A Merry Little Christmas (7 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schuster

BOOK: A Merry Little Christmas
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“Oh, come on, now, it wasn’t that bad,” Paris said bra
ingly. “It was New Year’s Eve, a traditional time for kissing. How did he act when you were doing all this smooching? Did he push you away or gag or run out of the room or something?”

Angelique’s eyes got dreamy again when she remembered the kiss. “No, he didn’t do any of those things,” she said softly. “He was a little surprised at first, I think, but then he started kissing me back and it was wonderful. He’s a great kisser, Paris. He’s a
kisser. He has the softest lips and his mouth was still cold from the ice water but it was hot at the same time and he just... well, let’s just say it was a great way to start the New Year,” she said with a soft sigh of contentment.

So that’s why
was staring at you the rest of the night,
Paris thought.
I knew something was up.
“So what’s next? What’s your plan?” Paris asked with a sly smile.

I have no plan other than trying to avoid him for the next few months until he forgets all about last night. I’m telling you, Paris, it may have been a harmless gesture that kind of backfired but he’s going to hold this over my head forever. I still can’t believe I did that.” She sighed, rubbing her hand across her forehead. “If I had to lose my itty-bitty mind last night, why on earth did I lose it with him? Why?” Again, she moaned dramatically as she once more threw herself face down on the bed.

This time Paris did give a short burst of laughter, but she also gave Angelique a comforting pat on the back. “C’mon, girl, it’s not that bad. Let’
s get ready to
you know everybody is expecting us at Alan’s. You’ll feel better once you’ve faced him and see it’s not as bad as you think.”

Angelique rolled over and looked at Paris as though she’d lost her mind. “Are you crazy? I’m not going anywhere near that open house! In fact, I’m not going near any of the Cochrans until Easter, at least! Adonis Bennett Cochran is the last person on earth I want to see.”




Chapter Four

Donnie’s reaction to events of the previous evening was slightly different from Angelique’s. He had risen early the next day and taken Jordan and Pippen out for a run, a much longer run than usual, and they were now lolling in front of his fireplace, dead to the world. Donnie would have joined them in slumber, but his
was in overdrive. After what had happened between him and Angelique the night before, he had a lot to think about
details were hazy, such as the moments right before the kiss, but one thing was certain: Angelique had kissed
An unexpected, unsolicited and completely delightful kiss, at that.

He was stretched out on his long, comfortable leather sofa with his eyes closed, and anyone observing him would have thought him asleep. On the contrary, he was thinking about the moment Angelique had pulled him down to her level so she could touch her lips to his. It was something he wasn’t going to forget not ever. The heady fragrance of her perfume wrapped around him like the warm moisture of a steam bath and the softness of her lips sent a sensation through him that was like nothing he’d ever experienced. He felt her start to pull away from him and he took over, tightening his arms around her slender form so that the delightful warmth of her, the taste of her wouldn’t be lost to him.

A soft sound of surprise had made her moist, tasty lips part just enough for his ravening tongue to seek hers out. When he deepened the kiss, he did so hungrily, like a starving man given his first meal in weeks. He completely lost himself in the hot sensations Angelique generated in his body. As she slid her arms around his neck and strained on her toes to get closer to him, he held her even tighter and slid his questing hands down to cup her behind, squeezing it gently but firmly. She might have started the kiss, but he was controlling it now, kissing her passionately over and over, and tasting the sweetness of her mouth while she did the same to him. He could still hear the arousing little sounds of pleasure she made as her enticingly firm breasts pressed against his chest. Only the fact that other people were entering the room made him stop kissing her. Left to his desires, they’d still be locked together in a passionate embrace, but it wouldn’t have stopped at kissing.

As he lay on the
couch, his stomach muscles tightened and other parts of his body reacted almost as strongly as they had last night. A convulsive shudder passed over him, and he welcomed the abrupt sound of his doorbell. Jumping up from t
he couch, he adjusted his jeans.  H
e was wearing an ancient Howard University sweatshirt that mercifully covered his now-hard member. He glared at the offending instrument and instructed his body to behave. “I told you before, we don’t like her. Go back to sleep,” he said sternly before opening the door. Oddly enough, the sight of his visitor made his body become dormant immediately.
It was Aneesah Shabazz, wearing a red coat and a big smile. Before he could figure out how he was supposed to
react, Aneesah walked right past him into the foyer, saying, “Happy New Year,” while she did so. She removed her coat and held it out to Donnie, who was just staring at her while she made herself at home.

“Happy New Year, doggies.
Don’t get up on my account,” she said dryly. Jordan and Pippen never moved from their places on the hearth, merely thumping their tails wearily in acknowledgement. Aneesah, meanwhile, had sat down on the couch and was holding out a cake tin to Donnie.

“Here you go. These are some tea cakes my mother made. I was going to tell you I baked them but you know what a lie that would be!” Aneesah laughed uproariously at the thought; she was known for her dislike of cooking in any way, shape or form. As Donnie still hadn’t said a word, Aneesah snapped her fingers a couple of times to get his attention. “You know, you might want to offer me some coffee or tea or something. It’s customary when you have a visitor, especially on a holiday,” she said pointedly.

Donnie finally rallied enough to accept the tin and sit down in one of die large leather club chairs that flanked the sofa. “Sorry. My mind was elsewhere, I guess.
Happy New Year to you, too.
You look wonderful, by the way,” he added. And she really did, in a slim-fitting pair of gray slacks with a crisp white shirt topped by a black merino jersey V-neck sweater. Her short coif was perfect as always—what could be seen of it under her jaunty red beret—and her smooth brown face was devoid of
also as always, her deeply set long-lashed eyes sparkled with intelligence.

