Read A Match Made In Texas Online

Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #Diamondback Ranch#3

A Match Made In Texas (17 page)

BOOK: A Match Made In Texas
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"Darlin', you won't be in anything but your birthday suit when we go to bed," Austin said with a wicked grin.


Theresa felt her cheeks redden. "I want it to be special. Let me cook dinner for you tonight. I'll wear something nice. We'll have soft music, candlelight. Please, Austin?"


He nodded. "Okay. Do me a favor, though. Wear that little black number you wore to the homecoming dance. You owe me one, remember?"


She stuffed the stocking cap back on her head, blushing. "Yes, I remember. Is seven all right?"


"That's fine." He pulled her against him for a quick hard kiss, before he let her get completely away. He watched her run down the road until she was out of sight.


Austin walked to his truck and climbed in. He hoped he didn't end up hurting Theresa. He liked her too much. That was the crux to the whole situation.
He liked her too much.
Ever since he had met her, warning bells had been ringing in his brain. But he didn't want to listen to his brain. He just hoped to God he didn't end up hurting himself, either.




The rest of the morning and afternoon flew by for Theresa. She cleaned the house, then ran some errands. Driving to a town an hour away, she purchased some sexy underwear, smiling in anticipation of Austin's reaction tonight. She wasn't smiling when she made a quick stop at the drugstore for a box of condoms. Standing before a large display, she shuddered to think what would happen if she bought this kind of thing in Salt Fork, where everyone knew her.


Theresa frowned at the selection and variety. She wanted the night to be perfect. Condoms weren't very romantic, but a girl had to be careful in this day and age. She was willing to give up her virginity, but didn't want to risk getting pregnant. Grabbing a box from the shelf, she tried not to blush when she checked out.


Back in Salt Fork, she stopped at the grocery store and bought the makings for salad and lasagna. On the way home, she felt pretty pleased with herself. After she put the lasagna in the oven to bake, she'd take a nice long bubble bath.


Soaking in the tub, Theresa contemplated her wardrobe. Austin wanted her to wear the black dress. Images of their encounter in the cafeteria kitchen floated in her mind. Delicious tremors scurried along her body when she remembered Austin's every touch. Tonight there would be no empty unfinished feelings. Austin would take her to new heights when they made love. Theresa smiled to herself as she shaved her legs.


After she dried off with a big fluffy towel, she pulled on her new panties and fastened the front clasp of the matching lace bra. Sitting at her vanity, Theresa blew her hair dry and curled the ends with a hot curling iron. She carefully applied makeup and dabbed perfume behind her ears and on her wrists. Austin wouldn't know what hit him, tough cowboy that he was.


In her closet, she slipped on the black dress and a pair of barely-black stockings. She nearly panicked when she couldn't find her shoes. Searching everywhere, she finally discovered them under the bed.


One last look in the mirror told her she was looking her best. It gave her a much needed boost of confidence, because when she glanced at the clock and realized Austin would be there any second, she suddenly felt nervous and edgy. All day she had been busy, and now the moment of truth was fast approaching. There would be no turning back.


The knock on the door made her jump. Taking a deep breath, she stilled her racing heart and fluttering stomach. Everything would be fine. She crossed her fingers for good luck and went to answer the door.




Once again, Austin found himself standing on Theresa's front porch. Time had dragged since this morning. Minutes had seemed like hours, the hours like days. His body pounded with sexual frustration. It was building to a crescendo of hot burning need. He wanted Theresa with an urgency that frightened him. And if that wasn't bad enough, in one corner of his mind, a voice kept whispering that he was betraying Deborah.


He seemed to be the only one who had a problem with this. Kelsey didn't mind. Far from it. She'd done her best to promote a union between him and Theresa. And his mother certainly didn't have a problem with him seeing Theresa. Why should he feel so guilty?


Shaking the confusing thoughts from his mind, Austin knocked on the door. He wouldn't think about the past or the future. He had decided to live for the moment and damn the consequences. Now, he just needed to do it.


Theresa opened the door. Austin's body quickened at the sight of her loveliness.


"Hi," she said with a shy smile, opening the screen door to allow him to enter.


He felt like a tongue-tied teenager. It occurred to him that he hadn't been on a real date since before his marriage. And this certainly counted as a date. Except he knew where this date was going to end up. Going to bed was a given tonight, not just a hope like in his younger days.


A tantalizing aroma filled the house. Austin sniffed the air. "What's for dinner? It smells great."


"Lasagna. Come on in."


Austin closed the door behind him. The living room was softly lit by one lamp and several candles flickering on tables around the room. A Beatles song played quietly in the background.


He followed Theresa into the kitchen. The table was set for two with candles burning in crystal holders placed in the center. The atmosphere was ripe for seduction. And Theresa was dressed to seduce. His loins tightened as he admired the lush body in the enticing black dress, with the soft fabric caressing Theresa's shape, draped ever so subtly, outlining every curve.


Theresa stopped at the counter and turned to face him. "I bought wine to go with the meal. I hope that's okay."


Austin stood by the table striving to control his rampaging hormones. "I'm more of a beer kind of guy, but wine's fine." His voice sounded normal, thank God. He felt far from normal. His body was tense and on the alert.


She poured the wine and handed a glass to Austin. "Why don't you sit while I get the salad."


Opening the refrigerator, she bent to retrieve the bowl of lettuce. Austin almost choked on his wine when the short dress hiked up, revealing a flash of thigh, teasing his imagination with a glimpse of black lace at the top of her stockings. He quickly sat down before he did something uncivilized like throw Theresa on the floor, lift that damn skirt and trace the edge of the lace with his tongue all the way up to . . .


"I hope you're hungry." Theresa placed the salad on the table along with several small cruets of dressing.


