Read A Match Made In Texas Online

Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #Diamondback Ranch#3

A Match Made In Texas (6 page)

BOOK: A Match Made In Texas
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Theresa took the papers and glanced through them. "Ah yes, her bibliography for the science paper she wrote. I recall telling her she could turn it in late, but I assumed she meant Monday." She set them on the table near the door.


Turning toward him again, she crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts even tighter against the tank top. Austin's hands itched to cup them, weigh them in his palms, rub his thumbs across the peaks.


Theresa quickly dropped her arms and cleared her throat. "Um, would you like to come in? There's coffee. It's fresh."


He shouldn't stay. He should get the hell out of Dodge. "Sure, why not." Removing his Stetson, Austin stepped across the threshold, brushing against her as he passed. The heat from her body nearly scorched him.


She closed the door and stood with her hand on the knob, facing him, her breasts thrusting toward him. She bit her bottom lip, worrying it with her teeth.


Austin wondered if she regretted inviting him in. Had it been on impulse? Did she realize how attractive and appealing he found her? Did she know she was playing with fire?


He was fast losing the battle raging inside of himself. He wanted this woman. With her so close, so available, Austin didn't want to think of the reasons he should keep his hands off her. He was a man. She was a desirable woman.


He walked toward her, stared down at her. She was breathing heavily, almost gasping. Her chest rose and fell with each breath.


He tipped her chin up. "I don't think either of us really wants coffee."


you want?" Her voice sounded husky. Reminding him of darkened rooms, fluffy pillows. As she looked up at him, the towel tumbled down, leaving her hair hanging damply against her head.


Austin caught the towel around her and pulled her close. "Only this." He took her mouth in a searing kiss, plunging his tongue inside her sweet warmth.


He felt her arms creep around his waist as she hugged herself against his hard body. Dropping the towel, he cupped her bottom, pulling her tighter against him. He angled his head and thrust deeper with his tongue, tangling with hers, nipping the inside of her lips, drinking in her taste. A sexy moan in the back of her throat nearly sent him over the edge.


He backed her against the door and lifted her up. "Put your legs around me," he commanded, and she complied. Austin buried his face in the hollow between her neck and shoulder, kissing the soft curve, trailing a fiery path down to her breasts.


Theresa raked her fingers through Austin's golden hair. Tilting her head back, she allowed him access to her body. His breath was hot against her skin. She gripped her legs around his waist, holding on for dear life. His touch, his kiss was everything she dreamed it would be and more.


She had never felt such freedom, such intensity, such abandon. Every nerve ending was on the alert. Ultra sensitized, responding to each caress. His hard body fit hers perfectly. Theresa knew she wasn't very experienced, but instinct told her she had found her match.


Austin raised her shirt, exposing her breasts. He licked the nipples and blew softly, before taking one in his mouth and sucking hard. Theresa nearly screamed from the exquisite pleasure shooting down her spine.


She felt him thrust hard against the thin material of her shorts. An ache deep within yearned for deeper contact. She rubbed against the pressure and heard Austin groan. A thrill whisked through her knowing she had that affect on him.


He lifted his head and took her mouth again. Kissed her with fierce urgency. His hands were hard, almost brutal, as he gripped her thighs. He ravaged her mouth, plundering and taking.


He reached one hand down between them and cupped her, stroking her through her shorts. Her body instantly responded. His hand left her and she yearned for his touch there again. Then, she heard the rasp of his zipper as he started to pull it down.


Breaking contact, Theresa shuddered as she tried to breathe. Her lungs empty, she gulped for air. Austin was breathing heavily, too. His face only inches away. His eyes gleaming with suppressed passion. Grasping her nape, he pulled her even closer. His lips brushed against hers.


"Come on, sweetheart," he whispered. "It'll be good, I promise."


Theresa knew it would be wonderful. But afterwards? What then? Somehow, she had to find the strength to end this moment of madness. Everything was going too fast. Spiraling out of control.


"No. Austin, I can't do this.
can't do this." Releasing her legs from around his waist, she slid to the floor. For a moment, she felt herself wobble, her knees refusing to cooperate and hold her up. Her whole body shimmered with reaction. She had no idea how she had let it get this far.


Austin stepped back and turned away. His shoulders heaved as he tried to regain control. It had been years since he had lost control like that.
he had ever lost control like that.


"You're right," he said. "We can't do this. Not here. Not now. Stay away from me, Theresa Rogers. I'm giving you fair warning. I want you. But only in a physical way. I have nothing else to give you. You can either take it or leave it. It's your choice."


He grabbed his Stetson and slammed out the door, leaving Theresa staring after him.




Over the next couple of weeks, Theresa went through the motions of going to work, coming home, grading papers, and going to work again. She felt like something momentous was hanging in the balance. Some life-altering event was teetering in front of her. It had something to do with Austin McCade. And she didn't know if it would be good or bad.


October blew in with a vengeance. The temperatures plummeted. Some nights reached near freezing. Theresa was still trying to get used to the weather and climate of West Texas. Very different from the Gulf Coast and Houston. It was drier and windier in the panhandle. And a lot colder. There would be no more tank tops and shorts for a while.


Just the thought of tank tops made her shiver. And not because of the low temperatures. She couldn't seem to shake the picture of her and Austin kissing. She was still amazed at how quickly the kiss had escalated into hot, dangerous passion. They had almost made love. Right there in her living room. Except it wouldn't have been making love. It would have been having sex. At least, for Austin.


Theresa assured herself that she wasn't in love with Austin. Not yet. But she was falling fast. She felt a connection to him, going beyond sexual attraction.


