A Matter of Honor (19 page)

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Authors: Nina Coombs Pykare

BOOK: A Matter of Honor
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Cecilie nodded. “As I was telling you, Lord
practically forced his way in. He was very cordial and friendly.”

The Earl seemed about to say something, then curbed himself. Aggie, watching the two, felt admiration for Cecilie. She might be young and naive, but when Cecilie believed she was right and when she got her back up about it, there was no withstanding her.

“Yes, Lord Parrington was very friendly,” Cecilie continued while the Earl grappled with his rage. “I’m afraid, though, that I rather ruined his day.”

She paused, seeming to invite comment, and his lordship inquired in a choked voice, “How so?”

smiled smugly. “He inquired about my health after the balloon flight and about
She paused dramatically. “Imagine! A man who treats his cattle so poorly! I told him I wanted nothing to do with a man who is unkind to animals.”

His lordship’s eyebrows grew closer with each sentence, but the expression of surprise that crept over his features was startling.

“Then,” said Cecilie in the same indignant tone, “he tried to feed me some
tale about having new-bought his team. But I knew better and I sent him packing. I assure you, milord” - Cecilie concluded her story with obvious satisfaction - “that I would never have anything to do with such a man. Please inform Bates that in the future I am not to be at home to him.”

“Very well,” replied his lordship in a strangely strangled tone. Aggie wondered for a moment if he might be choking back a laugh.
rather amusing.

got to his feet. “May I offer you my apologies
You handled a diff
cult situation with f
nesse. I congratulate you.”

Cecilie rose, too, assuming an air of gravity that almost made the relieved Aggie giggle. “Thank you, milord. I appreciate your approval. And now, if we have nothing further to discuss, I believe I shall release
from his imprisonment in my chamber and take him for a stroll in the garden.”

The Earl nodded. “An excellent idea.”

turned toward the door
Aggie rose to follow her. She was acutely aware of the heart pounding in her breast and the blood pulsing in her veins. She did not want to be left alone with his lordship, but as she moved to pass him, he laid a detaining hand on her arm. The flesh under his warm f
ngers seemed to quiver with a life of its own and she stopped as he said, “Go ahead to the garden, Cecilie. I shall detain Miss
for a few moments.”

Cecilie nodded. “Keep Aggie as long as you please, milord. I don’t need her right now.” And Cecilie passed from the room like some great dowager.

If the Earl’s hand had not still been on her arm, Aggie would have seen the humor in
actions. But
touch drove everything else from her mind. All her body seemed to be concentrating on the spot that he was touching.

He waited until the door closed behind
and Aggie stood there, her head bowed. They were too close for her to dare look up at him
she could not chance betraying her feelings. His hand seemed to burn into her flesh as he spoke. “I kept you behind because I owe you an apology.”

Aggie nodded, keeping her eyes on his buff waistcoat. She took a step to move away, but his hand restrained her.

guardian has unnerved me
” he said softly. “Never have I been accustomed to - to bullying women.” There was a pause as though he expected a reply, but Aggie could think of nothing to say. “I have been bullying you, have I not?”

This time Aggie’s nod was more vigorous, but still she did not raise her head.

There was the sound of a deep sigh. Then, in a voice hoarse with emotion,
asked, “Am I so repugnant to you that you can’t bear to look at me?”

Aggie’s head snapped up in surprise. “Of course not.” Moved by the pain in his voice, she answered without thinking. But then, as his eyes held hers, she realized what she had done. His eyes seemed to be drawing her into their smoky depths and she was powerless to prevent it. She did not know that her own eyes widened with fright and her lower lip trembled. His gaze held hers steadily and her knees began to tremble. Finally she wrenched her eyes away
but they fell on the lips so close to her own and her trembling increased. Fascinated, she gazed at the mouth that had driven her to such heights of joy and she knew with sinking heart that she wanted to feel those lips on hers again, wanted to be lost in his arms.