"Starving," he said, waiting for her to serve herself before serving his own plate. His voice rasped in his throat.


Theresa looked up quickly and caught Austin staring at her. The blazing heat in his eyes scorched her right down to her toes. She told herself to get a grip. Her hands were shaking as she poured dressing on her salad. It was almost impossible to drag enough air into her lungs. How she was going to get through the meal, she hadn't a clue. And how she was going to let him make love to her in her bed--she didn't know that either.


Austin reached across the table and closed his fingers around her hand as she set the cruet down. He hadn't missed the trembling hands and her short gasps of breath. Or the fear and uncertainty in her eyes. A strange sort of protectiveness rose up within him.


"Both of us are a little nervous tonight," he said. "I haven't done this kind of thing . . . in a long time. I'll tell you a secret. I haven't had a date since before I was married. Let's try to relax and enjoy each other's company. Okay?" He rubbed his thumb across her soft palm.


Theresa stared at their hands joined together--his big and brown, hers small and white. The rhythm of his caress soothed her and aroused her at the same time.


She nodded and withdrew her hand. "I've never done this either," she said, then bit her lip. Good grief, she'd almost admitted to being a virgin. "I mean . . . I've had dates, but I've never cooked for a man before." Theresa tried to smile. "Then, I'll try to do justice to this very special meal." Austin smiled back and it nearly took her breath away.


Quickly, she focused her attention on her salad, taking a bite of lettuce, castigating herself for not watching what she said.


Dinner was over before Theresa knew it. Austin ate the lasagna with relish, asking for a second helping. Theresa could barely swallow a bite.


Pushing his plate away, Austin folded his napkin. "That was very good." He finished the wine in his glass and sat watching Theresa.


She could feel a blush stealing into her cheeks. His eyes were warm with promises. Theresa quickly picked up the plates and took them to the sink. Everything was going well. Almost too well. She had planned every aspect of this memorable evening. She wanted it to be perfect. As she rinsed the plates, she realized she had forgotten one thing.


"Dessert!" She turned toward Austin with a groan. "I forgot dessert."


Austin smiled as he unfolded his tall frame from the dining room chair. He closed the distance between them and took the dishtowel from her hands. "Babe, I don't want more food. Your sweet kisses are all the dessert I need."


Taking her in his arms, he slid his hands down the open back of the velvet dress. Her skin was smooth and soft and warm. Cupping her bottom, he pulled her close and took her mouth in a hungry kiss.


Theresa held herself stiffly for a moment, all her fears and uncertainties rising to the surface. There was no turning back if she didn't call a halt right now.


"Relax, Theresa," Austin whispered in her ear. "It'll be good, I promise." He nibbled her earlobe and traced the column of her throat with his tongue. He sucked gently on the soft spot between her neck and shoulder and felt her tremble in his arms. Austin kissed his way back to her mouth. "I've wanted you from the first moment I saw you."


Exquisite shivers of pleasure raced up and down Theresa's spine. Austin worked his magic on her body, his fingers caressing, his lips trailing a hot blaze of sensation across her skin. Her fears and uncertainties faded as her body responded to the heat of his touch.


She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I've wanted you, too." She tiptoed and kissed his hard mouth, giving herself up to desire. Delighting in the fact that his big body trembled with need like hers was doing.


Austin broke the kiss and lifted Theresa in his arms. "Where's your bedroom?"


Barely able to breathe, she laid her head on his shoulder. "Down the hall, to the right," she said.


Austin carried her as if she weighed nothing. He had carried her before when she had twisted her ankle. But this time was different. He was holding her close to his body, as if he never wanted to let her go.


With quick sure strides, he found the bedroom. Theresa had placed candles all around the room. The bedspread was turned down, the pillows plumped.


Austin set her on her feet, letting her slide down the length of his body, keeping her in his embrace. "Wow," he said, looking around the room. "When you said you wanted tonight to be special, you meant it, didn't you?"


"All I've done is set the tone and the mood. The rest is up to you," she said with a small wicked grin.


Austin felt himself grow hard in response to that grin. If he wasn't careful, he would be through before they'd begun. "Babe, if you knew what you're doing to me, you'd be cautious with those smiles you're casting my way."


She opened her eyes wide as she looked up at him. "I know what I'm doing." Standing on tiptoes, she kissed the corner of his lips.


Austin's arms tightened around her as he pulled her closer to his body, molding her curves to him. He plunged his tongue into her warm mouth, relishing her sweet taste. Her body molded itself to his hard frame and her mouth was soft beneath his. With fingers not quite steady, Austin found the zipper to the dress and slowly eased it down her back and over her bottom.


He slipped his hands under the elastic of her panties and kneaded her silky bare skin, cupping the firm flesh and pulling her even closer, nestling his arousal between the apex of her thighs.


Theresa unfastened the top buttons of Austin's western shirt and slid her fingers over his chest. A fine sprinkling of dark hair felt rough beneath her questing hands. Hard muscles rippled under her fingertips. Every touch, every stroke sent delicious quivers throughout her body.


Austin impatiently pulled the dress away from her shoulders. "I want you out of this dress. I
to see you." He pushed her away a little to stand in front of him, stripping the black velvet down her slim torso, letting the dress fall in a puddle around her feet. Her body was perfect, her skin creamy white. Her breasts were round and full, the nipples pushing pertly against the black lace of her bra. He swallowed hard as his gaze travelled down her smooth belly and trim waist to the wisp of black satin that barely covered her. Black lace-topped stockings encased her long legs.


Theresa tried not to cower beneath Austin's hot perusal. She had never stood before a man dressed in next to nothing. Stepping from the heap of clothing at her feet, she felt herself grow damp and hot under his blazing eyes.

BOOK: A Match Made In Texas
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