello, Mark.” Andrew said as he shook Mark’s hand.

“You two ready to do this?” Mark asked and when Leslie nodded he chuckled. “Okay. Then let’s get started.”

As Mark applied the gel to Leslie’s stomach Andrew started getting nervous. What if the sonogram showed there was something wrong with the baby?

“Okay, here we go.” Mark said as he placed the wand on Leslie’s belly and started moving it slowly. When the sound of the baby’s heartbeat filled the room Andrew relaxed a little. He’d heard the heart beat before, and was there for the first sonogram, but to hear it that strong made some of his worries fade.

“Are you wanting to know the sex of the baby?” Mark asked as he took still shots of all the baby’s organs.

“Yes!” Andrew and Leslie in unison and Mark chuckled.

“Okay. Mama and Daddy, it looks like you two have yourselves a perfectly heathy baby girl. She’s right on schedule when it comes to development, but she is a little on the small side. That isn’t a concern considering how petite Leslie is though. We don’t want her getting too big.”

“A girl?” Leslie asked is awe.

“Yes. You have another princess joining the ranks.” Mark said with a smile and Andrew’s eyes filled with tears.

“Two daughters and a son. Who could ask for a more perfect family?” Andrew asked no one in particular.

“No one.” Mark answered as he stood up from the stool he’d been sitting on. “Let’s get you cleaned up and we’ll move you to an exam room for your check up, but I want to tell you that everything looks great so far. She has a nice, strong heart beat and her brain waves are exactly where they should be. You’re doing a great job, Mama.”

After Mark left Leslie changed back into her clothes and Andrew gathered her into his arms for a tight hug. “A daughter.” He whispered in her ear.

“At least we have practice.” She said and they both burst out laughing.

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