“Do you accept my apology?” he asked softly.

“Yes, milord.” She managed to find her voice.

“Good.” His eyes were warm and loving. Aggie fought their power. For what seemed an eternity, she stood there, waiting, her heart pounding in her throat.

Finally he spoke again. “I am glad you forgive me
Aggie. I want us to deal well together.” And then, with a warm smile and a swift caress to her cheek, he left the sitting room.

Aggie had no idea how long she stood there, f
ghting to regain her sense. It was useless to remind herself of what he had done to her. When he looked at her like that, she wanted only one thing, the feel of his arms, the arms of a man who had once deserted her.

Aggie sank onto a divan and burst into tears.


pter Thirteen


Several days passed. Aggie and Cecilie
received a few callers - more blocks, Cecilie averred. Gapeseeds, peageese
none of them even remotely husband material. This one was too fat, that one too thin. This too tall, that too short. This had no use for animals, that none for children. This danced like a stick, that sat on his horse like an old woman.

In spite of this, the Earl and Cecilie returned to a state of formal politeness, though now Aggie sensed a little more respect on Denby’s part. This gave her a great deal of satisfaction. It was time he realized that Cecilie’s understanding was actually quite good. She was not at all dense, just a little stubborn, and more than a little naive.

Their dinners were almost pleasant, Cecilie and the Earl vying to outdo each other in good manners. The only jarring note was caused by Aggie’s feelings for Denby
She could not relax in his company. Even though he was unfailingly polite to her and there were no more incidents during which he made advances
she could not help but be torn by her longing for him, a longing that seemed to shake the very depths of her being.

It was nearly a week after Cecilie
unexpected balloon flight that the Earl announced that they would be attending Covent Garden two nights hence.

is doing Hamlet,” he said, his eyes surveying them both. “It should be interesting.”

Aggie nodded. She spoke very little in his presence these days. There seemed to be a strange constriction in her throat.

“That sounds capital,” said Cecilie
pleasantly. “Though it is another tragedy. Perhaps someday soon we may see a comedy.”

Denby nodded. “I will keep that in mind.” He smiled slightly. “Indeed, I had not forgotten your preference. It is only that Kemble is getting on and one never knows how much longer we shall be able to see him.”

Cecilie nodded. “I understand.”

“I believe you still have some gowns you have not yet worn,” his lordship said.

“Yes, milord. Several.”

“Good. I don’t want anyone to think that I am a nip-farthing. On the other hand, we don’t want to waste your substance.”

“You’re quite right, milord,” agreed Cecilie
There was something in her tone that caused Aggie to look at her sharply. Even with her new composure it was not like Cecilie to agree so sweetly. Unless
Then, as Cecilie smiled at his lordship and went on talking, she knew she had guessed right. “I have more than enough gowns, but Aggie has not.”

Aggie felt the blood rush to her face, but Cecilie did not pause.

“She has only the two new ones we purchased before. Her morning gowns are all quite faded, too. I should like for us to order her some new gowns. Charged to my account, of course.”

Finally Aggie found her tongue. “Really, Cecilie, what I have are f
ne. You must not waste your money on me.”

Cecilie turned to the Earl. “Look at the gown she is wearing now, milord. It is quite old. I swear she was wearing it when she came to me five years ago.”

As Denby’s eyes swept over her, Aggie flushed even more. The gown was old - and shabby, but she had not minded. Now, however, under the scrutiny of the Earl’s eyes, she had a sudden picture of the charming, well-dressed Lady Alicia and she felt herself dowdy and plain.

It seemed a very long time before the Earl spoke, but when he did
his voice was soft. “You are quite right. Miss Trimble needs some new gowns. We shall see to it.”

Genuine joy shown on Cecilie’s face. “Capital, milord. You know, you are really not such a bad fellow after all.”

Denby’s eyes held amusement, but he did not smile as he answered gravely, “I hoped that time and proximity would convince you of that.” He shot a quick glance at Aggie. “It does most people.”

