A Merry Dance Around the World With Eric Newby (46 page)

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I Castagni – for twenty-five years our home in Italy.

Would-be passenger.

A formidable brace of conductresses on the
(Russia) which for Soviet citizens used to take seven twenty-four-hour days (170 hours and 5 minutes) to cover the 5810 miles from Moscow to Vladivostock. For foreigners, who had to go to Nakhodka, the journey took almost eight twenty-four-hour days, 192 hours and 35 minutes, which included a stopover from day seven to day eight at Khabarovsk on the Amur River. From Nadhodka you can take a ferry to Japan.

Woman of Sassalbo, a loney village below the main ridge of the Apennines – a picture taken twenty years ago.

Signor Giuseppe and Signora Fernanda, who lived next door to us at
I Castagni

Dinner for out neighbours.



The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader’s search tools.

A Christmas Carol
, 37

A Pilgrim’s Travel Guide
, 166–7

Abdul Ghiyas, 157

Acre, 57

Adriatic Highway, 207

Advertising, 20–3

Agata, Signora, 105, 108–9, 116, 121

Ailwee Cave, Ireland, 245

Akbar’s Fort, 168, 170–1, 173, 176

al-Mamun, Caliph, 189, 191

Ala Napoleonica, 182

Alambazar, 177

Alawites, 60

Alexandria, 54

Allahabad, 167–8, 171, 173, 176

Allen, Sergeant, 53–4

Alpine Club, 152

Alvar, 31, 36–7, 45–6

Aly Khan, Princess, 70

Amurkabel, Russia, 231–3

Anchore, Ambrosio dalle, 183

Andrea of Spoleto, 198

Angiolina, Signora, 258–61, 263–4, 268–9

Ankara, 58

Antipater of Sidon, 188

Apennines, 97, 105

Arayu, 157–9

Arbuckle, Fatty, 240

Armando, Italian boy, 105, 108–9, 115, 117

Armenians, 60

Armistice, 72

Around the world in a four-masted barque, 24–48

Arti Puja, 175

Atlas Mountains, 162

Attilio, 266, 269–70

Aurangzeb, 174

Axhead, Miss, 128–31

Bab Bou Jeloud, Fez, 199

Bab es-Seba, Fez, 198

Bag Nath, boatman, 176

Baillie-Stewart (traitor), 70

Balawali Bridge, 164

Baldwin, Lady, 4

Ballylaban Ringfort, 249

Ballynalackan Castle, 248

Ballyvaughan, 242–51

Balmoral, 10

Bamford family, 10–12

Banaras, 174–5

Banaras bridge, 172

Banaras, Maharaja of, 176

Bapaume, 5

Bartolomeo, 124–6

Bartrum, Mr, 152

Baruffa, Signor, 96–7, 100, 106

Baruffini, Signor, 91–2

Bastonby, ‘Bolo’, 79

Bay of Catania, 63

BBC, 87–8

Beer, 12

Beirut, 59, 62

Bell, John, 19

Belvoir Hunt, 2

Bemersyde Fund, 6

Ben Ime, 138

Ben Vorlich, 138

Beoraha Babu, 172

Berbers, 200–1

Beresnev, Mr, 231–2

Bhimgoda, 164

Bicycle Buyer’s Bible
, 239, 241

bicycles, 239–42

birth of a traveller, 1–9

Bitter Lakes, 54–5

Boehm (philosopher), 174

Bolsheviks, 3

Botti, Signor, 263

Bou Inanya College, Fez, 203

Bou Jeloud gardens, Fez, 198

Branscombe, 9–14

Bridge of Sighs, 181

Brohan’s, 254–6

Brunswick, Germany, 127

Buchanan, Desmond, 65, 70

Burlington Arcade, 80

Burren, 246, 248–9

Butler, Corporal, 63, 67

Byblos, 59

Caesarea, 57

Cahermore, 249

Cairo, 62, 185–6

Calcutta, 163 arrival at, 177–9

Caledonia, wild, 132–38

Calla delle Rasse, 181

Calle Albanesi, 181

Canale di San Marco, 180

Caniparola, 262

Cape Horn, 43, 46

Capo Campolato, 63

Cappanawalla mountain, 249

Caracalla, Emperor, 59

Carless, Hugh, 141–62

Carran Depression, 246

Casey, Frank, 255

Cash family, 255

, I, 258–70

Castelnau, Mortlake, 1

Catania, 64, 66, 69

Caterham, Surrey, 56

Cavalleria di Genova
, 70

cave of one’s own, a, 122–7

Cavell, Nurse, 88

Cele Kula, Serbia, 212

Cetinje, 207–14

Chamar, 157, 161

Chamar Pass, 152

Channel Islands, 15

Charterhouse of Parma
, 161

Cheops, King, 188, 192

Chephren, King, 188–9

‘Cherry-Pickers’, regiment, 80

Children’s Colour Book of Lands and
, 15–17

Chioggia, 180

Churchill, Winston, 52

Clegg, Company Sergeant-Major, 49, 52–3, 106, no

Cobh, 42

Colet Court, 17

Colle del Santo, 103, 105, 109, 127

Combined Operations Centre, Kabrit, 54

Companion Guide tofugoslavia
, 209

Conrad, Joseph, 179

Conroy, Thomas, 255

Conte Giovanni
, 74

Coogan, Jackie, 240

Cooke, John, 257

Cook’s Continental Timetable
, 218

Corkscrew Hill, 245–7

Courtney, Roger, 54

Cripps, Sir Stafford, 128

Crnojevic Monastery, 212

Crookhaven, 47

Cuddon, J.A., 209

Cuilcagh Mountains, 256

Cumper, Bill, 55

Curzon Bridge, 170

Cyclists’ Touring Club, 245

Cyprus, 58

Daily Express
, 133

Daily Mail
, 20, 133

Daily Mirror
, 1

Daily Telegraph
, 1

Damascus, 59

Dandolo, Doge, 182

Daniel Neal’s, 12

Danube, 163

Davidson, David, 190–1

de Gaulle, General, 53–4

death of a salesman, 139–46

Directorate of Combined Operations (DCO), 56

Dolores, Italian girl, 106, 109, 117–20

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