A Merry Dance Around the World With Eric Newby (47 page)

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Dom Borde Fils of Bordeaux, 24

Donaueschingen, 163

Dreesen, Bob, 142

Drummond, Anthony Dean, 72

Druzes, 60

Du Côté de Chez Swann
, 161

Dückelmann, Herr von, 141–2, 148

Duffy, Guardsman, 63

Dunbar, Sergeant, 63

Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 223

East India Company, 172

Eaton Beagles, 51

Eckenstein, Oscar, 151

Eckhart, Meister, 174

Ecochard, 195

Edward, Prince of Wales, 10

El Nil Hotel, Cairo, 185

Ennis, 252–3

Ennistymon, 250

Erikson, Gustav, 23, 24–5, 36

escape, 82–96

Essin, 41

Eugenie, Empress, 186

Everest Foundation, 146, 152, 158

Fanore, Ireland, 248

Farthingdale, ‘Feathers’, 79

Fascists, 88, 91, 93, 97, 121

Fastnet Rock, 47

Feisal, King, 59

Ferdinand of Portugal, Infante, 198

Fez, view from a hill, 193–207

Fleming, Peter, 136

Fodor’s Guide
, 184–5

Foggia, 115

Fondamenta Nuove, 182

Fontanellato, 74–6, 83, 87, 91, 127, 269

Fort Belvedere, 10

Fosdinovo, 262

Frick, Oberleutnant, 110–15

Froebel School, 12

Ftouh Gate, Fez, 205

Ganga Sava, 175

Ganges, 163–79

Gatling, Miss, 129

Gaumont British Film News
, 10

Gaza, 56

Gazzetta di Parma
, 88

Geneva Convention, 93

Genuine Irish Old Moore’s Almanack
, 252

Giulio, 87

Giza, Pyramids of, 188, 190–3

Glasgow, 137–8

Glenconner, Lord, 6

Gloucester, Duke of, 61

Grain Fleet, 25

Grain Race, 43, 47

Grand Hotel of Vuko Vuketic, 209

Grande Rue, Fez, 197–8

Great Pyramid: Its Divine Message
, 190

Grottes des Pigeons, 62

Guide to Switzerland
, 137

Haig, Field Marshal Earl, 6

Hansford, Harry, 14

Har-ki-Pairi Ghat, 164

Hardwar, 163–4, 174

Harrods, 4, 77, 79

Hawes and Curtis, 20

Haythorn, Henry, 190

Herzogin Cecilie
, 23

Hindu Kush, 138, 141

Hira Lai, boatman, 176

Hong Kong, 219, 235

Honiton, 9

Horglund, Reino, 32, 40

Hound of the Baskervilles
, 160

Howrah Bridge, 178

Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexandeindex 228

Hutchings, Betty, 11–13

Hutchings, Peter, II

Hyde-Clarke, Mr, 139–41, 145–6

Ibn Hani, 61

Importation of Plumage (Prohibition)

