A Million Bullets: The Real Story of the British Army in Afghanistan (42 page)

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Authors: James Fergusson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Great Britain, #Middle East, #Military, #Afghan War, #England, #Ireland, #United States, #Modern (16th-21st Centuries), #21st Century

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on Helmand conflicting plans

and Herrick 4 misunderstandings

on Lashkar Gah

on Musa Qala withdrawal

on negotiated settlement


on resources


on Taliban tactical defeat

and Task Force insufficiency

on US/UK handover


Cable, Vince, on Saudis

Cameron, David

at Camp Tombstone

Camp Bastion

Camp Tombstone, ANA/OMLT at

Campbell, Eugene, cameraman, in

ambush at Sangin

Canadian military

at Kandahar

light armoured vehicles (LAVs)

and Regional Command South

on Sangin conditions

Canham, Frankie, at Now Zad

Carrington, Peter, on Nato future

Carter, Flight Lieutenant Matt, and

Operation Augustus,

Cash, Lieutenant Colonel Andy

on Apaches

and Operation Augustus,

Cavignari, Louis

chain of command issues and counterinsurgency

Operation Nakhod

Chak district, hydroelectric dam

Chaman, upheavals in

Chayes, Sarah, on Taliban and Kandahar

children, Taliban using as cover

Chin Peng

as ex-ally

Chinook operations


decisions to fly



Musa Qala rescue mission

Operation Augustus

Operation Nakhod

SAM-7 fired at

unacceptable threats to

Chinook squadrons


flight crews

ground crews



dust problems

and incoming fire

on-board defences

RPG dangers

civilian casualties

civilian development agencies, and Herrick

civilians (UK)

attitudes, to Services


not informed about Afghanistan

Clark, James [MOD news director]

Clarkson, Matt, and Operation Augustus

Cloak of the Prophet [relic]

collateral damage

combat stress

combat vehicles reconnaissance (tracked) [CVR(T)s], Scimitars as

communication issues


UK and US operations

communications problems, with base

'comprehensive approach', Herrick

and counter-narcotics

development issues

Compton, Trooper Martyn, and

Operation Nakhod

consent winning, Butler on

Cook, Lance Corporal, at Now Zad

counter-insurgency theories, Malaya

counter-narcotics strategies

political issue

strategic red herring

Cowper-Coles, Sir Sherard, on


Cunliffe, Walter

Cutts, Private Andrew, at Musa Qala


Daily Telegraph
, and Chinook missions

Danes, at Musa Qala

Dannatt, General Sir Richard

on Commonwealth nationals

on future

on Judaic-Christian tradition

on likely length of campaign

on overstretch

on recruitment

visits Afghanistan

Daoud, Engineer Mohammed, Governor

of Helmand

and mutual withdrawal plans

and Tootal

and Zainokhan rescue mission

Dara-i-Noor people

Dasht-i-Margo [Desert of Death]

Denton, Lieutenant Jack, US Apache crew

Department for International

Development (DfID)

and 'Joint UK Plan for Helmand'

fails Helmand

Der Spiegel
journalists, at Kandahar

development agencies, and Herrick

development effort, insufficient

development triangle, Helmand


Devine, Ranger Stuart

on futility in Herrick

Musa Qala aftermath

on need to negotiate

Dhekelia, Cyprus, Royal Fusiliers at

Diamond, Lance Corporal Michael, Musa Qala aftermath

Dick, Major Alex

and Operation Nakhod

on Scimitar problems

diet, Royal Fusiliers

Dilfor, [arrse contributor]