“I wish I could say the same to you, Donnie, but you look kinda bad. You look like you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a while. And you look like your housekeeper is on vacation,” she said pointedly as she looked at the newspapers, gym shoes and other clutter around the large living room.

Donnie sprawled out in the chair and nodded absently. “Yeah, Mrs. Montez is away for the holidays. I wanted her to know how much I missed her while she was gone, so I haven’t picked up anything,” he said absently. “And no, I didn’t sleep too well last night, now that you mention it.”

Aneesah stopped smiling and looked contrite. “I’m not to blame for that, am I? That’s one of the reasons I stopped by, to make sure you and I are okay. We’ve been close for so long, I don’t want anything to happen to our friendship.
Even though we’re not destined for marriage,” she said quietly.

Donnie blew out a loud, dramatic breath before answering. “If I said I was pining away for you, dying for the love of you, would it make any difference? Would you change your mind?” he asked with hope in his voice.

It was Aneesah’s turn to sigh. “No, Donnie, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference. You and I had a lot of fun when we were younger. You were one of the best boyfriends I’ve ever had, no question about it. But I’m not ready to get married. You might think
ready, but I’m not so
sure about that,” she said firmly. “And I know for a fact that we don’t have the deep, passionate, abiding love you need to make a marriage work. We like each other, we even love each other like brother and sister, but we’re not ‘in love.’
You need to be really deeply in love for a marriage to be about anything and you of all people know that. Look at your brothers and your sister, for example. They all married for love, real true love, and look how happy they are.” She shook her head in exasperation. “And where is that tea, friend? I want one of those tea cakes.”

Donnie didn’t respond for
a moment while he pried open
the tin of homemade cookies. A burst of a delectable vanilla fragrance wafted out and he smiled for the first time as he looked at the fat, lightly golden pastries. His stomach rumbled and he suddenly realized he hadn’t eaten that day. He stood up and bowed slightly.

“It seems I’ve for
gotten my manners entirely. Come with me, my dear, and let me remedy that,” he said with a gesture toward the kitchen.


Angelique was sorting photographs when her phone rang. It was A.J., who immediately put a smile on her face.

“I’m coming over, so come open the door. My mother says
good luck for a man to be the first person to cross your threshold on New Year’s Day. Am I your first visitor?”

“Yes, you are,” Angelique answered with a smile. “I can’t
of anyone I’d rather see. Hurry up and get here!”

Paris was sprawled across her bed, talking to one of her best friends. “Aidan, I’m telling you, all the signs are there. When they’re around each other, the sparks constantly fly. They pick at each other, they have horrible little pet names for each other and they’re always staring at each other. They circle around each other like two starving animals fighting for the same piece of meat,” she told him.

Aidan made the customary sound of the long-suffering on the other end of the line. “Oh, well, that settles it. They’re stalking each other like strays fighting over carrion; it must be true love,” he said sardonically. “You’re back to your Martha May matchmaker tricks, aren’t you? I’ve warned you about that, haven’t I? Why won’t you listen to me?”

Paris sat up straight to play her trump card “Aidan, you don’t understand! She kissed him on New Year’s Eve! She doesn’t even know why she did it, she just grabbed him and laid one on him and he kissed her back. Now that’s definitely a sign.”

Aidan was silent for a moment, and then replied. “Hmm. Unplanned kisses with no explanation, huh? Well, there may be more to this than they know. But that doesn’t mean you need to get involved. Just leave it alone and let nature take its course. You need to worry more about your
love life or lack thereof, Martha May.”

“A lot you know, Aidan. For your information, I
been dating. I’ve been seeing three different guys, thank you very much, and having a great time,” she said smugly.

“Yes, but none of them work that
heart of yours like the detective man, now, do they
? By the way, I saw Mr. Titus Ar
gonne last week,” Aidan said carelessly. “He was walking through the complex with your cousin Martin.”

Paris was silent for all of ten seconds before bombarding Aidan with questions. No matter how much she tried to deny it, Titus Argonne was like an itch she couldn’t scratch. She was so
intent on Aidan’s answers that
she didn’t hear the doorbell ring.

Angelique threw open the front door to admit A.J. She smiled happily when she saw his handsome golden face and immediately threw her arms around him for one of his fantastic hugs. He obliged by giving her a bone-crushing embrace that lifted her off
e floor. “Happy New Year, baby, you look beautiful,” he said honestly as he set her down. She did look adorable in carpenter’s jeans; a thick, cream-colored turtleneck sweater; heavy woolen socks; and no shoes.

Angelique waved aside the compliment the way she did all comments about her appearance. “Come on in and make yourself at home. Did you go out last night?” she asked.

“Naw, it’s too crazy out there and I’m too lazy,” he replied. “I went to midnight mass with the family and then we sat around and played euchre and pinochle all night.”

A.J. had a close relationship with his family, closer still since his run-in with cancer.
He took off his coat and hung it in the in the foyer closet like someone who felt completely at home, which he did whenever he was with Angelique. Following her into the dining room, he looked at the pictures she had spread out on the dining room table. “Angel, these are magnificent. You truly have a gift for this,” he said admiringly as he looked over the black and white prints.

Angelique laughed self-consciously at his praise. “A.J., you seem to forget that you’re the one who taught me how to take pictures. Well, you and Clay, that is. So, in a way, you’re just taking credit for your own talent,” she pointed out.

, then swatted her on the butt. “Haven’t I told you about that? Learn to accept a compliment, little girl, because you’re going to get more and more of them.”

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