Act, 5

Iniskillin Dragoons, 246

Ireland, 239–57

Irish Road Book
, 245

Irkutsk, 220

Isle of Wight, 7–9

Ismailites, 60

Isola San Michele, 182

Isonzo, river, 163

Italy a prisoner in, 71–82

Izzot railway bridge, 167, 170

Jacobites, 60

Jezzar Pasha, 57

Jhusi, 170, 172

John Lewis Partnership, 163

JU 88s, 64, 69–70

Judith, climbing instructor, 151–2

Julian Alps, 163

Jumna, 170–1, 176

Kabul, 160

Kachauri Gali, 176

Kanpur, 163

Karlsson, Aina, 40–1

Kathy, mother’s help, 14

Kazan Station, 225

Keats, John, 14

Kelly’s, 254–5

Kerrin, Josie, 255

Kesselring, Field-Marshal, 92

Khabarovsk, 219–20, 230, 234

Khedive Ismail, 186

Kinvarra, 251

Kisaria, Fez, 204

Kisstar the Carpenter, 40

, 25

Komsomolskaya Square, 226

Kotor, 208, 213
Krasnaya Strela
, 215–18

Krivacko Zdrelo, 213

Kunji Gali, 176

Laeisz of Hamburg, 24

Lane & Newby, 128–38

Latvia, 2–3

Lebanon, 58

Lenin, 3

Leningrad, 215, 217–18

Lido, Venice, 180

Lisdoonvarna, 244–5, 247

Lokanda Hotel, Cetinje, 209–11

Lovcen Pass, 207–8, 213

Lubyanka, Moscow, 224

Luigi, 105–6, 110, 117

Lunario Barba-Nera
, 107

Lusk, Harold, 255

Lynch, Paddy, 255

McBean, Mr, 22

McKenna, Michael, 255

MacMahon, Mrs Mary, 250

Madonna del Rosaria
, 72–3

Magh Adhair, 253

Mahanta Krishna Mahatna, 172

Mahmut-Pasha Busatlija, Vizier, 213

Makara Sankranti, the day of, 169–76

Malta, 63–5

Maria Alexandrovna, Empress, 214

, 18

Maronites, 60

Marqab, 60

Mason’s Arms, Branscombe, 11

Maund, Admiral, 56

Maxwell outfitters, 49

May, Auntie, 7–8, 10

Mediterranean, around the, 180–214

, HMS, 54

Mee, Arthur, 15

Mela, 169

Melkites, 60

Milica Saric-Vukmanovic Bequest, 21

Milly, 139–40

Mir Samir, 143, 149–50, 157

Mirzapur, 173, 176

Mischa, Russian guide, 222–4, 227, 230–2, 236–8

Molo, 181

Moloney, Mick, 255

Monte Viso, 163

Montenegro, 180 a night in, 207–14

Morning Post
, 15

Moscow, 220

, 26–48

Mother Ganges
, 169

Moulay Idriss II, 207

mountains, in the, 96–103

Mukattam Hills, 188

Muravyev-Amursky, 235

, 244, 256–7

Muslims, 60

Mussolini, Benito, 87

Mykerinos, King, 188

Nahr el Kelb (Dog River), 59

Nakhodka, 235–6

Napoleon I, 57, 183

Narial Bazaar, 176

National Hotel, Leningrad, 218

Nero (dog), 105, 117–19, 21

Nestorians, 60

Nevski Prospekt, Leningrad, 215

Newby, Hilda (mother), 1, 7–9, 77

Newby, G.A. (father), 1, 7, 9, 15, 26, 30–1, 129

Newby, Wanda, 12, 83–94, 106, 119–20, 127, 138, 143–4, 148–9, 152, 163–4, !98, 211, 222, 231, 235–49, 251, 256, 258–9, 263

Njegusi, 208

Norman, Pat, 64–6, 70

Novosibirsk, 220

Novosti Agency, 220–1, 230

Nuristan, Hindu Kush, 141–2, 144, 152–62

Oblomov, Mr, 221–2

O’Connor, Patrick, 255

O’Hagerty, Mr, 252, 255

, 69

Old Mechouar, Fez, 198

O’Lochlan, Mr, 249

O’Looney, Michael, 255

Operation Aluite
, 57–8

Operation Pedestal
, 69

Operation Whynot
, 63–70

Orologio, Merceria dell’, 184

Ospedale Peracchi
, 84–5, 87–90

Ost-West Express, 218

Otto, 236–7

German photographer, 222, 226–7, 230–2

, barque, 24

Palazzo dell Prigioni, 181

Palazzo Ducale, 182

Palestine, 56–8

Panzer Division, Sixteenth, 95–6

Papen, Franz von, 58

Parian, 159

Paribragikachary, 172

, barque, 46

Parma, 71, 88, 96, 127

Peronne, 5

Peshawar, 141

Peter II Petrovi Njeqos, 213

Philo, 59

Phrygian, Miss, 20–1

Pian del Sotto, 101, 103–9, 110–22, 124

Pianura Padana, 71

Piazza San Marco, 181, 183, 185

Piazzetta San Marco, 182–3

Pierino, 123

Pipinen, 41

Plain of Luni, 268

Po, river, 163

Pont, Mr, 49

Ponte di Paglia, 181

Port Lincoln, 42

Port Victoria, 42–3, 46–7

Poulsallagh, 248

Pouret, Paul, 4

, 227

Pringle, Julian, 20

, 24

Pyramid, in and out of a, 185–93

Qalaun, 60

Queen Elizabeth
, 55

Queen’s Dock, Glasgow, 47

Queenstown, 42, 47

Quest for Corvo
, 556

Radio Roma, 87

rag trade, in the, 128–46

Rannoch, Moor, 138

Ras Shamrah, 61–2

Red Arrow, 215–20

Red Cross, 74–5, 80, 91

Reg, Uncle, 10

Reidenfelt, Lilly, 21–2

Resistance, 72

Rialto, Venice, 184

Richardson, Dr, 150–1

Rio Palazzo, 181

Rishikesh, 164

Rita, Italian girl, 106, 108, 117, 119–2

Riva degli Schiavoni, 180–1, 183

Rocca Sanvitale, 74

Rome, 69–70

Rommel, Field-Marshal Erwin, 62

Romney Marsh, 66

, Trans-Siberian Railway, 218, 227–9, 234, 236

Rotten Row, 78

Rotterdam Bar, 29

Royal Armoured Wing, 77

Royal Military College, Camberley, 49–54

Royal Tank Regiment, 77

Rundle, Lettice, 21–2

Russia, 215–38

Ryan, John, 255

St Clement Danes, 15

St George Hotel, 62

St Mark’s Basin, 180

St Paul’s Cathedral, 88

St Paul’s (school), 1, 17–18

Salcombe, 23

Salerno, 88

Salsomaggiore, 113

San Daniele del Carso, 87

San Giorgio Maggiore, 180

San Giulino, Merceria di, 184

San Salvatore, Merceria di, 184

Sandell, 35, 37, 39, 41

Sandhurst, 77

Sangam, 170–4, 176

Santa Maria della Salute, 180

Sanvitale family, 74

Sarasvati, 170

Sark, 9

Scanlan, Michael, 255

Schechtel, F.O., 224

Scott, Sir Walter, 18–19

Sea of Japan, 219

Second World War, 49–127

Sedelquist, sailor, 31–3, 37, 39, 41

Sennett, Mack, 240

Shahnaiz, 159

Shannon Pot, 256

Shari el-Ahram, 186

Shchusev, A.W., 225

Sheehan, Mick, 255

Sicily, 63

Sinai, 56

Sinkiang, 136

Sitwell, Sacheverell, 219

Sloane Street, London, 78

Slovenia, 86–7

Smithers, Mrs, 129–30

Socks (dog), 65, 70

Solium, 80

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