discipline, Royal Fusiliers

Do Ab,

Docherty, Leo

Desert of death

on embedded development officials

on QIPs

at Sangin

and spirit of Raj

on Task Force and Baghran

Draiva, Ranger Anare, at Musa Qala

Durrani Pashtuns

dust problems, Chinooks

Dutch forces

Oruzgan prevarication

Regional Command South


Easy Company, Musa Qala garrison

Edwards, Sergeant 'Eddie', at Kajaki dam

Eida, Captain Alex, and Operation Nakhod

Eikenberry, Lieutenant General Karl

Elphinstone, William

equipment, sub-standard radios

Estonians, Sisu vehicles

Etherington, Mark

on counter-narcotics

on military attitudes


ex-allies as enemies


F16 Dutch aircraft

Falklands campaign, 25th anniversary

Fanthome, Fusilier Phil


fatalities, and honours


in Royal Irish Regiment

in Royal Regiment of Scotland

Fire Support Group, Royal Fusiliers, at

Now Zad

First Afghan War

Fisher, Dean

on combat stress and leave

at Now Zad

on shooting people

on waning enthusiasm

Fitzgerald, Bombardier 'Fitz', and

Operation Nakhod

Flight 1310 (Chinooks)


Flynn, Corporal of Horse Mad Mick, and Operation Nakhod

Fog, Apache pilot

and Zainokhan rescue mission

foreign reinforcements, Taliban

Foreign Office, and 'Joint UK Plan for Helmand'


Fort George, Royal Irish Regiment HQ

40th Queen's Lancashire Regiment

44th Regiment of Foot [First Afghan War]

Forward Operating Base Robinson

Foster, Corporal Matt, at Now Zad

Fox, Liam

on Des Browne

on Loyn's Taliban piece

Frazer, Brigadier David, and RCS command

Freakley, Major General Ben (US), unrealistic

Freeman, Lance Corporal Chris, at Now Zad

French Special Forces patrol, tortured

friendly-fire incidents, A10s and

fuel issues

Fusiliers, The

and 3 Para

and ANP

at Bastion

combat stress

at Dhekelia, morale




at Now Zad

past achievements

Fusilier interviewees


G8, British anti-narcotics role

Gaj, Rifleman, at Now Zad

gallantry awards

Gandamak Lodge, Kandahar

Garmsir, Apaches at

general-purpose machine-guns (GPMGs, Jimpys)

at Musa Qala

at Now Zad


Butler on

Royal Fusiliers at

secure zone

German Army

Ghafoor, Mullah, and Musa Qala

Ghazni, danger of travel past

Ghilzai tribe

Gibbons, Kim, on army wife's experience,

Gibbons, Sergeant Martyn

at Now Zad

at Sangin

SPG-9 recoilless rifle injury

Gilchrist, Sergeant Steven, at Musa Qala

girls' schools, Taliban and

Glasgow, Trooper Jason

and Operation Nakhod

at Sangin

Glover, Lieutenant Toby, at Sangin

Government, attitude to Services

Government of Afghanistan (GOA), and Task Force

Greaves, CSM Jimmy, at Now Zad

Grice, Duncan

on leave

at Now Zad

Groves, Lieutenant Nick, at Now Zad



and Apache Now Zad missions


at Now Zad

slighted by establishment

Gurney, Sir Henry, and Malaya popular support


HALO Trust

Hammond, Major Mark 'Sweetcorn'

Chinook attacked

at Musa Qala

Handicap International, worker

Hannaford, Trooper Rich, at Sangin

Harriers, at Kandahar

Harriers, Operation Augustus

Hashmi, Lance Corporal Jabron

Hasler, Flight Lieutenant Chris

and Operation Augustus,

at Sangin

Hazmat, NDS chief

Headley Court military hospital

health, Royal Fusiliers

hearts and minds, Templer and

heat stroke, Scimitar crews

Hellfire missiles


first images of fighting

Joint UK Plan for

poppy production

power vacuum


as Taliban route to Kandahar

Wardak Taliban and

see also
Herrick 4; and specific operations

Helmandcentricity, Chayes on

Hercules, American, SAM-7 fired at

Herrick 4, 'comprehensive approach'

