| der to a 4-ounce bottle of calamine lotion, shake well, and use to cover the spots.
| Aconitumfor the first stage of measles with sudden onset of fever, skin rash, nasal discharge, reddened eyes, dry cough, restless sleep.
| Euphrasiaif, along with the rash, the child has bland nasal discharge and frequent burning tears that irritate the cheeks.
| Gelsemiumfor the feverish child with droopy eyelids and a croupy cough; the child may complain of feeling tired and chilly, have aching muscles, a headache and/or a runny nose.
| Pulsatillafor later stages of measles if the child is clingy, has a yellow or greenish nasal discharge, and feels worse in stuffy rooms but better with an open window and fresh air.
| Sulphurif the rash is aggravated by heat, the child's eyelids are inflamed, and the eyes burn.
| Echinacea and goldenseal combinationechinacea is antiviral; goldenseal is antibacterial and soothes mucus membranes. Both herbs stimulate immune function.
| Garlicantibacterial and antiviral.
| Shiitake mushroomstimulates immune response. Cook and add to soup or give in capsule form.
| Chamomile teacalms a restless child.
| Ginger teacan help decrease chills and increase perspiration, thus bringing down a fever. Be sure your child is tucked under the covers after drinking the tea. If she perspires heavily, be prepared to change her out of her wet bedclothes and into dry ones.
| Emergen-Cproduct from Alacer Corporation containing vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, chro-