Read A Merry Little Christmas Online
Authors: Melanie Schuster
“I think it’s time for this little one to eat,” Lillian said
ily as she brought the baby to Angelique.
Angelique quickly prepared to nurse her and took her in the crook of her arm. She smiled down at her innocent bun-die of joy and reveled in the sharp tug that always preceded a good
feeding. She had no idea that anything could be as fulfilling as breast-feeding, and she made a mental note to let Lisette, Paris, and Nicole know it was the only way to go.
“While you’re feeding the baby, I’m going to get you some lunch, dear,” Lillian said as she left the room.
Donnie built a fire and made sure it was drawing properly before coming to join his wife and daughter. There was a big ottoman nearby and he sat down on it, smiling as he listened to the song his wife was singing to Lily Rose. With all the decorations lit and the scent of the pine filling the house, the fire crackling and a light snow falling, she was softly singing, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” to her newborn daughter. Angelique reached out for Donnie and smiled when he leaned over and kissed her. She stroked the side of his face and suddenly grabbed his earlobe.
“Just remember, darling, if you ever tell me another lie, I won’t be responsible for what happens. If you
I was mean when I was Evilene, just try telling me another whopper like the ring story.”
Donnie laughed at the determination on her face. They had discussed the disastrous ring fiasco and Donnie had apologized profusely and sincerely. He’d also returned the ring and purchased an astounding
necklace and earrings for Angelique, as well as a pearl starter necklace for Lily Rose.
He gently removed her hand from his ear and kissed her fingers. “I’ll never tell you anything that isn’t true again, my Angel. You mean far too much to me. And besides that, I’m too afraid of you to try it.”
It was Angelique’s turn to laugh fondly at her husband. She held up her left hand and admired her ring again. “Adonis, this has been a very big year. This time last year I couldn’t remember why Christmas was so wonderful. I felt all alone, unhappy, just lost. Now I have my beautiful baby, my beautiful husband, and I remember why Christmas is the season of miracles. I’ve had more than my share of miracles
this year, and more happiness than I deserve. I love you so much, Adonis, it’s going to take a lifetime to show you.” They leaned toward each other for a gentle, tender kiss.
“I love you, my Angel. You’re my miracle, you and Lily Rose. And this is a lifetime I look forward to sharing with you.
Thank you for loving me, baby.”
“The pleasure is all
, for always.”
The house was filled with the sounds and smells of the holiday. Christmas carols were drifting from the stereo, the game room was filled with assorted Cochran nieces and nephews, Jordan and Pippen were snoozing in front of the fire and there were friends and family all around. Angelique had never felt so content in her life. Everyone had come to have brunch with the new family, and, despite her mother’s protest, she had felt energetic enough to help with the preparations.
“But, Mama, I have to start doing more and moving around more or I’ll never have my energy back,” Angelique pointed out. “You can’t be up here forever. I’ve got to get back on my feet completely.”
“Just don’t rush
it, Angelique. There’s no hurry;
you’re not in a race, you know.”
“I know, Mama, but
I’m going to tell you a secret.
I want to start working on our Christmas present. I still can’t believe it, you know.”
In an act that continued to stun both her and Donnie, Big Benny had given them his gift over their Christmas Eve dinner. He presented them with the deed to the house in Palmer
Park and announced that he and Martha were moving into a condo.
“Are you kidding, Daddy?” had been Angelique’s response to the gift.
Benny’s eyes had twinkled at her and he assured her that he was not. “We want to scale down our lifestyle and we want to keep the house in the family. And this house is getting a little crowded for you.”
They had reiterated this idea when they came over after church for Christmas brunch.
“We just don’t want the upkeep of a big house anymore. This will be so much better for the both of us; we’ll be able to travel more and just relax without having to maintain that gigantic place,” Martha told her.
“You children need a bigger place and I never wanted that house to leave the family. It’s yours with my blessing,” Benny said as he cuddled Lily Rose. “This is a magnificent baby. She gets prettier every time I see her.” She rewarded him with a tiny grima
ce that could have been a smile
or a little gas.
After Angelique was finally shooed out of the kitchen permanently, she went to shower and change into something festive in which to greet their guests. Donnie was on the bed, lying on his back with his arms crossed behind his head.
She smiled. “There you are. I’ve been missing you,” she whispered as she cuddled up next to him.
“I can’t have that, my darling. How are you feeling?”
Absolutely perfect.
How are you feeling?”
Donnie sat up and braced himself against the headboard, bringing Angelique with him so that his body supported her. “I’m feeling very humble, Angel. I’m feeling grateful for my wife, my baby, my family and my friends. And I’m thinking about A.J., too,” he admitted.
Angelique understood completely. A
J. had come over early on Christmas Eve to visit Angelique and bring her and the baby presents. The best gift of all was the portrait he’d taken of Donnie, Angelique, and Lily Rose. A week or so before Christmas he’d brought over a professional backdrop for their session. They dressed in off-white so that at last Lillian would have her complete set of family pictures. A
J. had had a difficult time posing them, as Donnie kept looking at Angelique instead of the camera. But he promised them they would have something beautiful and memorable and that’s just what he gave them. The baby was wide awake, her big eyes staring curiously into the lens. Angelique was leaning against Donnie with her eyes slightly closed and Donnie was kissing her temple, oblivious to any onlookers. They looked serenely and supremely happy and in love.
J. had given the portrait to Angelique and watched in satisfaction as her cheeks flushed pink and her eyes flooded with tears.
“All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, Angel. I think I got my wish. You’re an exceptional woman, one of a kind. And that’s a remarkable baby you made, she’s just what I would have expected of you. Be happy always, Angel.” He’d kissed her on the forehead and left shortly afterward.
Angelique was still in awe of his gen
erous gift. “That was a wonderfu
l thing he did for us, wasn’t it? A J. has meant so much to me, I’m glad you two have started to
get along. He’s my best friend
I’d hate to lose him.”
“You never will on my account, Angel. He’s a good man. We’ll be friends one day, I’m sure,” he promised.
They were quiet for a few minutes, enjoying their closeness. Angelique finally broke into their reverie with a confession. “I have to tell you something. I’ve been
around for the past few days and it suddenly dawned on me that your dad wanted me to tell you this, or he wouldn’t have told me. He knows I’m not going to keep any secrets from you.”
Donnie raised an eyebrow and grinned. “That sounds like Pop all right. So what is it you have to tell me?”
Angelique related the story Big Benny had told her on the day he’d sat with her. When she finished, Donnie looked as dazed as she had.
“So what are we supposed to do now?” she asked.
“I don’t t
we have a choice, Angel. But we’re not doing anything until after the wedding. Once we get back from our honeymoon, we’ll start on it then.” He looked at her with great love and tenderness.
“Until then,” he smiled and picked up the remote for the CD player, “let’s just have a merry Christmas, my Angel.”
With a flick of his thumb, the room was filled with the sound of her most beloved songs and she relaxed in the arms of her most beloved husband.
“Merry Christmas to you, too, Adonis.
This is just the beginning of a lifetime of them, you know.”
His eyes filled with love for her as he agreed.
“A lifetime of love.”