chain of command

and counter-narcotics

development issues

disillusion with

Docherty on

Gurkhas and

misunderstandings of

new offensive rumours

and Operation Mountain Thrust (US), cooperation issues



Herrick 8 plans

HESCO Concertainers

Hetherington, Lance Corporal Jonathan, at Musa Qala

Highet, Flight Sergeant Angus

on can-do operations

Hollingshead, Lieutenant Paul, at Now Zad

Holloway, Adam MP

on need to negotiate

visits Lashkar Gah

parliamentary question on ordnance

honours, New Year

Apache crews

Chinook crew

Gurkhas slighted

3 Para 18

Royal Fusiliers slighted

Hosseini, Khaled,
The Kite Runner

Hotel Continental, Kandahar

Household Cavalry Regiment (HCR)

and ANP


and Scimitars

Humber floods, Chinooks and

Humvees (US), random firing


improvised explosive devices (IEDs)

incoming fire, and Chinooks

Ingram, Adam, and Task Force

injuries, interviewees

inkspot strategy, Malaya campaign

Instant Response Team (IRT) missions, Chinooks and

interim light anti-armour weapons (ILAWs)

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

forces supplied from Karachi

and Herrick



and Herrick 4 rationale

Iran, Taliban weapons supply

Iraq effect, Butler on

Ismarai Hajji

Izzatullah, (Senlis driver)


Jarvenpaa, Minna

on 'comprehensive approach'

on counter-narcotics

on Daoud and Task Force

on Lashkar Gah failed preparations

on military attitudes

on QIPs

JDAM building, Sangin

Jenkins, Simon, on need to negotiate

jihad, virtue of dying in

Jingly trucks, for British troops

Johnson, Captain Mark, at Musa Qala

Johnson, 2nd Lieutenant Ralph

and Operation Nakhod

Jones, Private Steven, and Operation


Jones, Sergeant Graham 'Jonah'

on casevac missions

on Chinook maintenance

on flying ambulance work

and Operation Augustus


Kabul–Kandahar highway

Kailash, Corporal Khebang, at Now Zad

Kajaki dam

Royal Fusiliers at

strategic importance

Taliban attack on


as city

Richards and

road from KAF

Taliban and, Chayes on


Kandahar Airfield (KAF), amenities

Kandahar Cockney

Kandahar–Kabul highway

Karachi, ISAF forces supplied from

Karzai, Hamid


and Helmand

objections to Paddy Ashdown

Katie [Tom Burne's girlfriend]

Khakrezwal, Akrem [ANP General]

Knaggs, Colonel Charlie

and Daoud

and RCS command

and Zainokhan rescue mission

Kumar, Rifleman, at Now Zad


L109 fragmentation grenades

Lamb, Christina

and ambushed patrol

on Maiwand

Land Rovers, WMIK

Larcombe, Flight Sergeant Bob

on flying ambulance work

on public attitudes

Lashkar Gah

failed preparations

PRT at


secure zone

Lashkar Gah Road, Now Zad

Lawrence, T. E.,
Revolt in the Desert

Libby, Captain Will, and ANA

light armoured vehicles (LAVs), Canadian

loadmasters, Chinooks

Loden, Major Jamie

and media

on RAF

at Sangin

scratch rescue platoon

Long, Lieutenant Tom

and Operation Nakhod

Longstaff, Tom

Loyn, David

on ANA

shown round by Taliban


Mackay, Brigadier Andrew, on Musa Qala reoccupation

Maiwand, Battle of (1880), legacy

Malaya campaign

counter-insurgency theories

'inkspot' strategy

Mallinson, Allan, on overstretch

Manan, Mullah Abdul, Taliban field


killed in air strike

Marsh, Robert, on combat stress

Martin, Paul

and Barossa platoon

at Musa Qala

Mathers, Lieutenant Angus, at Now Zad

McCulloch, Corporal Luke, at Sangin

McLean, Ranger Craig, Musa Qala


McNeill, General Dan (US)

and Musa Qala

and Operation Achilles

mental trauma, interviewees

Merriman, Lieutenant Colonel Peter

on danger

on home lives

on politicians

military covenant

Miller, Martin, of Unocal, entertains Taliban

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