She admired him for raising a daughter alone. He obviously adored Kelsey. She even admired his loyalty to his wife. The man was capable of strong emotions. Only, he had shut down when his wife had died.


Theresa wondered if it would be worth trying to break through Austin's protective layering. Try to win his love. If he was capable of loving again. He wanted her sexually. He had admitted as much. And the way they had kissed. The way the sparks had ignited and exploded. It left her breathless just thinking about it.


These same thoughts had been going around and around in her brain ever since that Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago. It was getting her nowhere. Austin had practically thrown an ultimatum at her, and she honestly didn't know what to do.


Never having had an intimate relationship with a man, Theresa felt completely out of her depth. She knew if she became physically involved with Austin, her heart would be at risk. She also knew if a person never took risks, life wasn't worth living.


Glancing at the clock on the wall of her classroom, Theresa decided to call it quits for the day. Her tummy grumbled with hunger. Even though it was only four-thirty, she heard a cheeseburger and fries calling her name from the cafe.


Ten minutes after giving Sarah Sue her order, Theresa sat at the counter talking to the waitress, sipping a soda. The place was practically empty. Too early for the dinner crowd just yet. A bell tinkled over the door and Kelsey McCade made a beeline toward Theresa.


"Hi, Miss Rogers," she said, sitting on the stool near her teacher. "Hi, Sarah Sue. Can I have a corndog and tater-tots, please? I'm starved."


"What are you doing in town, Kelsey? Did you miss the bus?" Theresa asked.


"No, I don't go home on Wednesdays. I have band after school, then soccer practice at five-thirty. Dad picks me up at the field. Thanks," she said, when the waitress set a large cola in front of her.


Sarah Sue gave Theresa her burger basket, poured herself a cup of coffee, then leaned on the counter, preparing to visit.


"How's that handsome daddy of yours doing, darlin'?" she asked.


Kelsey shrugged. "Fine. Busy. You know--same old, same old."


"I haven't seen him in a while. Tell him to stop by some time and see ol' Sarah Sue." She turned to the order window behind her, retrieved a red plastic basket, then set it in front of the little girl.


"Thanks," said Kelsey. "I'll tell him. But you know he doesn't get out much. I'm working on it, though." She bit into the steaming corndog.


"One of your projects?" Sarah Sue asked, taking a sip of coffee.


"You could say that."


Theresa listened to the conversation as she ate her meal. She wondered if the "project" had anything to do with herself.


"What are
doing this afternoon, Miss Rogers?" Kelsey asked after a minute.


"Nothing much. Why?" Theresa dipped a fry in catsup and bit into it, eyeing her pupil with curiosity.


"Oh, I thought you might like to watch me practice soccer."


"I can't believe you're going to practice soccer in this weather? The wind is vicious, and it's awfully cold out."


Kelsey popped a tater-tot into her mouth. "Sure we're going to practice. We're not wimps. Besides, soccer doesn't stop for anything except lightning."




Kelsey nodded. "So, will you come?"


"I don't think so. Not this time," she said, cringing at the thought of facing Austin McCade again.


"Aw, please? You said you weren't doing anything."


Theresa shook her head. "I really need to grade papers this evening. I'm behind. I'll drive you over to the field, though. How about that?"




Theresa watched Kelsey happily consume the rest of her food. She had a funny feeling that soccer wasn't the only game Kelsey was playing.


The drive to the soccer field lasted a good five minutes. Salt Fork was a small town. It didn't take long to get anywhere within the city limits.


Pulling up to the playing area, Theresa stopped her car. Kelsey was busy putting on shin guards and soccer shoes. She had changed into a warm sweat suit at the cafe.


"Thanks for the ride," Kelsey said. "Are you sure you won't stay and watch?"


"Maybe some other time," Theresa said.


"How about Saturday? We have a game at eleven, and it's right here. And it's not just me on the team. Charlotte, Amelia, and Lisa play, too. Please say you'll come. Please?"


Theresa couldn't resist the appeal in the big blue eyes. She had a soft spot for the little girl, that was for sure. "Okay," she finally conceded.


"Promise?" Kelsey asked.


"I promise," Theresa said with a laugh.


"Great. Hey, there's my dad."


Theresa's heart nearly stopped. "Where? I thought you said he was going to pick you up later."


"Sometimes he meets me here and watches the practice." She hopped out of the car. "Dad! Over here!" She waved toward a blue pickup truck.


"Kelsey, I really need to get home," Theresa said.


"Okay." Kelsey ran to hug her dad, leaving the door wide open.


Theresa caught a glimpse of plaid shirt, worn jeans over muscled thighs, and a tooled belt with a silver buckle striding over to her car. She swallowed hard.


"Hey, hotshot," Austin said, ruffling Kelsey's hair and taking her backpack and books. "Who did you badger into giving you a ride this time?" He stooped over, leaning his arm on the frame of the door, looking in. "Thanks for giving Kelsey a ride," he said, still smiling. Then the smile quickly disappeared and a frown marred the dark brows, the hazel eyes narrowed.


"Hello, Miss Rogers," he said, tipping his hat.


The contrast in his tone when he realized who had driven his daughter to the soccer field left Theresa gripping the steering wheel tightly. It didn't sound like he was too thrilled to see her.


She lifted her chin. She wasn't going to let the tumultuous feelings between them keep her from having a friendly relationship with Kelsey. He would just have to get over it.


"Hello," she said, forcing herself to meet his eyes.


Kelsey leaned near her dad and tugged his arm. "
, Dad. Remember, you're supposed to call her


"Oh, right. Theresa." He straightened. "Your coach is waiting, Kels. Go on over and I'll be there in a minute. I have something to discuss with . . . Theresa."

BOOK: A Match Made In Texas
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