“You are both very kind,” said Aggie, ignoring this last thrust. “But my gowns are just f

“Nonsense.” The Earl leaned over and f
ngered the material of her gown. “This stuff is about to disintegrate. Besides, you must consider Miss Winthrop’s reputation - and mine. You do not want us branded as clutch-f
sted, now do you?”

Of course she didn’t, but neither did she want to be the recipient of the Earl’s charity, which she very much suspected was what he intended. There seemed little she could do to stop him, however, and so she resigned herself.

” said Cecilie to his lordship. “Do you suppose we can get one made before Covent Garden?”

The Earl smiled. “Of course. You can go to Bond Street tomorrow.”

“We can’t go tomorrow,” said Aggie. “We have other things to do.”

Denby continued to smile at Cecilie
“Never fear. Miss Trimble will have a new gown for Covent Garden whether she will or no. I shall see to it in the morning. First thing.”

Cecilie clapped her hands. “Very good, milord. Thank you.”

* * * *

True to the Earl’s word, Aggie’s new gown arrived early on the day of their trip to the theater. Accompanying it was a message that the morning gowns and walking dresses he had also ordered would soon follow. Aggie shook her head. This expense was too much.

But Cecilie unpacked the gown with childish glee. “Oh, Aggie, do look! It’s just lovely!”

Uncomfortable as she was with the whole thing, Aggie was forced to agree. The gown was of cream-colored satin embroidered with seed pearls. Its deep-cut neckline was surrounded by a delicate lace-edged ruffle - Brussels lace
thought Aggie, shuddering at the cost. The ruffle extended over the shoulders to make little sleeves and the skirt terminated in a row of the same lace which also formed the belt and dangled in two long ribbons down the back of the gown. It was an absolutely beautiful gown - very like the one in which she had made her own come out. But that gown and all her other good ones had been sold long ago to pay her father’s creditors. “It is far too costly a gown for a companion,” she said, her heart in her throat.

“Nonsense,” said Cecilie
“It is just the thing for you. And we shall have Millie put your hair up on top of your head - in all those little curls - and twist a string of pearls through it. Yes, that will be perfect. Just perfect.”

* * * *

As she stood before her cheval glass that evening Aggie felt like a different woman. The gown enhanced her rosy complexion and the rich sheen of her dark hair. She stifled an exclamation as she saw how deep the neckline delved, much more than that in the gown for her come out had. But of course she was now a mature woman
and, after all, this gown was not indecent. It certainly did not give her the look of a poverty-stricken companion, however, and for a moment she flushed as she considered what the whispering tongues would say. Her father’s affairs had been bruited about the
and everyone was well aware that his daughter had little income. They knew she could not afford such a rich gown. People would say that she was putting herself forward. Well, there was little she could do about it. Denby was not a man to be gainsaid and it was clear that he intended her to have this gown.

Her eyes moved to where her dark hair was piled high in shining ringlets and threaded through with strands of gleaming pearls. The effect was quite beautiful, she thought, and spoke admiringly to Millie, whose smile reflected her joy in the praise.

who had been slipping into her gown, turned as Aggie entered her room. “Oh my!” she breathed. “It’s an absolute stopper!”

Aggie halted in embarrassment, wondering for the hundredth time where Cecilie acquired these additions to her vocabulary.

“Oh, Aggie, if only someone could see you now!” Cecilie cried.

The color fled Aggie’s cheeks immediately and she sent Cecilie a warning glance. She did not want her story circulated among the help, but her pallor was not entirely caused by that. In a few moments, the person Cecilie was speaking of
see her. She would be facing the Earl. And how would this gown affect him?

She turned her attention to Cecilie
Of pale blue silk with long narrow sleeves and a fashionably high bodice, her gown emphasized Cecilie’s fair coloring. “You look quite beautiful,” Aggie said.

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